User talk:Wamba
Hi, when marking the perl5 example for best shuffle as incorrect you need to move the longer explanation to the talk page as a sub-section, leaving just the {{incorrect|Perl 6|See xxx in talk page}}.
Thanks, --Paddy3118 (talk) 16:36, 24 June 2015 (UTC)
Markov chain text generator
Really good to get 'rotor' back into the Perl 6 solution, a definite improvement over the fix I made.
But I think two details need to be taken care of:
• @prefix should contain strings, not lists (eg "Alice was" not ("Alice", "was")
• the routine needs to explicitly return a hash
So something along the lines of:
my @prefix.push: .join(' ') for @words.rotor: $n => -$n+1; (%).push: @prefix Z=> @words[$n .. *];
--SqrtNegInf (talk) 17:08, 5 February 2017 (UTC)