Visitor pattern: Difference between revisions

(Ada implementation with tagged types)
m (→‎{{header|Ada}}: removed Method 2 after consideration)
(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
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An Ada implementation of the Wikipedia Java example.
An Ada implementation of the Wikipedia Java example. Perhaps more packages than needed (7), which makes for quite a few files (specification + implementation). An overview:
* <code>Vehicle_Elements</code> (spec + body) provides a base <code>Element</code> class for <code>Car</code> and its parts, as well as an <code>Element_Interface</code> for visitors. It's sufficiently abstract that you could, in principle, easily define a <code>Bicycle</code>, or a <code>Truck</code>, or an <code>Airplane</code>.
===Method 1: via Tagged Types (the object-oriented approach)===
* The elements of a <code>Car</code> are defined in:
Perhaps more packages than needed (7), which makes for quite a few files (specification + implementation). Only the `Visitors` files are long; the rest are much shorter.
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">pragma Ada_2022;

:* <code>Bodies</code>
package Base is
:* <code>Engines</code>
:* <code>Wheels</code>

* <code>Car_Visitors</code> (spec + body) provides an implementation of <code>Element_Visitor</code> for <code>Cars</code>, defining two visitors:
type Base_Record is abstract tagged null record;
:* <code>Perform_Visitor</code>
:* <code>Print_Visitor</code>
* <code>Cars</code> (spec + body) "builds" a <code>Car</code> from its various parts and overrides <code>Accept_Visitor</code>.
* <code>Visitor_Pattern</code> instantiates a car and invokes both visitors on it.
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">private with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;

package Vehicle_Elements is
end Base;
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">pragma Ada_2022;

-- Forward declaration for visitor operation parameter
limited with Base;
type Element is tagged;
limited with Bodies;
limited with Cars;
limited with Engines;
limited with Wheels;

-- Generic visitor interface
package Visitors is
type Element_Visitor is interface;

-- Interface visiting procedure
type Visitor is abstract tagged null record;
procedure Visit
(Self : Element_Visitor;
Part : in out Vehicle_Elements.Element'Class) is abstract;

-- Base class type for all car things
procedure Visit_Base
type Element is abstract tagged private;
(Self : Visitor; Dest : Base.Base_Record'Class) is null;

-- Using 'Class here so I can provide a generic base class constructor
procedure Visit_Body (Self : Visitor; Dest : Bodies.Body_Record'Class);
-- Name - Name of the part: "Body", "Engine", "Wheel"
procedure Visit_Car (Self : Visitor; Dest : Cars.Car_Record'Class);
-- NOTE: When using to make an aggregate, type convert the result of this
procedure Visit_Engine (Self : Visitor; Dest : Engines.Engine_Record'Class);
-- operation to the Element type
procedure Visit_Wheel (Self : Visitor; Dest : Wheels.Wheel_Record'Class);
function Make (Name : String) return Element'Class;

-- To get the supplied name
type Perform is new Visitor with null record;
function Name (Self : Element'Class) return String;
type Print is new Visitor with null record;

overriding procedure Visit_Body
-- This procedure calls Visitor.Visit(Self) by default
-- We can't call it `Accept` because `accept` is an Ada keyword...
(Self : Perform; Dest : Bodies.Body_Record'Class);
overriding procedure Visit_Body
procedure Accept_Visitor
(Self : Print; Dest : Bodies.Body_Record'Class);
(Self : in out Element; Visitor : Element_Visitor'Class);

overriding procedure Visit_Car
(Self : Perform; Dest : Cars.Car_Record'Class);
overriding procedure Visit_Car (Self : Print; Dest : Cars.Car_Record'Class);

use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
overriding procedure Visit_Engine
(Self : Perform; Dest : Engines.Engine_Record'Class);
overriding procedure Visit_Engine
(Self : Print; Dest : Engines.Engine_Record'Class);

type Element is abstract tagged record
overriding procedure Visit_Wheel
Name : Unbounded_String;
(Self : Perform; Dest : Wheels.Wheel_Record'Class);
end record;
overriding procedure Visit_Wheel
(Self : Print; Dest : Wheels.Wheel_Record'Class);

end Visitors;
end Vehicle_Elements;
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">pragma Ada_2022;
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">package body Vehicle_Elements is

-- Need a non abstract type to actually work in the Make function
with Ada.Text_IO;
type Factory is new Element with null record;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
use all type Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;

function Make (Name : String) return Element'Class is
with Wheels;
(Factory'(Name => To_Unbounded_String (Name)));

function Name (Self : Element'Class) return String is
package body Visitors is
(To_String (Self.Name));

procedure Accept_Visitor
package IO renames Ada.Text_IO;
(Self : in out Element; Visitor : Element_Visitor'Class)

procedure Visit_Body (Self : Visitor; Dest : Bodies.Body_Record'Class) is
Self.Visit_Body (Dest);
end Visit_Body;

overriding procedure Visit_Body
(Self : Perform; Dest : Bodies.Body_Record'Class)
IO.Put_Line ("Moving my Body");
Visitor.Visit (Self);
end Visit_Body;
end Accept_Visitor;

end Vehicle_Elements;
overriding procedure Visit_Body
(Self : Print; Dest : Bodies.Body_Record'Class)
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">with Vehicle_Elements;
IO.Put_Line ("Visiting Body");
end Visit_Body;

package Car_Visitors is
procedure Visit_Car (Self : Visitor; Dest : Cars.Car_Record'Class) is
Self.Visit_Car (Dest);
end Visit_Car;

type Print_Visitor is new Vehicle_Elements.Element_Visitor with null record;
overriding procedure Visit_Car
overriding procedure Visit
(Self : Perform; Dest : Cars.Car_Record'Class)
(Self : Print_Visitor; Part : in out Vehicle_Elements.Element'Class);
IO.Put_Line ("Starting my car");
end Visit_Car;

type Perform_Visitor is
overriding procedure Visit_Car (Self : Print; Dest : Cars.Car_Record'Class)
new Vehicle_Elements.Element_Visitor with null record;
overriding procedure Visit
(Self : Perform_Visitor; Part : in out Vehicle_Elements.Element'Class);
IO.Put_Line ("Visiting Car");
end Visit_Car;

end Car_Visitors;
procedure Visit_Engine (Self : Visitor; Dest : Engines.Engine_Record'Class)
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Bodies;
Self.Visit_Engine (Dest);
with Engines;
end Visit_Engine;
with Wheels;
with Cars;

package body Car_Visitors is
overriding procedure Visit_Engine
(Self : Perform; Dest : Engines.Engine_Record'Class)
IO.Put_Line ("Revving my Engine");
end Visit_Engine;

overriding procedure Visit_Engine
overriding procedure Visit
(Self : Print; Dest : Engines.Engine_Record'Class)
(Self : Print_Visitor; Part : in out Vehicle_Elements.Element'Class)
IO.Put_Line ("Visiting Engine");
Put_Line ("Visiting " & Part.Name);
end Visit_Engine;
end Visit;

overriding procedure Visit
procedure Visit_Wheel (Self : Visitor; Dest : Wheels.Wheel_Record'Class) is
(Self : Perform_Visitor; Part : in out Vehicle_Elements.Element'Class)
Self.Visit_Wheel (Dest);
end Visit_Wheel;

overriding procedure Visit_Wheel
(Self : Perform; Dest : Wheels.Wheel_Record'Class)
if Part in Cars.Car then
IO.Put_Line ("Rolling my " & To_String (Dest.Name) & " wheel");
Put_Line ("Starting the " & Part.Name);
end Visit_Wheel;
elsif Part in Bodies.Car_Body then
Put_Line ("Moving the " & Part.Name);
elsif Part in Engines.Engine then
Put_Line ("Revving the " & Part.Name);
elsif Part in Wheels.Wheel then
Put_Line ("Rolling the " & Part.Name);
raise Constraint_Error
with "Peform_Visitor does not support part type";
end if;
end Visit;

end Car_Visitors;
overriding procedure Visit_Wheel
(Self : Print; Dest : Wheels.Wheel_Record'Class)
IO.Put_Line ("Visiting " & To_String (Dest.Name) & " wheel");
end Visit_Wheel;

end Visitors;
====The parts of a <code>Car</code>====
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">pragma Ada_2022;
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">with Vehicle_Elements;

with Base;

limited with Visitors;

package Bodies is
package Bodies is

type Body_Record is new Base.Base_Record with private;
type Car_Body is new Vehicle_Elements.Element with null record;
function Make return Car_Body is
(Vehicle_Elements.Element (Vehicle_Elements.Make ("Body")) with
null record);

end Bodies;
procedure Visit (Self : Body_Record; Visitor : Visitors.Visitor'Class);
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">with Vehicle_Elements;

package Engines is

type Body_Record is new Base.Base_Record with null record;
type Engine is new Vehicle_Elements.Element with null record;
function Make return Engine is
(Vehicle_Elements.Element (Vehicle_Elements.Make ("Engine")) with
null record);

end Bodies;
end Engines;
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">pragma Ada_2022;
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">with Vehicle_Elements;

package Wheels is
with Visitors;

type Wheel is new Vehicle_Elements.Element with null record;
package body Bodies is
function Make (Name : String) return Wheel is
(Vehicle_Elements.Element (Vehicle_Elements.Make (Name & " Wheel")) with
null record);

end Wheels;
procedure Visit (Self : Body_Record; Visitor : Visitors.Visitor'Class) is
Visitor.Visit_Body (Self);
end Visit;

end Bodies;
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">pragma Ada_2022;
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">private with Wheels;

with Base;
with Bodies;
with Bodies;
with Engines;
with Engines;
with Wheels;
with Vehicle_Elements;

limited with Visitors;

package Cars is
package Cars is

type Car_Record is new Base.Base_Record with private;
type Car is new Vehicle_Elements.Element with private;

overriding procedure Accept_Visitor
procedure Visit (Self : Car_Record; Visitor : Visitors.Visitor'Class);
(Self : in out Car; Visitor : Vehicle_Elements.Element_Visitor'Class);

function Initialize return Car_Record;
function Make return Car;


type Wheel_Position is (Left_Front, Right_Front, Left_Back, Right_Back);
type Wheel_Array is array (1 .. 4) of Wheels.Wheel_Record;

type Car_Record is new Base.Base_Record with record
type Wheel_Array is array (Wheel_Position) of Wheels.Wheel;

Bod : Bodies.Body_Record;
type Car is new Vehicle_Elements.Element with record
Eng : Engines.Engine_Record;
Whs : Wheel_Array;
Car_Body : Bodies.Car_Body;
Engine : Engines.Engine;
All_Wheels : Wheel_Array;
end record;
end record;

Line 242: Line 228:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">pragma Ada_2022;
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">pragma Ada_2022;

with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;

with Visitors;

package body Cars is
package body Cars is

function Make return Car is
subtype Unbounded_String is Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
(Vehicle_Elements.Element (Vehicle_Elements.Make ("Car")) with
use all type Unbounded_String;
Car_Body => Bodies.Make, Engine => Engines.Make,
All_Wheels =>
(for Wheel in Wheel_Position => Wheels.Make (Wheel'Image)));

overriding procedure Accept_Visitor
procedure Visit (Self : Car_Record; Visitor : Visitors.Visitor'Class) is
(Self : in out Car; Visitor : Vehicle_Elements.Element_Visitor'Class)
Visitor.Visit_Car (Self);
Vehicle_Elements.Element (Self).Accept_Visitor (Visitor);
Visitor.Visit_Body (Self.Bod);
Self.Car_Body.Accept_Visitor (Visitor);
Visitor.Visit_Engine (Self.Eng);
Self.Engine.Accept_Visitor (Visitor);
for Wheel of Self.Whs loop
for Wheel of Self.All_Wheels loop
Visitor.Visit_Wheel (Wheel);
Wheel.Accept_Visitor (Visitor);
end loop;
end loop;
end Visit;
end Accept_Visitor;

function Initialize return Car_Record is
Result : Car_Record;
Result.Whs :=
[Wheels.Initialize (To_Unbounded_String ("front left")),
Wheels.Initialize (To_Unbounded_String ("front right")),
Wheels.Initialize (To_Unbounded_String ("back left")),
Wheels.Initialize (To_Unbounded_String ("back right"))];
return Result;
end Initialize;

end Cars;
end Cars;
====Putting it all together====
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">pragma Ada_2022;
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">with Cars;

with Base;
with Car_Visitors;

limited with Visitors;

package Engines is

type Engine_Record is new Base.Base_Record with private;

procedure Visit (Self : Engine_Record; Visitor : Visitors.Visitor'Class);


type Engine_Record is new Base.Base_Record with null record;

end Engines;
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">pragma Ada_2022;

with Visitors;

package body Engines is

procedure Visit (Self : Engine_Record; Visitor : Visitors.Visitor'Class) is
Visitor.Visit_Engine (Self);
end Visit;

end Engines;
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">pragma Ada_2022;

with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;

with Base;

limited with Visitors;

package Wheels is

subtype Unbounded_String is Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
use all type Unbounded_String;

type Wheel_Record is new Base.Base_Record with private;

procedure Visit (Self : Wheel_Record; Visitor : Visitors.Visitor'Class);

function Initialize (Name : Unbounded_String) return Wheel_Record;

function Name (Me : Wheel_Record) return Unbounded_String;


type Wheel_Record is new Base.Base_Record with record
My_Name : Unbounded_String;
end record;

end Wheels;
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">pragma Ada_2022;

with Visitors;

package body Wheels is

procedure Visit (Self : Wheel_Record; Visitor : Visitors.Visitor'Class) is
Visitor.Visit_Wheel (Self);
end Visit;

function Initialize (Name : Unbounded_String) return Wheel_Record is
(My_Name => Name);

function Name (Me : Wheel_Record) return Unbounded_String is (Me.My_Name);

end Wheels;
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">pragma Ada_2022;

with Cars;
with Visitors;

procedure Visitor_Pattern is
procedure Visitor_Pattern is
Car : Cars.Car_Record := Cars.Initialize;
Car : Cars.Car := Cars.Make;
Printer : Car_Visitors.Print_Visitor;
Performer : aliased Visitors.Perform;
Performer : Car_Visitors.Perform_Visitor;
Printer : aliased Visitors.Print;
Car.Visit (Performer);
Car.Accept_Visitor (Printer);
Car.Visit (Printer);
Car.Accept_Visitor (Performer);
end Visitor_Pattern;
end Visitor_Pattern;

===Method 2: Discriminated Types===
<syntaxhighlight lang="julia">abstract type CarElementVisitor end
<syntaxhighlight lang="julia">abstract type CarElementVisitor end

Latest revision as of 21:04, 5 July 2024

In object oriented programming, the Visitor design pattern is a way of separating an algorithm from an object structure on which it operates. A practical result of this separation is the ability to add new operations to existing object structures without modifying the structures.

Visitor pattern is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

It is one way to follow the open/closed principle which states that: "software entities (classes, modules, functions, etc.) should be open for extension, but closed for modification".

The Visitor pattern is one of the twenty-three Gang of Four design patterns that facilitate the solution of recurring design problems in object-oriented software.


Consider two objects, each of some class type; one is termed the element, and the other is the visitor.

The visitor declares a visit method, which takes the element as an argument, for each class of element. Concrete visitors are derived from the visitor class and implement these visit methods, each of which implements part of the algorithm operating on the object structure. The state of the algorithm is maintained locally by the concrete visitor class.

The element declares an accept method to accept a visitor, taking the visitor as an argument. Concrete elements, derived from the element class, implement the accept method. Composite elements, which maintain a list of child objects, typically iterate over these, calling each child's accept method.

Having created the object structure, a program should first instantiate the concrete visitors. When an operation is to be performed which is implemented using the Visitor pattern, it should then call the accept method of the top-level element(s) passing the visitor(s) as arguments.


The Wikipedia article contains examples of the Visitor pattern written in: C#, Smalltalk, Go (partial), Java, Common Lisp and Python.


Demonstrate the workings of the Visitor pattern in your language by translating one (or more) of the Wikipedia examples. If your language is one of those for which an example already exists, try to translate one of the other examples.

If you don't know any of the example languages or prefer to use your own example, then this is also acceptable.

If your language does not support the object oriented paradigm at all (or only to a limited extent), then try to emulate the intent of the pattern with the tools it does have by writing a program which produces the same output as one of the Wikipedia examples.



An Ada implementation of the Wikipedia Java example. Perhaps more packages than needed (7), which makes for quite a few files (specification + implementation). An overview:

  • Vehicle_Elements (spec + body) provides a base Element class for Car and its parts, as well as an Element_Interface for visitors. It's sufficiently abstract that you could, in principle, easily define a Bicycle, or a Truck, or an Airplane.
  • The elements of a Car are defined in:
  • Bodies
  • Engines
  • Wheels
  • Car_Visitors (spec + body) provides an implementation of Element_Visitor for Cars, defining two visitors:
  • Perform_Visitor
  • Print_Visitor
  • Cars (spec + body) "builds" a Car from its various parts and overrides Accept_Visitor.
  • Visitor_Pattern instantiates a car and invokes both visitors on it.


private with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;

package Vehicle_Elements is

   --  Forward declaration for visitor operation parameter
   type Element is tagged;

   --  Generic visitor interface
   type Element_Visitor is interface;

   --  Interface visiting procedure
   procedure Visit
     (Self :        Element_Visitor;
      Part : in out Vehicle_Elements.Element'Class) is abstract;

   --  Base class type for all car things
   type Element is abstract tagged private;

   --  Using 'Class here so I can provide a generic base class constructor
   --     Name - Name of the part: "Body", "Engine", "Wheel"
   --  NOTE:  When using to make an aggregate, type convert the result of this
   --     operation to the Element type
   function Make (Name : String) return Element'Class;

   --  To get the supplied name
   function Name (Self : Element'Class) return String;

   --  This procedure calls Visitor.Visit(Self) by default
   --  We can't call it `Accept` because `accept` is an Ada keyword...
   procedure Accept_Visitor
     (Self : in out Element; Visitor : Element_Visitor'Class);


   use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;

   type Element is abstract tagged record
      Name : Unbounded_String;
   end record;

end Vehicle_Elements;
package body Vehicle_Elements is

   --  Need a non abstract type to actually work in the Make function
   type Factory is new Element with null record;

   function Make (Name : String) return Element'Class is
     (Factory'(Name => To_Unbounded_String (Name)));

   function Name (Self : Element'Class) return String is
     (To_String (Self.Name));

   procedure Accept_Visitor
     (Self : in out Element; Visitor : Element_Visitor'Class)
      Visitor.Visit (Self);
   end Accept_Visitor;

end Vehicle_Elements;


with Vehicle_Elements;

package Car_Visitors is

   type Print_Visitor is new Vehicle_Elements.Element_Visitor with null record;
   overriding procedure Visit
     (Self : Print_Visitor; Part : in out Vehicle_Elements.Element'Class);

   type Perform_Visitor is
   new Vehicle_Elements.Element_Visitor with null record;
   overriding procedure Visit
     (Self : Perform_Visitor; Part : in out Vehicle_Elements.Element'Class);

end Car_Visitors;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Bodies;
with Engines;
with Wheels;
with Cars;

package body Car_Visitors is

   overriding procedure Visit
     (Self : Print_Visitor; Part : in out Vehicle_Elements.Element'Class)
      Put_Line ("Visiting " & Part.Name);
   end Visit;

   overriding procedure Visit
     (Self : Perform_Visitor; Part : in out Vehicle_Elements.Element'Class)
      if Part in Cars.Car then
         Put_Line ("Starting the " & Part.Name);
      elsif Part in Bodies.Car_Body then
         Put_Line ("Moving the " & Part.Name);
      elsif Part in Engines.Engine then
         Put_Line ("Revving the " & Part.Name);
      elsif Part in Wheels.Wheel then
         Put_Line ("Rolling the " & Part.Name);
         raise Constraint_Error
           with "Peform_Visitor does not support part type";
      end if;
   end Visit;

end Car_Visitors;

The parts of a Car

with Vehicle_Elements;

package Bodies is

   type Car_Body is new Vehicle_Elements.Element with null record;
   function Make return Car_Body is
     (Vehicle_Elements.Element (Vehicle_Elements.Make ("Body")) with
      null record);

end Bodies;
with Vehicle_Elements;

package Engines is

   type Engine is new Vehicle_Elements.Element with null record;
   function Make return Engine is
     (Vehicle_Elements.Element (Vehicle_Elements.Make ("Engine")) with
      null record);

end Engines;
with Vehicle_Elements;

package Wheels is

   type Wheel is new Vehicle_Elements.Element with null record;
   function Make (Name : String) return Wheel is
     (Vehicle_Elements.Element (Vehicle_Elements.Make (Name & " Wheel")) with
      null record);

end Wheels;


private with Wheels;

with Bodies;
with Engines;
with Vehicle_Elements;

package Cars is

   type Car is new Vehicle_Elements.Element with private;

   overriding procedure Accept_Visitor
     (Self : in out Car; Visitor : Vehicle_Elements.Element_Visitor'Class);

   function Make return Car;


   type Wheel_Position is (Left_Front, Right_Front, Left_Back, Right_Back);

   type Wheel_Array is array (Wheel_Position) of Wheels.Wheel;

   type Car is new Vehicle_Elements.Element with record
      Car_Body   : Bodies.Car_Body;
      Engine     : Engines.Engine;
      All_Wheels : Wheel_Array;
   end record;

end Cars;
pragma Ada_2022;

package body Cars is

   function Make return Car is
     (Vehicle_Elements.Element (Vehicle_Elements.Make ("Car")) with
      Car_Body   => Bodies.Make, Engine => Engines.Make,
      All_Wheels =>
        (for Wheel in Wheel_Position => Wheels.Make (Wheel'Image)));

   overriding procedure Accept_Visitor
     (Self : in out Car; Visitor : Vehicle_Elements.Element_Visitor'Class)
      Vehicle_Elements.Element (Self).Accept_Visitor (Visitor);
      Self.Car_Body.Accept_Visitor (Visitor);
      Self.Engine.Accept_Visitor (Visitor);
      for Wheel of Self.All_Wheels loop
         Wheel.Accept_Visitor (Visitor);
      end loop;
   end Accept_Visitor;

end Cars;

Putting it all together

with Cars;
with Car_Visitors;

procedure Visitor_Pattern is
   Car       : Cars.Car := Cars.Make;
   Printer   : Car_Visitors.Print_Visitor;
   Performer : Car_Visitors.Perform_Visitor;
   Car.Accept_Visitor (Printer);
   Car.Accept_Visitor (Performer);
end Visitor_Pattern;


abstract type CarElementVisitor end

struct CarElementDoVisitor <: CarElementVisitor end
struct CarElementPrintVisitor <: CarElementVisitor end

abstract type CarElement end
struct Body <: CarElement end
struct Engine <: CarElement end

struct Wheel <: CarElement
    Wheel(str::String) = new(str)

struct Car <:CarElement
    Car() = new([Wheel("front left"), Wheel("front right"), 
                 Wheel("rear left"), Wheel("rear right"),
                 Body(), Engine()])

accept(e::CarElement, visitor::CarElementVisitor) = visit(visitor, e)

function accept(car::Car, visitor::CarElementVisitor)
    for element in car.elements
        accept(element, visitor)
    visit(visitor, car)

visit(v::CarElementDoVisitor, e::Body) = println("Moving my body.")
visit(v::CarElementDoVisitor, e::Car) = println("Starting my car.")
visit(v::CarElementDoVisitor, e::Wheel) = println("Kicking my $( wheel.")
visit(v::CarElementDoVisitor, e::Engine) = println("Starting my engine.")

visit(v::CarElementPrintVisitor, e::Body) = println("Visiting body.")
visit(v::CarElementPrintVisitor, e::Car) = println("Visiting car.")
visit(v::CarElementPrintVisitor, e::Wheel) = println("Visiting $( wheel.")
visit(v::CarElementPrintVisitor, e::Engine) = println("Visiting engine.")

car = Car()
accept(car, CarElementPrintVisitor())
accept(car, CarElementDoVisitor())

Same as Phix entry.


This is a translation of the Wikipedia C# example.

Note that Nim has no notion of “class” but only object types which allow simple inheritance. But it provides a way to define methods with dynamic dispatch and allows procedure overloading. So the translation of the C# example is easy.

import std/strutils


  ExpressionPrintingVisitor = object

  Expression = ref object of RootObj

  Literal = ref object of Expression
    value: float

  Addition = ref object of Expression
    left, right: Expression

# Expression procedures and methods.

method accept(e: Expression; v: ExpressionPrintingVisitor) {.base.} =
  raise newException(CatchableError, "Method without implementation override")

method getValue(e: Expression): float {.base.} =
  raise newException(CatchableError, "Method without implementation override")

# ExpressionPrintingVisitor procedures.

proc printLiteral(v: ExpressionPrintingVisitor; literal: Literal) =
  echo literal.value

proc printAddition(v: ExpressionPrintingVisitor; addition: Addition) =
  let leftValue = addition.left.getValue()
  let rightValue = addition.right.getValue()
  let sum = addition.getValue()
  echo "$1 + $2 = $3".format(leftValue, rightValue, sum)

# Literal procedure and methods.
proc newLiteral(value: float): Literal =
  Literal(value: value)

method accept(lit: Literal; v: ExpressionPrintingVisitor) =

method getValue(lit: Literal): float = lit.value

# Addition procedure and methods.
proc newAddition(left, right: Expression): Addition =
  Addition(left: left, right: right)

method accept(a: Addition; v: ExpressionPrintingVisitor) =

method getValue(a: Addition): float =
  a.left.getValue() + a.right.getValue()

proc main() =
  # Emulate 1 + 2 + 3.
  let e = newAddition(
            newAddition(newLiteral(1), newLiteral(2)),
  var printingVisitor: ExpressionPrintingVisitor

1.0 + 2.0 = 3.0
3.0 + 3.0 = 6.0


Quote of the day: Object oriented programs are offered as alternatives to correct ones... - Edsger Dijkstra
Completely beyond me why anyone would actually want(/need) this sort of nonsense, but there's nothing at all difficult here.

without javascript_semantics

abstract class CarElement
    public string name
    procedure Accept()
        throw("Derived classes *MUST* implement this")
    end procedure
end class

abstract class Visitable
    procedure Visit(CarElement e)
        throw("Derived classes *MUST* implement this")
    end procedure
end class

class CarPart extends CarElement
    procedure Accept(Visitable visitor)
    end procedure
end class

class Body extends CarPart
end class

class Engine extends CarPart
end class

class Wheel extends CarPart
    function Wheel(string name) = name & " wheel"
        return this
    end function
end class

class Car extends CarPart
    sequence elements   
    function Car(string name) = name
        elements = {new(Wheel,{"front left"}),
                    new(Wheel,{"front right"}),
                    new(Wheel,{"back left"}),
                    new(Wheel,{"back right"}),
        return this
    end function
    procedure Accept(Visitable visitor)
        CarElement element
        for element in elements do
        end for
    end procedure
end class

class CarElementPrintVisitor extends Visitable
    procedure Visit(CarElement e)
        printf(1,"Visiting %s.\n",{})
    end procedure
end class

class CarElementDoVisitor extends Visitable
    procedure Visit(CarElement e)
        string verb
        if Body(e) then
            verb = "Moving"
        elsif Car(e) or Engine(e) then
            verb = "Starting"
        elsif Wheel(e) then
            verb = "Kicking"
        end if
        printf(1,"%s my %s.\n",{verb,})
    end procedure
end class

Car car = new({"car"})
Visiting front left wheel.
Visiting front right wheel.
Visiting back left wheel.
Visiting back right wheel.
Visiting body.
Visiting engine.
Visiting car.
Kicking my front left wheel.
Kicking my front right wheel.
Kicking my back left wheel.
Kicking my back right wheel.
Moving my body.
Starting my engine.
Starting my car.


This is based on the Wikipedia Python example, but uses structural pattern matching instead of multiple visit methods.

"""An example of the visitor pattern using structural pattern matching.

Requires Python >= 3.10.
from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC
from abc import abstractmethod

class CarElement(ABC):
    def accept(self, visitor: CarElementVisitor) -> None:

class CarElementVisitor(ABC):
    def visit(self, car_element: CarElement) -> None:
        """Override this in `CarElementVisitor` subclasses."""

class Body(CarElement):
    """Car body."""

class Engine(CarElement):
    """Car engine."""

class Wheel(CarElement):
    """Car wheel"""

    def __init__(self, name: str) -> None: = name

class Car(CarElement):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.elements: list[CarElement] = [
            Wheel("front left"),
            Wheel("front right"),
            Wheel("back left"),
            Wheel("back right"),

    def accept(self, visitor: CarElementVisitor) -> None:
        for element in self.elements:

class CarElementDoVisitor(CarElementVisitor):
    def visit(self, car_element: CarElement) -> None:
        match car_element:
            case Body():
                print("Moving my body.")
            case Car():
                print("Starting my car.")
            case Wheel() as wheel:
                print(f"Kicking my {} wheel.")
            case Engine():
                print("Starting my engine.")

class CarElementPrintVisitor(CarElementVisitor):
    def visit(self, car_element: CarElement) -> None:
        match car_element:
            case Body():
                print("Visiting body.")
            case Car():
                print("Visiting car.")
            case Wheel() as wheel:
                print(f"Visiting my {} wheel.")
            case Engine():
                print("Visiting my engine.")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    car = Car()
Visiting my front left wheel.
Visiting my front right wheel.
Visiting my back left wheel.
Visiting my back right wheel.
Visiting body.
Visiting my engine.
Visiting car.
Kicking my front left wheel.
Kicking my front right wheel.
Kicking my back left wheel.
Kicking my back right wheel.
Moving my body.
Starting my engine.
Starting my car.


Raku implements multiple dispatch so the visitor pattern is perhaps not as useful/necessary there. That said, it can be done fairly easily.

(Largely based on an example published by Johnathan Stowe.)

role CarElementVisitor { ... }

class CarElement {
    method accept(CarElementVisitor $visitor) {
        $visitor.visit: self

class Body is CarElement { }

class Engine is CarElement { }

class Wheel is CarElement {
    has Str $.name is required;

class Car is CarElement {
    has CarElement @.elements = ( => "front left"), => "front right"), => "rear left"), => "rear right"),,

    method accept(CarElementVisitor $visitor) {
        for @.elements -> $element { $element.accept: $visitor };
        $visitor.visit: self;

role CarElementVisitor {
    method visit(CarElement $e) { ... }

class CarElementDoVisitor does CarElementVisitor {
    multi method visit(Body $e) {
        say "Moving my body.";
    multi method visit(Car $e) {
        say "Starting my car.";
    multi method visit(Wheel $e) {
        say "Kicking my { $ } wheel.";
    multi method visit(Engine $e) {
        say "Starting my engine.";

class CarElementPrintVisitor does CarElementVisitor {
    multi method visit(Body $e) {
        say "Visiting body.";
    multi method visit(Car $e) {
        say "Visiting car.";
    multi method visit(Wheel $e) {
        say "Visiting { $ } wheel.";
    multi method visit(Engine $e) {
        say "Visiting engine.";

my Car $car =;

Visiting front left wheel.
Visiting front right wheel.
Visiting rear left wheel.
Visiting rear right wheel.
Visiting body.
Visiting engine.
Visiting car.
Kicking my front left wheel.
Kicking my front right wheel.
Kicking my rear left wheel.
Kicking my rear right wheel.
Moving my body.
Starting my engine.
Starting my car.


Translation of C# example

As is often the case in practice, the following example departs somewhat from the typical operation of the pattern described above. There is no abstract Visitor class - only a concrete Visitor class - and the 'visit' methods are called something else.

class ExpressionPrintingVisitor {
    construct new(){}

    printLiteral(literal) { System.print(literal.value) }

    printAddition(addition) {
        var leftValue   = addition.left.value
        var rightValue  = addition.right.value
        var sum = addition.value
        System.print("%(leftValue) + %(rightValue) = %(sum)")

// abstract class
class Expression {
    accept(visitor) {}
    value {}

class Literal is Expression {
    construct new(value) {
        _value = value

    value       { _value }
    value=(val) { _value = val }

    accept(visitor) {

class Addition is Expression {
    construct new(left, right) {
        _left = left
        _right = right

    left        { _left }
    left=(exp)  { _left = exp }

    right       { _right }
    right=(exp) { _right = exp }

    accept(visitor) {

    value { _left.value + _right.value }

// Emulate 1 + 2 + 3
var e =,,
var printingVisitor =
1 + 2 = 3
3 + 3 = 6

Translation of Java example

Library: Wren-str

Note that Wren is dynamically typed and can only overload methods based on arity and not on argument type. In the following example, rather than having separate methods for each element type, we instead have a single 'visit' method which tests the type of the argument at run time and takes the appropriate action.

import "./str" for Str

// abstract class
class CarElement {
    accept(visitor) {}

// abstract class
class CarElementVisitor {
    visit(obj) {}

class Wheel is CarElement {
    construct new(name) {
        _name = name

    name { _name }

    accept(visitor) {

class Body is CarElement {
    construct new() {}

    accept(visitor) {

class Engine is CarElement {
    construct new() {}

    accept(visitor) {

class Car is CarElement {
    construct new() {
        _elements = [
  "front left"),"front right"),
  "back left"),"back right"),

    accept(visitor) {
        for (element in _elements) element.accept(visitor)

class CarElementDoVisitor is CarElementVisitor {
    construct new() {}

    visit(obj) {
        if (obj is Body) {
            System.print("Moving my body")
        } else if (obj is Car) {
            System.print("Starting my car")
        } else if (obj is Wheel) {
            System.print("Kicking my %( wheel")
        } else if (obj is Engine) {
            System.print("Starting my engine")

class CarElementPrintVisitor is CarElementVisitor {
    construct new() {}

    visit(obj) {
        if ((obj is Body) || (obj is Car) || (obj is Engine)) {
            System.print("Visiting %(Str.lower(obj.type))")
        } else if (obj is Wheel) {
            System.print("Visiting %( wheel")

var car =
Visiting front left wheel
Visiting front right wheel
Visiting back left wheel
Visiting back right wheel
Visiting body
Visiting engine
Visiting car
Kicking my front left wheel
Kicking my front right wheel
Kicking my back left wheel
Kicking my back right wheel
Moving my body
Starting my engine
Starting my car