Wordiff: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|Vlang}}: Rename "Vlang" in "V (Vlang)")
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Line 211: Line 211:
Bill, what is the next word? famous
Bill, what is the next word? famous
Not a correct wordiff. Try again: fame</pre>
Not a correct wordiff. Try again: fame</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="futurebasic">
output file "Wordiff" ' 27 november 2022 '

begin enum 1
_playerLabel : _playerInput : _wordLabel : _wordInPlay : _playsLabel
_scrlView : _textView
_resignBtn : _againBtn : _quitBtn
end enum

begin globals
CFMutableArrayRef gWords, gNames, gUsed
gWords = fn MutableArrayWithCapacity( 0 )
gNames = fn MutableArrayWithCapacity( 0 )
gUsed = fn MutableArrayWithCapacity( 0 )
CFMutableStringRef gTxt
gTxt = fn MutableStringWithCapacity( 0 )
end globals

void local fn BuildInterface
window 1, @"Wordiff", ( 0, 0, 400, 450 ), NSWindowStyleMaskTitled + NSWindowStyleMaskClosable
// Fields for labels and input
textlabel _playerLabel, @"The players:", ( 0, 370, 148, 24 )
textlabel _wordLabel, @"Word in play:", ( 68, 409, 100, 24 )
textlabel _playsLabel, , ( 113, 370, 150, 24 )
textfield _playerInput, Yes, , ( 160, 372, 150, 24 )
textfield _wordInPlay, No, @". . .", ( 160, 412, 148, 24 )
ControlSetAlignment( _playerLabel, NSTextAlignmentRight )
ControlSetAlignment( _playerInput, NSTextAlignmentCenter )
ControlSetAlignment( _wordInPlay, NSTextAlignmentCenter )
ControlSetFormat( _playerInput, @"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", YES, 8, _formatCapitalize )
TextFieldSetTextColor( _wordLabel, fn ColorLightGray )
TextFieldSetTextColor( _wordInPlay, fn ColorLightGray )
TextFieldSetSelectable( _wordInPlay, No )
// Fields for computer feedback
scrollview _scrlView, ( 20, 60, 356, 300 ), NSBezelBorder
textview _textView, , _scrlView, , 1
ScrollViewSetHasVerticalScroller( _scrlView, YES )
TextViewSetTextContainerInset( _textView, fn CGSizeMake( 3, 3 ) )
TextSetFontWithName( _textView, @"Menlo", 12 )
TextSetColor( _textView, fn colorLightGray )
TextSetString( _textView, @"First, enter the name of each player and press Return to confirm. ¬
When done, press Return to start the game." )
// Buttons and menus
button _resignBtn, No, , @"Resign", ( 251, 15, 130, 32 )
button _againBtn, No, , @"New game", ( 114, 15, 130, 32 )
button _quitBtn, Yes, , @"Quit", ( 15, 15, 92, 32 )
filemenu 1 : menu 1, , No ' Nothing to file
editmenu 2 : menu 2, , No ' Nothing to edit
WindowMakeFirstResponder( 1, _playerInput ) ' Activate player input field
end fn

void local fn LoadWords
CFURLRef url
CFStringRef words, string
CFArrayRef tmp
CFRange range
// Fill the gWords list with just the lowercase words in unixdict
url = fn URLWithString( @"http://wiki.puzzlers.org/pub/wordlists/unixdict.txt" )
words = fn StringWithContentsOfURL( url, NSUTF8StringEncoding, NULL )
tmp = fn StringComponentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet( ( words ), fn CharacterSetNewlineSet )
for string in tmp
range = fn StringRangeOfStringWithOptions( string, @"^[a-z]+$", NSRegularExpressionSearch )
if range.location != NSNotFound then MutableArrayAddObject( gWords, string )
end fn

void local fn Say(str1 as CFStringRef, str2 as CFStringRef )
// Add strings to the computer feedback
fn MutableStringAppendString( gTxt, str1 )
fn MutableStringAppendString( gTxt, str2 )
TextSetString( _textView, gTxt )
TextScrollRangeToVisible( _textView, fn CFRangeMake( len( fn TextString( _textView ) ), 0) )
end fn

local fn CompareEqual( wrd1 as CFStringRef, wrd2 as CFStringRef ) as short
NSInteger i, k
CFStringRef a, b
//Find the number of differences in two strings
k = 0
for i = 0 to len( wrd1 ) - 1
a = mid( wrd1, i, 1 ) : b = mid( wrd2, i, 1 )
if fn StringIsEqual( a, b ) == No then k++
end fn = k

local fn ChopAndStitch( sShort as CFStringRef, sLong as CFStringRef ) as CFStringRef
NSInteger i, k
CFStringRef a, b
// Find the extra letter in the long string and remove it
k = 0
for i = 0 to len( sLong ) - 1
a = mid( sShort, i, 1 ) : b = mid( sLong, i, 1 )
if fn StringIsEqual( a, b ) == No then k = i : break ' Found it
a = left( sLong, k ) : b = mid( sLong, k + 1 ) 'Removed it
end fn = fn StringByAppendingString( a, b )

local fn WordiffWords( wrd1 as CFStringRef, wrd2 as CFStringRef ) as short
Short err = 0
// If a letter was added or removed, the strings should be identical after
// we remove the extra letter from the longest string.
// If they are the same length, the strings may differ at just one place.
select case
case len( wrd2 ) > len( wrd1 )
wrd2 = fn ChopAndStitch( wrd1, wrd2 )
if fn CompareEqual( wrd1, wrd2 ) != 0 then err = 1 ' Words identical?
case len( wrd1 ) > len( wrd2 )
wrd1 = fn ChopAndStitch( wrd2, wrd1 )
if fn CompareEqual( wrd1, wrd2 ) != 0 then err = 2
case len( wrd2 ) = len( wrd1 )
if fn CompareEqual( wrd1, wrd2 ) != 1 then err = 3 ' Only one change?
end select
end fn = err

local fn CheckWord( wrd1 as CFStringRef, wrd2 as CFStringRef ) as short
Short err = 0
// Preliminary tests to generate error codes
select case
case fn StringIsEqual( wrd1, wrd2 ) : err = 1
case len( wrd2 ) < 3 : err = 2
case len( wrd2 ) - len( wrd1 ) > 1 : err = 3
case len( wrd1 ) - len( wrd2 ) > 1 : err = 4
case fn ArrayContainsObject( gUsed, wrd2 ) == Yes : err = 5
case fn ArrayContainsObject( gWords, wrd2 ) == No : err = 6
end select
// Report error. If no error, check against Wordiff rules
select err
case 1 : fn Say( @"Don't be silly.", @"\n" )
case 2 : fn Say( @"New word must be three or more letters.", @"\n" )
case 3 : fn Say( @"Add just one letter, please.", @"\n" )
case 4 : fn Say( @"Delete just one letter, please.", @"\n" )
case 5 : fn Say( fn StringCapitalizedString( wrd2 ), @" was already used.\n" )
case 6 : fn Say( fn StringCapitalizedString( wrd2 ), @" is not in the dictionary.\n")
case 0
err = fn WordiffWords ( wrd1, wrd2 )
select err
case 1 : fn Say( @"Either change or add a letter.", @"\n" )
case 2 : fn Say( @"Either change or delete a letter.", @"\n" )
case 3 : fn Say( @"Don't change more than one letter.", @"\n")
end select
end select
end fn = err

void local fn ShowAllPossible
CFMutableArrayRef poss
CFStringRef wrd1, wrd2
NSUInteger i
// Check all words in dictionary, ignore error messages
poss = fn MutableArrayWithCapacity( 0 )
wrd1 = fn ControlStringValue( _wordInPlay )
for i = 0 to fn ArrayCount( gWords ) - 1
wrd2 = fn ArrayObjectAtIndex( gWords, i )
if fn fabs( len( wrd1 ) - len( wrd2 ) ) < 2 ' Not too long or short?
if len( wrd2 ) > 2 ' Has more than 2 chars?
if fn ArrayContainsObject( gUsed, wrd2 ) == No ' Not used before?
if ( fn WordiffWords( wrd1, wrd2 ) == 0 ) ' According to rules?
MutableArrayAddObject( poss, wrd2 ) ' Legal, so add to the pot
end if
end if
end if
end if
// Display legal words
fn Say( @"\n", fn ControlStringValue( _playerLabel ) )
if fn ArrayCount( poss ) > 0 ' Any words left?
fn Say( @" resigns, but could have chosen:", @"\n" )
fn MutableStringAppendString( gTxt, fn ArrayComponentsJoinedByString( poss, @", or " ) )
TextSetString( _textView, gTxt )
fn Say(@" resigns, there were no words left to play. ", @"New game?\n" )
end if
textfield _playerInput, No ' Just to be safe
end fn

void local fn Play
CFStringRef old, new, name
NSUInteger n
// Gather the info
name = fn ControlStringValue( _playerLabel )
new = fn ControlStringValue( _playerInput )
old = fn ArrayLastObject( gUsed )
if len( new ) == 0 then exit fn ' Just to be safe
fn Say(new, @"\n" )
if fn CheckWord( old, new ) == 0
// Input OK, so get ready next player
n = ( ( fn ArrayIndexOfObject( gNames, name ) + 1 ) mod fn ArrayCount( gNames ) )
name = fn ArrayObjectAtIndex( gNames, n )
textlabel _playerLabel, name
textfield _wordInPlay, , new
MutableArrayAddObject( gUsed, new )
end if
fn Say( name, @" plays: " )
textfield _playerInput, , @""
end fn

void local fn StartNewGame
CFStringRef name, wrd
NSUInteger n
// Pick a first player
n = rnd( fn ArrayCount( gNames ) )
name = fn ArrayObjectAtIndex( gNames, n - 1 )
// Pick a first word
MutableArrayRemoveAllObjects( gUsed )
n = rnd( fn ArrayCount( gWords ) ) - 1
wrd = fn ArrayObjectAtIndex( gWords, n )
until ( len( wrd ) = 3 ) or ( len( wrd ) = 4 )
MutableArrayAddObject( gUsed, wrd )
// Update window
ControlSetFormat( _playerInput, @"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", YES, 0, _formatLowercase )
fn Say( @"\n", @"Word in play: " ) : fn Say( wrd, @"\n" )
fn Say( name, @" plays: " )
textfield _wordInPlay, Yes, wrd
textlabel _playerLabel, name, (0, 370, 110, 24 )
textlabel _playsLabel, @"plays:"
textfield _playerInput, Yes
button _againBtn, Yes
button _resignBtn, Yes
WindowMakeFirstResponder( 1, _playerInput )
end fn

void local fn AskNames
CFStringRef name
name = fn ControlStringValue( _playerInput )
if len( name ) > 0 ' Another player?
MutableArrayAddObject( gNames, name )
fn Say( @"Welcome, ", name )
fn Say( @"!", @"\n" )
textfield _playerInput, YES, @""
if fn ArrayFirstObject( gNames ) != Null ' Just to be safe
fn StartNewGame
end if
end if
end fn

void local fn DoDialog( evt as Long, tag as Long )
select evt
case _btnClick
select tag
case _againBtn
fn MutableStringSetString( gTxt, @"" )
fn StartNewGame
case _resignBtn
button _resignBtn, No
fn ShowAllPossible
case _quitBtn : end
end select
case _textFieldDidEndEditing
if fn ArrayCount( gUsed ) == 0
fn AskNames
fn Play
end if
case _windowShouldClose : end
end select
end fn

on dialog fn DoDialog

fn BuildInterface
fn LoadWords

[[File:Wordiff FutureBasic.png]]
