Words containing "the" substring: Difference between revisions

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<lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
with Ada.Characters.Latin_1; use Ada.Characters.Latin_1;

procedure Main is
type col_count is mod 6;
package AF renames Ada.Strings.Fixed;

file_name : String := "unixdict.txt";
The_File : File_Type;
Inpt_Str : String (1 .. 40);
Length : Natural;
pattern : String := "the";
Columns : col_count := 0;
Tally : Natural := 0;
sep : constant Character := HT;

Open (File => The_File, Mode => In_File, Name => file_name);

while not End_Of_File (The_File) loop
Get_Line (File => The_File, Item => Inpt_Str, Last => Length);

if Length > 11
and then
AF.Count (Source => Inpt_Str (1 .. Length), Pattern => pattern) > 0
Tally := Tally + 1;
Columns := Columns + 1;
Put (Inpt_Str (1 .. Length) & sep);
if Columns = 0 then
end if;
end if;
end loop;
Put_Line ("Found" & Tally'Image & " ""the"" words");
Close (The_File);
end Main;
authenticate chemotherapy chrysanthemum clothesbrush clotheshorse eratosthenes
featherbedding featherbrain featherweight gaithersburg hydrothermal lighthearted
mathematician neurasthenic nevertheless northeastern northernmost otherworldly
parasympathetic physiotherapist physiotherapy psychotherapeutic psychotherapist psychotherapy
radiotherapy southeastern southernmost theoretician weatherbeaten weatherproof
weatherstrip weatherstripping
Found 32 "the" words

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