Write float arrays to a text file: Difference between revisions

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Blanvill (talk | contribs)
→‎{{header|Vlang}}: Rename "Vlang" in "V (Vlang)"
KenS (talk | contribs)
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Line 666: Line 666:
1E+11 3.1623E+05
1E+11 3.1623E+05

<syntaxhighlight lang="futurebasic">
local fn DoIt
NSUInteger i
CFStringRef s
CFArrayRef x = @[@1, @2, @3, @1e11]
CFArrayRef y = @[@1, @1.4142135623730951, @1.7320508075688772, @316227.76601683791]
CFMutableStringRef mutStr = fn MutableStringWithCapacity(0)
CFURLRef desktopURL = fn FileManagerURLForDirectory( NSDesktopDirectory, NSUserDomainMask )
CFURLRef url = fn URLByAppendingPathComponent( desktopURL, @"Array_to_file.txt" )
for i = 0 to 3
if ( i < 3 )
s = fn StringWithFormat( @"%ld \t", fn NumberIntegerValue( x[i] ) )
MutableStringAppendString( mutStr, s )
s = fn StringWithFormat( @"%.4f\n", fn NumberFloatValue( y[i] ) )
MutableStringAppendString( mutStr, s )
s = fn StringWithFormat( @"%.e\t", fn NumberFloatValue( x[i] ) )
MutableStringAppendString( mutStr, s )
s = fn StringWithFormat( @"%.4e\n", fn NumberFloatValue( y[i] ) )
MutableStringAppendString( mutStr, s )
end if
fn StringWriteToURL( mutStr, url, YES, NSUTF8StringEncoding, NULL )
print mutStr
end fn

fn DoIt

1 1.0000
2 1.4142
3 1.7321
1e+11 3.1623e+05
