User talk:Bugmenot3
The regex article
(In response to the regex article comment you left on my talk page...)
Unfortunately, deleting a page seems to delete its history (a sad consequence of way too much spammer activity), so I cannot double check that I am remembering things right. But, I do not recall that Regex page being a redirect. (But... even if it had been... searching for Regex finds the Regular expressions page just fine, even without any such redirects...)
That said, hopefully you can find more useful things to do than adding redirects to the site? Like, for example, maybe you could work up a task on Finite Element Analysis? Or maybe something related to Volumetric Rendering? Or maybe something simpler like a [[wp:Color_tool}color picker widget]]? Or maybe you can try digesting some of the verbiage about forestry forecast methods and turn that into a description of a reasonable task? Or...
Anyways, I guess my point is that there's a lot of things you could be doing which might benefit other people, and I we do not have anywhere near enough effort going into those kinds of things.
So... I guess what I am trying to say is: I wouldn't worry too much about the useless stuff. --Rdm (talk) 21:10, 12 October 2015 (UTC)