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User talk:Dedalus

From Rosetta Code

else rqd

In Fivenum#VBA you wrote ({{trans|Phix}})

   If l Mod 2 = 1 Then
       median = tbl(m)
   End If
   median = (tbl(m - 1) + tbl(m)) / 2

to match the Phix output I think that should be

   If l Mod 2 = 1 Then
       median = tbl(m)
       median = (tbl(m - 1) + tbl(m)) / 2
   End If

Dear mister Lomax, you are perfectly right. Dedalus (talk) 18:14, 11 February 2019 (UTC) An alternative would be to include a line 'exit sub' after the line 'median = tbl(m)'.

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