User input/Graphical: Difference between revisions

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value = parseInt( prompt("Enter the number 75000") );
value = parseInt( prompt("Enter the number 75000") );

=={{header|Liberty BASIC}}==
<lang lb>' [RC] User input/graphical

' Typical LB graphical input/output example.This shows how LB takes user input.
' You'd usually do more validating of input.

nomainwin ' No console window needed.

textbox#w.tb1, 100, 20, 200, 30
textbox#w.tb2, 100, 60, 200, 30
textbox#w.tb3, 100,160, 200, 30

statictext #w.st1, "String =", 10, 30, 90, 30
statictext #w.st2, "Integer =", 10, 70, 90, 30

button #w.b1, "Read and Show", [buttonClicked], LR, 180, 70

WindowWidth =360
WindowHeight =240
UpperLeftX = 40
UpperLeftY = 40

open "User input of integer & string" for window as #w

#w "trapclose [quit]" ' Clean exit routine.
#w.tb1 "!font courier 12"
#w.tb2 "!font courier 12"
#w.tb3 "!font courier 12 bold"
#w.st1 "!font courier 12"
#w.st2 "!font courier 12"

#w.tb1 "Change this string."
#w.tb2 "Enter an integer here."
#w.tb3 "Display will be here."

#w.tb1 "!selectall"


[buttonClicked] ' Button-clicked routine collects data
#w.tb1 "!contents? in1$"
#w.tb2 "!contents? in2$"
#w.tb3 in1$; " "; int( val( in2$))

close #w
