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(→‎{{header|Tcl}}: renamed 'fit' to 'joins', for better comparison with other languages)
(→‎{{header|Tcl}}: Added a coroutine-based version)
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A more sophisticated using Tcl 8.6's coroutine facility that avoids the assumption of what the problem is in the code structure:
<lang Tcl>
proc cp {args} {
coroutine cp.[incr ::cps] apply {{list args} {
yield [info coroutine]
foreach item $list {
if {[llength $args]} {
set c [cp {*}$args]
while 1 { yield [list $item {*}[$c]] }
} else { yield $item }
return -code break
}} {*}$args
proc amb {name filter args} {
coroutine $name apply {{filter args} {
set c [cp {*}$args]
yield [info coroutine]
while 1 {
set value [$c]
if {[{*}$filter $value]} { yield $value }
return -code break
}} $filter {*}$args
proc joins {a b} {
expr {[string index $a end] eq [string index $b 0]}
proc joins* list {
foreach a [lrange $list 0 end-1] b [lrange $list 1 end] {
if {![joins $a $b]} {return 0}
return 1
amb words joins* \
{the that a} \
{frog elephant thing} \
{walked treaded grows} \
{slowly quickly}
while 1 { puts [words] }

Revision as of 13:25, 7 May 2009

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Define and give an example of the Amb operator.

The Amb operator takes some number of expressions (or values if that's simpler in the language) and nondeterministically yields the one or fails if given no parameter, amb returns the value that doesn't lead to failure.

The example is using amb to choose four words from the following strings:

set 1: "the" "that" "a"

set 2: "frog" "elephant" "thing"

set 3: "walked" "treaded" "grows"

set 4: "slowly" "quickly"

It is a failure if the last character of word 1 is not equal to the first character of word 2, and similarly with word 2 and word 3, as well as word 3 and word 4. (the only successful sentence is "that thing grows slowly").


<lang ada> with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Test_Amb is

  type Alternatives is array (Positive range <>) of Unbounded_String;
  type Amb (Count : Positive) is record
     This : Positive := 1;
     Left : access Amb; 
     List : Alternatives (1..Count);
  end record;
  function Image (L : Amb) return String is
     return To_String (L.List (L.This));
  end Image;
  function "/" (L, R : String) return Amb is
     Result : Amb (2);
     Append (Result.List (1), L);
     Append (Result.List (2), R);
     return Result;
  end "/";
  function "/" (L : Amb; R : String) return Amb is
     Result : Amb (L.Count + 1);
     Result.List (1..L.Count) := L.List ;
     Append (Result.List (Result.Count), R);
     return Result;
  end "/";
  function "=" (L, R : Amb) return Boolean is
     Left : Unbounded_String renames L.List (L.This);
     return Element (Left, Length (Left)) = Element (R.List (R.This), 1);
  end "=";
  procedure Failure (L : in out Amb) is
        if L.This < L.Count then
           L.This := L.This + 1;
           L.This := 1;
           Failure (L.Left.all);
        end if;
        exit when L.Left = null or else L.Left.all = L;
     end loop;
  end Failure;
  procedure Join (L : access Amb; R : in out Amb) is
     R.Left := L;
     while L.all /= R loop
        Failure (R);
     end loop;
  end Join;
  W_1 : aliased Amb := "the" / "that" / "a";
  W_2 : aliased Amb := "frog" / "elephant" / "thing";
  W_3 : aliased Amb := "walked" / "treaded" / "grows";
  W_4 : aliased Amb := "slowly" / "quickly";


  Join (W_1'Access, W_2);
  Join (W_2'Access, W_3);
  Join (W_3'Access, W_4);
  Put_Line (Image (W_1) & ' ' & Image (W_2) & ' ' & Image (W_3) & ' ' & Image (W_4));

end Test_Amb; </lang> The type Amb is implemented with the operations "/" to construct it from strings. Each instance keeps its state. The operation Failure performs back tracing. Join connects two elements into a chain. The implementation propagates Constraint_Error when matching fails. Sample output:

that thing grows slowly


Works with: ELLA ALGOL 68 version Any (with appropriate job cards) - tested with release 1.8.8d.fc9.i386

Note: This program violates ALGOL 68's scoping rules when a locally scoped procedure is returned to a more global scope. ELLA ALGOL 68RS misses this violation, but ALGOL 68 Genie spots it at run time and then produces an assert. However ELLA ALGOL 68RS does produce the desired result, but may potentially suffer from "mysterious" stack problems. <lang algol>MODE STRINGS = [0][0]CHAR; MODE YIELDSTRINGS = PROC(STRINGS)VOID; MODE ITERSTRINGS = PROC(YIELDSTRINGS)VOID;


 (YIELDSTRINGS yield)VOID: # scope violation #
   FOR i TO UPB self DO


 (YIELDSTRINGS yield)VOID: # scope violation #
   for strings((STRINGS amb)VOID:(
     [UPB amb + 1]STRING joined; 
     joined[:UPB amb] := amb;
     STRING last string := amb[UPB amb];
     CHAR last char := last string[UPB last string];
     FOR i TO UPB b DO
       IF last char = b[i][1] THEN
         joined[UPB joined] := b[i];


ITERSTRINGS for amb :=

  STRINGS("the", "that", "a") +
  STRINGS("frog", "elephant", "thing") +
  STRINGS("walked", "treaded", "grows") +
  STRINGS("slowly", "quickly");


  1. FOR amb IN for amb DO#
 for amb((STRINGS amb)VOID:(
   print((amb[1]," ",amb[2]," ",amb[3]," ",amb[4], new line))
  1. OD#</lang>


that thing grows slowly


Note: This uses the continuations code from <lang c> typedef char * amb_t;

amb_t amb(size_t argc, ...) {

 amb_t *choices;
 va_list ap;
 int i;
 if(argc) {
   choices = malloc(argc*sizeof(amb_t));
   va_start(ap, argc);
   i = 0;
   do { choices[i] = va_arg(ap, amb_t); } while(++i < argc);
   i = 0;
   do { TRY(choices[i]); } while(++i < argc);


int joins(char *left, char *right) { return left[strlen(left)-1] == right[0]; }

int _main() {

 char *w1,*w2,*w3,*w4;
 w1 = amb(3, "the", "that", "a");
 w2 = amb(3, "frog", "elephant", "thing");
 w3 = amb(3, "walked", "treaded", "grows");
 w4 = amb(2, "slowly", "quickly");
 if(!joins(w1, w2)) amb(0);
 if(!joins(w2, w3)) amb(0);
 if(!joins(w3, w4)) amb(0);
 printf("%s %s %s %s\n", w1, w2, w3, w4);

} </lang>


Haskell's List monad returns all the possible choices. Use the "head" function on the result if you just want one. <lang haskell> import Control.Monad

amb = id

joins left right = last left == head right

example = do

 w1 <- amb ["the", "that", "a"]
 w2 <- amb ["frog", "elephant", "thing"]
 w3 <- amb ["walked", "treaded", "grows"]
 w4 <- amb ["slowly", "quickly"]
 unless (joins w1 w2) (amb [])
 unless (joins w2 w3) (amb [])
 unless (joins w3 w4) (amb [])
 return (unwords [w1, w2, w3, w4])



<lang prolog> amb(E, [E|_]). amb(E, [_|ES]) :- amb(E, ES).

joins(Left, Right) :-

 append(_, [T], Left),
 append([R], _, Right),
 ( T \= R -> amb(_, [])  % (explicitly using amb fail as required)
 ; true ).

amb_example([Word1, Word2, Word3, Word4]) :-

 amb(Word1, ["the","that","a"]),
 amb(Word2, ["frog","elephant","thing"]),
 amb(Word3, ["walked","treaded","grows"]),
 amb(Word4, ["slowly","quickly"]),
 joins(Word1, Word2),
 joins(Word2, Word3),
 joins(Word3, Word4).



Python does not have the amb function, but, in the spirit of the task, here is an implementation in Python (version 2.6) that uses un-ordered sets of words; the itertools.product function to loop through all the word sets lazily; and a generator comprehension to lazily give the first answer: <lang python> >>> from itertools import product >>> sets = [ set('the that a'.split()), set('frog elephant thing'.split()), set('walked treaded grows'.split()), set('slowly quickly'.split()) ] >>> success = ( sentence for sentence in product(*sets)

               if all(sentence[word][-1]==sentence[word+1][0] 
                      for word in range(3)) 

>>> ('that', 'thing', 'grows', 'slowly') >>> </lang>

The following is inspired by Haskell. For loops in a generator kind of act as an amb operator. Of course the indenting won't be right because for-blocks have to be indented. I will try to replicate the "amb with empty list" here faithfully but it is really awkward:. <lang python> def amb(*args): return args

def joins(left, right): return left[-1] == right[0]

def example():

 for w1 in amb("the", "that", "a"):
   for w2 in amb("frog", "elephant", "thing"):
     for w3 in amb("walked", "treaded", "grows"):
       for w4 in amb("slowly", "quickly"):
         for _ in joins(w1,w2) and amb(42) or amb(): # this is really just "if joins(w1,w2):"
           for _ in joins(w2,w3) and amb(42) or amb(): # this is really just "if joins(w2,w3):"
             for _ in joins(w3,w4) and amb(42) or amb(): # this is really just "if joins(w3,w4):"
               yield "%s %s %s %s" % (w1,w2,w3,w4)


<lang python> >>> list(example()) ['that thing grows slowly'] </lang>


<lang ruby> class Amb

 class ExhaustedError < RuntimeError; end
 def initialize
   @fail = proc { fail ExhaustedError, "amb tree exhausted" }
 def choose(*choices)
   prev_fail = @fail
   callcc { |sk|
     choices.each { |choice|

callcc { |fk| @fail = proc { @fail = prev_fail } if choice.respond_to? :call else end }

 def failure
 def assert(cond)
   failure unless cond


A = w1 = A.choose("the", "that", "a") w2 = A.choose("frog", "elephant", "thing") w3 = A.choose("walked", "treaded", "grows") w4 = A.choose("slowly", "quickly")

A.choose() if not w1[-1] == w2[0] A.choose() if not w2[-1] == w3[0] A.choose() if not w3[-1] == w4[0]

puts w1, w2, w3, w4 </lang>


<lang scheme> (define fail

 (lambda () 
   (error "Amb tree exhausted"))) 

(define-syntax amb

 (syntax-rules () 
   ((AMB) (FAIL))                      ; Two shortcuts. 
   ((AMB expression) expression) 

   ((AMB expression ...) 
      ((CALL-WITH-CURRENT-CONTINUATION ; Capture a continuation to 
         (LAMBDA (K-SUCCESS)           ;   which we return possibles. 
             (LAMBDA (K-FAILURE)       ; K-FAILURE will try the next 
               (SET! FAIL K-FAILURE)   ;   possible expression. 
               (K-SUCCESS              ; Note that the expression is 
                (LAMBDA ()             ;   evaluated in tail position 
                  expression))))       ;   with respect to AMB. 
           (SET! FAIL FAIL-SAVE)      ; Finally, if this is reached, 
           FAIL-SAVE)))))))            ;   we restore the saved FAIL. 

(let ((w-1 (amb "the" "that" "a"))

     (w-2 (amb "frog" "elephant" "thing"))
     (w-3 (amb "walked" "treaded" "grows"))
     (w-4 (amb "slowly" "quickly")))
 (define (joins? left right)
   (equal? (string-ref left (- (string-length left) 1)) (string-ref right 0)))
 (if (joins? w-1 w-2) '() (amb))
 (if (joins? w-2 w-3) '() (amb))
 (if (joins? w-3 w-4) '() (amb))
 (list w-1 w-2 w-3 w-4))



<lang SETL>program amb;

sets := unstr('[{the that a} {frog elephant thing} {walked treaded grows} {slowly quickly}]');

words := [amb(words): words in sets]; if exists lWord = words(i), rWord in {words(i+1)} |

         lWord(#lWord) /= rWord(1) then

end if;

proc amb(words);

 return arb {word in words | ok};

end proc;

end program;</lang> Sadly ok and fail were only ever implemented in CIMS SETL, and are not in any compiler or interpreter that is available today, so this is not very useful as it stands.

Alternate version (avoids backtracking)

<lang SETL>program amb;

sets := unstr('[{the that a} {frog elephant thing} {walked treaded grows} {slowly quickly}]');


proc amb(sets);

 return amb1([], {}, sets);

end proc;

proc amb1(prev, mbLast, sets);

 if sets = [] then
   return prev;
   words fromb sets;
   if exists word in words |
             (forall last in mbLast |
                     last(#last) = word(1)) and
             (exists sentence in {amb1(prev with word, {word}, sets)} |
                     true) then
     return sentence;
   end if;
 end if;

end proc;

end program;</lang> We cheat a bit here - this version of amb must be given the whole list of word sets, and that list is consumed recursively. It can't pick a word from an individual list.


Brute force, with quick kill of failing attempts: <lang Tcl> set amb {

   {the    that     a}
   {frog   elephant thing}
   {walked treaded  grows}
   {slowly quickly}


proc joins {a b} {

   expr {[string index $a end] eq [string index $b 0]}


foreach i [lindex $amb 0] {

   foreach j [lindex $amb 1] {
       if ![joins $i $j] continue
       foreach k [lindex $amb 2] {
           if ![joins $j $k] continue
           foreach l [lindex $amb 3] {
               if [joins $k $l] {
                   puts [list $i $j $k $l]


A more sophisticated using Tcl 8.6's coroutine facility that avoids the assumption of what the problem is in the code structure: <lang Tcl> proc cp {args} {

   coroutine cp.[incr ::cps] apply {{list args} {

yield [info coroutine] foreach item $list { if {[llength $args]} { set c [cp {*}$args] while 1 { yield [list $item {*}[$c]] } } else { yield $item } } return -code break

   }} {*}$args

} proc amb {name filter args} {

   coroutine $name apply {{filter args} {

set c [cp {*}$args] yield [info coroutine] while 1 { set value [$c] if {[{*}$filter $value]} { yield $value } } return -code break

   }} $filter {*}$args


proc joins {a b} {

   expr {[string index $a end] eq [string index $b 0]}

} proc joins* list {

   foreach a [lrange $list 0 end-1] b [lrange $list 1 end] {

if {![joins $a $b]} {return 0}

   return 1


amb words joins* \

   {the    that     a} \
   {frog   elephant thing} \
   {walked treaded  grows} \
   {slowly quickly}

while 1 { puts [words] } </lang>