Visitor pattern: Difference between revisions

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(Created Nim solution.)
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</syntaxhighlight>{{out}} Same as Phix entry.
</syntaxhighlight>{{out}} Same as Phix entry.

This is a translation of the Wikipedia C# example.

Note that Nim has no notion of “class” but only object types which allow simple inheritance. But it provides a way to define methods with dynamic dispatch and allows procedure overloading. So the translation of the C# example is easy.
<syntaxhighlight lang="Nim">import std/strutils


ExpressionPrintingVisitor = object

Expression = ref object of RootObj

Literal = ref object of Expression
value: float

Addition = ref object of Expression
left, right: Expression

# Expression procedures and methods.

method accept(e: Expression; v: ExpressionPrintingVisitor) {.base.} =
raise newException(CatchableError, "Method without implementation override")

method getValue(e: Expression): float {.base.} =
raise newException(CatchableError, "Method without implementation override")

# ExpressionPrintingVisitor procedures.

proc printLiteral(v: ExpressionPrintingVisitor; literal: Literal) =
echo literal.value

proc printAddition(v: ExpressionPrintingVisitor; addition: Addition) =
let leftValue = addition.left.getValue()
let rightValue = addition.right.getValue()
let sum = addition.getValue()
echo "$1 + $2 = $3".format(leftValue, rightValue, sum)

# Literal procedure and methods.
proc newLiteral(value: float): Literal =
Literal(value: value)

method accept(lit: Literal; v: ExpressionPrintingVisitor) =

method getValue(lit: Literal): float = lit.value

# Addition procedure and methods.
proc newAddition(left, right: Expression): Addition =
Addition(left: left, right: right)

method accept(a: Addition; v: ExpressionPrintingVisitor) =

method getValue(a: Addition): float =
a.left.getValue() + a.right.getValue()

proc main() =
# Emulate 1 + 2 + 3.
let e = newAddition(
newAddition(newLiteral(1), newLiteral(2)),
var printingVisitor: ExpressionPrintingVisitor


1.0 + 2.0 = 3.0
3.0 + 3.0 = 6.0</pre>
