User defined pipe and redirection operators: Difference between revisions

m (→‎{{header|Raku}}: Fix comments: Perl 6 --> Raku)
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print while $_ = $chain->readline;</lang>
You could of course do things more character-by-character or line-by-line, and/or farm things out to separate
threads/tasks, but the latter would need some suspend/resume/scheduling, along with explicit eof markers.
The distributed version also has a couple of alternatives for pipe_head() and pipe_tail(). Requires 0.8.2+
<lang Phix>-- demo\rosetta\Fake_Redirection.exw
constant fs = new_dict() -- fake file system
class pipe -- fake pipe
string data = ""
integer idx = 0
function getch()
if idx<length(data) then
idx += 1
return data[idx]
end if
return -1
end function
function getln()
if idx<length(data) then
integer start = idx+1
idx = find('\n',data,start)
return data[start..idx]
end if
return -1
end function
procedure putch(integer ch)
data &= ch
end procedure
procedure putln(string line)
data &= line
end procedure
function readall()
return split(data,'\n',no_empty:=true)
end function
function rawdata()
return data
end function
end class
function joinup(sequence lines)
return join(lines,"\n")&"\n"
end function
procedure toName(string name, pipe src) -- role of > operator
end procedure
function fromName(string name) -- role of < operator
return new(pipe,{getd(name,fs)})
end function
function tee(pipe in, string name)
string data = in.rawdata()
return new(pipe,{data})
end function
function grep(pipe in, string pat)
pipe res = new()
while true do
object line = in.getln()
if atom(line) then exit end if
if match(pat,line) then
end if
end while
return res
end function
function multireader(sequence pipes)
pipe res = new()
for i=1 to length(pipes) do
pipe p = pipes[i]
end for
return res
end function
function pipe_head(pipe in, integer lines)
return new(pipe,{joinup(head(in.readall(),lines))})
end function
function pipe_tail(pipe in, integer lines)
return new(pipe,{joinup(tail(in.readall(),lines))})
end function
function sort_unique(pipe in)
return new(pipe,{joinup(unique(in.readall()))})
end function
procedure showCount(string heading, name)
if getd_index(name,fs)=NULL then crash("not found") end if
integer n = length(split(getd(name,fs), "\n",no_empty:=true))
printf(1,"%s: %v\n", {heading, n})
end procedure
constant lcs_txt = """
Wil van der Aalst business process management, process mining, Petri nets
Hal Abelson intersection of computing and teaching
Serge Abiteboul database theory
Samson Abramsky game semantics
Leonard Adleman RSA, DNA computing
Manindra Agrawal polynomial-time primality testing
Luis von Ahn human-based computation
Alfred Aho compilers book, the 'a' in AWK
Stephen R. Bourne Bourne shell, portable ALGOL 68C compiler
Kees Koster ALGOL 68
Lambert Meertens ALGOL 68, ABC (programming language)
Peter Naur BNF, ALGOL 60
Guido van Rossum Python (programming language)
Adriaan van Wijngaarden Dutch pioneer; ARRA, ALGOL
Dennis E. Wisnosky Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing (ICAM), IDEF
Stephen Wolfram Mathematica
William Wulf compilers
Edward Yourdon Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method
Lotfi Zadeh fuzzy logic
Arif Zaman Pseudo-random number generator
Albert Zomaya Australian pioneer of scheduling in parallel and distributed systems
Konrad Zuse German pioneer of hardware and software
toName("aa", grep(tee(sort_unique(multireader({pipe_head(fromName("List_of_computer_scientists.lst"), 4),
tee(grep(fromName("List_of_computer_scientists.lst"), "ALGOL"),
pipe_tail(fromName("List_of_computer_scientists.lst"), 4)})),
printf(1,"Pioneer: %s", getd("aa",fs))
showCount("Number of ALGOL pioneers", "ALGOL_pioneers.lst")
showCount("Number of scientists", "the_important_scientists.lst")</lang>
Pioneer: Adriaan van Wijngaarden Dutch pioneer; ARRA, ALGOL
Number of ALGOL pioneers: 5
Number of scientists: 13
