
Revision as of 11:28, 11 January 2010 by rosettacode>Dsnouck (→‎{{header|Fortran}}: expand and clean)

The objective of this task is to create a reasonably complete implementation of rational arithmetic in the particular language using the idioms of the language.

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

For example: Define an new type called frac with binary operator "//" of two integers that returns a structure made up of the numerator and the denominator (as per a rational number).

Further define the appropriate rational unary operators abs and '-', with the binary operators for addition '+', subtraction '-', multiplication '×', division '/', integer division '÷', modulo division, the comparison operators (e.g. '<', '≤', '>', & '≥') and equality operators (e.g. '=' & '≠').

Define standard coercion operators for casting int to frac etc.

If space allows, define standard increment and decrement operators (e.g. '+:=' & '-:=' etc.).

Finally test the operators: Use the new type frac to find all perfect numbers less then 219 by summing the reciprocal of the factors.

See also


See Rational Arithmetic/Ada


Works with: ALGOL 68 version Standard - no extensions to language used
Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release mk15-0.8b.fc9.i386
MODE FRAC = STRUCT( INT num #erator#,  den #ominator#);
FORMAT frac repr = $g(-0)"//"g(-0)$;

PROC gcd = (INT a, b) INT: # greatest common divisor #
  (a = 0 | b |: b = 0 | a |: ABS a > ABS b  | gcd(b, a MOD b) | gcd(a, b MOD a));

PROC lcm = (INT a, b)INT: # least common multiple #
  a OVER gcd(a, b) * b;

PROC raise not implemented error = ([]STRING args)VOID: (
  put(stand error, ("Not implemented error: ",args, newline));

PRIO // = 9; # higher then the ** operator #
OP // = (INT num, den)FRAC: ( # initialise and normalise #
  INT common = gcd(num, den);
  IF den < 0 THEN
    ( -num OVER common, -den OVER common)
    ( num OVER common, den OVER common)

OP + = (FRAC a, b)FRAC: (
  INT common = lcm(den OF a, den OF b);
  FRAC result := ( common OVER den OF a * num OF a + common OVER den OF b * num OF b, common );
  num OF result//den OF result

OP - = (FRAC a, b)FRAC: a + -b,
   * = (FRAC a, b)FRAC: (
  INT num = num OF a * num OF b,
      den = den OF a * den OF b;
  INT common = gcd(num, den);
  (num OVER common) // (den OVER common)

OP /  = (FRAC a, b)FRAC: a * FRAC(den OF b, num OF b),# real division #
   %  = (FRAC a, b)INT: ENTIER (a / b),               # integer divison #
   %* = (FRAC a, b)FRAC: a/b - FRACINIT ENTIER (a/b), # modulo division #
   ** = (FRAC a, INT exponent)FRAC: 
    IF exponent >= 0 THEN
      (num OF a ** exponent, den OF a ** exponent )
      (den OF a ** exponent, num OF a ** exponent )

OP REALINIT = (FRAC frac)REAL: num OF frac / den OF frac,
   FRACINIT = (INT num)FRAC: num // 1,
     # express real number as a fraction # # a future execise! #
     raise not implemented error(("Convert a REAL to a FRAC","!"));

OP <  = (FRAC a, b)BOOL: num OF (a - b) <  0,
   >  = (FRAC a, b)BOOL: num OF (a - b) >  0,
   <= = (FRAC a, b)BOOL: NOT ( a > b ),
   >= = (FRAC a, b)BOOL: NOT ( a < b ),
   =  = (FRAC a, b)BOOL: (num OF a, den OF a) = (num OF b, den OF b),
   /= = (FRAC a, b)BOOL: (num OF a, den OF a) /= (num OF b, den OF b);

# Unary operators #
OP - = (FRAC frac)FRAC: (-num OF frac, den OF frac),
   ABS = (FRAC frac)FRAC: (ABS num OF frac, ABS den OF frac),
   ENTIER = (FRAC frac)INT: (num OF frac OVER den OF frac) * den OF frac;

COMMENT Operators for extended characters set, and increment/decrement "commented out" to save space. COMMENT

Example: searching for Perfect Numbers.

FORMAT perfect = $b(" perfect!","")$;

FOR i FROM 2 TO 2**19 DO 
  INT candidate := i;
  FRAC sum := 1 // candidate;
  REAL real sum := 1 / candidate;
  FOR factor FROM 2 TO ENTIER sqrt(candidate) DO
    IF candidate MOD factor = 0 THEN
      sum :=  sum + 1 // factor + 1 // ( candidate OVER factor);
      real sum +:= 1 / factor + 1 / ( candidate OVER factor)
  IF den OF sum  = 1 THEN
    printf(($"Sum of reciprocal factors of "g(-0)" = "g(-0)" exactly, about "g(0,real width) f(perfect)l$, 
            candidate, ENTIER sum, real sum, ENTIER sum = 1))


Sum of reciprocal factors of 6 = 1 exactly, about 1.0000000000000000000000000001 perfect!
Sum of reciprocal factors of 28 = 1 exactly, about 1.0000000000000000000000000001 perfect!
Sum of reciprocal factors of 120 = 2 exactly, about 2.0000000000000000000000000002
Sum of reciprocal factors of 496 = 1 exactly, about 1.0000000000000000000000000001 perfect!
Sum of reciprocal factors of 672 = 2 exactly, about 2.0000000000000000000000000001
Sum of reciprocal factors of 8128 = 1 exactly, about 1.0000000000000000000000000001 perfect!
Sum of reciprocal factors of 30240 = 3 exactly, about 3.0000000000000000000000000002
Sum of reciprocal factors of 32760 = 3 exactly, about 3.0000000000000000000000000003
Sum of reciprocal factors of 523776 = 2 exactly, about 2.0000000000000000000000000005


See Rational Arithmetic/C

Common Lisp

Common Lisp has rational numbers built-in and integrated with all other number types. Common Lisp's number system is not extensible so reimplementing rational arithmetic would require all-new operator names.

<lang lisp>(loop for candidate from 2 below (expt 2 19)

     for sum = (+ (/ candidate)
                  (loop for factor from 2 to (isqrt candidate)
                        when (zerop (mod candidate factor))
                          sum (+ (/ factor) (/ (floor candidate factor)))))
     when (= sum 1)
       collect candidate)</lang>


Works with: Fortran version 90 and later

<lang fortran>module module_rational

 implicit none
 public :: rational
 public :: rational_simplify
 public :: assignment (=)
 public :: operator (//)
 public :: operator (+)
 public :: operator (-)
 public :: operator (*)
 public :: operator (/)
 public :: operator (<)
 public :: operator (<=)
 public :: operator (>)
 public :: operator (>=)
 public :: operator (==)
 public :: operator (/=)
 public :: abs
 public :: int
 public :: modulo
 type rational
   integer :: numerator
   integer :: denominator
 end type rational
 interface assignment (=)
   module procedure assign_rational_int, assign_rational_real
 end interface
 interface operator (//)
   module procedure make_rational
 end interface
 interface operator (+)
   module procedure rational_add
 end interface
 interface operator (-)
   module procedure rational_minus, rational_subtract
 end interface
 interface operator (*)
   module procedure rational_multiply
 end interface
 interface operator (/)
   module procedure rational_divide
 end interface
 interface operator (<)
   module procedure rational_lt
 end interface
 interface operator (<=)
   module procedure rational_le
 end interface
 interface operator (>)
   module procedure rational_gt
 end interface
 interface operator (>=)
   module procedure rational_ge
 end interface
 interface operator (==)
   module procedure rational_eq
 end interface
 interface operator (/=)
   module procedure rational_ne
 end interface
 interface abs
   module procedure rational_abs
 end interface
 interface int
   module procedure rational_int
 end interface
 interface modulo
   module procedure rational_modulo
 end interface


 recursive function gcd (i, j) result (res)
   integer, intent (in) :: i
   integer, intent (in) :: j
   integer :: res
   if (j == 0) then
     res = i
     res = gcd (j, modulo (i, j))
   end if
 end function gcd
 function rational_simplify (r) result (res)
   type (rational), intent (in) :: r
   type (rational) :: res
   integer :: g
   g = gcd (r % numerator, r % denominator)
   res = r % numerator / g // r % denominator / g
 end function rational_simplify
 function make_rational (numerator, denominator) result (res)
   integer, intent (in) :: numerator
   integer, intent (in) :: denominator
   type (rational) :: res
   res = rational (numerator, denominator)
 end function make_rational
 subroutine assign_rational_int (res, i)
   type (rational), intent (out), volatile :: res
   integer, intent (in) :: i
   res = i // 1
 end subroutine assign_rational_int
 subroutine assign_rational_real (res, x)
   type (rational), intent(out), volatile :: res
   real, intent (in) :: x
   integer :: x_floor
   real :: x_frac
   x_floor = floor (x)
   x_frac = x - x_floor
   if (x_frac == 0) then
     res = x_floor // 1
     res = (x_floor // 1) + (1 // floor (1 / x_frac))
   end if
 end subroutine assign_rational_real
 function rational_add (r, s) result (res)
   type (rational), intent (in) :: r
   type (rational), intent (in) :: s
   type (rational) :: res
   res = r % numerator * s % denominator + r % denominator * s % numerator // &
       & r % denominator * s % denominator
 end function rational_add
 function rational_minus (r) result (res)
   type (rational), intent (in) :: r
   type (rational) :: res
   res = - r % numerator // r % denominator
 end function rational_minus
 function rational_subtract (r, s) result (res)
   type (rational), intent (in) :: r
   type (rational), intent (in) :: s
   type (rational) :: res
   res = r % numerator * s % denominator - r % denominator * s % numerator // &
       & r % denominator * s % denominator
 end function rational_subtract
 function rational_multiply (r, s) result (res)
   type (rational), intent (in) :: r
   type (rational), intent (in) :: s
   type (rational) :: res
   res = r % numerator * s % numerator // r % denominator * s % denominator
 end function rational_multiply
 function rational_divide (r, s) result (res)
   type (rational), intent (in) :: r
   type (rational), intent (in) :: s
   type (rational) :: res
   res = r % numerator * s % denominator // r % denominator * s % numerator
 end function rational_divide
 function rational_lt (r, s) result (res)
   type (rational), intent (in) :: r
   type (rational), intent (in) :: s
   type (rational) :: r_simple
   type (rational) :: s_simple
   logical :: res
   r_simple = rational_simplify (r)
   s_simple = rational_simplify (s)
   res = r_simple % numerator * s_simple % denominator < &
       & s_simple % numerator * r_simple % denominator
 end function rational_lt
 function rational_le (r, s) result (res)
   type (rational), intent (in) :: r
   type (rational), intent (in) :: s
   type (rational) :: r_simple
   type (rational) :: s_simple
   logical :: res
   r_simple = rational_simplify (r)
   s_simple = rational_simplify (s)
   res = r_simple % numerator * s_simple % denominator <= &
       & s_simple % numerator * r_simple % denominator
 end function rational_le
 function rational_gt (r, s) result (res)
   type (rational), intent (in) :: r
   type (rational), intent (in) :: s
   type (rational) :: r_simple
   type (rational) :: s_simple
   logical :: res
   r_simple = rational_simplify (r)
   s_simple = rational_simplify (s)
   res = r_simple % numerator * s_simple % denominator > &
       & s_simple % numerator * r_simple % denominator
 end function rational_gt
 function rational_ge (r, s) result (res)
   type (rational), intent (in) :: r
   type (rational), intent (in) :: s
   type (rational) :: r_simple
   type (rational) :: s_simple
   logical :: res
   r_simple = rational_simplify (r)
   s_simple = rational_simplify (s)
   res = r_simple % numerator * s_simple % denominator >= &
       & s_simple % numerator * r_simple % denominator
 end function rational_ge
 function rational_eq (r, s) result (res)
   type (rational), intent (in) :: r
   type (rational), intent (in) :: s
   logical :: res
   res = r % numerator * s % denominator == s % numerator * r % denominator
 end function rational_eq
 function rational_ne (r, s) result (res)
   type (rational), intent (in) :: r
   type (rational), intent (in) :: s
   logical :: res
   res = r % numerator * s % denominator /= s % numerator * r % denominator
 end function rational_ne
 function rational_abs (r) result (res)
   type (rational), intent (in) :: r
   type (rational) :: res
   res = sign (r % numerator, r % denominator) // r % denominator
 end function rational_abs
 function rational_int (r) result (res)
   type (rational), intent (in) :: r
   integer :: res
   res = r % numerator / r % denominator
 end function rational_int
 function rational_modulo (r) result (res)
   type (rational), intent (in) :: r
   integer :: res
   res = modulo (r % numerator, r % denominator)
 end function rational_modulo

end module module_rational</lang> Example: <lang fortran>program perfect_numbers

 use module_rational
 implicit none
 integer, parameter :: n_min = 2
 integer, parameter :: n_max = 2 ** 19 - 1
 integer :: n
 integer :: factor
 type (rational) :: sum
 do n = n_min, n_max
   sum = 1 // n
   factor = 2
     if (factor * factor >= n) then
     end if
     if (modulo (n, factor) == 0) then
       sum = rational_simplify (sum + (1 // factor) + (factor // n))
     end if
     factor = factor + 1
   end do
   if (sum % numerator == 1 .and. sum % denominator == 1) then
     write (*, '(i0)') n
   end if
 end do

end program perfect_numbers</lang> Output: <lang>6 28 496 8128</lang>


Haskell provides a Rational type, which is really an alias for Ratio Integer (Ratio being a polymorphic type implementing rational numbers for any Integral type of numerators and denominators). The fraction is constructed using the % operator.

<lang haskell>import Data.Ratio

-- simply prints all the perfect numbers main = mapM_ print [candidate

                  | candidate <- [2 .. 2^19],
                    getSum candidate == 1]
 where getSum candidate = 1 % candidate +
                          sum [1 % factor + 1 % (candidate `div` factor)
                              | factor <- [2 .. floor(sqrt(fromIntegral(candidate)))],
                                candidate `mod` factor == 0]</lang>

For a sample implementation of Ratio, see the Haskell 98 Report.


J implements rational numbers:

<lang j> 3r4*2r5 3r10</lang>

That said, note that J's floating point numbers work just fine for the stated problem: <lang j> is_perfect_rational=: 2 = (1 + i.) +/@:%@([ #~ 0 = |) ]</lang>

faster version (but the problem, as stated, is still tremendously inefficient): <lang j>factors=: */&>@{@((^ i.@>:)&.>/)@q:~&__ is_perfect_rational=: 2= +/@:%@,@factors</lang>

Exhaustive testing would take forever: <lang j> I.is_perfect_rational@"0 i.2^19 6 28 496 8128

  I.is_perfect_rational@x:@"0 i.2^19x

6 28 496 8128</lang>

More limited testing takes reasonable amounts of time: <lang j> (#~ is_perfect_rational"0) (* <:@+:) 2^i.10x 6 28 496 8128</lang>


See Rational Arithmetic/JavaScript


Mathematica has full support for fractions built-in. If one divides two exact numbers it will be left as a fraction if it can't be simplified. Comparison, addition, division, product et cetera are built-in: <lang Mathematica>4/16 3/8 8/4 4Pi/2 16!/10! Sqrt[9/16] Sqrt[3/4] (23/12)^5 2 + 1/(1 + 1/(3 + 1/4))

1/2+1/3+1/5 8/Pi+Pi/8 //Together 13/17 + 7/31 Sum[1/n,{n,1,100}] (*summation of 1/1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4+ .........+ 1/99 + 1/100*)

1/2-1/3 a=1/3;a+=1/7

1/4==2/8 1/4>3/8 Pi/E >23/20 1/3!=123/370 Sin[3]/Sin[2]>3/20

Numerator[6/9] Denominator[6/9]</lang> gives back: <lang Mathematica>1/4 3/8 2 2 Pi 5765760 3/4 Sqrt[3]/2 6436343 / 248832 47/17

31/30 (64+Pi^2) / (8 Pi) 522 / 527 14466636279520351160221518043104131447711 / 2788815009188499086581352357412492142272

1/6 10/21

True False True True True

2 3</lang> As you can see, Mathematica automatically handles fraction as exact things, it doesn't evaluate the fractions to a float. It only does this when either the numerator or the denominator is not exact. I only showed integers above, but Mathematica can handle symbolic fraction in the same and complete way: <lang Mathematica>c/(2 c) (b^2 - c^2)/(b - c) // Cancel 1/2 + b/c // Together</lang> gives back: <lang Mathematica>1/2 b+c (2 b+c) / (2 c)</lang> Moreover it does simplification like Sin[x]/Cos[x] => Tan[x]. Division, addition, subtraction, powering and multiplication of a list (of any dimension) is automatically threaded over the elements: <lang Mathematica>1+2*{1,2,3}^3</lang> gives back: <lang Mathematica>{3, 17, 55}</lang> To check for perfect numbers in the range 1 to 2^25 we can use: <lang Mathematica>found={}; CheckPerfect[num_Integer]:=If[Total[1/Divisors[num]]==2,AppendTo[found,num]]; Do[CheckPerfect[i],{i,1,2^25}]; found</lang> gives back: <lang Mathematica>{6, 28, 496, 8128, 33550336}</lang> Final note; approximations of fractions to any precision can be found using the function N.


See Rational Arithmetic/Objective-C


OCaml's Num library implements arbitrary-precision rational numbers:

<lang ocaml>#load "nums.cma";; open Num;;

for candidate = 2 to 1 lsl 19 do

 let sum = ref (num_of_int 1 // num_of_int candidate) in
 for factor = 2 to truncate (sqrt (float candidate)) do
   if candidate mod factor = 0 then
     sum := !sum +/ num_of_int 1 // num_of_int factor
                 +/ num_of_int 1 // num_of_int (candidate / factor)
 if is_integer_num !sum then
   Printf.printf "Sum of recipr. factors of %d = %d exactly %s\n%!"
       candidate (int_of_num !sum) (if int_of_num !sum = 1 then "perfect!" else "")


It might be implemented like this:

[insert implementation here]


Perl's Math::BigRat core module implements arbitrary-precision rational numbers. The bigrat pragma can be used to turn on transparent BigRat support:

<lang perl>use bigrat;

foreach my $candidate (2 .. 2**19) {

   my $sum = 1 / $candidate;
   foreach my $factor (2 .. sqrt($candidate)+1) {
       if ($candidate % $factor == 0) {
           $sum += 1 / $factor + 1 / ($candidate / $factor);
   if ($sum->denominator() == 1) {
       print "Sum of recipr. factors of $candidate = $sum exactly ", ($sum == 1 ? "perfect!" : ""), "\n";


It might be implemented like this:

[insert implementation here]


Works with: Python version 3.0

Python 3's standard library already implements a Fraction class:

<lang python>from fractions import Fraction

for candidate in range(2, 2**19):

 sum = Fraction(1, candidate)
 for factor in range(2, int(candidate**0.5)+1):
   if candidate % factor == 0:
     sum += Fraction(1, factor) + Fraction(1, candidate // factor)
 if sum.denominator == 1:
   print("Sum of recipr. factors of %d = %d exactly %s" %
          (candidate, int(sum), "perfect!" if sum == 1 else ""))</lang>

It might be implemented like this:

<lang python>def lcm(a, b):

   return a // gcd(a,b) * b

def gcd(u, v):

   return gcd(v, u%v) if v else abs(u)

class Fraction:

   def __init__(self, numerator, denominator):
       common = gcd(numerator, denominator)
       self.numerator = numerator//common
       self.denominator = denominator//common
   def __add__(self, frac):
       common = lcm(self.denominator, frac.denominator)
       n = common // self.denominator * self.numerator + common // frac.denominator * frac.numerator
       return Fraction(n, common)
   def __sub__(self, frac):
       return self.__add__(-frac)
   def __neg__(self):
       return Fraction(-self.numerator, self.denominator)
   def __abs__(self):
       return Fraction(abs(self.numerator), abs(self.denominator))
   def __mul__(self, frac):
       return Fraction(self.numerator * frac.numerator, self.denominator * frac.denominator)
   def __div__(self, frac):
       return self.__mul__(frac.reciprocal())
   def reciprocal(self):
       return Fraction(self.denominator, self.numerator)
   def __cmp__(self, n):
       return int(float(self) - float(n))
   def __float__(self):
       return float(self.numerator / self.denominator)
   def __int__(self):
       return (self.numerator // self.denominator)</lang>


Ruby's standard library already implements a Rational class:

<lang ruby>require 'rational'

for candidate in 2 .. 2**19:

 sum = Rational(1, candidate)
 for factor in 2 ... candidate**0.5
   if candidate % factor == 0
     sum += Rational(1, factor) + Rational(1, candidate / factor)
 if sum.denominator == 1
   puts "Sum of recipr. factors of %d = %d exactly %s" %
          [candidate, sum.to_i, sum == 1 ? "perfect!" : ""]


It might be implemented like this:

[insert implementation here]


Slate uses infinite-precision fractions transparently.

<lang slate>54 / 7. 20 reciprocal. (5 / 6) reciprocal. (5 / 6) as: Float.</lang>


Smalltalk uses naturally and transparently fractions (through the class Fraction):

st> 54/7
st> 54/7 + 1
st> 54/7 < 50
st> 20 reciprocal
st> (5/6) reciprocal
st> (5/6) asFloat
Works with: GNU Smalltalk

<lang smalltalk>| sum | 2 to: (2 raisedTo: 19) do: [ :candidate |

 sum := candidate reciprocal.
 2 to: (candidate sqrt) do: [ :factor |
    ( (candidate \\ factor) = 0 )
       ifTrue: [
          sum := sum + (factor reciprocal) + ((candidate / factor) reciprocal)
 ( (sum denominator) = 1 )
     ifTrue: [
          ('Sum of recipr. factors of %1 = %2 exactly %3' %
                    { candidate printString . 
                      (sum asInteger) printString . 
                      ( sum = 1 ) ifTrue: [ 'perfect!' ]
                                  ifFalse: [ ' ' ] }) displayNl



See Rational Arithmetic/Tcl


While TI-89 BASIC has built-in rational and symbolic arithmetic, it does not have user-defined data types.