Babylonian spiral

From Rosetta Code
Babylonian spiral is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

The Babylonian spiral is a sequence of points in the plane that are created so as to continuously minimally increase in vector length and minimally bend in vector direction, while always moving from point to point on strictly integral coordinates. Of the two criteria of length and angle, the length has priority.


P(1) and P(2) are defined to be at (x = 0, y = 0) and (x = 0, y = 1). The first vector is from P(1) to P(2). It is vertical and of length 1. Note that the square of that length is 1.

Next in sequence is the vector from P(2) to P(3). This should be the smallest distance to a point with integral (x, y) which is longer than the last vector (that is, 1). It should also bend clockwise more than zero radians, but otherwise to the least degree.

The point chosen for P(3) that fits criteria is (x = 1, y = 2). Note the length of the vector from P(2) to P(3) is √2, which squared is 2. The lengths of the vectors thus determined can be given by a sorted list of possible sums of two integer squares, including 0 as a square.


Find and show the first 40 (x, y) coordinates of the Babylonian spiral.

Stretch task

Show in your program how to calculate and plot the first 10000 points in the sequence. Your result should look similar to the page at".

See also


Library: Phix/pGUI
Library: Phix/online

You can run this online here.

-- demo/rosetta/Babylonian_spiral.exw
-- ==================================
with javascript_semantics
function next_step(atom last_distance)
    // Find "the next longest vector with integral endpoints on a Cartesian grid"
    integer nmax = floor(sqrt(last_distance)) + 2
         //  ^^ The farthest we could possibly go in one direction
    atom next_distance = 100*last_distance // Set high so we can minimize
    sequence next_steps = {}
    for n=0 to nmax do
        integer n2 = n*n
        for m=n to nmax do
            integer test_distance = n2 + m*m
            if test_distance>last_distance then
                if test_distance>next_distance then exit end if
                if test_distance<next_distance then
                    next_distance = test_distance
                    next_steps = {}
                end if
                next_steps &= {{m,n}}
                if m!=n then
                    next_steps &= {{n,m}}
                end if
            end if
        end for
    end for
    return {next_steps, next_distance}
end function

function make_spiral(integer npoints) // Make a Babylonian spiral of npoints.

    sequence x = {0,0},
             y = {0,1},

    atom distance = 1
    integer px = 0, py = 1,     -- position
            pdx = 0, pdy = 1    -- previous delta

    for n=3 to npoints do
        {deltas,distance} = next_step(distance)
        atom max_dot = 0, ldx = pdx, ldy = pdy
        for delta in deltas do
            integer {tx,ty} = delta
            for d in {{tx,ty},{-tx,ty},{tx,-ty},{-tx,-ty}} do
                integer {dx,dy} = d
                if ldx*dy-ldy*dx<0 then
                    atom dot = ldx*dx+ldy*dy
                    if dot>max_dot then
                        max_dot = dot
                        {pdx,pdy} = {dx,dy}
                    end if
                end if
            end for
        end for
        px += pdx
        py += pdy
        x &= px
        y &= py
    end for

    return {x,y}
end function

sequence {x,y} = make_spiral(10000),
         first40 = columnize({x[1..40],y[1..40]})
printf(1,"The first 40 Babylonian spiral points are:\n%s\n",

include pGUI.e
include IupGraph.e
Ihandle dlg, graph
integer p10 = 4
constant mt = {{12,1}, -- 10
               {220,20}, -- 100 
               {2000,400}, -- 1000
               {12000,3000}} -- 10000

function get_data(Ihandle /*graph*/)
    integer n = power(10,p10)
    IupSetStrAttribute(graph, "GTITLE", "Babylonian spiral (%d)", {n})
    sequence xn = x[1..n],
             yn = y[1..n]
    integer {m,t} = mt[p10]
    return {{xn,yn,CD_RED}}
end function

function key_cb(Ihandle /*ih*/, atom c)
    if c=K_ESC then return IUP_CLOSE end if -- (standard practice for me)
    if c=K_F5 then return IUP_DEFAULT end if -- (let browser reload work)
    if c=K_LEFT then p10 = max(p10-1,1) end if
    if c=K_RIGHT then p10 = min(p10+1,round(log10(length(x)))) end if
    return IUP_CONTINUE
end function

graph = IupGraph(get_data,"RASTERSIZE=640x480")
dlg = IupDialog(graph,`TITLE="Babylonian spiral",MINSIZE=270x430`)
IupSetCallback(dlg, "K_ANY", Icallback("key_cb"))
if platform()!=JS then
end if
The first 40 Babylonian spiral points are:
(  0,  0)   (  0,  1)   (  1,  2)   (  3,  2)   (  5,  1)   (  7, -1)   (  7, -4)   (  6, -7)   (  4,-10)   (  0,-10)
( -4, -9)   ( -7, -6)   ( -9, -2)   ( -9,  3)   ( -8,  8)   ( -6, 13)   ( -2, 17)   (  3, 20)   (  9, 20)   ( 15, 19)
( 21, 17)   ( 26, 13)   ( 29,  7)   ( 29,  0)   ( 28, -7)   ( 24,-13)   ( 17,-15)   ( 10,-12)   (  4, -7)   (  4,  1)
(  5,  9)   (  7, 17)   ( 13, 23)   ( 21, 26)   ( 28, 21)   ( 32, 13)   ( 32,  4)   ( 31, -5)   ( 29,-14)   ( 24,-22)


<lang python>""" Rosetta Code task """

from itertools import accumulate from math import isqrt, atan2, tau from matplotlib.pyplot import axis, plot, show

square_cache = []

def babylonian_spiral(nsteps):

   Get the points for each step along a Babylonia spiral of `nsteps` steps.
   Origin is at (0, 0) with first step one unit in the positive direction along
   the vertical (y) axis. The other points are selected to have integer x and y
   coordinates, progressively concatenating the next longest vector with integer
   x and y coordinates on the grid. The direction change of the  new vector is
   chosen to be nonzero and clockwise in a direction that minimizes the change
   in direction from the previous vector.
   See also:,,
   if len(square_cache) <= nsteps:
       square_cache.extend([x * x for x in range(len(square_cache), nsteps)])
   xydeltas = [(0, 0), (0, 1)]
   δsquared = 1
   for _ in range(nsteps):
       x, y = xydeltas[-1]
       θ = atan2(y, x)
       candidates = []
       while not candidates:
           δsquared += 1
           for i, a in enumerate(square_cache):
               if a > δsquared // 2:
               for j in range(isqrt(δsquared) + 1, 0, -1):
                   b = square_cache[j]
                   if a + b < δsquared:
                   if a + b == δsquared:
                       candidates.extend([(i, j), (-i, j), (i, -j), (-i, -j), (j, i), (-j, i),
                          (j, -i), (-j, -i)])
       p = min(candidates, key=lambda d: (θ - atan2(d[1], d[0])) % tau)
   return list(accumulate(xydeltas, lambda a, b: (a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1])))

points10000 = babylonian_spiral(10000) print("The first 40 Babylonian spiral points are:") for i, p in enumerate(points10000[:40]):

    print(str(p).ljust(10), end = '\n' if (i + 1) % 10 == 0 else )
  1. stretch portion of task

plot(*zip(*points10000)) axis('scaled') show()


The first 40 Babylonian spiral points are:
(0, 0)    (0, 1)    (1, 2)    (3, 2)    (5, 1)    (7, -1)   (7, -4)   (6, -7)   (4, -10)  (0, -10)  
(-4, -9)  (-7, -6)  (-9, -2)  (-9, 3)   (-8, 8)   (-6, 13)  (-2, 17)  (3, 20)   (9, 20)   (15, 19)
(21, 17)  (26, 13)  (29, 7)   (29, 0)   (28, -7)  (24, -13) (17, -15) (10, -12) (4, -7)   (4, 1)
(5, 9)    (7, 17)   (13, 23)  (21, 26)  (28, 21)  (32, 13)  (32, 4)   (31, -5)  (29, -14) (24, -22)


Translation of: Python
Library: Wren-trait
Library: Wren-seq
Library: Wren-fmt

<lang ecmascript>import "./trait" for Indexed import "./seq" for Lst import "./fmt" for Fmt import "io" for File

// Python modulo operator (not same as Wren's) var pmod = { |x, y| ((x % y) + y) % y }

var squareCache = []


   Get the points for each step along a Babylonian spiral of `nsteps` steps.
   Origin is at (0, 0) with first step one unit in the positive direction along
   the vertical (y) axis. The other points are selected to have integer x and y
   coordinates, progressively concatenating the next longest vector with integer
   x and y coordinates on the grid. The direction change of the  new vector is
   chosen to be nonzero and clockwise in a direction that minimizes the change
   in direction from the previous vector.
   See also:,,

""" var babylonianSpiral = { |nsteps|

   for (x in 0...nsteps) squareCache.add(x*x)
   var dxys = [[0, 0], [0, 1]]
   var dsq = 1
   for (i in 0...nsteps) {
       var x = dxys[-1][0]
       var y = dxys[-1][1]
       var theta = y.atan(x)
       var candidates = []
       while (candidates.isEmpty) {
           dsq = dsq + 1
           for (se in {
               var i = se.index
               var a = se.value
               if (a > (dsq/2).floor) break
               for (j in dsq.sqrt.floor + 1...0) {
                   var b = squareCache[j]
                   if ((a + b) < dsq) break
                   if ((a + b) == dsq) {
                       candidates.addAll([ [i, j], [-i, j], [i, -j], [-i, -j],
                                           [j, i], [-j, i], [j, -i], [-j, -i] ])
       var comparer = { |d| - d[1].atan(d[0]), Num.tau) }
       candidates.sort { |a, b| < }
   var accs = []
   var sumx = 0
   var sumy = 0
   for (dxy in dxys) {
       sumx = sumx + dxy[0]
       sumy = sumy + dxy[1]
       accs.add([sumx, sumy])
   return accs


// find first 10,000 points var points10000 = // first two added automatically

// print first 40 to terminal System.print("The first 40 Babylonian spiral points are:") for (chunk in Lst.chunks(points10000[0..39], 10)) Fmt.print("$-9s", chunk)

// create .csv file for all 10,000 points for display by an external plotter File.create("babylonian_spiral.csv") { |file|

   for (p in points10000) {
       file.writeBytes("%(p[0]), %(p[1])\n")


The first 40 Babylonian spiral points are:
[0, 0]    [0, 1]    [1, 2]    [3, 2]    [5, 1]    [7, -1]   [7, -4]   [6, -7]   [4, -10]  [0, -10] 
[-4, -9]  [-7, -6]  [-9, -2]  [-9, 3]   [-8, 8]   [-6, 13]  [-2, 17]  [3, 20]   [9, 20]   [15, 19] 
[21, 17]  [26, 13]  [29, 7]   [29, 0]   [28, -7]  [24, -13] [17, -15] [10, -12] [4, -7]   [4, 1]   
[5, 9]    [7, 17]   [13, 23]  [21, 26]  [28, 21]  [32, 13]  [32, 4]   [31, -5]  [29, -14] [24, -22]