Category talk:J: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
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(→‎GeSHi Highlighter for J: No luck so far :-()
(→‎GeSHi Highlighter for J: Well, here are some troubleshooting suggestions.)
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:::Replace "some test code" with some test J code. (I assume you've named your language definition <code>j.php</code> and put it the directory <code>geshi</code>.) Then say <code>php testgeshi.php</code>, redirect the output to a file, and open the file in your favorite Web browser. —[[User:Underscore|Underscore]] ([[User talk:Underscore|Talk]]) 12:56, 10 November 2009 (UTC)
::::Thanks a lot for that - it would be good to make this info available somewhere more prominently. Actually I just downloaded another template from the sourceforge repository, so don't have GeSHi installed yet, but may do so now that the road doesn't look so long and dark!--[[User:Tikkanz|Tikkanz]] 22:43, 10 November 2009 (UTC)
::::: I don't think any of the Rosetta Code: namespace is really protected, so feel free to make any alterations that clarify things; That namespace is mostly guidelines and walkthroughs. If you're really not sure or comfortable making a change, note it in the talk page, give people about '''48 hours''' to respond, and see where things go from there. --[[User:Short Circuit|Michael Mol]] 00:27, 11 November 2009 (UTC)
:::::: When/if I get it to work I'll give it a shot, however my first try didn't work out. My understanding from the instructions above, was that I should be able to get PHP/GeSHi to process files without necessarily setting it up in conjunction with a web server. I downloaded the Windows binary for PHP, installed it using the default parameters, except I didn't pick any web server to configure it for. I downloaded GeSHi and extracted it to a folder. I created the <code>testgeshi.php</code> file in the same folder as the <code>geshi.php</code> file and copied my <code>j.php</code> file to <code>geshi\j.php</code> with the other language files. I then started a <code>cmd</code> session, made the folder containing <code>testgeshi.php</code> the current directory and then ran <code>php testgeshi.php > mytest.html</code>. The <code>mytest.html</code> is created but it is zero-length. The folder containing the php binaries (exe and dll) was added to the path by the PHP installer. Any suggestions?--[[User:Tikkanz|Tikkanz]] 21:22, 11 November 2009 (UTC)
::::::: It sounds like you did everything right; in particular, I can verify that you shouldn't need to deal with any Web servers. It's bizarre that you got no output at all, instead of, say, an error message at the very least. Possibly the culprit is that Windows doesn't have a real standard error stream; I really have no idea how <code>cmd.exe</code> works. Try a skeletal PHP script (<code>&lt;?php echo 'Hello, world!'; ?&gt;</code>) to verify that PHP is working; try highlighting a C program (with <code>$language = 'c';</code>) to verify that GeSHi is working; try running <code>php testgeshi.php</code> without redirecting to a file. Sorry if this doesn't help much; it's hard to debug this kind of thing through an asynchronous medium. Worse comes to worse, we could try meeting on IRC this weekend. —[[User:Underscore|Underscore]] ([[User talk:Underscore|Talk]]) 23:09, 11 November 2009 (UTC)

Revision as of 23:09, 11 November 2009

Is J esoteric?

Can we call this language "esoteric"? I think any language where emoticons are mathematical instructions deserves that title. Some lines look like this one from the wiki:

p2=.(".@(,&'x') %&x: <:@(x.&^)@#) p

That line presumably does math. --Mwn3d 07:31, 10 December 2007 (MST)

I wouldn't call it "esoteric"...Esoteric languages, to my mind, are ones that make difficult even common tasks. A look at J's quicksort wouldn't lead me to that conclusion. --Short Circuit 08:37, 10 December 2007 (MST)
Yeah, you're right. I guess I didn't look at enough examples. --Mwn3d 08:53, 10 December 2007 (MST)
Definitely not esoteric, though very hard to read unless you have learned the vocabulary and tacit programming idioms. I would encourage folks to annotate the examples here and also contribute well annotated examples to the Literate Programs wiki (see Help:Similar Sites). --IanOsgood 13:11, 10 December 2007 (MST)


The "Jers" section could be maintained by the site if all the users would sign up and put a {{mylang|J|proficiency}} row in a {{mylangbegin}}...{{mylangend}} table. The users would show up in Category:J User which is already on the language page. --Mwn3d 13:17, 27 August 2009 (UTC)

Yes, but I'm not sure some of the Jers perceive themselves to be involved enough in RC to sign up. Also, having the special section allows me to add value to the Jers list (like links to the J wiki).


Since language categories do not automatically link to their "need work" pages, here is a manual link: Reports:Tasks not implemented in J

Er, they do. It's in the sidebar, "unimplemented tasks" --Kevin Reid 16:04, 29 August 2009 (UTC)
oops, thank you. Rdm 22:25, 31 August 2009 (UTC)

Regarding the HouseStyle corrections

I don't think the straight / links work on pages that aren't in the main namespace (so they work on task pages, but not category pages). So I tried to set it up the way it looked like you wanted it. All the stuff I did is easily undoable if it's not what you want. It's a good idea though. Maybe we can work on standardizing {language}/HouseStyle pages so we can make a little template (for substitution instead of transclusion perhaps?). --Mwn3d 15:22, 12 October 2009 (UTC)

Yeah, I had trouble making the / link work, and in the end just gave up. But you got it just right. Thank you. Regarding {language}/HouseStyle, I also think it would help the project, but before we make any decisions I suggest we wait for my experiment to mature a little. It may go nowhere. Of course we could also try it ad-hoc for other selected languages to speed up the process (the ones with the largest extant populations on RC would be good candidates). --DanBron 15:33, 12 October 2009 (UTC)
PS: Does everyone else have to type the literal "--" before their four-tildes, or am I the only one whose signature lacks the dashes by default? Or is this just a preference I haven't enabled? --DanBron 15:33, 12 October 2009 (UTC)
Yeah I have to type the dashes. There's probably a way to set it up automatically in your preferences, but it's not too much of a hassle. --Mwn3d 15:41, 12 October 2009 (UTC)
If you just click the signature button it should type the dashes for you. Requires JS. It's the second to last button on the toolbar. --Mwn3d 17:25, 12 October 2009 (UTC)
Ah, thanks. Trying it now. --DanBron 17:52, 12 October 2009 (UTC)

GeSHi Highlighter for J

I've created a skeleton GeSHi template for J. Hopefully it should at least handle single line comments and control words, but not being able to test it makes it hard to know.

I've added all the J vocab as symbols rather than keywords, but don't define styles for them. I've not tried to include any regex sections. I understand that files should be sent to MikeMol when ready but wondered if anyone else wanted to have a look at it and tweak it first? --Tikkanz 00:07, 10 November 2009 (UTC)

I don't know J, but what's keeping you from testing your language definition? ——Underscore (Talk) 01:04, 10 November 2009 (UTC)
I suspect ignorance more than anything ;-). I imagine that it would probably involve installing and configuring a local PHP server? I've never worked with PHP or installed a PHP server before - not sure that I'm ready to go down that road! --Tikkanz 05:11, 10 November 2009 (UTC)
Oh, don't worry, it's easy. I don't know a word of PHP and I was able to test my Perl 6 language definition. You must already have a copy of GeSHi, so all you need is a PHP interpreter; if you're running a flavor of Unix, get it using your package manager, or if you're running Windows, get a binary here. Then change to your GeSHi directory and create a new file there, testgeshi.php, with these contents:

<lang php><?php

include_once 'geshi.php';

$source = 'some test code';

$language = 'j';

$geshi = new GeSHi($source, $language);

echo '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr"> <head><title>GeSHi test</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /></head><body>', $geshi->parse_code(), '</body></html>';


Replace "some test code" with some test J code. (I assume you've named your language definition j.php and put it the directory geshi.) Then say php testgeshi.php, redirect the output to a file, and open the file in your favorite Web browser. —Underscore (Talk) 12:56, 10 November 2009 (UTC)
Thanks a lot for that - it would be good to make this info available somewhere more prominently. Actually I just downloaded another template from the sourceforge repository, so don't have GeSHi installed yet, but may do so now that the road doesn't look so long and dark!--Tikkanz 22:43, 10 November 2009 (UTC)
I don't think any of the Rosetta Code: namespace is really protected, so feel free to make any alterations that clarify things; That namespace is mostly guidelines and walkthroughs. If you're really not sure or comfortable making a change, note it in the talk page, give people about 48 hours to respond, and see where things go from there. --Michael Mol 00:27, 11 November 2009 (UTC)
When/if I get it to work I'll give it a shot, however my first try didn't work out. My understanding from the instructions above, was that I should be able to get PHP/GeSHi to process files without necessarily setting it up in conjunction with a web server. I downloaded the Windows binary for PHP, installed it using the default parameters, except I didn't pick any web server to configure it for. I downloaded GeSHi and extracted it to a folder. I created the testgeshi.php file in the same folder as the geshi.php file and copied my j.php file to geshi\j.php with the other language files. I then started a cmd session, made the folder containing testgeshi.php the current directory and then ran php testgeshi.php > mytest.html. The mytest.html is created but it is zero-length. The folder containing the php binaries (exe and dll) was added to the path by the PHP installer. Any suggestions?--Tikkanz 21:22, 11 November 2009 (UTC)
It sounds like you did everything right; in particular, I can verify that you shouldn't need to deal with any Web servers. It's bizarre that you got no output at all, instead of, say, an error message at the very least. Possibly the culprit is that Windows doesn't have a real standard error stream; I really have no idea how cmd.exe works. Try a skeletal PHP script (<?php echo 'Hello, world!'; ?>) to verify that PHP is working; try highlighting a C program (with $language = 'c';) to verify that GeSHi is working; try running php testgeshi.php without redirecting to a file. Sorry if this doesn't help much; it's hard to debug this kind of thing through an asynchronous medium. Worse comes to worse, we could try meeting on IRC this weekend. —Underscore (Talk) 23:09, 11 November 2009 (UTC)