Zebra puzzle: Difference between revisions

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1 solution found
1 solution found
The German owns the Zebra</pre>
The German owns the Zebra</pre>

<lang vlang>type HouseSet = []House
struct House {
n Nationality
c Colour
a Animal
d Drink
s Smoke
// Define the possible values
enum Nationality {
english = 0
enum Colour {
red = 0
enum Animal {
dog = 0
enum Drink {
tea = 0
enum Smoke {
pall_mall = 0
// And how to print them
const nationalities = [Nationality.english, Nationality.swede, Nationality.dane, Nationality.norwegian, Nationality.german]
const colours = [Colour.red, Colour.green, Colour.white, Colour.yellow, Colour.blue]
const animals = [Animal.dog, Animal.birds, Animal.cats, Animal.horse, Animal.zebra]
const drinks = [Drink.tea, Drink.coffee, Drink.milk, Drink.beer, Drink.water]
const smokes = [Smoke.pall_mall, Smoke.dunhill, Smoke.blend, Smoke.blue_master, Smoke.prince]

fn (h House) str() string {
return "${h.n:-9} ${h.c:-6} ${h.a:-5} ${h.d:-6} $h.s"
fn (hs HouseSet) str() string {
mut lines := []string{len: 0, cap: 5}
for i, h in hs {
s := "$i $h"
lines << s
return lines.join("\n")
// Simple brute force solution
fn simple_brute_force() (int, HouseSet) {
mut v := []House{}
for n in nationalities {
for c in colours {
for a in animals {
for d in drinks {
for s in smokes {
h := House{
n: n,
c: c,
a: a,
d: d,
s: s,
if !h.valid() {
v << h
n := v.len
println("Generated $n valid houses")
mut combos := 0
mut first := 0
mut valid := 0
mut valid_set := []House{}
for a := 0; a < n; a++ {
if v[a].n != Nationality.norwegian { // Condition 10:
for b := 0; b < n; b++ {
if b == a {
if v[b].any_dups(v[a]) {
for c := 0; c < n; c++ {
if c == b || c == a {
if v[c].d != Drink.milk { // Condition 9:
if v[c].any_dups(v[b], v[a]) {
for d := 0; d < n; d++ {
if d == c || d == b || d == a {
if v[d].any_dups(v[c], v[b], v[a]) {
for e := 0; e < n; e++ {
if e == d || e == c || e == b || e == a {
if v[e].any_dups(v[d], v[c], v[b], v[a]) {
set := HouseSet([v[a], v[b], v[c], v[d], v[e]])
if set.valid() {
if valid == 1 {
first = combos
valid_set = set
//return set
println("Tested $first different combinations of valid houses before finding solution")
println("Tested $combos different combinations of valid houses in total")
return valid, valid_set
// any_dups returns true if h as any duplicate attributes with any of the specified houses
fn (h House) any_dups(list ...House) bool {
for b in list {
if h.n == b.n || h.c == b.c || h.a == b.a || h.d == b.d || h.s == b.s {
return true
return false
fn (h House) valid() bool {
// Condition 2:
if (h.n == Nationality.english && h.c != Colour.red) || (h.n != Nationality.english && h.c == Colour.red) {
return false
// Condition 3:
if (h.n == Nationality.swede && h.a != Animal.dog) || (h.n != Nationality.swede && h.a == Animal.dog) {
return false
// Condition 4:
if (h.n == Nationality.dane && h.d != Drink.tea) || (h.n != Nationality.dane && h.d == Drink.tea ){
return false
// Condition 6:
if (h.c == Colour.green && h.d != Drink.coffee) || (h.c != Colour.green && h.d == Drink.coffee) {
return false
// Condition 7:
if (h.a == Animal.birds && h.s != Smoke.pall_mall) || (h.a != Animal.birds && h.s == Smoke.pall_mall) {
return false
// Condition 8:
if (h.c == Colour.yellow && h.s != Smoke.dunhill) || (h.c != Colour.yellow && h.s == Smoke.dunhill) {
return false
// Condition 11:
if h.a == Animal.cats && h.s == Smoke.blend {
return false
// Condition 12:
if h.a == Animal.horse && h.s == Smoke.dunhill {
return false
// Condition 13:
if (h.d == Drink.beer && h.s != Smoke.blue_master) || (h.d != Drink.beer && h.s == Smoke.blue_master) {
return false
// Condition 14:
if (h.n == Nationality.german && h.s != Smoke.prince) || (h.n != Nationality.german && h.s == Smoke.prince) {
return false
// Condition 15:
if h.n == Nationality.norwegian && h.c == Colour.blue {
return false
// Condition 16:
if h.d == Drink.water && h.s == Smoke.blend {
return false
return true
fn (hs HouseSet) valid() bool {
mut ni := map[Nationality]int{}
mut ci := map[Colour]int{}
mut ai := map[Animal]int{}
mut di := map[Drink]int{}
mut si := map[Smoke]int{}
for i, h in hs {
ni[h.n] = i
ci[h.c] = i
ai[h.a] = i
di[h.d] = i
si[h.s] = i
// Condition 5:
if ci[Colour.green]+1 != ci[Colour.white] {
return false
// Condition 11:
if dist(ai[Animal.cats], si[Smoke.blend]) != 1 {
return false
// Condition 12:
if dist(ai[Animal.horse], si[Smoke.dunhill]) != 1 {
return false
// Condition 15:
if dist(ni[Nationality.norwegian], ci[Colour.blue]) != 1 {
return false
// Condition 16:
if dist(di[Drink.water], si[Smoke.blend]) != 1 {
return false

// Condition 9: (already tested elsewhere)
if hs[2].d != Drink.milk {
return false
// Condition 10: (already tested elsewhere)
if hs[0].n != Nationality.norwegian {
return false
return true
fn dist(a int, b int) int {
if a > b {
return a - b
return b - a
fn main() {
n, sol := simple_brute_force()
println("$n solution found")

Generated 51 valid houses
Tested 652 different combinations of valid houses before finding solution
Tested 750 different combinations of valid houses in total
1 solution found
0 norwegian yellow cats water dunhill
1 dane blue horse tea blend
2 english red birds milk pall_mall
3 german green zebra coffee prince
4 swede white dog beer blue_master
