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Array Initialization

From Rosetta Code
Array Initialization was a programming task. It has been deprecated for reasons that are discussed in its talk page.

Examples here should be migrated to Arrays or Creating an Associative Array and removed from here. If similar code already exists there, simply remove it from here.

Demonstrate how to initialize an array variable with data.

See Creating_an_Array for this topic.


The array value obtained directly from data is called array aggregate. Considering these array declarations: <lang ada> type Vector is array (Integer range <>) of Integer; type Matrix is array (Integer range <>, Integer range <>) of Integer; type String is array (Integer range <>) of Character; type Bits is array (Integer range <>) of Boolean; </lang> Initialization by an aggregate using positional and keyed notations: <lang ada> X : Vector := (1, 4, 5); Y : Vector (1..100) := (2|3 => 1, 5..20 => 2, others => 0); E : Matrix := ((1, 0), (0, 1)); Z : Matrix (1..20, 1..30) := (others => (others => 0)); S : String := "ABCD"; L : String (1..80) := (others => ' '); B : Bits := not (1..2 => False); -- Same as (1..2 => True) </lang> Note that the array bounds, when unconstrained as in these examples can be either determined by the aggregate, like the initialization of X shows. Or else they can be specified as a constraint, like for example in the initialization of Y. In this case others choice can be used to specify all unmentioned elements. But in any case, the compiler verifies that all array elements are initialized by the aggregate. Single dimensional arrays of characters can be initialized by character strings, as the variable S shows. Of course, array aggregates can participate in array expressions and these expressions can be used to initialize arrays. The variable B is initialized by an aggregate inversed by the operation not.



Library: STL

STL provides std::vector, which behaves as a dynamically-resizable array. When an element is added, its value must be set immediately.

<lang cpp> myVector.push_back(value); </lang> Like simple arrays, std::vector allows the use of the [] operator, and once an element has been added, it can be changed the same way a simple array can. <lang cpp> myVector[0] = value; </lang> Unlike simple arrays, std::vector allows you to determing the size of the array. You can use this set all of the values in the array: <lang cpp> // Create a list of numbers from 1 to the size of the vector. size_t size = myVector.size(); for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)

 myVector[i] = i + 1;

</lang> std::vector also provides iterators, allowing you to iterate through a vector's elements the same way you might any other STL container class.

 // Create a list of numbers from 1 to the size of the vector.

<lang cpp> std::vector<int> myVector; int val = 0; for(std::vector<int>::iterator it = myVector.begin();

   it != myVector.end();
 *it = ++val;

</lang> A vector can also explicitly be resized: <lang cpp> std::vector<int> myVector; myVector.resize(10); // now the vector contains 10 elements, all of which are 0 myVector.resize(15, 3); // now the vector contains 15 elements, the 5 new got the value 3 myVector.resize(12); // the last three elements got removed </lang> Also note that a vector can already be filled at construction time: <lang cpp> std::vector v1(10); // a vector of 10 ints, all initialized with 0 std::vector v2(5, 7); // a vector containing 5 ints, all inizialized with 7 int a[10] = { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29 }; std::vector v3(a, a+10); // a vector containing 10 ints, initialized with the elements of a (i.e. v3[0]==a[0] etc.) std::vector v4 = v3; // v4 is a copy of v3 </lang>


let a = [| 1; 3; 5; 7; 9 |] // array of integers
let b = [| 1 .. 10 |] // initialize with range of integers
let c = [| for n = 1 to 10 do yield n |] // lazy array
let d = [| "hello"; "world" |] // array of strings


To create any new Array of the various array types, you can use this to initialise it with all elements filled with x, and indexes ranging from n to m <lang haskell> newArr :: (Ix i) => i -> i -> e -> Array i e newArr n m x = listArray (n,m) (repeat x)

Prelude Data.Array> newArr 0 10 0 array (0,10) [(0,0),(1,0),(2,0),(3,0),(4,0),(5,0),(6,0),(7,0),(8,0),(9,0),(10,0)]

Prelude Data.Array> newArr (0,0) (5,5) 0 array ((0,0),(5,5)) [((0,0),0),((0,1),0),((0,2),0),((0,3),0),((0,4),0),((0,5),0),((1,0),0),((1,1),0),((1,2),0),((1,3),0),((1,4),0),((1,5),0),((2,0),0),((2,1),0),((2,2),0),((2,3),0),((2,4),0),((2,5),0),((3,0),0),((3,1),0),((3,2),0),((3,3),0),((3,4),0),((3,5),0),((4,0),0),((4,1),0),((4,2),0),((4,3),0),((4,4),0),((4,5),0),((5,0),0),((5,1),0),((5,2),0),((5,3),0),((5,4),0),((5,5),0)] </lang>


<lang Scala>// immutable maps var map = Map(1 -> 2, 3 -> 4, 5 -> 6) map(3) // 4 map = map + (44 -> 99) // maps are immutable, so we have to assign the result of adding elements map.isDefinedAt(33) // false map.isDefinedAt(44) // true</lang>

<lang scala>// mutable maps (HashSets) import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap val hash = new HashMap[Int, Int] hash(1) = 2 hash += (1 -> 2) // same as hash(1) = 2 hash += (3 -> 4, 5 -> 6, 44 -> 99) hash(44) // 99 hash.contains(33) // false hash.isDefinedAt(33) // same as contains hash.contains(44) // true</lang>

<lang scala>// iterate over key/value hash.foreach {e => println("key "+e._1+" value "+e._2)} // e is a 2 element Tuple // same with for syntax for((k,v) <- hash) println("key " + k + " value " + v)</lang>

<lang scala>// items in map where the key is greater than 3 map.filter {k => k._1 > 3} // Map(5 -> 6, 44 -> 99) // same with for syntax for((k, v) <- map; if k > 3) yield (k,v)</lang>

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