Sierpinski curve
- Task
Produce a graphical or ASCII-art representation of a Sierpinski curve of at least order 3.
A partial translation anyway which produces a static image of a SC of level 5, yellow on blue, which can be viewed with a utility such as EOG. <lang go>package main
import (
"" "math"
var (
width = 770.0 height = 770.0 dc = gg.NewContext(int(width), int(height))
var cx, cy, h float64
func lineTo(newX, newY float64) {
dc.LineTo(newX-width/2+h, height-newY+2*h) cx, cy = newX, newY
func lineN() { lineTo(cx, cy-2*h) } func lineS() { lineTo(cx, cy+2*h) } func lineE() { lineTo(cx+2*h, cy) } func lineW() { lineTo(cx-2*h, cy) }
func lineNW() { lineTo(cx-h, cy-h) } func lineNE() { lineTo(cx+h, cy-h) } func lineSE() { lineTo(cx+h, cy+h) } func lineSW() { lineTo(cx-h, cy+h) }
func sierN(level int) {
if level == 1 { lineNE() lineN() lineNW() } else { sierN(level - 1) lineNE() sierE(level - 1) lineN() sierW(level - 1) lineNW() sierN(level - 1) }
func sierE(level int) {
if level == 1 { lineSE() lineE() lineNE() } else { sierE(level - 1) lineSE() sierS(level - 1) lineE() sierN(level - 1) lineNE() sierE(level - 1) }
func sierS(level int) {
if level == 1 { lineSW() lineS() lineSE() } else { sierS(level - 1) lineSW() sierW(level - 1) lineS() sierE(level - 1) lineSE() sierS(level - 1) }
func sierW(level int) {
if level == 1 { lineNW() lineW() lineSW() } else { sierW(level - 1) lineNW() sierN(level - 1) lineW() sierS(level - 1) lineSW() sierW(level - 1) }
func squareCurve(level int) {
sierN(level) lineNE() sierE(level) lineSE() sierS(level) lineSW() sierW(level) lineNW() lineNE() // needed to close the square in the top left hand corner
func main() {
dc.SetRGB(0, 0, 1) // blue background dc.Clear() level := 5 cx, cy = width/2, height h = cx / math.Pow(2, float64(level+1)) squareCurve(level) dc.SetRGB255(255, 255, 0) // yellow curve dc.SetLineWidth(2) dc.Stroke() dc.SavePNG("sierpinski_curve.png")
Turtle procedural (lineto) version
Modified from Craft of Coding blog, Processing version <lang Julia>using Luxor
function sierpinski_curve(x0, y0, h, level)
x1, y1 = x0, y0 lineto(x, y) = begin line(Point(x1, y1), Point(x, y), :stroke); x1, y1 = x, y end lineN() = lineto(x1,y1-2*h) lineS() = lineto(x1,y1+2*h) lineE() = lineto(x1+2*h,y1) lineW() = lineto(x1-2*h,y1) lineNW() = lineto(x1-h,y1-h) lineNE() = lineto(x1+h,y1-h) lineSE() = lineto(x1+h,y1+h) lineSW() = lineto(x1-h,y1+h) function drawN(i) if i == 1 lineNE(); lineN(); lineNW() else drawN(i-1); lineNE(); drawE(i-1); lineN(); drawW(i-1); lineNW(); drawN(i-1) end end function drawE(i) if i == 1 lineSE(); lineE(); lineNE() else drawE(i-1); lineSE(); drawS(i-1); lineE(); drawN(i-1); lineNE(); drawE(i-1) end end function drawS(i) if i == 1 lineSW(); lineS(); lineSE() else drawS(i-1); lineSW(); drawW(i-1); lineS(); drawE(i-1); lineSE(); drawS(i-1) end end function drawW(i) if i == 1 lineNW(); lineW(); lineSW() else drawW(i-1); lineNW(); drawN(i-1); lineW(); drawS(i-1); lineSW(); drawW(i-1) end end function draw_curve(levl) drawN(levl); lineNE(); drawE(levl); lineSE() drawS(levl); lineSW(); drawW(levl); lineNW() end draw_curve(level)
Drawing(800, 800) sierpinski_curve(10, 790, 3, 6) finish() preview() </lang>
LSystem version
<lang julia>using Lindenmayer #
sierpcurve = LSystem(Dict("X" => "XF+G+XF--F--XF+G+X"), "F--XF--F--XF")
forward = 10, turn = 45, startingpen= (0.2, 0.8, 0.8), startingx = -380, startingy = 380, startingorientation = π/4, iterations = 5, filename = "sierpinski_curve.png", showpreview = true
) </lang>
<lang perl>use strict; use warnings; use SVG; use List::Util qw(max min);
use constant pi => 2 * atan2(1, 0);
my $rule = 'XF+F+XF--F--XF+F+X'; my $S = 'F--F--XF--F--XF'; $S =~ s/X/$rule/g for 1..5;
my (@X, @Y); my ($x, $y) = (0, 0); my $theta = pi/4; my $r = 6;
for (split //, $S) {
if (/F/) { push @X, sprintf "%.0f", $x; push @Y, sprintf "%.0f", $y; $x += $r * cos($theta); $y += $r * sin($theta); } elsif (/\+/) { $theta += pi/4; } elsif (/\-/) { $theta -= pi/4; }
my ($xrng, $yrng) = ( max(@X) - min(@X), max(@Y) - min(@Y)); my ($xt, $yt) = (-min(@X) + 10, -min(@Y) + 10);
my $svg = SVG->new(width=>$xrng+20, height=>$yrng+20); my $points = $svg->get_path(x=>\@X, y=>\@Y, -type=>'polyline'); $svg->rect(width=>"100%", height=>"100%", style=>{'fill'=>'black'}); $svg->polyline(%$points, style=>{'stroke'=>'orange', 'stroke-width'=>1}, transform=>"translate($xt,$yt)");
open my $fh, '>', 'sierpinski-curve.svg'; print $fh $svg->xmlify(-namespace=>'svg'); close $fh;</lang> See: sierpinski-curve.svg (offsite SVG image)
Perl 6
<lang perl6>use SVG;
role Lindenmayer {
has %.rules; method succ { { %!rules{$^c} // $c } ).join but Lindenmayer(%!rules) }
my $sierpinski = 'F--XF--F--XF' but Lindenmayer( { X => 'XF+G+XF--F--XF+G+X' } );
$sierpinski++ xx 5;
my $dim = 640; my $scale = 8; my $dir = pi/4; my @points = (316, -108);
for $sierpinski.comb {
state ($x, $y) = @points[0,1]; state $d = 0; when 'F'|'G' { @points.append: ($x += $scale * $d.cos).round(1), ($y += $scale * $d.sin).round(1) } when '+' { $d -= $dir } when '-' { $d += $dir } default { }
my $out = './sierpinski-curve-perl6.svg'.IO;
$out.spurt: SVG.serialize(
svg => [ :width($dim), :height($dim), :rect[:width<100%>, :height<100%>, :fill<black>], :polyline[ :points(@points.join: ','), :fill<black>, :transform("rotate(45, 320, 320)"), :style<stroke:#F7DF1E>, ], ],
);</lang> See: Sierpinski-curve-perl6.svg (offsite SVG image)
<lang Phix>-- demo\rosetta\Sierpinski_curve.exw -- -- Draws curves lo to hi (simultaneously), initially {1,1}, max {8,8} -- Press +/- to change hi, shift +/- to change lo. -- ("=_" are also mapped to "+-", for the non-numpad +/-) -- include pGUI.e
Ihandle dlg, canvas cdCanvas cddbuffer, cdcanvas
integer width, height,
lo = 1, hi = 1
atom cx, cy, h
procedure lineTo(atom newX, newY)
cdCanvasVertex(cddbuffer, newX-width/2+h, height-newY+2*h) cx = newX cy = newY
end procedure
procedure lineN() lineTo(cx,cy-2*h) end procedure procedure lineS() lineTo(cx,cy+2*h) end procedure procedure lineE() lineTo(cx+2*h,cy) end procedure procedure lineW() lineTo(cx-2*h,cy) end procedure
procedure lineNW() lineTo(cx-h,cy-h) end procedure procedure lineNE() lineTo(cx+h,cy-h) end procedure procedure lineSE() lineTo(cx+h,cy+h) end procedure procedure lineSW() lineTo(cx-h,cy+h) end procedure
procedure sierN(integer level)
if level=1 then lineNE() lineN() lineNW() else sierN(level-1) lineNE() sierE(level-1) lineN() sierW(level-1) lineNW() sierN(level-1) end if
end procedure
procedure sierE(integer level)
if level=1 then lineSE() lineE() lineNE() else sierE(level-1) lineSE() sierS(level-1) lineE() sierN(level-1) lineNE() sierE(level-1) end if
end procedure
procedure sierS(integer level)
if level=1 then lineSW() lineS() lineSE() else sierS(level-1) lineSW() sierW(level-1) lineS() sierE(level-1) lineSE() sierS(level-1) end if
end procedure
procedure sierW(integer level)
if level=1 then lineNW() lineW() lineSW() else sierW(level-1) lineNW() sierN(level-1) lineW() sierS(level-1) lineSW() sierW(level-1) end if
end procedure
procedure sierpinskiCurve(integer level)
sierN(level) lineNE() sierE(level) lineSE() sierS(level) lineSW() sierW(level) lineNW()
end procedure
function redraw_cb(Ihandle /*ih*/, integer /*posx*/, integer /*posy*/)
{width, height} = IupGetIntInt(canvas, "DRAWSIZE") cdCanvasActivate(cddbuffer) for level=lo to hi do cx = width/2 cy = height h = cx/power(2,level+1) cdCanvasBegin(cddbuffer, CD_CLOSED_LINES) sierpinskiCurve(level) cdCanvasEnd(cddbuffer) end for cdCanvasFlush(cddbuffer) return IUP_DEFAULT
end function
function map_cb(Ihandle ih)
cdcanvas = cdCreateCanvas(CD_IUP, ih) cddbuffer = cdCreateCanvas(CD_DBUFFER, cdcanvas) cdCanvasSetBackground(cddbuffer, CD_WHITE) cdCanvasSetForeground(cddbuffer, CD_BLUE) return IUP_DEFAULT
end function
function key_cb(Ihandle /*ih*/, atom c)
if c=K_ESC then return IUP_CLOSE end if if find(c,"+=-_") then bool bShift = IupGetInt(NULL,"SHIFTKEY") if c='+' or c='=' then if bShift then lo = min(lo+1,hi) else hi = min(8,hi+1) end if elsif c='-' or c='_' then if bShift then lo = max(1,lo-1) else hi = max(lo,hi-1) end if end if IupSetStrAttribute(dlg, "TITLE", "Sierpinski curve (%d..%d)",{lo,hi}) cdCanvasClear(cddbuffer) IupUpdate(canvas) end if return IUP_CONTINUE
end function
procedure main()
IupOpen() canvas = IupCanvas(NULL) IupSetAttribute(canvas, "RASTERSIZE", "770x770") IupSetCallback(canvas, "MAP_CB", Icallback("map_cb")) IupSetCallback(canvas, "ACTION", Icallback("redraw_cb"))
dlg = IupDialog(canvas) IupSetAttribute(dlg, "TITLE", "Sierpinski curve (1..1)") IupSetCallback(dlg, "K_ANY", Icallback("key_cb"))
IupMap(dlg) IupShowXY(dlg,IUP_CENTER,IUP_CENTER) IupMainLoop() IupClose()
end procedure
Uses the LSystem() class from Hilbert curve. <lang ruby>var rules = Hash(
x => 'xF+G+xF--F--xF+G+x',
var lsys = LSystem(
width: 550, height: 550,
xoff: -9, yoff: -271,
len: 5, angle: 45, color: 'dark green',
lsys.execute('F--xF--F--xF', 5, "sierpiński_curve.png", rules)</lang> Output image: Sierpiński curve
Uses Image Magick and the PPM class from <lang zkl>sierpinskiCurve(5) : turtle(_,45,45); // n=5 --> 11,606 characters
fcn sierpinskiCurve(order){
LSystem("F--XF--F--XF",Dictionary("X","XF+G+XF--F--XF+G+X"), order)
} fcn LSystem(axiom,rules,order){ // Lindenmayer system
buf1,buf2 := Data(Void,axiom).howza(3), Data().howza(3); // characters do(order){ buf1.pump(buf2.clear(),'wrap(c){ rules.find(c,c) }); // change if rule t:=buf1; buf1=buf2; buf2=t; // swap buffers } buf1
fcn turtle(curve,angle,startAngle){ // angles in degrees
const D=10.0; dir:=startAngle; img,color := PPM(800,800), 0x00ff00; // green on black x,y := 15, img.h - x; foreach c in (curve){ switch(c){
case("F","G"){ // draw forward a,b := D.toRectangular(dir.toFloat().toRad()); img.line(x,y, (x+=a.round()),(y+=b.round()), color) } case("+"){ dir=(dir + angle)%360; } // turn left angle case("-"){ dir=(dir - angle)%360; } // turn right angle
} } img.writeJPGFile("sierpinskiCurve.zkl.jpg");
- Output:
Offsite image at Sierpinski curve order 5