First perfect square in base n with n unique digits
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
Find the first perfect square in a given base N that has at least N digits and exactly N significant unique digits when expressed in base N.
E.G. In base 10, the first perfect square with at least 10 unique digits is 1026753849 (32043²).
You may use analytical methods to reduce the search space, but the code must do a search. Do not use magic numbers or just feed the code the answer to verify it is correct.
- Task
- Find and display here, on this page, the first perfect square in base N, with N significant unique digits when expressed in base N, for each of base 2 through 12. Display each number in the base N for which it was calculated.
- (optional) Do the same for bases 13 through 16.
- (stretch goal) Continue on for bases 17 - ?? (Big Integer math)
- Related task
A stripped down version of the C#, using unsigned longs instead of BigIntegers, and shifted bits instead of a HashSet accumulator. <lang Cpp>#include <string>
- include <iostream>
- include <cstdlib>
- include <math.h>
- include <chrono>
- include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
const int maxBase = 16; // maximum base tabulated int base, bmo, tc; // globals: base, base minus one, test count const string chars = "0123456789ABCDEF"; // characters to use for the different bases unsigned long long full; // for allIn() testing
// converts base 10 to string representation of the current base string toStr(const unsigned long long ull) { unsigned long long u = ull; string res = ""; while (u > 0) { lldiv_t result1 = lldiv(u, base); res = chars[(int)result1.rem] + res; u = (unsigned long long)result1.quot; } return res; }
// converts string to base 10 unsigned long long to10(string s) { unsigned long long res = 0; for (char i : s) res = res * base + chars.find(i); return res; }
// determines whether all characters are present bool allIn(const unsigned long long ull) { unsigned long long u, found; u = ull; found = 0; while (u > 0) { lldiv_t result1 = lldiv(u, base); found |= (unsigned long long)1 << result1.rem; u = result1.quot; } return found == full; }
// returns the minimum value string, optionally inserting extra digit string fixup(int n) { string res = chars.substr(0, base); if (n > 0) res = res.insert(n, chars.substr(n, 1)); return "10" + res.substr(2); }
// perform the calculations for one base void doOne() { bmo = base - 1; tc = 0; unsigned long long sq, rt, dn, d; int id = 0, dr = (base & 1) == 1 ? base >> 1 : 0, inc = 1, sdr[maxBase] = { 0 }; full = ((unsigned long long)1 << base) - 1; int rc = 0; for (int i = 0; i < bmo; i++) { sdr[i] = (i * i) % bmo; if (sdr[i] == dr) rc++; if (sdr[i] == 0) sdr[i] += bmo; } if (dr > 0) { id = base; for (int i = 1; i <= dr; i++) if (sdr[i] >= dr) if (id > sdr[i]) id = sdr[i]; id -= dr; } sq = to10(fixup(id)); rt = (unsigned long long)sqrt(sq) + 1; sq = rt * rt; dn = (rt << 1) + 1; d = 1; if (base > 3 && rc > 0) { while (sq % bmo != dr) { rt += 1; sq += dn; dn += 2; } // alligns sq to dr inc = bmo / rc; if (inc > 1) { dn += rt * (inc - 2) - 1; d = inc * inc; } dn += dn + d; } d <<= 1; do { if (allIn(sq)) break; sq += dn; dn += d; tc++; } while (true); rt += tc * inc; cout << setw(4) << base << setw(3) << inc << " " << setw(2) << (id > 0 ? chars.substr(id, 1) : " ") << setw(10) << toStr(rt) << " " << setw(20) << left << toStr(sq) << right << setw(12) << tc << endl; }
int main() { cout << "base inc id root sqr test count" << endl; auto st = chrono::system_clock::now(); for (base = 2; base <= maxBase; base++) doOne(); chrono::duration<double> et = chrono::system_clock::now() - st; cout << "\nComputation time was " << et.count() * 1000 << " milliseconds" << endl; return 0; }</lang>
- Output:
base inc id root sqr test count 2 1 10 100 0 3 1 22 2101 4 4 3 33 3201 2 5 1 2 243 132304 14 6 5 523 452013 20 7 6 1431 2450361 34 8 7 3344 13675420 41 9 4 11642 136802574 289 10 3 32043 1026753849 17 11 10 111453 1240A536789 1498 12 11 3966B9 124A7B538609 6883 13 1 3 3828943 10254773CA86B9 8242 14 13 3A9DB7C 10269B8C57D3A4 1330 15 14 1012B857 102597BACE836D4 4216 16 15 404A9D9B 1025648CFEA37BD9 18457 Computation time was 25.9016 milliseconds
Based on the Visual Basic .NET version, plus it shortcuts some of the allIn() checks. When the numbers checked are below a threshold, not every digit needs to be checked, saving a little time. <lang csharp>using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Numerics;
static class Program {
static byte Base, bmo, blim, ic; static DateTime st0; static BigInteger bllim, threshold; static HashSet<byte> hs = new HashSet<byte>(), o = new HashSet<byte>(); static string chars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz|"; static List<BigInteger> limits; static string ms;
// convert BigInteger to string using current base static string toStr(BigInteger b) { string res = ""; BigInteger re; while (b > 0) { b = BigInteger.DivRem(b, Base, out re); res = chars[(byte)re] + res; } return res; }
// check for a portion of digits, bailing if uneven static bool allInQS(BigInteger b) { BigInteger re; int c = ic; hs.Clear(); hs.UnionWith(o); while (b > bllim) { b = BigInteger.DivRem(b, Base, out re); hs.Add((byte)re); c += 1; if (c > hs.Count) return false; } return true; }
// check for a portion of digits, all the way to the end static bool allInS(BigInteger b) { BigInteger re; hs.Clear(); hs.UnionWith(o); while (b > bllim) { b = BigInteger.DivRem(b, Base, out re); hs.Add((byte)re); } return hs.Count == Base; }
// check for all digits, bailing if uneven static bool allInQ(BigInteger b) { BigInteger re; int c = 0; hs.Clear(); while (b > 0) { b = BigInteger.DivRem(b, Base, out re); hs.Add((byte)re); c += 1; if (c > hs.Count) return false; } return true; }
// check for all digits, all the way to the end static bool allIn(BigInteger b) { BigInteger re; hs.Clear(); while (b > 0) { b = BigInteger.DivRem(b, Base, out re); hs.Add((byte)re); } return hs.Count == Base; }
// parse a string into a BigInteger, using current base static BigInteger to10(string s) { BigInteger res = 0; foreach (char i in s) res = res * Base + chars.IndexOf(i); return res; }
// returns the minimum value string, optionally inserting extra digit static string fixup(int n) { string res = chars.Substring(0, Base); if (n > 0) res = res.Insert(n, n.ToString()); return "10" + res.Substring(2); }
// checks the square against the threshold, advances various limits when needed static void check(BigInteger sq) { if (sq > threshold) { o.Remove((byte)chars.IndexOf(ms[blim])); blim -= 1; ic -= 1; threshold = limits[bmo - blim - 1]; bllim = to10(ms.Substring(0, blim + 1)); } }
// performs all the caclulations for the current base static void doOne() { limits = new List<BigInteger>(); bmo = (byte)(Base - 1); byte dr = 0; if ((Base & 1) == 1) dr = (byte)(Base >> 1); o.Clear(); blim = 0; byte id = 0; int inc = 1; long i = 0; DateTime st = DateTime.Now; if (Base == 2) st0 = st; byte[] sdr = new byte[bmo]; byte rc = 0; for (i = 0; i < bmo; i++) { sdr[i] = (byte)((i * i) % bmo); rc += sdr[i] == dr ? (byte)1 : (byte)0; sdr[i] += sdr[i] == 0 ? bmo : (byte)0; } i = 0; if (dr > 0) { id = Base; for (i = 1; i <= dr; i++) if (sdr[i] >= dr) if (id > sdr[i]) id = sdr[i]; id -= dr; i = 0; } ms = fixup(id); BigInteger sq = to10(ms); BigInteger rt = new BigInteger(Math.Sqrt((double)sq) + 1); sq = rt * rt; if (Base > 9) { for (int j = 1; j < Base; j++) limits.Add(to10(ms.Substring(0, j) + new string(chars[bmo], Base - j + (rc > 0 ? 0 : 1)))); limits.Reverse(); while (sq < limits[0]) { rt++; sq = rt * rt; } } BigInteger dn = (rt << 1) + 1; BigInteger d = 1; if (Base > 3 && rc > 0) { while (sq % bmo != dr) { rt += 1; sq += dn; dn += 2; } // alligns sq to dr inc = bmo / rc; if (inc > 1) { dn += rt * (inc - 2) - 1; d = inc * inc; } dn += dn + d; } d <<= 1; if (Base > 9) { blim = 0; while (sq < limits[bmo - blim - 1]) blim++; ic = (byte)(blim + 1); threshold = limits[bmo - blim - 1]; if (blim > 0) for (byte j = 0; j <= blim; j++) o.Add((byte)chars.IndexOf(ms[j])); if (blim > 0) bllim = to10(ms.Substring(0, blim + 1)); else bllim = 0; if (Base > 5 && rc > 0) do { if (allInQS(sq)) break; sq += dn; dn += d; i += 1; check(sq); } while (true); else do { if (allInS(sq)) break; sq += dn; dn += d; i += 1; check(sq); } while (true); } else { if (Base > 5 && rc > 0) do { if (allInQ(sq)) break; sq += dn; dn += d; i += 1; } while (true); else do { if (allIn(sq)) break; sq += dn; dn += d; i += 1; } while (true); } rt += i * inc; Console.WriteLine("{0,3} {1,2} {2,2} {3,20} -> {4,-40} {5,10} {6,9:0.0000}s {7,9:0.0000}s", Base, inc, (id > 0 ? chars.Substring(id, 1) : " "), toStr(rt), toStr(sq), i, (DateTime.Now - st).TotalSeconds, (DateTime.Now - st0).TotalSeconds); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("base inc id root square" + " test count time total"); for (Base = 2; Base <= 28; Base++) doOne(); Console.WriteLine("Elasped time was {0,8:0.00} minutes", (DateTime.Now - st0).TotalMinutes); }
- Output:
base inc id root square test count time total 2 1 10 -> 100 0 0.0050s 0.0050s 3 1 22 -> 2101 4 0.0000s 0.0050s 4 3 33 -> 3201 2 0.0010s 0.0060s 5 1 2 243 -> 132304 14 0.0000s 0.0060s 6 5 523 -> 452013 20 0.0000s 0.0060s 7 6 1431 -> 2450361 34 0.0000s 0.0060s 8 7 3344 -> 13675420 41 0.0000s 0.0060s 9 4 11642 -> 136802574 289 0.0010s 0.0070s 10 3 32043 -> 1026753849 17 0.0050s 0.0120s 11 10 111453 -> 1240A536789 1498 0.0010s 0.0130s 12 11 3966B9 -> 124A7B538609 6883 0.0040s 0.0170s 13 1 3 3828943 -> 10254773CA86B9 8242 0.0439s 0.0609s 14 13 3A9DB7C -> 10269B8C57D3A4 1330 0.0010s 0.0619s 15 14 1012B857 -> 102597BACE836D4 4216 0.0020s 0.0638s 16 15 404A9D9B -> 1025648CFEA37BD9 18457 0.0100s 0.0738s 17 1 1 423F82GA9 -> 101246A89CGFB357ED 195112 0.2783s 0.3521s 18 17 44B482CAD -> 10236B5F8EG4AD9CH7 30440 0.0199s 0.3720s 19 6 1011B55E9A -> 10234DHBG7CI8F6A9E5 93021 0.0589s 0.4309s 20 19 49DGIH5D3G -> 1024E7CDI3HB695FJA8G 11310604 6.9833s 7.4142s 21 1 6 4C9HE5FE27F -> 1023457DG9HI8J6B6KCEAF 601843 1.0871s 8.5013s 22 21 4F94788GJ0F -> 102369FBGDEJ48CHI7LKA5 27804949 18.3290s 26.8302s 23 22 1011D3EL56MC -> 10234ACEDKG9HM8FBJIL756 17710217 11.4105s 38.2407s 24 23 4LJ0HDGF0HD3 -> 102345B87HFECKJNIGMDLA69 4266555 2.4763s 40.7171s 25 12 1011E145FHGHM -> 102345DOECKJ6GFB8LIAM7NH9 78092124 52.6831s 93.4012s 26 5 52K8N53BDM99K -> 1023458LO6IEMKG79FPCHNJDBA 402922568 287.9058s 381.3080s 27 26 1011F11E37OBJJ -> 1023458ELOMDHBIJFGKP7CQ9N6A 457555293 326.1714s 707.4794s 28 9 58A3CKP3N4CQD7 -> 1023456CGJBIRQEDHP98KMOAN7FL 749592976 508.4498s 1215.9292s Elasped time was 20.27 minutes
The Task
<lang fsharp> // Nigel Galloway: May 21st., 2019 let fN g=let g=int64(sqrt(float(pown g (int(g-1L)))))+1L in (Seq.unfold(fun(n,g)->Some(n,(n+g,g+2L))))(g*g,g*2L+1L) let fG n g=Array.unfold(fun n->if n=0L then None else let n,g=System.Math.DivRem(n,g) in Some(g,n)) n let fL g=let n=set[0L..g-1L] in Seq.find(fun x->set(fG x g)=n) (fN g) let toS n g=let a=Array.concat [[|'0'..'9'|];[|'a'..'f'|]] in System.String(Array.rev(fG n g)|> n->a.[(int n)])) [2L..16L]|>List.iter(fun n->let g=fL n in printfn "Base %d: %s² -> %s" n (toS (int64(sqrt(float g))) n) (toS g n)) </lang>
- Output:
Base 2: 10² -> 100 Base 3: 22² -> 2101 Base 4: 33² -> 3201 Base 5: 243² -> 132304 Base 6: 523² -> 452013 Base 7: 1431² -> 2450361 Base 8: 3344² -> 13675420 Base 9: 11642² -> 136802574 Base 10: 32043² -> 1026753849 Base 11: 111453² -> 1240a536789 Base 12: 3966b9² -> 124a7b538609 Base 13: 3828943² -> 10254773ca86b9 Base 14: 3a9db7c² -> 10269b8c57d3a4 Base 15: 1012b857² -> 102597bace836d4 Base 16: 404a9d9b² -> 1025648cfea37bd9
Using Factorial base numbers indexing permutations of a collection
On the discussion page for Factorial base numbers indexing permutations of a collection an anonymous contributor queries the value of Factorial base numbers indexing permutations of a collection. Well let's see him use an inverse Knuth shuffle to partially solve this task. This solution only applies to bases that do not require an extra digit. Still I think it's short and interesting.
Note that the minimal candidate is 1.0....0 as a factorial base number.
<lang fsharp>
// Nigel Galloway: May 30th., 2019
let fN n g=let g=n|>Array.rev|>Array.mapi(fun i n->(int64 n)*(pown g i))|>Array.sum
let n=int64(sqrt (float g)) in g=(n*n)
let fG g=lN([|yield 1; yield! Array.zeroCreate(g-2)|])|> n->lN2p n [|0..(g-1)|]) |> Seq.filter(fun n->fN n (int64 g)) printfn "%A" (fG 12|>Seq.head) // -> [|1; 2; 4; 10; 7; 11; 5; 3; 8; 6; 0; 9|] printfn "%A" (fG 14|>Seq.head) // -> [|1; 0; 2; 6; 9; 11; 8; 12; 5; 7; 13; 3; 10; 4|] </lang>
This takes advantage of major optimizations described by Nigel Galloway and Thundergnat (inspired by initial pattern analysis by Hout) in the Discussion page and a minor optimization contributed by myself. <lang go>package main
import (
"fmt" "math/big" "strconv" "time"
const maxBase = 27 const minSq36 = "1023456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" const minSq36x = "10123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
var bigZero = new(big.Int) var bigOne = new(big.Int).SetUint64(1)
func containsAll(sq string, base int) bool {
var found [maxBase]byte le := len(sq) reps := 0 for _, r := range sq { d := r - 48 if d > 38 { d -= 39 } found[d]++ if found[d] > 1 { reps++ if le-reps < base { return false } } } return true
func sumDigits(n, base *big.Int) *big.Int {
q := new(big.Int).Set(n) r := new(big.Int) sum := new(big.Int).Set(bigZero) for q.Cmp(bigZero) == 1 { q.QuoRem(q, base, r) sum.Add(sum, r) } return sum
func digitalRoot(n *big.Int, base int) int {
root := new(big.Int) b := big.NewInt(int64(base)) for i := new(big.Int).Set(n); i.Cmp(b) >= 0; i.Set(root) { root.Set(sumDigits(i, b)) } return int(root.Int64())
func minStart(base int) (string, uint64, int) {
nn := new(big.Int) ms := minSq36[:base] nn.SetString(ms, base) bdr := digitalRoot(nn, base) var drs []int var ixs []uint64 for n := uint64(1); n < uint64(2*base); n++ { nn.SetUint64(n * n) dr := digitalRoot(nn, base) if dr == 0 { dr = int(n * n) } if dr == bdr { ixs = append(ixs, n) } if n < uint64(base) && dr >= bdr { drs = append(drs, dr) } } inc := uint64(1) if len(ixs) >= 2 && base != 3 { inc = ixs[1] - ixs[0] } if len(drs) == 0 { return ms, inc, bdr } min := drs[0] for _, dr := range drs[1:] { if dr < min { min = dr } } rd := min - bdr if rd == 0 { return ms, inc, bdr } if rd == 1 { return minSq36x[:base+1], 1, bdr } ins := string(minSq36[rd]) return (minSq36[:rd] + ins + minSq36[rd:])[:base+1], inc, bdr
func main() {
start := time.Now() var nb, nn big.Int for n, k, base := uint64(2), uint64(1), 2; ; n += k { if base > 2 && n%uint64(base) == 0 { continue } nb.SetUint64(n) sq := nb.Mul(&nb, &nb).Text(base) if !containsAll(sq, base) { continue } ns := strconv.FormatUint(n, base) tt := time.Since(start).Seconds() fmt.Printf("Base %2d:%15s² = %-27s in %8.3fs\n", base, ns, sq, tt) if base == maxBase { break } base++ ms, inc, bdr := minStart(base) k = inc nn.SetString(ms, base) nb.Sqrt(&nn) if nb.Uint64() < n+1 { nb.SetUint64(n + 1) } if k != 1 { for { nn.Mul(&nb, &nb) dr := digitalRoot(&nn, base) if dr == bdr { n = nb.Uint64() - k break } nb.Add(&nb, bigOne) } } else { n = nb.Uint64() - k } }
- Output:
Timings (in seconds) are for my Intel Core i7-8565U laptop using Go 1.12.9 on Ubuntu 18.04.
Base 2: 10² = 100 in 0.000s Base 3: 22² = 2101 in 0.000s Base 4: 33² = 3201 in 0.000s Base 5: 243² = 132304 in 0.000s Base 6: 523² = 452013 in 0.000s Base 7: 1431² = 2450361 in 0.000s Base 8: 3344² = 13675420 in 0.000s Base 9: 11642² = 136802574 in 0.000s Base 10: 32043² = 1026753849 in 0.000s Base 11: 111453² = 1240a536789 in 0.001s Base 12: 3966b9² = 124a7b538609 in 0.002s Base 13: 3828943² = 10254773ca86b9 in 0.004s Base 14: 3a9db7c² = 10269b8c57d3a4 in 0.005s Base 15: 1012b857² = 102597bace836d4 in 0.006s Base 16: 404a9d9b² = 1025648cfea37bd9 in 0.008s Base 17: 423f82ga9² = 101246a89cgfb357ed in 0.074s Base 18: 44b482cad² = 10236b5f8eg4ad9ch7 in 0.084s Base 19: 1011b55e9a² = 10234dhbg7ci8f6a9e5 in 0.116s Base 20: 49dgih5d3g² = 1024e7cdi3hb695fja8g in 3.953s Base 21: 4c9he5fe27f² = 1023457dg9hi8j6b6kceaf in 4.174s Base 22: 4f94788gj0f² = 102369fbgdej48chi7lka5 in 14.084s Base 23: 1011d3el56mc² = 10234acedkg9hm8fbjil756 in 20.563s Base 24: 4lj0hdgf0hd3² = 102345b87hfeckjnigmdla69 in 22.169s Base 25: 1011e145fhghm² = 102345doeckj6gfb8liam7nh9 in 52.082s Base 26: 52k8n53bdm99k² = 1023458lo6iemkg79fpchnjdba in 209.808s Base 27: 1011f11e37objj² = 1023458elomdhbijfgkp7cq9n6a in 401.503s
It's possible to go beyond base 27 by using big.Int (rather than uint64) for N as well as N² though this takes about 15% longer to reach base 27 itself.
For example, to reach base 28 (the largest base shown in the OEIS table) we have: <lang go>package main
import (
"fmt" "math/big" "time"
const maxBase = 28
// etc
func main() {
start := time.Now() var n, k, b, t, nn big.Int n.SetUint64(2) k.SetUint64(1) b.SetUint64(2) for base := 2; ; n.Add(&n, &k) { if base > 2 && t.Rem(&n, &b).Cmp(bigZero) == 0 { continue } sq := nn.Mul(&n, &n).Text(base) if !containsAll(sq, base) { continue } ns := n.Text(base) tt := time.Since(start).Seconds() fmt.Printf("Base %2d:%15s² = %-28s in %8.3fs\n", base, ns, sq, tt) if base == maxBase { break } base++ b.SetUint64(uint64(base)) ms, inc, bdr := minStart(base) k.SetUint64(inc) nn.SetString(ms, base) n.Sqrt(&nn) t.Add(&n, bigOne) if n.Cmp(&t) == -1 { n.Set(&t) } if inc != 1 { for { nn.Mul(&n, &n) dr := digitalRoot(&nn, base) if dr == bdr { n.Sub(&n, &k) break } n.Add(&n, bigOne) } } else { n.Sub(&n, &k) } }
- Output:
Base 2: 10² = 100 in 0.000s Base 3: 22² = 2101 in 0.000s Base 4: 33² = 3201 in 0.000s Base 5: 243² = 132304 in 0.000s Base 6: 523² = 452013 in 0.000s Base 7: 1431² = 2450361 in 0.000s Base 8: 3344² = 13675420 in 0.000s Base 9: 11642² = 136802574 in 0.000s Base 10: 32043² = 1026753849 in 0.000s Base 11: 111453² = 1240a536789 in 0.001s Base 12: 3966b9² = 124a7b538609 in 0.003s Base 13: 3828943² = 10254773ca86b9 in 0.005s Base 14: 3a9db7c² = 10269b8c57d3a4 in 0.006s Base 15: 1012b857² = 102597bace836d4 in 0.007s Base 16: 404a9d9b² = 1025648cfea37bd9 in 0.010s Base 17: 423f82ga9² = 101246a89cgfb357ed in 0.088s Base 18: 44b482cad² = 10236b5f8eg4ad9ch7 in 0.100s Base 19: 1011b55e9a² = 10234dhbg7ci8f6a9e5 in 0.138s Base 20: 49dgih5d3g² = 1024e7cdi3hb695fja8g in 4.632s Base 21: 4c9he5fe27f² = 1023457dg9hi8j6b6kceaf in 4.894s Base 22: 4f94788gj0f² = 102369fbgdej48chi7lka5 in 16.282s Base 23: 1011d3el56mc² = 10234acedkg9hm8fbjil756 in 23.697s Base 24: 4lj0hdgf0hd3² = 102345b87hfeckjnigmdla69 in 25.525s Base 25: 1011e145fhghm² = 102345doeckj6gfb8liam7nh9 in 59.592s Base 26: 52k8n53bdm99k² = 1023458lo6iemkg79fpchnjdba in 239.850s Base 27: 1011f11e37objj² = 1023458elomdhbijfgkp7cq9n6a in 461.305s Base 28: 58a3ckp3n4cqd7² = 1023456cgjbirqedhp98kmoan7fl in 911.059s
<lang javascript>(() => {
'use strict';
// allDigitSquare :: Int -> Int const allDigitSquare = base => { const bools = replicate(base, false); return untilSucc( allDigitsUsedAtBase(base, bools), ceil(sqrt(parseInt( '10' + '0123456789abcdef'.slice(2, base), base ))) ); };
// allDigitsUsedAtBase :: Int -> [Bool] -> Int -> Bool const allDigitsUsedAtBase = (base, bools) => n => { // Fusion of representing the square of integer N at a given base // with checking whether all digits of that base contribute to N^2. // Sets the bool at a digit position to True when used. // True if all digit positions have been used. const ds = bools.slice(0); let x = n * n; while (x) { ds[x % base] = true; x = floor(x / base); } return ds.every(x => x) };
// showBaseSquare :: Int -> String const showBaseSquare = b => { const q = allDigitSquare(b); return justifyRight(2, ' ', str(b)) + ' -> ' + justifyRight(8, ' ', showIntAtBase(b, digit, q, )) + ' -> ' + showIntAtBase(b, digit, q * q, ); };
// TEST ----------------------------------------------- const main = () => { // 1-12 only - by 15 the squares are truncated by // JS integer limits.
// Returning values through console.log – // in separate events to avoid asynchronous disorder. print('Smallest perfect squares using all digits in bases 2-12:\n') print('Base Root Square')
print(showBaseSquare(2)); print(showBaseSquare(3)); print(showBaseSquare(4)); print(showBaseSquare(5)); print(showBaseSquare(6)); print(showBaseSquare(7)); print(showBaseSquare(8)); print(showBaseSquare(9)); print(showBaseSquare(10)); print(showBaseSquare(11)); print(showBaseSquare(12)); };
// GENERIC FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------- const ceil = Math.ceil, floor = Math.floor, sqrt = Math.sqrt;
// Tuple (,) :: a -> b -> (a, b) const Tuple = (a, b) => ({ type: 'Tuple', '0': a, '1': b, length: 2 });
// digit :: Int -> Char const digit = n => // Digit character for given integer. '0123456789abcdef' [n];
// enumFromTo :: (Int, Int) -> [Int] const enumFromTo = (m, n) => Array.from({ length: 1 + n - m }, (_, i) => m + i);
// justifyRight :: Int -> Char -> String -> String const justifyRight = (n, cFiller, s) => n > s.length ? ( s.padStart(n, cFiller) ) : s;
// print :: a -> IO () const print = x => console.log(x)
// quotRem :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int) const quotRem = (m, n) => Tuple(Math.floor(m / n), m % n);
// replicate :: Int -> a -> [a] const replicate = (n, x) => Array.from({ length: n }, () => x);
// showIntAtBase :: Int -> (Int -> Char) -> Int -> String -> String const showIntAtBase = (base, toChr, n, rs) => { const go = ([n, d], r) => { const r_ = toChr(d) + r; return 0 !== n ? ( go(Array.from(quotRem(n, base)), r_) ) : r_; }; return 1 >= base ? ( 'error: showIntAtBase applied to unsupported base' ) : 0 > n ? ( 'error: showIntAtBase applied to negative number' ) : go(Array.from(quotRem(n, base)), rs); };
// Abbreviation for quick testing - any 2nd arg interpreted as indent size
// sj :: a -> String function sj() { const args = Array.from(arguments); return JSON.stringify.apply( null, 1 < args.length && !isNaN(args[0]) ? [ args[1], null, args[0] ] : [args[0], null, 2] ); }
// str :: a -> String const str = x => x.toString();
// untilSucc :: (Int -> Bool) -> Int -> Int const untilSucc = (p, x) => { // The first in a chain of successive integers // for which p(x) returns true. let v = x; while (!p(v)) v = 1 + v; return v; };
// MAIN --- return main();
- Output:
Smallest perfect squares using all digits in bases 2-12: Base Root Square 2 -> 10 -> 100 3 -> 22 -> 2101 4 -> 33 -> 3201 5 -> 243 -> 132304 6 -> 523 -> 452013 7 -> 1431 -> 2450361 8 -> 3344 -> 13675420 9 -> 11642 -> 136802574 10 -> 32043 -> 1026753849 11 -> 111453 -> 1240a536789 12 -> 3966b9 -> 124a7b538609
Runs in about 4 seconds with using occursin(). <lang julia>const num = "0123456789abcdef" hasallin(n, nums, b) = (s = string(n, base=b); all(x -> occursin(x, s), nums))
function squaresearch(base)
basenumerals = [c for c in num[1:base]] highest = parse(Int, "10" * num[3:base], base=base) for n in Int(trunc(sqrt(highest))):highest if hasallin(n * n, basenumerals, base) return n end end
println("Base Root N") for b in 2:16
n = squaresearch(b) println(lpad(b, 3), lpad(string(n, base=b), 10), " ", string(n * n, base=b))
- Output:
Base Root N 2 10 100 3 22 2101 4 33 3201 5 243 132304 6 523 452013 7 1431 2450361 8 3344 13675420 9 11642 136802574 10 32043 1026753849 11 111453 1240a536789 12 3966b9 124a7b538609 13 3828943 10254773ca86b9 14 3a9db7c 10269b8c57d3a4 15 1012b857 102597bace836d4 16 404a9d9b 1025648cfea37bd9
Using an array of digits to base n, to get rid of base conversions.
Starting value equals squareroot of smallest value containing all digits to base.
Than brute force.
Try it online!
<lang pascal>program project1;
//Find the smallest number n to base b, so that n*n includes all
//digits of base b
charSet : array[0..36] of char ='0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
tNumtoBase = record ntb_dgt : array[0..31-4] of byte; ntb_cnt, ntb_bas : Word; end;
Num, sqr2B, deltaNum : tNumtoBase;
function Minimal_n(base:NativeUint):Uint64; //' 1023456789ABCDEFGHIJ...' var
i : NativeUint;
result := base; // aka '10' IF base > 2 then For i := 2 to base-1 do result := result*base+i; result := trunc(sqrt(result)+0.99999);
procedure Conv2num(var num:tNumtoBase;n:Uint64;base:NativeUint); var
quot :UInt64; i :NativeUint;
i := 0; repeat quot := n div base; Num.ntb_dgt[i] := n-quot*base; n := quot; inc(i); until n = 0; Num.ntb_cnt := i; Num.ntb_bas := base; //clear upper digits For i := i to high(tNumtoBase.ntb_dgt) do Num.ntb_dgt[i] := 0;
procedure OutNum(const num:tNumtoBase); var
i : NativeInt;
with num do Begin For i := 17-ntb_cnt-1 downto 0 do write(' '); For i := ntb_cnt-1 downto 0 do write(charSet[ntb_dgt[i]]); end;
procedure IncNumBig(var add1:tNumtoBase;n:NativeUInt); //prerequisites //bases are the same,delta : NativeUint var
i,s,b,carry : NativeInt;
b := add1.ntb_bas; i := 0; carry := 0; while n > 0 do Begin s := add1.ntb_dgt[i]+carry+ n MOD b; carry := Ord(s>=b); s := s- (-carry AND b); add1.ntb_dgt[i] := s; n := n div b; inc(i); end; while carry <> 0 do Begin s := add1.ntb_dgt[i]+carry; carry := Ord(s>=b); s := s- (-carry AND b); add1.ntb_dgt[i] := s; inc(i); end;
IF add1.ntb_cnt < i then add1.ntb_cnt := i;
procedure IncNum(var add1:tNumtoBase;carry:NativeInt); //prerequisites: bases are the same, carry==delta < base var
i,s,b : NativeInt;
b := add1.ntb_bas; i := 0; while carry <> 0 do Begin s := add1.ntb_dgt[i]+carry; carry := Ord(s>=b); s := s- (-carry AND b); add1.ntb_dgt[i] := s; inc(i); end; IF add1.ntb_cnt < i then add1.ntb_cnt := i;
procedure AddNum(var add1,add2:tNumtoBase); //prerequisites //bases are the same,add1>add2, add1 <= add1+add2; var
i,carry,s,b : NativeInt;
b := add1.ntb_bas; carry := 0; For i := 0 to add2.ntb_cnt-1 do begin s := add1.ntb_dgt[i]+add2.ntb_dgt[i]+carry; carry := Ord(s>=b); s := s- (-carry AND b); add1.ntb_dgt[i] := s; end; i := add2.ntb_cnt; while carry = 1 do Begin s := add1.ntb_dgt[i]+carry; carry := Ord(s>=b); // remove of if s>b then by bit-twiddling s := s- (-carry AND b); add1.ntb_dgt[i] := s; inc(i); end; IF add1.ntb_cnt < i then add1.ntb_cnt := i;
procedure Test(base:NativeInt); var
n : Uint64; i,j,TestSet : NativeInt;
write(base:5); n := Minimal_n(base); Conv2num(sqr2B,n*n,base); Conv2num(Num,n,base); deltaNum := num; AddNum(deltaNum,deltaNum); IncNum(deltaNum,1); i := 0; repeat //count used digits TestSet := 0; For j := sqr2B.ntb_cnt-1 downto 0 do TestSet := TestSet OR (1 shl sqr2B.ntb_dgt[j]); inc(TestSet); IF (1 shl base)=TestSet then BREAK; //next square number AddNum(sqr2B,deltaNum); IncNum(deltaNum,2); inc(i); until false; IncNumBig(num,i); OutNum(Num); OutNum(sqr2B); Writeln(i:14);
T0: TDateTime; base :nativeInt;
T0 := now; writeln('base n square(n) Testcnt'); For base := 2 to 16 do Test(base); writeln((now-T0)*86400:10:3); {$IFDEF WINDOWS}readln;{$ENDIF}
- Output:
base n square(n) Testcnt 2 10 100 0 3 22 2101 4 4 33 3201 6 5 243 132304 46 6 523 452013 103 7 1431 2450361 209 8 3344 13675420 288 9 11642 136802574 1156 10 32043 1026753849 51 11 111453 1240A536789 14983 12 3966B9 124A7B538609 75713 13 3828943 10254773CA86B9 12668112 14 3A9DB7C 10269B8C57D3A4 17291 15 1012B857 102597BACE836D4 59026 16 404A9D9B 1025648CFEA37BD9 276865 0.401
Inserted nearly all optimizations found by Hout and Nigel Galloway
I use now gmp to calculate the start values.Check Chai Wah Wu list on
Now multithreaded at bases < 20 .Inserted StartOffset to run later on.For bases> 28 an intermediate stage of the minimal advanced thread is saved every minute.This is the candidate to start with again.
GetThreadCount needs improvement for Linux
Now 2..28 finishes on Try it online!
The runtime is on my 6-Core PC AMD Ryzen 5 1600 ( 3.4 Ghz on all cores Linux64 with SMT= on)
<lang pascal>program project1;
//Find the smallest number n to base b, so that n*n includes all
//digits of base b aka pandigital
{$MODE DELPHI} {$Optimization ON,ALL}//Peephole,regvar,CSE,ASMCSE} {$CODEALIGN proc=16,CONSTMIN=32,varmin=32}//loop=1, for Ryzen
{$ENDIF} uses
{$IFDEF UNIX} cthreads, {$ENDIF} gmp,// to calculate start values SysUtils;
tRegion64 = 0..63; tSolSet64 = set of tRegion64; tMask64 = array[tRegion64] of Int64; tpMask64 = ^tMask64;
tNumByteIdx = 0..(64-0)-1; tNumIdx = 0..High(tNumByteIdx) DIV Sizeof(NativeUint); tarrNum = array[tNumIdx] of NativeUInt;
tNumtoBase= record ntb_dgt : tarrNum; ntb_Mask0, ntb_TestSet,ntB_dummy : NativeUInt; ntb_cnt, ntb_bas, ntb_cntbts, ntb_HighByte : byte; end;
tDgtRootSqr = packed record drs_List: array[tRegion64] of byte; drs_SetOfSol: tSolSet64; drs_bas: byte; drs_Sol: byte; drs_SolCnt: byte; drs_Dgt2Add: byte; drs_NeedsOneMoreDigit: boolean; end;
tCombineForOneThread = record cft_sqr2b, cft_deltaNextSqr, cft_delta: tNumtoBase; cft_count : Uint64; cft_ThreadID: NativeUint; cft_ThreadHandle: NativeUint; //extend to 512 byte cft_dummy : array[0..512-1-3*(SizeOf(tNumtoBase)-SizeOf(NativeUint))] of byte; end; pThreadBlock = ^tCombineForOneThread; tMulti = record m_Startofs : Uint32; m_count : Uint32; end;
//1 shl 0, ..,1 shl 63 cAND_Mask64: tMask64 =(
charSet: array[0..63] of AnsiChar = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.'; {$IFDEF CPU64} Mask1 = $8080808080808080; MaxBit= 63; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF CPU32} Mask1 = $80808080; MaxBit= 31; {$ENDIF}
// Multi21 : tMulti = (m_offset:6;m_delta:(2,8,2,8));
Multi21 : tMulti = (m_Startofs:6;m_count:4); WAIT_MS = 1875; // check every x ms if finished *32 = 60 seconds timeFac = WAIT_MS/1000/60 ;// ( i AND 31 ) = 0
//############################################################################ //Input values as constants
LoLimit = 2; HiLimit = 28;// For 32-Bit CPU max HiLimit = 32
cFileName = 'Test_2_28.txt';//'/dev/NULL';//'nonsens.txt'; // use hyperthreading = 0
StartOfs= 1;//testcount*StepWidth = 11038840378368;
procedure AddNum(var add1: tNumtoBase; const add2: tNumtoBase); forward;
{$ALIGN 32} ThreadBlocks: array of tCombineForOneThread; {$ALIGN 32} s :shortString; Num, sqr2B, deltaNextSqr, delta: tNumtoBase; DgtRtSqr: tDgtRootSqr; T,T0, T1: TDateTime; gblThreadCount, Finished: Uint32; f : text;
function GetThreadCount: NativeUInt; begin {$IFDEF Windows} Result := GetCpuCount; {$ELSE} Result := 12;//GetCpuCount;// is not working under Linux ??? {$ENDIF} end;
procedure OutThreadStep(i:double;ThCnt:NativeInt;stepWidth,StartOffSet: Int64); var j,min : NativeInt; s,sf: ShortString; Begin str(i:8:2,s); s := s+' min '; stepWidth := -ThCnt*stepWidth; min := 0; For j := 0 to ThCnt-1 do If min > ThreadBlocks[j].cft_count then min := ThreadBlocks[j].cft_count; str(stepWidth*min+StartOffSet:16,sf); s := s+sf; writeln(s); writeln(f,s); Flush(f); end;
procedure OutNum(const num: tNumtoBase;var s: ShortString); var pB : pByte; i: NativeInt; begin with num do begin pB := @ntb_dgt[0]; i := ntb_cnt*SizeOf(NativeUint); while pB[i] = 0 do dec(i); IF i < 0 then i := 0; for i := i downto 0 do s := s+charSet[pB[i]]; s := s+' '; end; Write(s); Write(f,String(s)); end;
procedure OutNumSqr; begin s := ' Num ';OutNum(Num,s); s := ' sqr ';OutNum(sqr2B,s); writeln;writeln(f);Flush(f); end;
function getDgtRtNum(const num: tNumtoBase): NativeInt; var pB : pByte; i: NativeInt; begin pB := @num.ntb_dgt[0]; with num do begin Result := 0; for i := 0 to num.ntb_cntbts - 1 do Inc(Result, pB[i]); Result := Result mod (ntb_bas - 1); end; end;
procedure CalcDgtRootSqr(base: NativeUInt); var ChkSet: array[tRegion64] of tSolSet64; ChkCnt: array[tRegion64] of byte; i, j: NativeUInt; PTest: tSolSet64; begin for i := low(ChkCnt) to High(ChkCnt) do begin ChkCnt[i] := 0; ChkSet[i] := []; end; ptest := []; with DgtRtSqr do begin //pandigtal digital root (sum all digits of base) mod (base-1) drs_bas := base; if Odd(base) then drs_Sol := base div 2 else drs_Sol := 0;
base := base - 1; //calc which dgt root the square of the number will become for i := 0 to base - 1 do drs_List[i] := (i * i) mod base; //searching for solution drs_SolCnt := 0; for i := 0 to base - 1 do if drs_List[i] = drs_Sol then begin include(ptest, i); Inc(drs_SolCnt); end; //if not found then NeedsOneMoreDigit drs_NeedsOneMoreDigit := drs_SolCnt = 0; if drs_NeedsOneMoreDigit then begin for j := 1 to Base do for i := 0 to Base do if drs_List[j] = (drs_Sol + i) mod BASE then begin include(ptest, i); include(ChkSet[i], j); Inc(ChkCnt[i]); end; i := 1; repeat if i in pTest then begin drs_Dgt2Add := i; BREAK; end; Inc(i); until i > base; writeln('insert ', i); end; end; end;
procedure conv_ui_num(base: NativeUint; ui: Uint64; var Num: tNumtoBase); var pB : pByte; i: NativeUInt; begin with num do begin for i := 0 to high(tNumtoBase.ntb_dgt) do ntb_dgt[i] := 0; pB := @ntb_dgt[0]; ntb_bas := base; ntb_Mask0 := (Mask1 shr 7)*(256-Base); ntb_TestSet := Uint64(1) shl base -1; ntb_cntbts := 0; ntb_cnt := 0; if ui <> 0 then begin i := 0; repeat pB[i] := ui mod base; ui := ui div base; Inc(i); until ui = 0; ntb_cntbts := i; ntb_HighByte := pB[i-1]; ntb_cnt := i DIV SizeOf(NativeUint) +1 ; end; end; end;
procedure conv2Num(base: NativeUint; var Num: tNumtoBase; var s: mpz_t); var tmp: mpz_t; pB : pByte; i: NativeUInt; begin mpz_init_set(tmp,s); for i := 0 to high(tNumtoBase.ntb_dgt) do Num.ntb_dgt[i] := 0; pB := @Num.ntb_dgt[0]; with num do begin ntb_bas := base; ntb_Mask0 := (Mask1 shr 7)*(256-Base); ntb_TestSet := Uint64(1) shl base -1; i := 0; repeat pB[i] := mpz_tdiv_q_ui(tmp, tmp, base); Inc(i); until mpz_cmp_ui(tmp, 0) = 0; ntb_HighByte := pB[i-1]; ntb_cntbts := i; ntb_cnt := i DIV SizeOf(NativeUint) +1; end; mpz_clear(tmp); end;
procedure StartValueCreate(base: NativeUInt); //create the lowest pandigital number "102345...Base-1 " //calc sqrt +1 and convert n new format. var sv_sqr, sv,sv_add: mpz_t; k, dblDgt: NativeUint;
begin mpz_init(sv); mpz_init(sv_sqr);
mpz_init_set_si(sv_sqr, base);//"10" CalcDgtRootSqr(base);
if DgtRtSqr.drs_NeedsOneMoreDigit then begin dblDgt := DgtRtSqr.drs_Dgt2Add; if dblDgt = 1 then begin for k := 1 to base - 1 do begin mpz_mul_ui(sv_sqr, sv_sqr, base); mpz_add_ui(sv_sqr, sv_sqr, k); end; end else begin for k := 2 to dblDgt do begin mpz_mul_ui(sv_sqr, sv_sqr, base); mpz_add_ui(sv_sqr, sv_sqr, k); end; for k := dblDgt to base - 1 do begin mpz_mul_ui(sv_sqr, sv_sqr, base); mpz_add_ui(sv_sqr, sv_sqr, k); end; end; end else begin for k := 2 to base - 1 do begin mpz_mul_ui(sv_sqr, sv_sqr, base); mpz_add_ui(sv_sqr, sv_sqr, k); end; end;
mpz_sqrt(sv, sv_sqr); writeln('Start Offset ',StartOfs); //Windows64 gmp.dll or freepascal does not use Uint64 only Uint32 mpz_init_set_ui(sv_add,StartOfs shr 32); // shift left 32 mpz_mul_2exp(sv_add,sv_add,32); mpz_add_ui(sv_add,sv_add,Uint32(StartOfs)); mpz_add(sv, sv, sv_add); mpz_mul(sv_sqr, sv, sv);
conv2Num(base, Num, sv); conv2Num(base, sqr2B, sv_sqr);
mpz_clear(sv_add); mpz_clear(sv_sqr); mpz_clear(sv); OutNumSqr; end;
function ExtractThreadVal(ThreadNr: NativeInt ): Uint64; begin with ThreadBlocks[ThreadNr] do begin sqr2b := cft_sqr2b; Result := cft_count; cft_ThreadID := 0; cft_ThreadHandle := 0; end; end;
function CheckPandigital(const n: tNumtoBase): NativeUint;inline; var pB : pByte; pMask: tpMask64; i: NativeInt; begin i := n.ntb_cntbts; pB := @n.ntb_dgt[0]; pMask := @cAND_Mask64; result := n.ntb_TestSet; while i >= 4 do begin dec(i,4); result := pMask[pB[i+0]] AND result; result := pMask[pB[i+1]] AND result; result := pMask[pB[i+2]] AND result; result := pMask[pB[i+3]] AND result; end; if i > 0 then repeat result := pMask[pB[i]] AND result; dec(i); until i<0; end;
procedure IncNumBig(var add1: tNumtoBase; n: Uint64); var pB : pByte; i, s, b, carry: NativeUInt; begin b := add1.ntb_bas; i := 0; carry := 0; pB := @add1.ntb_dgt[0]; while n > 0 do begin s := pB[i] + carry + n mod b; carry := Ord(s >= b); s := s - (-carry and b); pB[i] := s; n := n div b; Inc(i); end;
while carry <> 0 do begin s := pB[i] + carry; carry := Ord(s >= b); s := s - (-carry and b); pB[i] := s; Inc(i); end;
if add1.ntb_cntbts < i then Begin add1.ntb_cntbts := i; add1.ntb_cnt := i DIV (SizeOf(NativeUint))+1; end; end;
procedure IncSmallNum(var add1: tNumtoBase; carry: NativeUInt); //prerequisites carry < base var pB : pByte; i, s, b: NativeUInt; begin b := add1.ntb_bas; pB := @add1.ntb_dgt[0]; i := 0; while carry <> 0 do begin s := pB[i] + carry; carry := Ord(s >= b); s := s - (-carry and b); pB[i] := s; Inc(i); end; if add1.ntb_cntbts < i then Begin add1.ntb_cntbts := i; add1.ntb_cnt := i DIV SizeOf(NativeUint) +1; end; end;
procedure Mul_num_ui(var n: tNumtoBase; ui: Uint64); var dbl: tNumtoBase; begin dbl := n; conv_ui_num(n.ntb_bas, 0, n); while ui > 0 do begin if Ui and 1 <> 0 then AddNum(n, dbl); AddNum(dbl, dbl); ui := ui div 2; end; end;
procedure CalcDeltaSqr(const num: tNumtoBase; var dnsq, dlt: tNumtoBase; n: NativeUInt); //calc deltaNextSqr //n*num begin dnsq := num; Mul_num_ui(dnsq, n); AddNum(dnsq, dnsq); IncNumBig(dnsq, n * n); conv_ui_num(num.ntb_bas, 2 * n * n, dlt); end;
procedure PrepareThreads(thdCount,stepWidth:NativeInt); //starting the threads at num,num+stepWidth,..,num+(thdCount-1)*stepWidth //stepwith not stepWidth but thdCount*stepWidth
//insert 6 // 6 : 4 6 14 16
var tmpnum,tmpsqr2B,tmpdeltaNextSqr,tmpdelta :tNumToBase; deltas: array[0..7] of Uint32; Multi : tMulti;
i,base : NativeInt; Begin tmpnum := num; tmpsqr2B := sqr2B; tmpdeltaNextSqr := deltaNextSqr; tmpdelta := delta; IF StepWidth <> 1 then Begin For i := 0 to thdCount-1 do Begin //init ThreadBlock With ThreadBlocks[i] do begin cft_sqr2b := tmpsqr2B; cft_count := 0; CalcDeltaSqr(tmpnum,cft_deltaNextSqr,cft_delta,thdCount*stepWidth); end; //Next sqr number in stepWidth IncSmallNum(tmpnum,stepWidth); AddNum(tmpsqr2B,tmpdeltaNextSqr); IF CheckPandigital(sqr2B)=0 then begin writeln(' solution found '); OutNumSqr; end else AddNum(tmpdeltaNextSqr,tmpdelta); end; end else Begin Multi := Multi21; base := tmpNum.ntb_bas-1; For i := 0 to thdCount-1 do Begin //init ThreadBlock With ThreadBlocks[i] do begin cft_sqr2b := tmpsqr2B; cft_count := 0; CalcDeltaSqr(tmpnum,cft_deltaNextSqr,cft_delta,thdCount*stepWidth); end; //Next sqr number in stepWidth IncSmallNum(tmpnum,stepWidth); AddNum(tmpsqr2B,tmpdeltaNextSqr); IF CheckPandigital(sqr2B)=0 then begin writeln(' solution found '); OutNumSqr; end else AddNum(tmpdeltaNextSqr,tmpdelta); end; end; end;
procedure AddNum(var add1: tNumtoBase; const add2: tNumtoBase);
// N0 AND mask1 -> 80 00 80 80 80 00 80 // (N0 AND mask1)XOR mask1 -> 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 // ((N0 AND mask1)XOR mask1) shr 7 -> 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 // *k -> 00 k 00 00 00 k 00
pAdd1,pAdd2 :pNativeUint; NextCarry,n,k,M0: NativeUInt; M1,i : NativeUInt;
IF add1.ntb_cnt= 0 then Begin add1 := add2; EXIT; end; IF add2.ntb_cnt= 0 then EXIT;
M1 :=NativeUint(Mask1); M0:= add1.ntb_mask0;
k := byte(M0);
i := Add2.ntb_cnt; pAdd2:= @Add2.ntb_dgt[0]; pAdd1:= @Add1.ntb_dgt[0];
NextCarry := 0; repeat //depends extremly on arrangement. n := pAdd2^+M0+NextCarry+pAdd1^; inc(pAdd2); NextCarry := (n shr MaxBit) XOR 1; n := n-M0+(((n AND M1)XOR M1) SHR 7)*k; pAdd1^ :=n; inc(pAdd1); dec(i); until i = 0;
i := Add2.ntb_cnt; IF NextCarry <> 0 then Begin repeat n := pAdd1^+M0+NextCarry; NextCarry := (n shr MaxBit) XOR 1; n := n-M0+(((n AND M1)XOR M1) SHR 7)*k; pAdd1^ :=n; inc(i); inc(pAdd1); until NextCarry = 0; end; with Add1 do Begin IF i > ntb_cnt then Begin ntb_cnt := i; ntb_cntbts := Add1.ntb_cnt*SizeOf(NativeUint); while (Add1.ntb_cntbts > 0) AND (ntb_dgt[Add1.ntb_cntbts] = 0) do dec(Add1.ntb_cntbts); inc(Add1.ntb_cntbts); end; end;
procedure AddNumSimple(var add1: tNumtoBase; const add2: tNumtoBase);inline;
// Add1&Add2 <> 0 and Add2< Add1
pAdd1,pAdd2 :pNativeUint; NextCarry,n,k,M0: NativeUInt; M1,i : NativeUInt;
M1 :=NativeUint(Mask1); M0:= add1.ntb_mask0; k := byte(M0);
i := Add2.ntb_cnt; pAdd2:= @Add2.ntb_dgt[0]; pAdd1:= @Add1.ntb_dgt[0];
NextCarry := NextCarry XOR NextCarry; repeat // extremly depends on arrangement. n := pAdd2^+NextCarry+M0+pAdd1^; NextCarry := (n shr MaxBit) XOR 1; n := (((n AND M1)XOR M1) SHR 7)*k-M0+n;
// n := n-M0+(((n AND M1)XOR M1) SHR 7)*k;
inc(pAdd2); dec(i); pAdd1^ :=n; inc(pAdd1); until i = 0;
IF NextCarry <> 0 then Begin i := Add2.ntb_cnt; repeat n := pAdd1^+M0+NextCarry; NextCarry := (n shr MaxBit) XOR 1; n := (((n AND M1)XOR M1) SHR 7)*k+n-M0; pAdd1^ :=n; inc(i); inc(pAdd1); until NextCarry = 0;
{ //never reached
IF i > Add1.ntb_cnt then Begin Add1.ntb_cnt := i; Add1.ntb_cntbts := Add1.ntb_cnt*SizeOf(NativeUint); end; * } end;
procedure TestRunThd(parameter: pointer); var i: Uint64; pThdBlk: pThreadBlock; begin pThdBlk := @ThreadBlocks[NativeUint(parameter)]; with pThdBlk^ do begin i := 0; repeat if finished <> 0 then BREAK; //next square number AddNumSimple(cft_sqr2b, cft_deltaNextSqr); AddNumSimple(cft_deltaNextSqr, cft_delta); Inc(i); cft_count := -i; until CheckPandigital(cft_sqr2b)=0; if finished = 0 then begin InterLockedIncrement(finished); cft_count := i; end; end; EndThread(0); end;
procedure Test(base: NativeInt); var stepWidth: Uint64; i, j,UsedThreads,StartOffSet: NativeInt; begin T0 := now; StartValueCreate(base); StartOffSet := StartOfs; deltaNextSqr := num; AddNum(deltaNextSqr, deltaNextSqr); IncSmallNum(deltaNextSqr, 1); stepWidth := 1; if (Base > 4) and not (DgtRtSqr.drs_NeedsOneMoreDigit) then begin //Find first number which can get the solution with dgtrtsqr do while drs_List[getDgtRtNum(num)] <> drs_sol do begin IncSmallNum(num, 1); AddNum(sqr2B, deltaNextSqr); IncSmallNum(deltaNextSqr, 2); end; stepWidth := (Base - 1) div DgtRtSqr.drs_SolCnt; if stepWidth * DgtRtSqr.drs_SolCnt <> (Base - 1) then stepWidth := 1; end; CalcDeltaSqr(num,deltaNextSqr,delta,stepWidth);
i := 0;
finished := 0; j := 0; UsedThreads := gblThreadCount; if base < 20 then UsedThreads := 1; PrepareThreads(UsedThreads,stepWidth);
writeln(f,'Base ', base, ' test every ', stepWidth,' threads = ',UsedThreads); Write(f,'Start :'); writeln('Base ', base, ' test every ', stepWidth,' threads = ',UsedThreads); Write('Start :'); OutNumSqr;
if (CheckPandigital(sqr2b)<>0) then begin while (j < UsedThreads) and (finished = 0) do begin with ThreadBlocks[j] do begin cft_ThreadHandle := BeginThread(@TestRunThd, Pointer(j), cft_ThreadID, 4*4096); end; Inc(j); end; UsedThreads := j;
i := 0; repeat IF base > 28 then Begin {$IFDEF WIN} WaitForThreadTerminate(ThreadBlocks[0].cft_ThreadHandle,WAIT_MS) {$ELSE} sleep(WAIT_MS) {$ENDIF} end else WaitForThreadTerminate(ThreadBlocks[0].cft_ThreadHandle,-1); inc(i); IF (I and 31) = 0 then OutThreadStep(i*timeFac,UsedThreads,stepWidth,StartOffSet); until finished <> 0;
WaitForThreadTerminate(ThreadBlocks[0].cft_ThreadHandle, -1); repeat Dec(j); with ThreadBlocks[j] do begin WaitForThreadTerminate(cft_ThreadHandle, -1); CloseThread(cft_ThreadHandle); if Int64(cft_count) > 0 then finished := j; end; until j = 0; end;
i := ExtractThreadVal(finished); j := i*UsedThreads+finished;//TestCount starts at original num IncNumBig(num,j*stepWidth); T1 := now; Write(f,'Result :'); Write('Result :'); OutNumSqr; Writeln(f,(T1 - t0) * 86400: 9: 3, ' s Testcount : ',j: 14,j*StepWidth:18); Writeln((T1 - t0) * 86400: 9: 3, ' s Testcount : ',j: 14,j*StepWidth:18); Writeln(UsedThreads*(T1 - t0) * 86400: 9: 3, ' s'); end;
base: NativeUint;
Writeln(cFileName); AssignFile(f,cFileName); {$I-} Append(f); {$I+} IF IoResult <> 0 then rewrite(f); gblThreadCount:= GetThreadCount; writeln(' Cpu Count : ', gblThreadCount); setlength(ThreadBlocks, gblThreadCount);
T := now; for base := LoLimit to HiLimit do Test(base); T := (now-T)*86400; writeln('completed in ', T: 0: 3, ' seconds'); writeln(f,'completed in ',T: 0: 3, ' seconds'); Close(f);
setlength(ThreadBlocks, 0); {$IFDEF WINDOWS} readln; {$ENDIF}
- Output:
program project1; //Find the smallest number n to base b, so that n*n includes all //digits of base b aka pandigital {$IFDEF FPC}
{$MODE DELPHI} {$Optimization ON,ALL}//Peephole,regvar,CSE,ASMCSE} {$CODEALIGN proc=16,CONSTMIN=32,varmin=32}//loop=1, for Ryzen
{$ENDIF} uses
{$IFDEF UNIX} cthreads, {$ENDIF} gmp,// to calculate start values SysUtils;
tRegion64 = 0..63; tSolSet64 = set of tRegion64; tMask64 = array[tRegion64] of Int64; tpMask64 = ^tMask64;
tNumByteIdx = 0..(64-0)-1; tNumIdx = 0..High(tNumByteIdx) DIV Sizeof(NativeUint); tarrNum = array[tNumIdx] of NativeUInt;
tNumtoBase= record ntb_dgt : tarrNum; ntb_Mask0, ntb_TestSet,ntB_dummy : NativeUInt; ntb_cnt, ntb_bas, ntb_cntbts, ntb_HighByte : byte; end;
tDgtRootSqr = packed record drs_List: array[tRegion64] of byte; drs_SetOfSol: tSolSet64; drs_bas: byte; drs_Sol: byte; drs_SolCnt: byte; drs_Dgt2Add: byte; drs_NeedsOneMoreDigit: boolean; end;
tCombineForOneThread = record cft_sqr2b, cft_deltaNextSqr, cft_delta: tNumtoBase; cft_count : Uint64; cft_ThreadID: NativeUint; cft_ThreadHandle: NativeUint; //extend to 512 byte cft_dummy : array[0..512-1-3*(SizeOf(tNumtoBase)-SizeOf(NativeUint))] of byte; end; pThreadBlock = ^tCombineForOneThread; tMulti = record m_Startofs : Uint32; m_count : Uint32; end;
//1 shl 0, ..,1 shl 63 cAND_Mask64: tMask64 =(
charSet: array[0..63] of AnsiChar = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.'; {$IFDEF CPU64} Mask1 = $8080808080808080; MaxBit= 63; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF CPU32} Mask1 = $80808080; MaxBit= 31; {$ENDIF}
// Multi21 : tMulti = (m_offset:6;m_delta:(2,8,2,8));
Multi21 : tMulti = (m_Startofs:6;m_count:4); WAIT_MS = 1875; // check every x ms if finished *32 = 60 seconds timeFac = WAIT_MS/1000/60 ;// ( i AND 31 ) = 0
//############################################################################ //Input values as constants
LoLimit = 2; HiLimit = 28;// For 32-Bit CPU max HiLimit = 32
cFileName = 'Test_2_28.txt';//'/dev/NULL';//'nonsens.txt'; // use hyperthreading = 0
StartOfs= 1;//testcount*StepWidth = 11038840378368;
procedure AddNum(var add1: tNumtoBase; const add2: tNumtoBase); forward;
{$ALIGN 32} ThreadBlocks: array of tCombineForOneThread; {$ALIGN 32} s :shortString; Num, sqr2B, deltaNextSqr, delta: tNumtoBase; DgtRtSqr: tDgtRootSqr; T,T0, T1: TDateTime; gblThreadCount, Finished: Uint32; f : text;
function GetThreadCount: NativeUInt; begin {$IFDEF Windows} Result := GetCpuCount; {$ELSE} Result := 12;//GetCpuCount;// is not working under Linux ??? {$ENDIF} end;
procedure OutThreadStep(i:double;ThCnt:NativeInt;stepWidth,StartOffSet: Int64); var j,min : NativeInt; s,sf: ShortString; Begin str(i:8:2,s); s := s+' min '; stepWidth := -ThCnt*stepWidth; min := 0; For j := 0 to ThCnt-1 do If min > ThreadBlocks[j].cft_count then min := ThreadBlocks[j].cft_count; str(stepWidth*min+StartOffSet:16,sf); s := s+sf; writeln(s); writeln(f,s); Flush(f); end;
procedure OutNum(const num: tNumtoBase;var s: ShortString); var pB : pByte; i: NativeInt; begin with num do begin pB := @ntb_dgt[0]; i := ntb_cnt*SizeOf(NativeUint); while pB[i] = 0 do dec(i); IF i < 0 then i := 0; for i := i downto 0 do s := s+charSet[pB[i]]; s := s+' '; end; Write(s); Write(f,String(s)); end;
procedure OutNumSqr; begin s := ' Num ';OutNum(Num,s); s := ' sqr ';OutNum(sqr2B,s); writeln;writeln(f);Flush(f); end;
function getDgtRtNum(const num: tNumtoBase): NativeInt; var pB : pByte; i: NativeInt; begin pB := @num.ntb_dgt[0]; with num do begin Result := 0; for i := 0 to num.ntb_cntbts - 1 do Inc(Result, pB[i]); Result := Result mod (ntb_bas - 1); end; end;
procedure CalcDgtRootSqr(base: NativeUInt); var ChkSet: array[tRegion64] of tSolSet64; ChkCnt: array[tRegion64] of byte; i, j: NativeUInt; PTest: tSolSet64; begin for i := low(ChkCnt) to High(ChkCnt) do begin ChkCnt[i] := 0; ChkSet[i] := []; end; ptest := []; with DgtRtSqr do begin //pandigtal digital root (sum all digits of base) mod (base-1) drs_bas := base; if Odd(base) then drs_Sol := base div 2 else drs_Sol := 0;
base := base - 1; //calc which dgt root the square of the number will become for i := 0 to base - 1 do drs_List[i] := (i * i) mod base; //searching for solution drs_SolCnt := 0; for i := 0 to base - 1 do if drs_List[i] = drs_Sol then begin include(ptest, i); Inc(drs_SolCnt); end; //if not found then NeedsOneMoreDigit drs_NeedsOneMoreDigit := drs_SolCnt = 0; if drs_NeedsOneMoreDigit then begin for j := 1 to Base do for i := 0 to Base do if drs_List[j] = (drs_Sol + i) mod BASE then begin include(ptest, i); include(ChkSet[i], j); Inc(ChkCnt[i]); end; i := 1; repeat if i in pTest then begin drs_Dgt2Add := i; BREAK; end; Inc(i); until i > base; writeln('insert ', i); end; end; end;
procedure conv_ui_num(base: NativeUint; ui: Uint64; var Num: tNumtoBase); var pB : pByte; i: NativeUInt; begin with num do begin for i := 0 to high(tNumtoBase.ntb_dgt) do ntb_dgt[i] := 0; pB := @ntb_dgt[0]; ntb_bas := base; ntb_Mask0 := (Mask1 shr 7)*(256-Base); ntb_TestSet := Uint64(1) shl base -1; ntb_cntbts := 0; ntb_cnt := 0; if ui <> 0 then begin i := 0; repeat pB[i] := ui mod base; ui := ui div base; Inc(i); until ui = 0; ntb_cntbts := i; ntb_HighByte := pB[i-1]; ntb_cnt := i DIV SizeOf(NativeUint) +1 ; end; end; end;
procedure conv2Num(base: NativeUint; var Num: tNumtoBase; var s: mpz_t); var tmp: mpz_t; pB : pByte; i: NativeUInt; begin mpz_init_set(tmp,s); for i := 0 to high(tNumtoBase.ntb_dgt) do Num.ntb_dgt[i] := 0; pB := @Num.ntb_dgt[0]; with num do begin ntb_bas := base; ntb_Mask0 := (Mask1 shr 7)*(256-Base); ntb_TestSet := Uint64(1) shl base -1; i := 0; repeat pB[i] := mpz_tdiv_q_ui(tmp, tmp, base); Inc(i); until mpz_cmp_ui(tmp, 0) = 0; ntb_HighByte := pB[i-1]; ntb_cntbts := i; ntb_cnt := i DIV SizeOf(NativeUint) +1; end; mpz_clear(tmp); end;
procedure StartValueCreate(base: NativeUInt); //create the lowest pandigital number "102345...Base-1 " //calc sqrt +1 and convert n new format. var sv_sqr, sv,sv_add: mpz_t; k, dblDgt: NativeUint;
begin mpz_init(sv); mpz_init(sv_sqr);
mpz_init_set_si(sv_sqr, base);//"10" CalcDgtRootSqr(base);
if DgtRtSqr.drs_NeedsOneMoreDigit then begin dblDgt := DgtRtSqr.drs_Dgt2Add; if dblDgt = 1 then begin for k := 1 to base - 1 do begin mpz_mul_ui(sv_sqr, sv_sqr, base); mpz_add_ui(sv_sqr, sv_sqr, k); end; end else begin for k := 2 to dblDgt do begin mpz_mul_ui(sv_sqr, sv_sqr, base); mpz_add_ui(sv_sqr, sv_sqr, k); end; for k := dblDgt to base - 1 do begin mpz_mul_ui(sv_sqr, sv_sqr, base); mpz_add_ui(sv_sqr, sv_sqr, k); end; end; end else begin for k := 2 to base - 1 do begin mpz_mul_ui(sv_sqr, sv_sqr, base); mpz_add_ui(sv_sqr, sv_sqr, k); end; end;
mpz_sqrt(sv, sv_sqr); writeln('Start Offset ',StartOfs); //Windows64 gmp.dll or freepascal does not use Uint64 only Uint32 mpz_init_set_ui(sv_add,StartOfs shr 32); // shift left 32 mpz_mul_2exp(sv_add,sv_add,32); mpz_add_ui(sv_add,sv_add,Uint32(StartOfs)); mpz_add(sv, sv, sv_add); mpz_mul(sv_sqr, sv, sv);
conv2Num(base, Num, sv); conv2Num(base, sqr2B, sv_sqr);
mpz_clear(sv_add); mpz_clear(sv_sqr); mpz_clear(sv); OutNumSqr; end;
function ExtractThreadVal(ThreadNr: NativeInt ): Uint64; begin with ThreadBlocks[ThreadNr] do begin sqr2b := cft_sqr2b; Result := cft_count; cft_ThreadID := 0; cft_ThreadHandle := 0; end; end;
function CheckPandigital(const n: tNumtoBase): NativeUint;inline; var pB : pByte; pMask: tpMask64; i: NativeInt; begin i := n.ntb_cntbts; pB := @n.ntb_dgt[0]; pMask := @cAND_Mask64; result := n.ntb_TestSet; while i >= 4 do begin dec(i,4); result := pMask[pB[i+0]] AND result; result := pMask[pB[i+1]] AND result; result := pMask[pB[i+2]] AND result; result := pMask[pB[i+3]] AND result; end; if i > 0 then repeat result := pMask[pB[i]] AND result; dec(i); until i<0; end;
procedure IncNumBig(var add1: tNumtoBase; n: Uint64); var pB : pByte; i, s, b, carry: NativeUInt; begin b := add1.ntb_bas; i := 0; carry := 0; pB := @add1.ntb_dgt[0]; while n > 0 do begin s := pB[i] + carry + n mod b; carry := Ord(s >= b); s := s - (-carry and b); pB[i] := s; n := n div b; Inc(i); end;
while carry <> 0 do begin s := pB[i] + carry; carry := Ord(s >= b); s := s - (-carry and b); pB[i] := s; Inc(i); end;
if add1.ntb_cntbts < i then Begin add1.ntb_cntbts := i; add1.ntb_cnt := i DIV (SizeOf(NativeUint))+1; end; end;
procedure IncSmallNum(var add1: tNumtoBase; carry: NativeUInt); //prerequisites carry < base var pB : pByte; i, s, b: NativeUInt; begin b := add1.ntb_bas; pB := @add1.ntb_dgt[0]; i := 0; while carry <> 0 do begin s := pB[i] + carry; carry := Ord(s >= b); s := s - (-carry and b); pB[i] := s; Inc(i); end; if add1.ntb_cntbts < i then Begin add1.ntb_cntbts := i; add1.ntb_cnt := i DIV SizeOf(NativeUint) +1; end; end;
procedure Mul_num_ui(var n: tNumtoBase; ui: Uint64); var dbl: tNumtoBase; begin dbl := n; conv_ui_num(n.ntb_bas, 0, n); while ui > 0 do begin if Ui and 1 <> 0 then AddNum(n, dbl); AddNum(dbl, dbl); ui := ui div 2; end; end;
procedure CalcDeltaSqr(const num: tNumtoBase; var dnsq, dlt: tNumtoBase; n: NativeUInt); //calc deltaNextSqr //n*num begin dnsq := num; Mul_num_ui(dnsq, n); AddNum(dnsq, dnsq); IncNumBig(dnsq, n * n); conv_ui_num(num.ntb_bas, 2 * n * n, dlt); end;
procedure PrepareThreads(thdCount,stepWidth:NativeInt); //starting the threads at num,num+stepWidth,..,num+(thdCount-1)*stepWidth //stepwith not stepWidth but thdCount*stepWidth
//insert 6 // 6 : 4 6 14 16
var tmpnum,tmpsqr2B,tmpdeltaNextSqr,tmpdelta :tNumToBase; deltas: array[0..7] of Uint32; Multi : tMulti;
i,base : NativeInt; Begin tmpnum := num; tmpsqr2B := sqr2B; tmpdeltaNextSqr := deltaNextSqr; tmpdelta := delta; IF StepWidth <> 1 then Begin For i := 0 to thdCount-1 do Begin //init ThreadBlock With ThreadBlocks[i] do begin cft_sqr2b := tmpsqr2B; cft_count := 0; CalcDeltaSqr(tmpnum,cft_deltaNextSqr,cft_delta,thdCount*stepWidth); end; //Next sqr number in stepWidth IncSmallNum(tmpnum,stepWidth); AddNum(tmpsqr2B,tmpdeltaNextSqr); IF CheckPandigital(sqr2B)=0 then begin writeln(' solution found '); OutNumSqr; end else AddNum(tmpdeltaNextSqr,tmpdelta); end; end else Begin Multi := Multi21; base := tmpNum.ntb_bas-1; For i := 0 to thdCount-1 do Begin //init ThreadBlock With ThreadBlocks[i] do begin cft_sqr2b := tmpsqr2B; cft_count := 0; CalcDeltaSqr(tmpnum,cft_deltaNextSqr,cft_delta,thdCount*stepWidth); end; //Next sqr number in stepWidth IncSmallNum(tmpnum,stepWidth); AddNum(tmpsqr2B,tmpdeltaNextSqr); IF CheckPandigital(sqr2B)=0 then begin writeln(' solution found '); OutNumSqr; end else AddNum(tmpdeltaNextSqr,tmpdelta); end; end; end;
procedure AddNum(var add1: tNumtoBase; const add2: tNumtoBase);
// N0 AND mask1 -> 80 00 80 80 80 00 80 // (N0 AND mask1)XOR mask1 -> 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 // ((N0 AND mask1)XOR mask1) shr 7 -> 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 // *k -> 00 k 00 00 00 k 00
pAdd1,pAdd2 :pNativeUint; NextCarry,n,k,M0: NativeUInt; M1,i : NativeUInt;
IF add1.ntb_cnt= 0 then Begin add1 := add2; EXIT; end; IF add2.ntb_cnt= 0 then EXIT;
M1 :=NativeUint(Mask1); M0:= add1.ntb_mask0;
k := byte(M0);
i := Add2.ntb_cnt; pAdd2:= @Add2.ntb_dgt[0]; pAdd1:= @Add1.ntb_dgt[0];
NextCarry := 0; repeat //depends extremly on arrangement. n := pAdd2^+M0+NextCarry+pAdd1^; inc(pAdd2); NextCarry := (n shr MaxBit) XOR 1; n := n-M0+(((n AND M1)XOR M1) SHR 7)*k; pAdd1^ :=n; inc(pAdd1); dec(i); until i = 0;
i := Add2.ntb_cnt; IF NextCarry <> 0 then Begin repeat n := pAdd1^+M0+NextCarry; NextCarry := (n shr MaxBit) XOR 1; n := n-M0+(((n AND M1)XOR M1) SHR 7)*k; pAdd1^ :=n; inc(i); inc(pAdd1); until NextCarry = 0; end; with Add1 do Begin IF i > ntb_cnt then Begin ntb_cnt := i; ntb_cntbts := Add1.ntb_cnt*SizeOf(NativeUint); while (Add1.ntb_cntbts > 0) AND (ntb_dgt[Add1.ntb_cntbts] = 0) do dec(Add1.ntb_cntbts); inc(Add1.ntb_cntbts); end; end;
procedure AddNumSimple(var add1: tNumtoBase; const add2: tNumtoBase);inline;
// Add1&Add2 <> 0 and Add2< Add1
pAdd1,pAdd2 :pNativeUint; NextCarry,n,k,M0: NativeUInt; M1,i : NativeUInt;
M1 :=NativeUint(Mask1); M0:= add1.ntb_mask0; k := byte(M0);
i := Add2.ntb_cnt; pAdd2:= @Add2.ntb_dgt[0]; pAdd1:= @Add1.ntb_dgt[0];
NextCarry := NextCarry XOR NextCarry; repeat // extremly depends on arrangement. n := pAdd2^+NextCarry+M0+pAdd1^; NextCarry := (n shr MaxBit) XOR 1; n := (((n AND M1)XOR M1) SHR 7)*k-M0+n;
// n := n-M0+(((n AND M1)XOR M1) SHR 7)*k;
inc(pAdd2); dec(i); pAdd1^ :=n; inc(pAdd1); until i = 0;
IF NextCarry <> 0 then Begin i := Add2.ntb_cnt; repeat n := pAdd1^+M0+NextCarry; NextCarry := (n shr MaxBit) XOR 1; n := (((n AND M1)XOR M1) SHR 7)*k+n-M0; pAdd1^ :=n; inc(i); inc(pAdd1); until NextCarry = 0;
{ //never reached
IF i > Add1.ntb_cnt then Begin Add1.ntb_cnt := i; Add1.ntb_cntbts := Add1.ntb_cnt*SizeOf(NativeUint); end; * } end;
procedure TestRunThd(parameter: pointer); var i: Uint64; pThdBlk: pThreadBlock; begin pThdBlk := @ThreadBlocks[NativeUint(parameter)]; with pThdBlk^ do begin i := 0; repeat if finished <> 0 then BREAK; //next square number AddNumSimple(cft_sqr2b, cft_deltaNextSqr); AddNumSimple(cft_deltaNextSqr, cft_delta); Inc(i); cft_count := -i; until CheckPandigital(cft_sqr2b)=0; if finished = 0 then begin InterLockedIncrement(finished); cft_count := i; end; end; EndThread(0); end;
procedure Test(base: NativeInt); var stepWidth: Uint64; i, j,UsedThreads,StartOffSet: NativeInt; begin T0 := now; StartValueCreate(base); StartOffSet := StartOfs; deltaNextSqr := num; AddNum(deltaNextSqr, deltaNextSqr); IncSmallNum(deltaNextSqr, 1); stepWidth := 1; if (Base > 4) and not (DgtRtSqr.drs_NeedsOneMoreDigit) then begin //Find first number which can get the solution with dgtrtsqr do while drs_List[getDgtRtNum(num)] <> drs_sol do begin IncSmallNum(num, 1); AddNum(sqr2B, deltaNextSqr); IncSmallNum(deltaNextSqr, 2); end; stepWidth := (Base - 1) div DgtRtSqr.drs_SolCnt; if stepWidth * DgtRtSqr.drs_SolCnt <> (Base - 1) then stepWidth := 1; end; CalcDeltaSqr(num,deltaNextSqr,delta,stepWidth);
i := 0;
finished := 0; j := 0; UsedThreads := gblThreadCount; if base < 20 then UsedThreads := 1; PrepareThreads(UsedThreads,stepWidth);
writeln(f,'Base ', base, ' test every ', stepWidth,' threads = ',UsedThreads); Write(f,'Start :'); writeln('Base ', base, ' test every ', stepWidth,' threads = ',UsedThreads); Write('Start :'); OutNumSqr;
if (CheckPandigital(sqr2b)<>0) then begin while (j < UsedThreads) and (finished = 0) do begin with ThreadBlocks[j] do begin cft_ThreadHandle := BeginThread(@TestRunThd, Pointer(j), cft_ThreadID, 4*4096); end; Inc(j); end; UsedThreads := j;
i := 0; repeat IF base > 28 then Begin {$IFDEF WIN} WaitForThreadTerminate(ThreadBlocks[0].cft_ThreadHandle,WAIT_MS) {$ELSE} sleep(WAIT_MS) {$ENDIF} end else WaitForThreadTerminate(ThreadBlocks[0].cft_ThreadHandle,-1); inc(i); IF (I and 31) = 0 then OutThreadStep(i*timeFac,UsedThreads,stepWidth,StartOffSet); until finished <> 0;
WaitForThreadTerminate(ThreadBlocks[0].cft_ThreadHandle, -1); repeat Dec(j); with ThreadBlocks[j] do begin WaitForThreadTerminate(cft_ThreadHandle, -1); CloseThread(cft_ThreadHandle); if Int64(cft_count) > 0 then finished := j; end; until j = 0; end;
i := ExtractThreadVal(finished); j := i*UsedThreads+finished;//TestCount starts at original num IncNumBig(num,j*stepWidth); T1 := now; Write(f,'Result :'); Write('Result :'); OutNumSqr; Writeln(f,(T1 - t0) * 86400: 9: 3, ' s Testcount : ',j: 14,j*StepWidth:18); Writeln((T1 - t0) * 86400: 9: 3, ' s Testcount : ',j: 14,j*StepWidth:18); Writeln(UsedThreads*(T1 - t0) * 86400: 9: 3, ' s'); end;
base: NativeUint;
Writeln(cFileName); AssignFile(f,cFileName); {$I-} Append(f); {$I+} IF IoResult <> 0 then rewrite(f); gblThreadCount:= GetThreadCount; writeln(' Cpu Count : ', gblThreadCount); setlength(ThreadBlocks, gblThreadCount);
T := now; for base := LoLimit to HiLimit do Test(base); T := (now-T)*86400; writeln('completed in ', T: 0: 3, ' seconds'); writeln(f,'completed in ',T: 0: 3, ' seconds'); Close(f);
setlength(ThreadBlocks, 0); {$IFDEF WINDOWS} readln; {$ENDIF}
- Output:
Num 10 sqr 100 Num 10 sqr 100 Base 2 test every 1 threads = 1 Start : Num 10 sqr 100 Result : Num 10 sqr 100 0.000 s Testcount : 0 0 Num 11 sqr 121 Num 11 sqr 121 Base 3 test every 1 threads = 1 Start : Num 11 sqr 121 Result : Num 11 sqr 121 0.000 s Testcount : 0 0 Num 21 sqr 1101 Base 4 test every 1 threads = 1 Start : Num 21 sqr 1101 Result : Num 33 sqr 3201 0.000 s Testcount : 6 6 Num 214 sqr 102411 Base 5 test every 1 threads = 1 Start : Num 214 sqr 102411 Result : Num 243 sqr 132304 0.000 s Testcount : 14 14 Num 232 sqr 103104 Base 6 test every 5 threads = 1 Start : Num 235 sqr 105441 Result : Num 523 sqr 452013 0.000 s Testcount : 20 100 Num 1012 sqr 1024144 Base 7 test every 6 threads = 1 Start : Num 1020 sqr 1040400 Result : Num 1431 sqr 2450361 0.000 s Testcount : 34 204 Num 2704 sqr 10237020 Base 8 test every 7 threads = 1 Start : Num 2705 sqr 10244631 Result : Num 3344 sqr 13675420 0.000 s Testcount : 41 287 Num 10117 sqr 102363814 Base 9 test every 4 threads = 1 Start : Num 10117 sqr 102363814 Result : Num 11642 sqr 136802574 0.000 s Testcount : 289 1156 Num 31992 sqr 1023488064 Base 10 test every 3 threads = 1 Start : Num 31992 sqr 1023488064 Result : Num 32043 sqr 1026753849 0.000 s Testcount : 17 51 Num 101172 sqr 10234761064 Base 11 test every 10 threads = 1 Start : Num 101175 sqr 10235267A63 Result : Num 111453 sqr 1240A536789 0.001 s Testcount : 1498 14980 Num 35A924 sqr 102345A32554 Base 12 test every 11 threads = 1 Start : Num 35A924 sqr 102345A32554 Result : Num 3966B9 sqr 124A7B538609 0.000 s Testcount : 6883 75713 Num 3824C73 sqr 10233460766739 Base 13 test every 1 threads = 1 Start : Num 3824C73 sqr 10233460766739 Result : Num 3828943 sqr 10254773CA86B9 0.000 s Testcount : 8242 8242 Num 3A9774B sqr 102345706AC8C9 Base 14 test every 13 threads = 1 Start : Num 3A9774C sqr 1023457801D984 Result : Num 3A9DB7C sqr 10269B8C57D3A4 0.000 s Testcount : 1330 17290 Num 10119106 sqr 10234567A153C26 Base 15 test every 14 threads = 1 Start : Num 10119108 sqr 1023456BA5BA144 Result : Num 1012B857 sqr 102597BACE836D4 0.000 s Testcount : 4216 59024 Num 4046641A sqr 10234567E55C52A4 Base 16 test every 15 threads = 1 Start : Num 40466424 sqr 1023456CEADC2510 Result : Num 404A9D9B sqr 1025648CFEA37BD9 0.000 s Testcount : 18457 276855 Num 423F5E486 sqr 101234567967G80FD2 Base 17 test every 1 threads = 1 Start : Num 423F5E486 sqr 101234567967G80FD2 Result : Num 423F82GA9 sqr 101246A89CGFB357ED 0.003 s Testcount : 195112 195112 Num 44B433H7D sqr 102345678F601E1FB7 Base 18 test every 17 threads = 1 Start : Num 44B433H7F sqr 102345679E6908HD69 Result : Num 44B482CAD sqr 10236B5F8EG4AD9CH7 0.001 s Testcount : 30440 517480 Num 1011B10785 sqr 102345678A30GF85556 Base 19 test every 6 threads = 1 Start : Num 1011B10789 sqr 102345678I39A8G87F5 Result : Num 1011B55E9A sqr 10234DHBG7CI8F6A9E5 0.001 s Testcount : 93021 558126 Num 49DDBE2J9C sqr 1023456789DHDH9DH834 Base 20 test every 19 threads = 12 Start : Num 49DDBE2JA0 sqr 102345678D5CCEH05000 Result : Num 49DGIH5D3G sqr 1024E7CDI3HB695FJA8G 0.021 s Testcount : 11310604 214901476 Num 4C9HE5CC2DB sqr 10234566789GK362F7BGIG Base 21 test every 1 threads = 12 Start : Num 4C9HE5CC2DB sqr 10234566789GK362F7BGIG Result : Num 4C9HE6GHFJF sqr 102345H7AC86GE9BKI6JDF 0.006 s Testcount : 4914193 4914193 Num 4F942523JK5 sqr 1023456789AF71694A3533 Base 22 test every 21 threads = 12 Start : Num 4F942523JL0 sqr 1023456789HL35DJ1I4100 Result : Num 4F94788GJ0F sqr 102369FBGDEJ48CHI7LKA5 0.054 s Testcount : 27804949 583903929 Num 1011D108L541 sqr 1023456789ABD6D2675E381 Base 23 test every 22 threads = 12 Start : Num 1011D108L54M sqr 1023456789C7F59L30C8ED1 Result : Num 1011D3EL56MC sqr 10234ACEDKG9HM8FBJIL756 0.038 s Testcount : 17710217 389624774 Num 4LJ0HD4763F4 sqr 1023456789ABE8FFN20B4E0G Base 24 test every 23 threads = 12 Start : Num 4LJ0HD4763F6 sqr 1023456789AC9NJIL6HG54DC Result : Num 4LJ0HDGF0HD3 sqr 102345B87HFECKJNIGMDLA69 0.008 s Testcount : 4266555 98130765 Num 1011E109GHMMM sqr 1023456789ABD5AHDHG370GC9 Base 25 test every 12 threads = 12 Start : Num 1011E109GHMMM sqr 1023456789ABD5AHDHG370GC9 Result : Num 1011E145FHGHM sqr 102345DOECKJ6GFB8LIAM7NH9 0.160 s Testcount : 78092125 937105500 Num 52K8N4MNP7AMA sqr 1023456789ABCMPE8HDDJL8P1M Base 26 test every 5 threads = 12 Start : Num 52K8N4MNP7AME sqr 1023456789ABEBLL1L0F3FG7PE Result : Num 52K8N53BDM99K sqr 1023458LO6IEMKG79FPCHNJDBA 0.884 s Testcount : 402922568 2014612840 Num 1011F10AB5HL6J sqr 1023456789ABCF787BM8395B5PA Base 27 test every 26 threads = 12 Start : Num 1011F10AB5HL71 sqr 1023456789ABD6808CDF1LQ7AE1 Result : Num 1011F11E37OBJJ sqr 1023458ELOMDHBIJFGKP7CQ9N6A 1.049 s Testcount : 457555293 11896437618 Num 58A3CKOHN4IK4D sqr 1023456789ABCDIK29E6HB1R37Q1 Base 28 test every 9 threads = 12 Start : Num 58A3CKOHN4IK4L sqr 1023456789ABCGJDO8M4JG8HMMFL Result : Num 58A3CKP3N4CQD7 sqr 1023456CGJBIRQEDHP98KMOAN7FL 1.672 s Testcount : 749593054 6746337486 completed in 3.898 seconds Base 29 test every 1 threads = 12 Start : Num 5BAEFC5QHESPCLA sqr 10223456789ABCDKM4JI4S470KCSHD 1.00 min 24099604789 2.00 min 48201071089 3.00 min 72295381621 Result : Num 5BAEFC62RGS0KJF sqr 102234586REOSIGJD9PCF7HBLKANQM 230.632 s Testcount : 92238034003 92238034003 Num 5EF7R2P77FFPBMR sqr 1023456789ABCDEPPNIG6S4MJNB8C9 Base 30 test every 29 threads = 12 Start : Num 5EF7R2P77FFPBN5 sqr 1023456789ABCDHNHROTMC0MS6RGKP Result : Num 5EF7R2POS9MQRN7 sqr 1023456DMAPECBQOLSITK9FR87GHNJ 35.626 s Testcount : 13343410738 386958911402 Num 1011H10BS64GFL6U sqr 1023456789ABCDEH3122BRSP7T7G6H1 Base 31 test every 30 threads = 12 Start : Num 1011H10BS64GFL76 sqr 1023456789ABCDF03FNNQ29H0ULION5 Result : Num 1011H10CDMAUP44O sqr 10234568ABQUJGCNFP7KEM9RHDLTSOI 41.251 s Testcount : 15152895679 454586870370 Num 5L6HID7BTGM6RU9L sqr 1023456789ABCDEFGQNN3264K1GRK97P Base 32 test every 31 threads = 12 Start : Num 5L6HID7BTGM6RUAA sqr 1023456789ABCDEMULAP8DRPBULSA2B4 Result : Num 5L6HID7BVGE2CIEC sqr 102345678VS9CMJDRAIOPLHNFQETBUKG 5.626 s Testcount : 2207946558 68446343298 completed in 317.047 seconds Num 1011I10CLMTDCMPC1 sqr 1023456789ABCDEFHSSWJ340NGCV8MTO1 Base 33 test every 8 threads = 12 Start : Num 1011I10CLMTDCMPC6 sqr 1023456789ABCDEFRT6F1D7S9EA03JJD3 Num 1011I10CLMTDCMPC1 sqr 1023456789ABCDEFHSSWJ340NGCV8MTO1 Base 33 test every 8 threads = 12 Start : Num 1011I10CLMTDCMPC6 sqr 1023456789ABCDEFRT6F1D7S9EA03JJD3 1.00 min 184621467265 2.00 min 369105711649 Result : Num 1011I10CLWWNS6SKS sqr 102345678THKFAERNWJGDOSQ9BCIUVMLP 140.634 s Testcount : 53808573863 430468590904 Num 5SEMXRII09S90UO6V sqr 1023456789ABCDEFGKNK3JK9NREFLEH5Q9 Base 34 test every 33 threads = 12 Start : Num 5SEMXRII09S90UO7P sqr 1023456789ABCDEFQ7HPX8WRC9L0GV31SD 1.00 min 747770289553 2.00 min 1495002801997 .. 8.00 min 5978195501257 9.00 min 6725222258833 Result : Num 5SEMXRII42NG8AKSL sqr 102345679JIESRPA8BLCVKDNMHUFTGOQWX 549.392 s Testcount : 205094427126 6768116095158 Num 1011J10DE6M9QOAY42 sqr 1023456789ABCDEFGHSOEHTX34IF9YB1CG4 Base 35 test every 34 threads = 12 Start : Num 1011J10DE6M9QOAY42 sqr 1023456789ABCDEFGHSOEHTX34IF9YB1CG4 1.00 min 749708230993 2.00 min 1496695534873 .. 27.00 min 20178502394905 28.00 min 20925398930617 //<== > solution, because finsich tested every 1.875 seconds Result : Num 1011J10DEFW1QTVBXR sqr 102345678RUEPV9KGQIWFOBAXCNSLDMYJHT 1681.925 s Testcount : 614575698110 20895573735740 Num 6069962AODK1L20LTW sqr 1023456789ABCDEFGHSWJSDUGHWCR30SK5CG Base 36 test every 35 threads = 12 Start : Num 6069962AODK1L20LUU sqr 1023456789ABCDEFGT58D9PASNXYM2SLPEP0 1.00 min 787213111441 2.00 min 1586599478101 ..192.00 min 152890333403641 193.00 min 153686150046241 Result : Num 6069962APW1QG36EV8 sqr 102345678RGQKMOCBLZIYHN9WDJEUXFVPATS 11584.118 s Testcount : 4392178427722 153726244970270 completed in 11584.118 seconds //Base 37 still missing :-( Num 66FVHSMH0OXH39bH6LT sqr 1023456789ABCDEFGHIV4YWaF08URZ5H135NO5 Base 38 test every 37 threads = 12 Start : Num 66FVHSMH0OXH39bH6MN sqr 1023456789ABCDEFGHT7ZLWWKUXYO9YZW62QbZ 1.00 min 785788279813 2.00 min 1568354438749 .. 58.00 min 45309747953833 59.00 min 46095937872493 Result : Num 66FVHSMH0P60WK173YQ sqr 1023456789DRTAINWaFJCHLYMQPGEBZVOKXSbU 3547.633 s Testcount : 1242398966051 45968761743887 completed in 3547.634 seconds Num 1011L10EZ7510RFTU2Ia sqr 1023456789ABCDEFGHIKb22ISU7MJC5GAPVLY39 Base 39 test every 38 threads = 12 Start : Num 1011L10EZ7510RFTU2J0 sqr 1023456789ABCDEFGHIQb8BRYWIcN3BKJ3F7A00 1.00 min 795117225457 2.00 min 1589942025409 ..398.00 min 315778732951561 399.00 min 316570538706841 Result : Num 1011L10EZ76L0a5UAJOF sqr 1023456789DCFaKJPGLcEVSIBYZRTOMAbQHWXNU 23998.810 s Testcount : 8310508262457 315799313973366 // old version 68000s
<lang perl>use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say'; use ntheory qw/fromdigits todigitstring/; use utf8; binmode('STDOUT', 'utf8');
sub first_square {
my $n = shift; my $sr = substr('1023456789abcdef',0,$n); my $r = int fromdigits($sr, $n) ** .5; my @digits = reverse split , $sr; TRY: while (1) { my $sq = $r * $r; my $cnt = 0; my $s = todigitstring($sq, $n); my $i = scalar @digits; for (@digits) { $r++ and redo TRY if (-1 == index($s, $_)) || ($i-- + $cnt < $n); last if $cnt++ == $n; } return sprintf "Base %2d: %10s² == %s", $n, todigitstring($r, $n), todigitstring($sq, $n); }
say "First perfect square with N unique digits in base N: "; say first_square($_) for 2..16;</lang>
- Output:
First perfect square with N unique digits in base N: Base 2: 10² == 100 Base 3: 22² == 2101 Base 4: 33² == 3201 Base 5: 243² == 132304 Base 6: 523² == 452013 Base 7: 1431² == 2450361 Base 8: 3344² == 13675420 Base 9: 11642² == 136802574 Base 10: 32043² == 1026753849 Base 11: 111453² == 1240a536789 Base 12: 3966b9² == 124a7b538609 Base 13: 3828943² == 10254773ca86b9 Base 14: 3a9db7c² == 10269b8c57d3a4 Base 15: 1012b857² == 102597bace836d4 Base 16: 404a9d9b² == 1025648cfea37bd9
Alternative solution:
<lang perl>use strict; use warnings; use ntheory qw(:all); use List::Util qw(uniq);
sub first_square {
my ($base) = @_;
my $start = sqrtint(fromdigits([1, 0, 2 .. $base-1], $base));
for (my $k = $start ; ; ++$k) { if (uniq(todigits($k * $k, $base)) == $base) { return $k * $k; } }
foreach my $n (2 .. 16) {
my $s = first_square($n); printf("Base %2d: %10s² == %s\n", $n, todigitstring(sqrtint($s), $n), todigitstring($s, $n));
Perl 6
As long as you have the patience, this will work for bases 2 through 36.
Bases 2 through 19 finish quickly, (about 10 seconds on my system), 20 takes a while, 21 is pretty fast, 22 is glacial. 23 through 26 takes several hours.
Use analytical start value filtering based on observations by Hout++ and Nigel Galloway++ on the discussion page.
<lang perl6>#`[
Only search square numbers that have at least N digits; smaller could not possibly match.
Only bother to use analytics for large N. Finesse takes longer than brute force for small N.
unit sub MAIN ($timer = False);
sub first-square (Int $n) {
my @start = flat '1', '0', (2 ..^ $n)».base: $n;
if $n > 10 { # analytics my $root = digital-root( @start.join, :base($n) ); my @roots = (2..$n).map(*²).map: { digital-root($_.base($n), :base($n) ) }; if $root ∉ @roots { my $offset = min(@roots.grep: * > $root ) - $root; @start[1+$offset] = $offset ~ @start[1+$offset]; } }
my $start = @start.join.parse-base($n).sqrt.ceiling; my @digits = reverse (^$n)».base: $n; my $sq; my $now = now; my $time = 0; my $sr; for $start .. * { $sq = .²; my $s = $sq.base($n); my $f; $f = 1 and last unless $s.contains: $_ for @digits; if $timer && $n > 19 && $_ %% 1_000_000 { $time += now - $now; say "N $n: {$_}² = $sq <$s> : {(now - $now).round(.001)}s" ~ " : {$time.round(.001)} elapsed"; $now = now; } next if $f; $sr = $_; last } sprintf( "Base %2d: %13s² == %-30s", $n, $sr.base($n), $sq.base($n) ) ~ ($timer ?? ($time + now - $now).round(.001) !! );
sub digital-root ($root is copy, :$base = 10) {
$root = ${:36($_)}).sum.base($base) while $root.chars > 1; $root.parse-base($base);
say "First perfect square with N unique digits in base N: "; say .&first-square for flat
2 .. 12, # required 13 .. 16, # optional 17 .. 19, # stretch 20, # slow 21, # pretty fast 22, # very slow 23, # don't hold your breath 24, # slow but not too terrible 25, # very slow 26, # "
- </lang>
- Output:
First perfect square with N unique digits in base N: Base 2: 10² == 100 Base 3: 22² == 2101 Base 4: 33² == 3201 Base 5: 243² == 132304 Base 6: 523² == 452013 Base 7: 1431² == 2450361 Base 8: 3344² == 13675420 Base 9: 11642² == 136802574 Base 10: 32043² == 1026753849 Base 11: 111453² == 1240A536789 Base 12: 3966B9² == 124A7B538609 Base 13: 3828943² == 10254773CA86B9 Base 14: 3A9DB7C² == 10269B8C57D3A4 Base 15: 1012B857² == 102597BACE836D4 Base 16: 404A9D9B² == 1025648CFEA37BD9 Base 17: 423F82GA9² == 101246A89CGFB357ED Base 18: 44B482CAD² == 10236B5F8EG4AD9CH7 Base 19: 1011B55E9A² == 10234DHBG7CI8F6A9E5 Base 20: 49DGIH5D3G² == 1024E7CDI3HB695FJA8G Base 21: 4C9HE5FE27F² == 1023457DG9HI8J6B6KCEAF Base 22: 4F94788GJ0F² == 102369FBGDEJ48CHI7LKA5 Base 23: 1011D3EL56MC² == 10234ACEDKG9HM8FBJIL756 Base 24: 4LJ0HDGF0HD3² == 102345B87HFECKJNIGMDLA69 Base 25: 1011E145FHGHM² == 102345DOECKJ6GFB8LIAM7NH9 Base 26: 52K8N53BDM99K² == 1023458LO6IEMKG79FPCHNJDBA
Partial translation of VB with bitmap idea from C++ and adopting the digit-array approach from pascal instead of base conversion. <lang Phix>-- demo\rosetta\PandigitalSquares.exw include mpfr.e atom t0 = time() constant chars = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz|",
use_hll_code = true
function str_conv(sequence s, integer mode=+1) -- mode of +1: eg {1,2,3} -> "123", mode of -1 the reverse. -- note this doesn't really care what base s/res are in.
{sequence res,integer dcheck} = iff(mode=+1?{"",9}:{{},'9'}) for i=1 to length(s) do integer d = s[i] d += mode*iff(d>dcheck?'a'-10:'0') res &= d end for return res
end function
procedure do_one(integer base) -- tabulates one base
integer bm1 = base-1, dr = iff(and_bits(base,1) ? floor(base/2) : 0), id = 0, rc = 0, sdri atom st = time() sequence sdr = repeat(0,bm1) for i=0 to bm1-1 do sdri = mod(i*i,bm1) rc += (sdri==dr) sdr[i+1] = iff(sdri=0 ? bm1 : sdri) end for if dr>0 then id = base for i=1 to dr do sdri = sdr[i+1] if sdri>=dr and id>sdri then id = sdri end if end for id -= dr end if string sq = chars[1..base] if id>0 then sq = sq[]&chars[id+1]&sq[id+1..$] end if sq[1..2] = "10" mpz sqz = mpz_init(), rtz = mpz_init(), dnz = mpz_init(), tmp = mpz_init() mpz_set_str(sqz,sq,base) mpz_sqrt(rtz,sqz) mpz_add_ui(rtz,rtz,1) -- rtz = sqrt(sqz)+1 mpz_mul_si(dnz,rtz,2) mpz_add_si(dnz,dnz,1) -- dnz = rtz*2+1 mpz_mul(sqz,rtz,rtz) -- sqz = rtz * rtz integer d = 1, inc = 1 if base>3 and rc>0 then while mpz_fdiv_ui(sqz,bm1)!=dr do -- align sqz to dr mpz_add_ui(rtz,rtz,1) -- rtz += 1 mpz_add(sqz,sqz,dnz) -- sqz += dnz mpz_add_ui(dnz,dnz,2) -- dnz += 2 end while inc = floor(bm1/rc) if inc>1 then mpz_mul_si(tmp,rtz,inc-2) mpz_sub_ui(tmp,tmp,1) mpz_add(dnz,dnz,tmp) -- dnz += rtz*(inc-2)-1 end if d = inc * inc mpz_add(dnz,dnz,dnz) mpz_add_ui(dnz,dnz,d) -- dnz += dnz + d end if d *= 2 atom mask, fullmask = power(2,base)-1 -- ie 0b111.. integer icount = 0 mpz_set_si(tmp,d) sequence sqi = str_conv(mpz_get_str(sqz,base), mode:=-1), dni = str_conv(mpz_get_str(dnz,base), mode:=-1), dti = str_conv(mpz_get_str(tmp,base), mode:=-1) while true do if use_hll_code then mask = 0 for i=1 to length(sqi) do mask = or_bits(mask,power(2,sqi[i])) end for else ?9/0 -- see below, inline part 1 end if if mask=fullmask then exit end if integer carry = 0, sidx, si if use_hll_code then for sidx=-1 to -length(dni) by -1 do si = sqi[sidx]+dni[sidx]+carry carry = si>=base sqi[sidx] = si-carry*base end for sidx += length(sqi)+1 while carry and sidx do si = sqi[sidx]+carry carry = si>=base sqi[sidx] = si-carry*base sidx -= 1 end while else ?9/0 --see below, inline part 2 end if if carry then sqi = carry&sqi end if carry = 0 for sidx=-1 to -length(dti) by -1 do si = dni[sidx]+dti[sidx]+carry carry = floor(si/base) dni[sidx] = remainder(si,base) end for sidx += length(dni)+1 while carry and sidx do si = dni[sidx]+carry carry = si>=base dni[sidx] = si-carry*base sidx -= 1 end while if carry then dni = carry&dni end if icount += 1 end while mpz_set_si(tmp,icount) mpz_mul_si(tmp,tmp,inc) mpz_add(rtz,rtz,tmp) -- rtz += icount * inc sq = str_conv(sqi, mode:=+1) string rt = mpz_get_str(rtz,base), idstr = iff(id?sprintf("%d",id):" "), ethis = elapsed_short(time()-st), etotal = elapsed_short(time()-t0) printf(1,"%3d %3d %s %18s -> %-28s %10d %8s %8s\n", {base, inc, idstr, rt, sq, icount, ethis, etotal}) {sqz,rtz,dnz,tmp} = mpz_free({sqz,rtz,dnz,tmp})
end procedure
puts(1,"base inc id root -> square" &
" test count time total\n")
for base=2 to 19 do --for base=2 to 25 do --for base=2 to 28 do
end for printf(1,"completed in %s\n", {elapsed(time()-t0)})</lang>
- Output:
base inc id root -> square test count time total 2 1 10 -> 100 0 0s 0s 3 1 22 -> 2101 4 0s 0s 4 3 33 -> 3201 2 0s 0s 5 1 2 243 -> 132304 14 0s 0s 6 5 523 -> 452013 20 0s 0s 7 6 1431 -> 2450361 34 0s 0s 8 7 3344 -> 13675420 41 0s 0s 9 4 11642 -> 136802574 289 0s 0s 10 3 32043 -> 1026753849 17 0s 0s 11 10 111453 -> 1240a536789 1498 0s 0s 12 11 3966b9 -> 124a7b538609 6883 0s 0s 13 1 3 3828943 -> 10254773ca86b9 8242 0s 0s 14 13 3a9db7c -> 10269b8c57d3a4 1330 0s 0s 15 14 1012b857 -> 102597bace836d4 4216 0s 0s 16 15 404a9d9b -> 1025648cfea37bd9 18457 0s 0s 17 1 1 423f82ga9 -> 101246a89cgfb357ed 195112 0s 0s 18 17 44b482cad -> 10236b5f8eg4ad9ch7 30440 0s 0s 19 6 1011b55e9a -> 10234dhbg7ci8f6a9e5 93021 0s 0s completed in 0.5s
Performance drops significantly after that:
20 19 49dgih5d3g -> 1024e7cdi3hb695fja8g 11310604 9s 10s 21 1 6 4c9he5fe27f -> 1023457dg9hi8j6b6kceaf 601843 0s 10s 22 21 4f94788gj0f -> 102369fbgdej48chi7lka5 27804949 25s 36s 23 22 1011d3el56mc -> 10234acedkg9hm8fbjil756 17710217 17s 53s 24 23 4lj0hdgf0hd3 -> 102345b87hfeckjnigmdla69 4266555 4s 58s 25 12 1011e145fhghm -> 102345doeckj6gfb8liam7nh9 78092125 1:16 2:14 completed in 2 minutes and 15s
It takes a little over half an hour to get to 28. We can use "with profile_time" to identify
a couple of hotspots and replace them with inline assembly (setting use_hll_code to false).
[This is probably quite a good target for improving the quality of the generated code.]
Requires version 0.8.1+, not yet shipped, which will include demo\rosetta\PandigitalSquares.exw
64 bit code omitted for clarity, the code in PandigitalSquares.exw is twice as long.
<lang Phix>-- ?9/0 -- see below, inline part 1
mask = length(sqi) #ilASM{ mov esi,[sqi] mov edx,[mask] shl esi,2 xor eax,eax @@: mov edi,1 mov cl,[esi] shl edi,cl add esi,4 or eax,edi sub edx,1 jnz @b mov [mask],eax }
--and -- ?9/0 --see below, inline part 2
if length(dni)=length(sqi) then sqi = 0&sqi end if #ilASM{ mov esi,[sqi] mov edi,[dni] mov ecx,[ebx+esi*4-12] -- length(sqi) mov edx,[ebx+edi*4-12] -- length(dni) lea esi,[esi+ecx-1] lea edi,[edi+edx-1] sub ecx,edx xor eax,eax lea esi,[ebx+esi*4] -- locate sqi[$] lea edi,[ebx+edi*4] -- locate dni[$] push ecx mov ecx,[base] @@: add eax,[esi] add eax,[edi] div cl mov [esi],ah xor ah,ah sub esi,4 sub edi,4 sub edx,1 jnz @b pop edx @@: test eax,eax jz @f add eax,[esi] div cl mov [esi],ah xor ah,ah sub esi,4 sub edx,1 jnz @b @@: mov [carry],eax }</lang>
- Output:
20 19 49dgih5d3g -> 1024e7cdi3hb695fja8g 11310604 2s 3s 21 1 6 4c9he5fe27f -> 1023457dg9hi8j6b6kceaf 601843 0s 3s 22 21 4f94788gj0f -> 102369fbgdej48chi7lka5 27804949 7s 10s 23 22 1011d3el56mc -> 10234acedkg9hm8fbjil756 17710217 4s 14s 24 23 4lj0hdgf0hd3 -> 102345b87hfeckjnigmdla69 4266555 1s 15s 25 12 1011e145fhghm -> 102345doeckj6gfb8liam7nh9 78092125 18s 34s completed in 34.3s
It takes 7 minutes and 20s to get to 28, still not quite up to the frankly astonishing 27s 12.3s of pascal, but getting there.
<lang python>Perfect squares using every digit in a given base.
from itertools import (count, dropwhile, repeat) from math import (ceil, sqrt) from time import time
- allDigitSquare :: Int -> Int -> Int
def allDigitSquare(base, above):
The lowest perfect square which requires all digits in the given base. bools = list(repeat(True, base)) return next(dropwhile(missingDigitsAtBase(base, bools), count( max(above, ceil(sqrt(int('10' + '0123456789abcdef'[2:base], base)))) )))
- missingDigitsAtBase :: Int -> [Bool] -> Int -> Bool
def missingDigitsAtBase(base, bools):
Fusion of representing the square of integer N at a given base with checking whether all digits of that base contribute to N^2. Clears the bool at a digit position to False when used. True if any positions remain uncleared (unused). def go(x): xs = bools.copy() while x: xs[x % base] = False x //= base return any(xs) return lambda n: go(n * n)
- digit :: Int -> Char
def digit(n):
Digit character for given integer. return '0123456789abcdef'[n]
- TEST ----------------------------------------------------
- main :: IO ()
def main():
Smallest perfect squares using all digits in bases 2-16
start = time()
print(main.__doc__ + ':\n\nBase Root Square') q = 0 for b in enumFromTo(2)(16): q = allDigitSquare(b, q) print( str(b).rjust(2, ' ') + ' -> ' + showIntAtBase(b)(digit)(q)().rjust(8, ' ') + ' -> ' + showIntAtBase(b)(digit)(q * q)() )
print( '\nc. ' + str(ceil(time() - start)) + ' seconds.' )
- GENERIC -------------------------------------------------
- enumFromTo :: (Int, Int) -> [Int]
def enumFromTo(m):
Integer enumeration from m to n. return lambda n: list(range(m, 1 + n))
- showIntAtBase :: Int -> (Int -> String) -> Int -> String -> String
def showIntAtBase(base):
String representation of an integer in a given base, using a supplied function for the string representation of digits. def wrap(toChr, n, rs): def go(nd, r): n, d = nd r_ = toChr(d) + r return go(divmod(n, base), r_) if 0 != n else r_ return 'unsupported base' if 1 >= base else ( 'negative number' if 0 > n else ( go(divmod(n, base), rs)) ) return lambda toChr: lambda n: lambda rs: ( wrap(toChr, n, rs) )
- MAIN ---
if __name__ == '__main__':
- Output:
Smallest perfect squares using all digits in bases 2-16: Base Root Square 2 -> 10 -> 100 3 -> 22 -> 2101 4 -> 33 -> 3201 5 -> 243 -> 132304 6 -> 523 -> 452013 7 -> 1431 -> 2450361 8 -> 3344 -> 13675420 9 -> 11642 -> 136802574 10 -> 32043 -> 1026753849 11 -> 111453 -> 1240a536789 12 -> 3966b9 -> 124a7b538609 13 -> 3828943 -> 10254773ca86b9 14 -> 3a9db7c -> 10269b8c57d3a4 15 -> 1012b857 -> 102597bace836d4 16 -> 404a9d9b -> 1025648cfea37bd9 c. 30 seconds.
The REXX language doesn't have
a sqrt function, nor does it have a general purpose
radix (base) convertor,
so RYO versions were included here.
These REXX versions can handle up to base 36, but could be extended.
slightly optimized
<lang rexx>/*REXX program finds/displays the first perfect square with N unique digits in base N.*/ numeric digits 40 /*ensure enough decimal digits for a #.*/ parse arg n . /*obtain optional argument from the CL.*/ if n== | n=="," then n= 16 /*not specified? Then use the default.*/ @start= 1023456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz /*contains the start # (up to base 36).*/
w= length(n) /* [↓] find the smallest square with */ do j=2 to n; beg= left(@start, j) /* N unique digits in base N. */ do k=iSqrt( base(beg,10,j) ) until #==0 /*start each search from smallest sqrt.*/ $= base(k*k, j, 10) /*calculate square, convert to base J. */ $u= $; upper $u /*get an uppercase version fast count. */ #= verify(beg, $u) /*count differences between 2 numbers. */ end /*k*/ say 'base' right(j,w) " root=" right(base(k,j,10),max(5,n)) ' square=' $ end /*j*/
exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ base: procedure; arg x 1 #,toB,inB /*obtain: three arguments. */
@l= '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' /*lowercase (Latin or English) alphabet*/ @u= @l; upper @u /*uppercase " " " " */ if inb\==10 then /*only convert if not base 10. */ do; #= 0 /*result of converted X (in base 10).*/ do j=1 for length(x) /*convert X: base inB ──► base 10. */ #= # * inB + pos(substr(x,j,1), @u)-1 /*build a new number, digit by digit. */ end /*j*/ /* [↑] this also verifies digits. */ end y= /*the value of X in base B (so far).*/ if tob==10 then return # /*if TOB is ten, then simply return #.*/ do while # >= toB /*convert #: base 10 ──► base toB.*/ y= substr(@l, (# // toB) + 1, 1)y /*construct the output number. */ #= # % toB /* ··· and whittle # down also. */ end /*while*/ /* [↑] algorithm may leave a residual.*/ return substr(@l, # + 1, 1)y /*prepend the residual, if any. */
/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ iSqrt: procedure; parse arg x; r=0; q=1; do while q<=x; q=q*4; end
do while q>1; q=q%4; _=x-r-q; r=r%2; if _>=0 then do;x=_;r=r+q; end; end; return r</lang>
- output when using the default input:
base 2 root= 10 square= 100 base 3 root= 22 square= 2101 base 4 root= 33 square= 3201 base 5 root= 243 square= 132304 base 6 root= 523 square= 452013 base 7 root= 1431 square= 2450361 base 8 root= 3344 square= 13675420 base 9 root= 11642 square= 136802574 base 10 root= 32043 square= 1026753849 base 11 root= 111453 square= 1240a536789 base 12 root= 3966b9 square= 124a7b538609 base 13 root= 3828943 square= 10254773ca86b9 base 14 root= 3a9db7c square= 10269b8c57d3a4 base 15 root= 1012b857 square= 102597bace836d4 base 16 root= 404a9d9b square= 1025648cfea37bd9
more optimized
This REXX version uses a highly optimized base function since it was that particular function that was consuming the majority of the CPU time.
It is about 10% faster. <lang rexx>/*REXX program finds/displays the first perfect square with N unique digits in base N.*/ numeric digits 40 /*ensure enough decimal digits for a #.*/ parse arg n . /*obtain optional argument from the CL.*/ if n== | n=="," then n= 16 /*not specified? Then use the default.*/ @start= 1023456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz /*contains the start # (up to base 36).*/ call base /*initialize 2 arrays for BASE function*/
/* [↓] find the smallest square with */ do j=2 to n; beg= left(@start, j) /* N unique digits in base N. */ do k=iSqrt( base(beg,10,j) ) until #==0 /*start each search from smallest sqrt.*/ $= base(k*k, j, 10) /*calculate square, convert to base J. */ #= verify(beg, $) /*count differences between 2 numbers. */ end /*k*/ say 'base' right(j, length(n) ) " root=" , lower( right( base(k, j, 10), max(5, n) ) ) ' square=' lower($) end /*j*/
exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ base: procedure expose !. !!.; arg x 1 #,toB,inB /*obtain: three arguments. */
@= 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz /*the characters for the Latin alphabet*/ if x== then do i=1 for length(@); _= substr(@, i, 1); m= i - 1; !._= m !!.m= substr(@, i, 1) if i==length(@) then return /*Done with shortcuts? Then go back. */ end /*i*/ /* [↑] assign shortcut radix values. */ if inb\==10 then /*only convert if not base 10. */ do; #= 0 /*result of converted X (in base 10).*/ do j=1 for length(x) /*convert X: base inB ──► base 10. */ _= substr(x, j, 1); #= # * inB + !._ /*build a new number, digit by digit. */ end /*j*/ /* [↑] this also verifies digits. */ end y= /*the value of X in base B (so far).*/ if tob==10 then return # /*if TOB is ten, then simply return #.*/ do while # >= toB /*convert #: base 10 ──► base toB.*/ _= # // toB; y= !!._ || y /*construct the output number. */ #= # % toB /* ··· and whittle # down also. */ end /*while*/ /* [↑] algorithm may leave a residual.*/ return !!.# || y /*prepend the residual, if any. */
/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ iSqrt: procedure; parse arg x; r=0; q=1; do while q<=x; q=q*4; end
do while q>1; q=q%4; _=x-r-q; r=r%2; if _>=0 then do;x=_;r=r+q; end; end; return r
/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ lower: @abc= 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; return translate(arg(1), @abc, translate(@abc))</lang>
- output is identical to the 1st REXX version.
Takes about 15 seconds on my dated PC, most are spent calculating base 13. <lang ruby>DIGITS = "1023456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
2.upto(16) do |n|
start = Integer.sqrt( DIGITS[0,n].to_i(n) ) res = start.step.detect{|i| (i*i).digits(n).uniq.size == n } puts "Base %2d:%10s² = %-14s" % [n, res.to_s(n), (res*res).to_s(n)]
end </lang>
- Output:
Base 2: 10² = 100 Base 3: 22² = 2101 Base 4: 33² = 3201 Base 5: 243² = 132304 Base 6: 523² = 452013 Base 7: 1431² = 2450361 Base 8: 3344² = 13675420 Base 9: 11642² = 136802574 Base 10: 32043² = 1026753849 Base 11: 111453² = 1240a536789 Base 12: 3966b9² = 124a7b538609 Base 13: 3828943² = 10254773ca86b9 Base 14: 3a9db7c² = 10269b8c57d3a4 Base 15: 1012b857² = 102597bace836d4 Base 16: 404a9d9b² = 1025648cfea37bd9
<lang ruby>func first_square(b) {
var start = [1, 0, (2..^b)...].flip.map_kv{|k,v| v * b**k }.sum.isqrt
start..Inf -> first_by {|k| k.sqr.digits(b).freq.len == b }.sqr
for b in (2..16) {
var s = first_square(b) printf("Base %2d: %10s² == %s\n", b, s.isqrt.base(b), s.base(b))
- Output:
Base 2: 10² == 100 Base 3: 22² == 2101 Base 4: 33² == 3201 Base 5: 243² == 132304 Base 6: 523² == 452013 Base 7: 1431² == 2450361 Base 8: 3344² == 13675420 Base 9: 11642² == 136802574 Base 10: 32043² == 1026753849 Base 11: 111453² == 1240a536789 Base 12: 3966b9² == 124a7b538609 Base 13: 3828943² == 10254773ca86b9 Base 14: 3a9db7c² == 10269b8c57d3a4 Base 15: 1012b857² == 102597bace836d4 Base 16: 404a9d9b² == 1025648cfea37bd9
Visual Basic .NET
This is faster than the Go version, but not as fast as the Pascal version. The Pascal version uses an array of integers to represent the square, as it's more efficient to increment and check that way.
This Visual Basic .NET version uses BigInteger variables for computation. It's quick enough for up to base19, tho.<lang vbnet>Imports System.Numerics
Module Program
Dim base, bm1 As Byte, hs As New HashSet(Of Byte), st0 As DateTime Const chars As String = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz|"
' converts base10 to string, using current base Function toStr(ByVal b As BigInteger) As String toStr = "" : Dim re As BigInteger : While b > 0 b = BigInteger.DivRem(b, base, re) : toStr = chars(CByte(re)) & toStr : End While End Function
' checks for all digits present, checks every one (use when extra digit is present) Function allIn(ByVal b As BigInteger) As Boolean Dim re As BigInteger : hs.Clear() : While b > 0 : b = BigInteger.DivRem(b, base, re) hs.Add(CByte(re)) : End While : Return hs.Count = base End Function
' checks for all digits present, bailing when duplicates occur (can't use when extra digit is present) Function allInQ(ByVal b As BigInteger) As Boolean Dim re As BigInteger, c As Integer = 0 : hs.Clear() : While b > 0 : b = BigInteger.DivRem(b, base, re) hs.Add(CByte(re)) : c += 1 : If c <> hs.Count Then Return False End While : Return True End Function
' converts string to base 10, using current base Function to10(s As String) As BigInteger to10 = 0 : For Each i As Char In s : to10 = to10 * base + chars.IndexOf(i) : Next End Function
' returns minimum string representation, optionally inserting a digit Function fixup(n As Integer) As String fixup = chars.Substring(0, base) If n > 0 Then fixup = fixup.Insert(n, n.ToString) fixup = "10" & fixup.Substring(2) End Function
' returns close approx. Function IntSqRoot(v As BigInteger) As BigInteger IntSqRoot = New BigInteger(Math.Sqrt(CDbl(v))) : Dim term As BigInteger Do : term = v / IntSqRoot : If BigInteger.Abs(term - IntSqRoot) < 2 Then Exit Do IntSqRoot = (IntSqRoot + term) / 2 : Loop Until False End Function
' tabulates one base Sub doOne() bm1 = base - 1 : Dim dr As Byte = 0 : If (base And 1) = 1 Then dr = base >> 1 Dim id As Integer = 0, inc As Integer = 1, i As Long = 0, st As DateTime = DateTime.Now Dim sdr(bm1 - 1) As Byte, rc As Byte = 0 : For i = 0 To bm1 - 1 : sdr(i) = (i * i) Mod bm1 rc += If(sdr(i) = dr, 1, 0) : sdr(i) += If(sdr(i) = 0, bm1, 0) : Next : i = 0 If dr > 0 Then id = base : For i = 1 To dr : If sdr(i) >= dr Then If id > sdr(i) Then id = sdr(i) Next : id -= dr : i = 0 : End If Dim sq As BigInteger = to10(fixup(id)), rt As BigInteger = IntSqRoot(sq) + 0, dn As BigInteger = (rt << 1) + 1, d As BigInteger = 1 sq = rt * rt : If base > 3 AndAlso rc > 0 Then While sq Mod bm1 <> dr : rt += 1 : sq += dn : dn += 2 : End While ' alligns sq to dr inc = bm1 \ rc : If inc > 1 Then dn += rt * (inc - 2) - 1 : d = inc * inc dn += dn + d End If : d <<= 1 : If base > 5 AndAlso rc > 0 Then : Do : If allInQ(sq) Then Exit Do sq += dn : dn += d : i += 1 : Loop Until False : Else : Do : If allIn(sq) Then Exit Do sq += dn : dn += d : i += 1 : Loop Until False : End If : rt += i * inc Console.WriteLine("{0,3} {1,3} {2,2} {3,20} -> {4,-38} {5,10} {6,8:0.000}s {7,8:0.000}s", base, inc, If(id = 0, " ", id.ToString), toStr(rt), toStr(sq), i, (DateTime.Now - st).TotalSeconds, (DateTime.Now - st0).TotalSeconds) End Sub
Sub Main(args As String()) st0 = DateTime.Now Console.WriteLine("base inc id root square" & _ " test count time total") For base = 2 To 28 : doOne() : Next Console.WriteLine("Elasped time was {0,8:0.00} minutes", (DateTime.Now - st0).TotalMinutes) End Sub
End Module</lang>
- Output:
This output is on a somewhat modern PC. For comparison, it takes around 30 seconds to reach base20, so is around 3 times slower there.
base inc id root square test count time total 2 1 10 -> 100 1 0.007s 0.057s 3 1 22 -> 2101 5 0.000s 0.057s 4 3 33 -> 3201 2 0.001s 0.058s 5 1 2 243 -> 132304 15 0.000s 0.058s 6 5 523 -> 452013 20 0.000s 0.059s 7 6 1431 -> 2450361 35 0.000s 0.059s 8 7 3344 -> 13675420 41 0.000s 0.059s 9 4 11642 -> 136802574 289 0.000s 0.059s 10 3 32043 -> 1026753849 17 0.000s 0.059s 11 10 111453 -> 1240A536789 1498 0.001s 0.060s 12 11 3966B9 -> 124A7B538609 6883 0.005s 0.065s 13 1 3 3828943 -> 10254773CA86B9 8243 0.013s 0.078s 14 13 3A9DB7C -> 10269B8C57D3A4 1330 0.000s 0.078s 15 14 1012B857 -> 102597BACE836D4 4216 0.003s 0.081s 16 15 404A9D9B -> 1025648CFEA37BD9 18457 0.012s 0.093s 17 1 1 423F82GA9 -> 101246A89CGFB357ED 195113 0.341s 0.434s 18 17 44B482CAD -> 10236B5F8EG4AD9CH7 30440 0.022s 0.456s 19 6 1011B55E9A -> 10234DHBG7CI8F6A9E5 93021 0.068s 0.524s 20 19 49DGIH5D3G -> 1024E7CDI3HB695FJA8G 11310604 8.637s 9.162s 21 1 6 4C9HE5FE27F -> 1023457DG9HI8J6B6KCEAF 601844 1.181s 10.342s 22 21 4F94788GJ0F -> 102369FBGDEJ48CHI7LKA5 27804949 21.677s 32.020s 23 22 1011D3EL56MC -> 10234ACEDKG9HM8FBJIL756 17710217 14.292s 46.312s 24 23 4LJ0HDGF0HD3 -> 102345B87HFECKJNIGMDLA69 4266555 3.558s 49.871s 25 12 1011E145FHGHM -> 102345DOECKJ6GFB8LIAM7NH9 78092125 69.914s 119.785s 26 5 52K8N53BDM99K -> 1023458LO6IEMKG79FPCHNJDBA 402922569 365.929s 485.714s 27 26 1011F11E37OBJJ -> 1023458ELOMDHBIJFGKP7CQ9N6A 457555293 420.607s 906.321s 28 9 58A3CKP3N4CQD7 -> 1023456CGJBIRQEDHP98KMOAN7FL 749593055 711.660s 1617.981s Elasped time was 26.97 minutes
Base29 seems to take an order of magnitude longer. I'm looking into some shortcuts.
<lang zkl>fcn squareSearch(B){
basenumerals:=B.pump(String,T("toString",B)); // 13 --> "0123456789abc" highest:=("10"+basenumerals[2,*]).toInt(B); // 13 --> "10" "23456789abc" foreach n in ([highest.toFloat().sqrt().toInt() .. highest]){ ns:=(n*n).toString(B); if(""==(basenumerals - ns) ) return(n.toString(B),ns); } Void
}</lang> <lang zkl>println("Base Root N"); foreach b in ([2..16])
{ println("%2d %10s %s".fmt(b,squareSearch(b).xplode())) }</lang>
- Output:
Base Root N 2 10 100 3 22 2101 4 33 3201 5 243 132304 6 523 452013 7 1431 2450361 8 3344 13675420 9 11642 136802574 10 32043 1026753849 11 111453 1240a536789 12 3966b9 124a7b538609 13 3828943 10254773ca86b9 14 3a9db7c 10269b8c57d3a4 15 1012b857 102597bace836d4 16 404a9d9b 1025648cfea37bd9