You don't need to claim an example by putting the language header on before any code. It would look a little weird if someone were to access the page before you put the code on. You can just do it all at once. --Mwn3d 23:14, 6 April 2008 (MDT)

GeSHi rollback check

if you want to check the version of GeSHi installed, edit any page, type <lang list>, and preview (don't save it). If it shows "" then he hasn't rolled back. This list is at the bottom of the new village pump page too. --Mwn3d 17:50, 18 June 2009 (UTC)

Thanks. Alas, he hasn't. --Balrog 23:12, 18 June 2009 (UTC)

Like This, Nick

<lang clojure> (def tables [[10 0 8500]

            [15 8501 34500] 
            [25 34501 83600] 
            [28 83601 174400] 
            [33 174401 379150] 
            [35 379151 Long/MAX_VALUE]])

(defn tax-calc

 "Takes a dollar amount value and returns your federal tax obligation based on 
 the table above"
 (second (reduce (fn [[dec-income calc] [percentage start end]]
                   (if (< start taxable-income) 
                     (let[limit (min taxable-income end)
                          taxable-range (- limit start)
                          result (float (* (/ percentage 100) taxable-range))
                          dec-income (- dec-income (min taxable-range dec-income))]
                      [dec-income (+ calc result)]) 
                    [dec-income calc])) [taxable-income 0]
