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Revision as of 13:52, 11 July 2023 by Katsumi a.k.a. Upperdecker2562 (talk | contribs)
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This is a flexible implementation of Wireworld. It was also my first Smalltalk program, which may explain why it is so large.

This code is part of jwgif. jwgif actually produces animated gifs of wireworld simulations. Hence, here is an animated GIF of the example, presented in the task description for Wireworld:

Works with: gst version 3.2.1
Object subclass: #Conductor.

Conductor comment:
'I am a Wireworld conductor.  The next state is an electron Head if there are 1 or 2 electron Heads nearby.'.

Conductor extend [

   next: neighbours [
      "This method returns an Electron Head if 1 or 2 of the neighbours are in Electron head state."
      | heads |
      heads := 0.
      neighbours do: [ :other |
         (other what = #Head) ifTrue: [
            heads := heads + 1.
      ((heads = 1) or: [(heads = 2)])
         [^ Head new]
         [^ self]


Object subclass: #Head.

Head comment:
'I am an Electron Head.  The next state is an electron tail.'.

Head extend [

   next: neighbours [
      ^ Tail new


Object subclass: #Tail.

Tail comment:
'I am an Electron Tail.  The next state is a conductor.'.

Tail extend [

   next: neighbours [
      ^ Conductor new


Object subclass: #Empty.

Empty comment:
'I am the empty WireWorld cell. The next state is Empty.'.

Empty extend [

   next: neighbours[
      ^ Empty new


Object subclass: #Cell.

Cell comment:
'I am a cell in the Wireworld cellular automaton.  I use the State pattern (see Gang of Four), where I use CellState classes make me appear to change my own class.'.

Cell instanceVariableNames: 'neighbours state nextState'.

Cell class extend [

   new: state [
      "This method creates a new cell with a given initial state."
      | cell |
      cell := super new.
      cell change: state.
      cell newNeighbours.
      ^ cell

   parse: char [
      "This method creates a cell in a given state, corresponding to the input character - H for electron head, t for electron tail, . for conductor and space for empty."
      | choices |
      choices := Dictionary new.
      choices at: $. put: [Conductor new].
      choices at: $H put: [Head new].
      choices at: $t put: [Tail new].
      choices at: $  put: [Empty new].
      ^ Cell new: ((choices at: char) value)


Cell extend [

   newNeighbours [
      "This method creates a new neighbours set for this cell."
      neighbours := Set new

   addNeighbour: other [
      "This method adds a new neighbour to this cell."
      neighbours add: other

   findStep [
      "This method finds the next state for this cell."
      nextState := state next: neighbours

   takeStep [
      "This method puts the Cell into its next state."
      self change: nextState

   change: behaviour [
      "This method changes the state of the Cell."
      state := behaviour

   what [
      "This method describes the state of the cell, returning either #Conductor, #Head, #Tail or #Empty."
      ^ (state class) name


Object subclass: #WireTable.

WireTable comment:
'I am the current state of a Wireworld program - a tabular grid of Wireworld cells.'.

WireTable instanceVariableNames: 'table width height'.

WireTable class extend [

   new: filename [
      "This method reads the wireworld file to create the WireTable."
      | file lns table |
      file := FileStream open: filename mode: #read.
      lns := file lines contents.
      file close.
      table := super new.
      table lines: lns.
      ^ table

WireTable extend [

   lines: lns [
      "This method parses the lines into a table"
      self setBounds: lns.
      self createTable.
      self createCells: lns.
      self setNeighbours

   createCells: lns [
      "This method populates the table, according to the lines."
      lns doWithIndex: [:ln :rownum |
         | row |
         row := table at: rownum.
         ln doWithIndex: [:ch :colnum |
            row at: colnum put: (Cell parse: ch).

   setBounds: lns [
      "This method sets the bounds of the table."
      height := lns size.
      width := (lns collect: [:ln | ln size]) sort last.

   createTable [
      "This method creates a table populated by empty cells."
      table := (Array new: height) collect: [:ignore |
          | col |
          col := Array new: width.
          col collect: [:forget | Cell new: (Empty new)]


   setNeighbours [
      "This method sets the neighbours for all cells."
      self withCells: [:cell :y :x |
         | a b l r raw neighpts |
         a := y - 1.
         b := y + 1.
         l := x - 1.
         r := x + 1.
         raw := Array new: 8.
         raw at: 1 put: l@a.
         raw at: 2 put: x@a.
         raw at: 3 put: r@a.
         raw at: 4 put: l@y.
         raw at: 5 put: r@y.
         raw at: 6 put: l@b.
         raw at: 7 put: x@b.
         raw at: 8 put: r@b.
         neighpts := raw reject: [:p |
            (p y < 1) or:
            [(p y > height) or:
            [(p x < 1) or:
            [(p x > width)]]]
         neighpts do: [:pt |
            cell addNeighbour: ((table at: (pt y)) at: pt x)

   frame [
      "This method performs one execution step."
      self withCells: [:cell |
         cell findStep
      self withCells: [:cell |
         cell takeStep

   withCells: blk [
      "This method performs a computation for each cell.  The blk must take at least 1 argument, the cell, but may at most take 3; the row and column also."
      table doWithIndex: [:col :rownum |
         col doWithIndex: [:cell :collnum |
            blk cull: cell cull: rownum cull: collnum

   drawTo: renderer frameNo: frame [
      renderer draw: (table collect: [:row | row collect: [:cell | cell what]]) frameNo: frame


Object subclass: #WireWorld.

WireWorld instanceVariableNames: 'table renderer'.

WireWorld comment:
'I am a flexible implementation of the Wireworld cellular automation.'.

WireWorld class extend [

   new: table drawWith: renderer [
      "This method creates a new wireworld from a table."
      | world |
      world := super new.
      ^ world state: table canvas: renderer.

   load: filename drawWith: renderer [
      "This method loads the Wireworld and returns it."
      | table |
      table := WireTable new: filename.
      ^ WireWorld new: table drawWith: renderer

WireWorld extend [

   state: prog canvas: outdev [
      "This method sets the state of the wireworld.  It is intended to be used to initialize a WireWorld object."
      table := prog.
      renderer := outdev

   run: n [
      "This method runs the wireworld simulation."
      1 to: n do: [:frameNo |
         table drawTo: renderer frameNo: frameNo.
         table frame

Object subclass: #TextRenderer.

TextRenderer comment: 
'I am a Wireworld renderer which produces output in ASCII.  I produce H for Head, t for Tail, . for Conductor and space for empty.'.

TextRenderer extend [

   draw: rows frameNo: frame [
      "This method takes a 2d array of wireworld cell descriptions and outputs a text representation of that table."
      'Frame #' display.
      frame displayNl.
      rows do: [:row |
         row do: [:cell |
            | choices |
            choices := Dictionary new.
            choices at: #Empty put: $ .
            choices at: #Conductor put: $..
            choices at: #Head put: $H.
            choices at: #Tail put: $t.
            (choices at: cell) display.
         Character nl display.
      Character nl display.

args := Smalltalk arguments.

(args size = 2) ifTrue: [
   filename := args at: 1.
   generations := (args at: 2) asNumber.

   world := WireWorld load: filename drawWith: (TextRenderer new).
   world run: generations.
] ifFalse: [
   'Usage: gst rosetta.st -a FILENAME GENERATIONS' displayNl.
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