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Chemoelectric (talk | contribs)
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Chemoelectric (talk | contribs)
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So I end up with ISO Pascal, or even less than that, if possible. This has various advantages. It does not have a module system, for example, which means we do not have that distraction. Unlike Algol 60, it has a sensible way to add comments. It has call by reference, instead of call by name. Unfortunately it has an explicit way to write things that are referenced through pointers, rather than the more implicit way that Oberon has. So one has to explain why you are writing "^." instead of just "." But I cannot think of a better choice than Pascal. There is a good compiler for POSIX systems and for Windows systems I don't know what but you can pay for Delphi for all I care. :) I programmed in Borland Pascal for pay but that was 30 years ago. --[[User:Chemoelectric|Chemoelectric]] ([[User talk:Chemoelectric|talk]]) 13:43, 12 June 2023 (UTC)
:Postscript: I did try ATS for the job and found it oddly good at it. It could get even better with a few #define statements, for instance maybe "#define variable var" and "#define value val", so the code ends up looking almost like English. But I fear ending up in situations where you have to do something ATS-ish -- because mutable variables are, by their very nature, linear types, and so (in ATS) must have local scope. --[[User:Chemoelectric|Chemoelectric]] ([[User talk:Chemoelectric|talk]]) 13:49, 12 June 2023 (UTC)