Kill switch

Throw it here if necessary.

C and F

What happened in Category:C and Category:F? --Mwn3d 22:57, 7 April 2010 (UTC)

I rolled back those changes. I wonder what triggered that. --Michael Mol 23:43, 7 April 2010 (UTC)
Oh! I see it. "C#" and "F#" --Michael Mol 23:47, 7 April 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, sorry about that. I've changed UnderBot to no longer attempt to create pages with pound signs in their titles. —Underscore (Talk) 13:50, 8 April 2010 (UTC)
Thanks for the fix; on the whole, this is a minor glitch in the time saved manually creating all those categories. :) (Thinking of which, could you add "X User" to the job queue. I looked at User:EdK, and noticed that a lot of the User categories he's listed in don't have page bodies.) --Michael Mol 14:22, 8 April 2010 (UTC)
It's on the queue; I just had to iron out another bug, or rather, design oversight. —Underscore (Talk) 23:58, 8 April 2010 (UTC)

Category redirects

MediaWiki doesn't support category redirects, but it's plausible that a bot might be able to handle it. The particular case I'm seeing right now are the pages that found themselves in Category:F_sharp, when they belong in Category:F_Sharp. Now, someone kindly put a #REDIRECT in the former category, but MediaWiki doesn't directly support category redirects. I think Underbot might be able to enumerate the categories that have #REDIRECT in them (I don't know offhand how to do that particular query, though), and then do a string replace for [[Category:oldname]] to [[Category:newname]], and replace cases of {{*|oldname|.*}} to {{\1|newname|\2}} (with a better regex!). Remind me to send you a T-shirt or mug when I've got all that set up properly; I think this bot is going to wind up being even more work for you if its maintenance doesn't split up among more folks. --Michael Mol 00:48, 9 April 2010 (UTC)

Heh, well, that sounds like something that I could implement on my own. Although, again, I don't know when I'll get 'round to it. At any rate, it's now officially on my to-do list. —Underscore (Talk) 17:25, 9 April 2010 (UTC)
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