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When testing for primality, you may use a method which determines that a large number is probably prime with reasonable certainty.
It can be shown (see talk page) that ''(2^p + 1)/3'' is always integral if ''p'' is odd. So there's no need to check for that prior to checking for primality.

Revision as of 16:21, 15 September 2022

Wagstaff primes is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

A Wagstaff prime is a prime number of the form (2^p + 1)/3 where the exponent p is an odd prime.


(2^5 + 1)/3 = 11 is a Wagstaff prime because both 5 and 11 are primes.


Find and show here the first 10 Wagstaff primes and their corresponding exponents p.

Stretch (requires arbitrary precision integers)

Find and show here the exponents p corresponding to the next 14 Wagstaff primes (not the primes themselves) and any more that you have the patience for.

When testing for primality, you may use a method which determines that a large number is probably prime with reasonable certainty.


It can be shown (see talk page) that (2^p + 1)/3 is always integral if p is odd. So there's no need to check for that prior to checking for primality.



Basic task - assumes LONG INT is at least 64 bit.

BEGIN # find some Wagstaff primes: primes of the form ( 2^p + 1 ) / 3 #
      #                            where p is an odd prime            #
    INT max wagstaff = 10; # number of Wagstaff primes to find        #
    INT w count     :=  0; # numbdr of Wagstaff primes found so far   #
    # sieve the primes up to 200, hopefully enough...                 #
    [ 0 : 200 ]BOOL primes;
    primes[ 0 ] := primes[ 1 ] := FALSE;
    primes[ 2 ] := TRUE;
    FOR i FROM 3 BY 2 TO UPB primes DO primes[ i ] := TRUE  OD;
    FOR i FROM 4 BY 2 TO UPB primes DO primes[ i ] := FALSE OD;
    FOR i FROM 3 BY 2 TO ENTIER sqrt( UPB primes ) DO
        IF primes[ i ] THEN
            FOR s FROM i * i BY i + i TO UPB primes DO primes[ s ] := FALSE OD
    # attempt to find the Wagstaff primes                              #
    LONG INT power of 2 := 2; # 2^1                                    #
    FOR p FROM 3 BY 2 WHILE w count < max wagstaff DO
        power of 2 *:= 4;
        IF primes[ p ] THEN
            LONG INT w := ( power of 2 + 1 ) OVER 3;
            # check w is prime - trial division                        #
            BOOL is prime := TRUE;
            LONG INT n    := 3;
            WHILE n * n <= w AND is prime DO
                is prime := w MOD n /= 0;
                n       +:= 2
            IF is prime THEN
                # have another Wagstaff prime                          #
                w count +:= 1;
                print( ( whole( w count, -2 )
                       , ": "
                       , whole( p, -4 )
                       , ": "
                       , whole( w, 0 )
                       , newline
 1:    3: 3
 2:    5: 11
 3:    7: 43
 4:   11: 683
 5:   13: 2731
 6:   17: 43691
 7:   19: 174763
 8:   23: 2796203
 9:   31: 715827883
10:   43: 2932031007403


This task uses Extensible Prime Generator (F#)

// Wagstaff primes. Nigel Galloway: September 15th., 2022
let isWagstaff n=let mutable g=(1I+2I**n)/3I in if Open.Numeric.Primes.MillerRabin.IsProbablePrime &g then Some (n,g) else None
primes32()|>Seq.choose isWagstaff|>Seq.take 10|>Seq.iter(fun (n,g)->printfn $"%d{n}->%A{g}")
primes32()|>Seq.choose isWagstaff|>Seq.skip 10|>Seq,take 14|>Seq.iter(fun(n,_)->printf $"%d{n} "); printfn ""

61 79 101 127 167 191 199 313 347 701 1709 2617 3539 5807


""" Rosetta code Wagstaff_primes task """

from sympy import isprime

def wagstaff(N):
    """ find first N Wagstaff primes """
    pri, wcount = 1, 0
    while wcount < N:
        pri += 2
        if isprime(pri):
            wag = (2**pri + 1) // 3
            if isprime(wag):
                wcount += 1
                print(f'{wcount: 3}: {pri: 5} => ', 
                      f'{wag:,}' if wcount < 11 else f'[{len(str(wag))} digit number]')

  1:     3 =>  3
  2:     5 =>  11
  3:     7 =>  43
  4:    11 =>  683
  5:    13 =>  2,731
  6:    17 =>  43,691
  7:    19 =>  174,763
  8:    23 =>  2,796,203
  9:    31 =>  715,827,883
 10:    43 =>  2,932,031,007,403
 11:    61 =>  [18 digit number]
 12:    79 =>  [24 digit number]
 13:   101 =>  [30 digit number]
 14:   127 =>  [38 digit number]
 15:   167 =>  [50 digit number]
 16:   191 =>  [58 digit number]
 17:   199 =>  [60 digit number]
 18:   313 =>  [94 digit number]
 19:   347 =>  [104 digit number]
 20:   701 =>  [211 digit number]
 21:  1709 =>  [514 digit number]
 22:  2617 =>  [788 digit number]


# First 20

my @wagstaff = (^∞).grep: { .is-prime && ((1 + 1 +< $_)/3).is-prime };

say ++$ ~ ": $_ - {(1 + 1 +< $_)/3}" for @wagstaff[^20];

say .fmt("\nTotal elapsed seconds: (%.2f)\n") given (my $elapsed = now) - INIT now;

# However many I have patience for

my atomicint $count = 20;

hyper for @wagstaff[20] .. * {
    next unless .is-prime;
    say ++⚛$count ~ ": $_ ({sprintf "%.2f", now - $elapsed})" and $elapsed = now if is-prime (1 + 1 +< $_)/3;

Turns out, "however many I have patience for" is 9 (29).

1: 3 - 3
2: 5 - 11
3: 7 - 43
4: 11 - 683
5: 13 - 2731
6: 17 - 43691
7: 19 - 174763
8: 23 - 2796203
9: 31 - 715827883
10: 43 - 2932031007403
11: 61 - 768614336404564651
12: 79 - 201487636602438195784363
13: 101 - 845100400152152934331135470251
14: 127 - 56713727820156410577229101238628035243
15: 167 - 62357403192785191176690552862561408838653121833643
16: 191 - 1046183622564446793972631570534611069350392574077339085483
17: 199 - 267823007376498379256993682056860433753700498963798805883563
18: 313 - 5562466239377370006237035693149875298444543026970449921737087520370363869220418099018130434731
19: 347 - 95562442332919646317117537304253622533190207882011713489066201641121786503686867002917439712921903606443
20: 701 - 3506757267698915671493993255253419110366893201882115906332187268712488102864720548075777690851725634151321979237452145142012954833455869242085209847101253899970149114085629732127775838589548478180862167823854251

Total elapsed seconds: (0.09)

21: 1709 (0.87)
22: 2617 (0.92)
23: 3539 (2.03)
24: 5807 (13.18)
25: 10501 (114.14)
26: 10691 (114.14)
27: 11279 (48.13)
28: 12391 (92.99)
29: 14479 (179.87)


Library: Wren-math
Library: Wren-gmp
Library: Wren-fmt

An embedded solution so we can use GMP to test for probable primeness in a reasonable time.

Even so, as far as the stretch goal is concerned, takes around 25 seconds to find the next 14 Wagstaff primes but almost 10 minutes to find the next 19 on my machine (Core i7). I gave up after that.

import "./math" for Int
import "./gmp" for Mpz
import "./fmt" for Fmt

var isWagstaff = Fn.new { |p|
    var w = (2.pow(p) + 1) / 3
    if (!w.isInteger || !Int.isPrime(w)) return [false, null]
    return [true, [p, w]]

var isBigWagstaff = Fn.new { |p|
    var w = Mpz.one.lsh(p).add(1)
    if (!w.isDivisibleUi(3)) return [false, null]
    if (w.probPrime(15) == 0) return [false, null]
    return [true, p]

var start = System.clock
var p = 1
var wagstaff = []
while (wagstaff.count < 10) {
    while (true) {
        p = p + 2
        if (Int.isPrime(p)) break
    var res = isWagstaff.call(p)
    if (res[0]) wagstaff.add(res[1])
System.print("First 10 Wagstaff primes for the values of 'p' shown:")
for (i in 0..9) Fmt.print("$2d: $d", wagstaff[i][0], wagstaff[i][1])
System.print("\nTook %(System.clock - start) seconds")

var limit = 19
var count = 0
System.print("\nValues of 'p' for the next %(limit) Wagstaff primes and")
System.print("overall time taken to reach them to higher second:")
while (count < limit) {
    while (true) {
        p = p + 2
        if (Int.isPrime(p)) break
    var res = isBigWagstaff.call(p)
    if (res[0]) {
        Fmt.print("$5d ($3d secs)", res[1], (System.clock - start).ceil)
        count = count + 1
First 10 Wagstaff primes for the values of 'p' shown:
 3: 3
 5: 11
 7: 43
11: 683
13: 2731
17: 43691
19: 174763
23: 2796203
31: 715827883
43: 2932031007403

Took 0.056335 seconds

Values of 'p' for the next 19 Wagstaff primes and
overall time taken to reach them to higher second:
   61 (  1 secs)
   79 (  1 secs)
  101 (  1 secs)
  127 (  1 secs)
  167 (  1 secs)
  191 (  1 secs)
  199 (  1 secs)
  313 (  1 secs)
  347 (  1 secs)
  701 (  1 secs)
 1709 (  1 secs)
 2617 (  2 secs)
 3539 (  5 secs)
 5807 ( 25 secs)
10501 (198 secs)
10691 (210 secs)
11279 (251 secs)
12391 (348 secs)
14479 (599 secs)