Vigenère cipher: Difference between revisions

(Added Kotlin)
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The output is the same.
ELENA 3.2.1 :
<lang elena>import system'text.
import system'math.
import system'routines.
import extensions.
class VCipher
literal encrypt(LiteralValue txt, LiteralValue pw, IntNumber d)
var output := TextBuilder new.
int pwi := 0.
literal $pw := pw upperCase.
txt upperCase; forEach(:t)
if(t >= $65)
int tmp := t toInt - 65 + d * ($pw[pwi] toInt - 65).
if (tmp < 0)
tmp += 26
output write((65 + tmp mod:26) toChar).
pwi += 1.
if (pwi == $pw length) [ pwi := 0 ]
^ output literal
program =
var v := VCipher new.
var s0 := "Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!".
console printLine(s0,'newLine,pw,'newLine).
var s1 := v encrypt(s0, pw, 1).
console printLine("Encrypted:",s1).
s1 := v encrypt(s1, "VIGENERECIPHER", -1).
console printLine("Decrypted:",s1).
console printLine("Press any key to continue..").
console readKey.
Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Press any key to continue..
Anonymous user