
From Rosetta Code
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

A complex number is a number which can be written as "a + b*i" (sometimes shown as "b + a*i") where a and b are real numbers and i is the square root of -1. Typically, complex numbers are represented as a pair of real numbers called the "imaginary part" and "real part", where the imaginary part is the number to be multiplied by i.

Show addition, multiplication, negation, and inversion of complex numbers in separate functions (subtraction and division operations can be made with pairs of these operations). Print the results for each operation tested.

Some languages have complex number libraries available. If your language does, show the operations. If your language does not, also show the definition of this type.


<lang ada>with Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types; with Ada.Text_IO.Complex_IO;

procedure Complex_Operations is

  -- Ada provides a pre-defined generic package for complex types
  -- That package contains definitions for composition,
  -- negation, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division,
  -- conjugation, exponentiation, and absolute value, as well as
  -- basic comparison operations.
  -- Ada provides a second pre-defined package for sin, cos, tan, cot,
  -- arcsin, arccos, arctan, arccot, and the hyperbolic versions of 
  -- those trigonometric functions.
  -- The package Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types requires definition
  -- with the real type to be used in the complex type definition.
  package Complex_Types is new Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types (Long_Float);
  use Complex_Types;
  package Complex_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Complex_IO (Complex_Types);
  use Complex_IO;
  use Ada.Text_IO;
  A : Complex := Compose_From_Cartesian (Re => 1.0, Im => 1.0);
  B : Complex := Compose_From_Polar (Modulus => 1.0, Argument => 3.14159);
  C : Complex;


  -- Addition
  C := A + B;
  Put("A + B = "); Put(C);
  -- Multiplication
  C := A * B;
  Put("A * B = "); Put(C);
  -- Inversion
  C := 1.0 / A;
  Put("1.0 / A = "); Put(C);
  -- Negation
  C := -A;
  Put("-A = "); Put(C);
  -- Conjugation
  C := Conjugate (C);

end Complex_Operations; </lang>


  FORMAT compl fmt = $g(-7,5)"⊥"g(-7,5)$;
  PROC compl operations = VOID: (
    LONG COMPL a = 1.0 ⊥ 1.0;
    LONG COMPL b = 3.14159 ⊥ 1.2;
    printf(($x"a="f(compl fmt)l$,a));
    printf(($x"b="f(compl fmt)l$,b));
    # addition #
    c := a + b;
    printf(($x"a+b="f(compl fmt)l$,c));
    # multiplication #
    c := a * b;
    printf(($x"a*b="f(compl fmt)l$,c));
    # inversion #
    c := 1.0 / a;
    printf(($x"1/c="f(compl fmt)l$,c));
    # negation #
    c := -a;
    printf(($x"-a="f(compl fmt)l$,c))
  compl operations




Works with: QuickBasic version 4.5

<lang qbasic>TYPE complex

       real AS DOUBLE
       imag AS DOUBLE

END TYPE DECLARE SUB add (a AS complex, b AS complex, c AS complex) DECLARE SUB mult (a AS complex, b AS complex, c AS complex) DECLARE SUB inv (a AS complex, b AS complex) DECLARE SUB neg (a AS complex, b AS complex) CLS DIM x AS complex DIM y AS complex DIM z AS complex x.real = 1 x.imag = 1 y.real = 2 y.imag = 2 CALL add(x, y, z) PRINT z.real; "+"; z.imag; "i" CALL mult(x, y, z) PRINT z.real; "+"; z.imag; "i" CALL inv(x, z) PRINT z.real; "+"; z.imag; "i" CALL neg(x, z) PRINT z.real; "+"; z.imag; "i"

SUB add (a AS complex, b AS complex, c AS complex)

       c.real = a.real + b.real
       c.imag = a.imag + b.imag


SUB inv (a AS complex, b AS complex)

       denom = a.real ^ 2 + a.imag ^ 2
       b.real = a.real / denom
       b.imag = -a.imag / denom


SUB mult (a AS complex, b AS complex, c AS complex)

       c.real = a.real * b.real - a.imag * b.imag
       c.imag = a.real * b.imag + a.imag * b.real


SUB neg (a AS complex, b AS complex)

       b.real = -a.real
       b.imag = -a.imag

END SUB</lang> Output:

 3 + 3 i
 0 + 4 i
 .5 +-.5 i
-1 +-1 i


Works with: C99

The more recent C99 standard has built-in complex number primitive types, which can be declared with float, double, or long double precision. To use these types and their associated library functions, you must include the <complex.h> header. (Note: this is a different header than the <complex> templates that are defined by C++.) [1] [2] <lang c>

  1. include <complex.h>

void cprint(double complex c) {

 printf("%lf%+lfI", creal(c), cimag(c));

} void complex_operations() {

 double complex a = 1.0 + 1.0I;
 double complex b = 3.14159 + 1.2I;
 double complex c;
 printf("\na="); cprint(a);
 printf("\nb="); cprint(b);
 // addition
 c = a + b;
 printf("\na+b="); cprint(c);
 // multiplication
 c = a * b;
 printf("\na*b="); cprint(c);
 // inversion
 c = 1.0 / a;
 printf("\n1/c="); cprint(c);
 // negation
 c = -a;
 printf("\n-a="); cprint(c); printf("\n");

} </lang>

Works with: C89

User-defined type: <lang c>typedef struct{

       double real;
       double imag;

} Complex;

Complex add(Complex a, Complex b){

       Complex ans;
       ans.real = a.real + b.real;
       ans.imag = a.imag + b.imag;
       return ans;


Complex mult(Complex a, Complex b){

       Complex ans;
       ans.real = a.real * b.real - a.imag * b.imag;
       ans.imag = a.real * b.imag + a.imag * b.real;
       return ans;


Complex inv(Complex a){

       Complex ans;
       double denom = a.real * a.real + a.imag * a.imag;
       ans.real = a.real / denom;
       ans.imag = -a.imag / denom;
       return ans;


Complex neg(Complex a){

       Complex ans;
       ans.real = -a.real;
       ans.imag = -a.imag;
       return ans;


void put(Complex c) {

 printf("%lf%+lfI", c.real, c.imag);


void complex_ops(void) {

 Complex a = { 1.0,     1.0 };
 Complex b = { 3.14159, 1.2 };
 printf("\na=");   put(a);
 printf("\nb=");   put(b);
 printf("\na+b="); put(add(a,b));
 printf("\na*b="); put(mult(a,b));
 printf("\n1/a="); put(inv(a));
 printf("\n-a=");  put(neg(a));  printf("\n");

} </lang>


<lang cpp>

  1. include <iostream>
  2. include <complex>

using std::complex;

void complex_operations() {

 complex<double> a(1.0, 1.0);
 complex<double> b(3.14159, 1.25);
 // addition
 std::cout << a + b << std::endl;
 // multiplication
 std::cout << a * b << std::endl;
 // inversion
 std::cout << 1.0 / a << std::endl;
 // negation
 std::cout << -a << std::endl;

} </lang>

Common Lisp

Complex numbers are a built-in numeric type in Common Lisp. The literal syntax for a complex number is #C(real imaginary). The components of a complex number may be integers, ratios, or floating-point. Arithmetic operations automatically return complex (or real) numbers when appropriate:

> (sqrt -1)
#C(0.0 1.0)
> (expt #c(0 1) 2)

Here are some arithmetic operations on complex numbers:

> (+ #c(0 1) #c(1 0))
#C(1 1)

> (* #c(1 1) 2)
#C(2 2)

> (* #c(1 1) #c(0 2))
#C(-2 2)

> (- #c(1 1))
#C(-1 -1)

> (/ #c(0 2))
#C(0 -1/2)

Complex numbers can be constructed from real and imaginary parts using the complex function, and taken apart using the realpart and imagpart functions.

 > (complex 64 (/ 3 4))
 #C(64 3/4)
 > (realpart #c(5 5))
 > (imagpart (complex 0 pi))


Complex number is a D built-in type. <lang d>auto x = 1F+1i ; // auto type to cfloat auto y = 3.14159+1.2i ; // cdouble creal z ;

// addition z = x + y ; writefln(z) ; // => 4.14159+2.2i // multiplication z = x * y ; writefln(z) ; // => 1.94159+4.34159i // inversion z = 1.0 / x ; writefln(z) ; // => 0.5+-0.5i // negation z = -x ; writefln(z) ; // => -1+-1i</lang>


There is no standard syntax or mechanism for complex numbers. The FSL provides several implementations suitable for different uses. This example uses the existing floating point stack, but other libraries define a separate complex stack and/or a fixed-point implementation suitable for microcontrollers and DSPs.

include complex.seq

: ZNEGATE ( r i -- -r -i ) fswap fnegate fswap fnegate ;

zvariable x
zvariable y
1e 1e   x z!
pi 1.2e y z!

x z@ y z@ z+ z.
x z@ y z@ z* z.
1+0i x z@ z/ z.
x z@ znegate z.


In ANSI FORTRAN 66 or later, COMPLEX is a built-in data type with full access to intrinsic arithmetic operations. Putting each native operation in a function is horribly inefficient, so I will simply demonstrate the operations. This example shows usage for Fortran 90 or later:

   program cdemo
       complex :: a = (5,3), b = (0.5, 6.0)      ! complex initializer
       complex :: absum, abprod, aneg, ainv
       absum  = a + b
       abprod = a * b
       aneg   = -a
       ainv   = 1.0 / a
   end program cdemo

And, although you did not ask, here are demonstrations of some other common complex number operations

   program cdemo2
       complex :: a = (5,3), b = (0.5, 6)        ! complex initializer
       real, parameter :: pi = 3.141592653589793 ! The constant "pi"
       complex, parameter :: i = (0, 1)          ! the imaginary unit "i" (sqrt(-1))
       complex :: abdiff, abquot, abpow, aconj, p2cart, newc
       real :: areal, aimag, anorm, rho = 10, theta = pi / 3.0, x = 2.3, y = 3.0
       integer, parameter :: n = 50
       integer :: j
       complex, dimension(0:n-1) :: unit_circle
       abdiff = a - b
       abquot = a / b
       abpow  = a ** b
       areal = real(a)               ! Real part
       aimag = imag(a)               ! Imaginary part
       newc = cmplx(x,y)             ! Creating a complex on the fly from two reals intrinsically
                                     !   (initializer only works in declarations)
       newc = x + y*i                ! Creating a complex on the fly from two reals arithmetically
       anorm = abs(a)                ! Complex norm (or "modulus" or "absolute value")
                                     !   (use CABS before Fortran 90)
       aconj = conjg(a)              ! Complex conjugate (same as real(a) - i*imag(a))
       p2cart = rho * exp(i * theta) ! Euler's polar complex notation to cartesian complex notation
                                     !   conversion (use CEXP before Fortran 90)
       ! The following creates an array of N evenly spaced points around the complex unit circle
       ! useful for FFT calculations, among other things
       unit_circle = exp(2*i*pi/n * (/ (j, j=0, n-1) /) ) 
   end program cdemo2


Groovy does not provide any built-in facility for complex arithmetic. However, it does support arithmetic operator overloading. Thus it is not too hard to build a fairly robust, complete, and intuitive complex number class, such as the following: <lang groovy>class Complex {

   final Number real, imag
   static final Complex I = [0,1] as Complex
   Complex(Number real) { this(real, 0) }
   Complex(real, imag) { this.real = real; this.imag = imag }
   Complex plus (Complex c) { [real + c.real, imag + c.imag] as Complex }
   Complex plus (Number n) { [real + n, imag] as Complex }
   Complex minus (Complex c) { [real - c.real, imag - c.imag] as Complex }
   Complex minus (Number n) { [real - n, imag] as Complex }
   Complex multiply (Complex c) { [real*c.real - imag*c.imag , imag*c.real + real*c.imag] as Complex }
   Complex multiply (Number n) { [real*n , imag*n] as Complex }
   Complex div (Complex c) { this * c.recip() }
   Complex div (Number n) { this * (1/n) }
   Complex negative () { [-real, -imag] as Complex }
   /** the complex conjugate of this complex number.
     * Overloads the bitwise complement (~) operator. */
   Complex bitwiseNegate () { [real, -imag] as Complex }
   /** the magnitude of this complex number. */
   // could also use Math.sqrt( (this * (~this)).real )
   Number abs () { Math.sqrt( real*real + imag*imag ) }
   /** the complex reciprocal of this complex number. */
   // could also use (~this) / (this.abs()**2)
   //             or (~this) / (this.real**2 + this.imag**2)
   Complex recip() { (~this) / ((this * (~this)).real) }
   /** derived angle theta for polar form. */
   Number getTheta() {
       def theta = Math.atan2(imag,real)
       theta = theta < 0 ? theta + 2 * Math.PI : theta
   /** derived magnitude rho for polar form. */
   Number getRho() { this.abs() }
   /** Runs Euler's polar-to-Cartesian complex conversion, converting [rho, theta] inputs
     * into a [real, imag]-based complex number */
   static Complex createPolar(Number rho, Number theta) {
       [rho * Math.cos(theta), rho * Math.sin(theta)] as Complex
   /** Creates new complex with same magnitude rho, but different angle theta */
   Complex withTheta(Number theta) { createPolar(this.rho, theta) }
   /** Creates new complex with same angle theta, but different magnitude rho */
   Complex withRho(Number rho) { createPolar(rho, this.theta) }
   static Complex exp(Complex c) { createPolar(Math.exp(c.real), c.imag) }
   static Complex log(Complex c) { [Math.log(c.rho), c.theta] as Complex }
   Complex power(Complex c) {
       this == 0 && c != 0  ?  [0] as Complex  :  c == 1  ?  this  :  exp( log(this) * c )
   Complex power(Number n) { this ** ([n, 0] as Complex) }
   boolean equals(other) {
       other != null && (other instanceof Complex \
                               ? [real, imag] == [other.real, other.imag] \
                               : other instanceof Number && [real, imag] == [other, 0])
   int hashCode() { [real, imag].hashCode() }
   String toString() {
       def realPart = "${real}"
       def imagPart = imag.abs() == 1 ? "i" : "${imag.abs()}i"
       real == 0 && imag == 0 \
               ? "0" \
               : real == 0 \
                       ? (imag > 0 ?  : "-")  + imagPart \
                       : imag == 0 \
                               ? realPart \
                               : realPart + (imag > 0 ? " + " : " - ")  + imagPart


Test Program (patterned after the Fortran example): <lang groovy>def tol = 0.000000001 // tolerance: acceptable "wrongness" to account for rounding error

println 'Demo 1: functionality as requested' def a = [5,3] as Complex println 'a == ' + a def b = [0.5,6] as Complex println 'b == ' + b

println "a + b == (${a}) + (${b}) == " + (a + b) println "a * b == (${a}) * (${b}) == " + (a * b) assert a + (-a) == 0 println "-a == -(${a}) == " + (-a) assert (a * a.recip() - 1).abs() < tol println "1/a == (${a}).recip() == " + (a.recip()) println()

println 'Demo 2: other functionality not requested, but important for completeness' println "a - b == (${a}) - (${b}) == " + (a - b) println "a / b == (${a}) / (${b}) == " + (a / b) println "a ** b == (${a}) ** (${b}) == " + (a ** b) println 'a.real == ' + a.real println 'a.imag == ' + a.imag println 'a.rho == ' + a.rho println 'a.theta == ' + a.theta println '|a| == ' + a.abs() println 'a_bar == ' + ~a

def rho = 10 def piOverTheta = 3 def theta = Math.PI / piOverTheta def fromPolar1 = Complex.createPolar(rho, theta) // direct polar-to-cartesian conversion def fromPolar2 = Complex.exp(Complex.I * theta) * rho // Euler's equation println "rho*cos(theta) + rho*i*sin(theta) == ${rho}*cos(pi/${piOverTheta}) + ${rho}*i*sin(pi/${piOverTheta}) == " + fromPolar1 println "rho * exp(i * theta) == ${rho} * exp(i * pi/${piOverTheta}) == " + fromPolar2 assert (fromPolar1 - fromPolar2).abs() < tol println()</lang>


Demo 1: functionality as requested
a == 5 + 3i
b == 0.5 + 6i
a + b == (5 + 3i) + (0.5 + 6i) == 5.5 + 9i
a * b == (5 + 3i) * (0.5 + 6i) == -15.5 + 31.5i
-a == -(5 + 3i) == -5 - 3i
1/a == (5 + 3i).recip() == 0.1470588235 - 0.0882352941i

Demo 2: other functionality not requested, but important for completeness
a - b == (5 + 3i) - (0.5 + 6i) == 4.5 - 3i
a / b == (5 + 3i) / (0.5 + 6i) == 0.56551724145 - 0.78620689665i
a ** b == (5 + 3i) ** (0.5 + 6i) == -0.013750112198456855 - 0.09332524760169053i
a.real == 5
a.imag == 3
a.rho == 5.830951894845301
a.theta == 0.5404195002705842
|a| == 5.830951894845301
a_bar == 5 - 3i
rho*cos(theta) +  rho*i*sin(theta) == 10*cos(pi/3) +  10*i*sin(pi/3) == 5.000000000000001 + 8.660254037844386i
rho * exp(i * theta) == 10 * exp(i * pi/3) == 5.000000000000001 + 8.660254037844386i

A Groovy equivalent to the "unit circle" part of the Fortran demo is shown in the Roots of unity task.


Complex numbers are parameterized in their base type, so you can have Complex Integer for the Gaussian Integers, Complex Float, Complex Double, etc. The operations are just the usual overloaded numeric operations.

import Data.Complex

main = do
  let a = 1.0 :+ 2.0    -- complex number 1+2i
  let b = fromInteger 4 -- complex number 4+0i
  putStrLn $ "Add:      " ++ show (a + b)
  putStrLn $ "Subtract: " ++ show (a - b)
  putStrLn $ "Multiply: " ++ show (a * b)
  putStrLn $ "Divide:   " ++ show (a / b)
  putStrLn $ "Negate:   " ++ show (-a)
  putStrLn $ "Inverse:  " ++ show (recip a)


*Main> main
Add:      5.0 :+ 2.0
Subtract: (-3.0) :+ 2.0
Multiply: 4.0 :+ 8.0
Divide:   0.25 :+ 0.5
Negate:   (-1.0) :+ (-2.0)
Inverse:  0.2 :+ (-0.4)


complex (and dcomplex for double-precision) is a built-in data type in IDL:

(      4.14159,      2.20000)
(      1.94159,     4.34159)
(     -1.00000,     -1.00000)
(     0.500000,    -0.500000)


Complex numbers are a native numeric data type in J. Although the examples shown here are performed on scalars, all numeric operations naturally apply to arrays of complex numbers.

   x=: 1j1
   y=: 3.14159j1.2


<lang java>public class Complex{

  public final double real;
  public final double imag;
  public Complex(){this(0,0)}//default values to 0...force of habit
  public Complex(double r, double i){real = r; imag = i;}
  public Complex add(Complex b){
     return new Complex(this.real + b.real, this.imag + b.imag);
  public Complex mult(Complex b){
     //FOIL of (a+bi)(c+di) with i*i = -1
     return new Complex(this.real * b.real - this.imag * b.imag, this.real * b.imag + this.imag * b.real);
  public Complex inv(){
     //1/(a+bi) * (a-bi)/(a-bi) = 1/(a+bi) but it's more workable
     double denom = real * real + imag * imag;
     return new Complex(real/denom,-imag/denom);
  public Complex neg(){
     return new Complex(-real, -imag);
  public String toString(){ //override Object's toString
     return real + " + " + imag + " * i";
  public static void main(String[] args){
     Complex a = new Complex(Math.PI, -5) //just some numbers
     Complex b = new Complex(-1, 2.5);



Maple has "I" (the square root of -1) built-in. Thus:

 x := 1+I;
 y := Pi+I*1.2;

By itself, it will perform mathematical operations symbolically, i.e. it will not try to perform computational evaluation unless specifically asked to do so. Thus:

    ==> (1 + I) (Pi + 1.2 I)
    ==> 1.941592654 + 4.341592654 I

Other than that, the task merely asks for



The "Complex" module provides the functionality of complex numbers. <lang ocaml>open Complex

let print_complex z =

 Printf.printf "%f + %f i\n"

let () =

 let a = { re = 1.0; im = 1.0 }
 and b = { re = 3.14159; im = 1.25 } in
   print_complex (add a b);
   print_complex (mul a b);
   print_complex (inv a);
   print_complex (neg a)</lang>


GNU Octave handles naturally complex numbers: <lang octave>z1 = 1.5 + 3i; z2 = 1.5 + 1.5i; disp(z1 + z2);  % 3.0 + 4.5i disp(z1 - z2);  % 0.0 + 1.5i disp(z1 * z2);  % -2.25 + 6.75i disp(z1 / z2);  % 1.5 + 0.5i disp(-z1);  % -1.5 - 3i disp(z1');  % 1.5 - 3i disp(abs(z1));  % 3.3541 = sqrt(z1*z1') disp(z1 ^ z2);  % -1.10248 - 0.38306i disp( exp(z1) );  % -4.43684 + 0.63246i disp( imag(z1) ); % 3 disp( real(z2) ); % 1.5 %...</lang>


<lang pascal> program showcomplex(output);


complex = record
           re,im: real


z1, z2, zr: complex;

procedure set(var result: complex; re, im: real);

begin := re; := im

procedure print(a: complex);

 write('(', , ',',, ')')

procedure add(var result: complex; a, b: complex);

begin := +; := +;

procedure neg(var result: complex; a: complex);

begin :=; :=

procedure mult(var result: complex; a, b: complex);

begin :=* -*; :=* +*

procedure inv(var result: complex; a: complex);

 anorm: real;
 anorm :=* +*; :=; :=


set(z1, 3, 4);
set(z2, 5, 6);
neg(zr, z1);
print(zr); { prints (-3,-4) }
add(zr, z1, z2);
print(zr); { prints (8,10) }
inv(zr, z1);
print(zr); { prints (0.12,-0.16) }
mul(zr, z1, z2);
print(zr); { prints (-9,38) }

end. </lang>


The Math::Complex module provides the functionality of complex numbers. <lang perl>use Math::Complex;

$a = 1 + 1*i; $b = 3.14159 + 1.25*i;

$c = $a + $b; $c = $a * $b; $c = 1 / $a; $c = -$a;</lang>


Complex numbers are a built-in data type in Pop11. Real and imaginary part of complex numbers can be floating point or exact (integer or rational) value (both part must be of the same type). Operations on floating point complex numbers always produce complex numbers. Operations on exact complex numbers give real result (integer or rational) if imaginary part of the result is 0. The '+:' and '-:' operators create complex numbers: '1 -: 3' is '1 - 3i' in mathematical notation.

lvars a = 1.0 +: 1.0, b = 2.0 +: 5.0 ;
a+b =>
a*b =>
1/a =>
a-b =>
a-a =>
a/b =>
a/a =>

;;; The same, but using exact values
1 +: 1 -> a;
2 +: 5 -> b;
a+b =>
a*b =>
1/a =>
a-b =>
a-a =>
a/b =>
a/a =>


<lang python>a = 1 + 1j b = 3.14159 + 1.25j

c = a + b c = a * b c = 1 / a c = -a</lang>


<lang ruby>require 'complex'

a = Complex(1, 1) a = 1 + # alternative method b = 3.14159 +

c = a + b c = a * b c = 1.0 / a c = -a</lang>


<lang scheme>(define a (make-rectangular 1 1)) (define b (make-rectangular 3.14159 1.25))

(define c (+ a b)) (define c (* a b)) (define c (/ 1 a)) (define c (- a))</lang>


Works with: GNU Smalltalk

<lang smalltalk>PackageLoader fileInPackage: 'Complex'. |a b| a := 1 + 1 i. b := 3.14159 + 1.2 i. (a + b) displayNl. (a * b) displayNl. (a / b) displayNl. a reciprocal displayNl. a conjugate displayNl. a abs displayNl. a real displayNl. a imaginary displayNl. a negated displayNl.</lang>


Using the math::complexnumbers package from

Library: tcllib

<lang tcl>package require math::complexnumbers namespace import math::complexnumbers::*

set a [complex 1 1] set b [complex 3.14159 1.2] puts [tostring [+ $a $b]] ;# ==> 4.14159+2.2i puts [tostring [* $a $b]] ;# ==> 1.94159+4.34159i puts [tostring [pow $a [complex -1 0]]] ;# ==> 0.5-0.4999999999999999i puts [tostring [- $a]] ;# ==> -1.0-i</lang>