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User:Siskus/Conway's Game of Life/Scala

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{{collection|Conway's Game of Life}} {{works with|Scala|2.10}} A Conway "board" has infinite dimensions -- in fact, Conway's Game of Life is Turing complete -- so the algorithm below avoids using fixed-size structures such as arrays. Instead, each generation is represented by a set of the coordinates which are "alive".

The solution will be presented in four sections: coordinates, generations, sample patterns and tester. The first two implement everything that is needed for Conway's Game of Life. The sample patterns includes four classes of patterns that are tested. The tester checks some specific characteristic of each pattern, and then shows the three generations of blinker, as requested.


The coordinates to any cell in the board is represented as an immutable tuple of integers. To speed up computation speed, each coordinate keeps a list of all its neighbors. This is computed on demand, as some coordinates may never become alive and, thus, never require it.

All coordinates are memoized (cached), so that the list of neighbors will never need to be recomputed for any coordinate. This can lead to memory starvation, however.

No coordinate will be accepted at the limits of the representation (Int). If any such coordinate is created, an exception will be thrown to indicate the board can no longer be correctly represented.

<lang scala>class Coord private (val x: Int, val y: Int) {

 private val offsets = List(-1, 0, 1)
 private def offsetsOf(n: Int) = offsets map (_ + n)
  * A memoized list of all neighbors of a coordinate
 lazy val neighbors = for {
   xn <- offsetsOf(x) if Coord.legal(xn)
   yn <- offsetsOf(y) if Coord.legal(yn) && (x, y) != (xn, yn)
 } yield Coord(xn, yn)
 // Coordinates can be used as offsets
 def +(c: Coord) = Coord(x + c.x, y + c.y)
 def -(c: Coord) = Coord(x - c.x, y - c.y)
 override def equals(other: Any) = other match {
   case that: Coord => this.x == that.x && this.y == that.y
   case _ => false
 override def hashCode = ((x * 41) + y) * 41 + 41
 override def toString = "Coord(%d, %d)" format (x, y)


object Coord {

 // A Conway board is infinite in size; throw an exception if our hard limits are reached
 private def legal(n: Int) = {
   n.ensuring(Int.MinValue < _, "Coord too low").ensuring(_ < Int.MaxValue, "Coord too high")
 private val cache = new scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[(Int,Int), Coord]
  * Factory for coordinates. All coordinates are memoized.
 def apply(x: Int, y: Int) = {
   require(legal(x) && legal(y))
   cache getOrElseUpdate ((x,y), new Coord(x, y))
  * Coordinate extractor
 def unapply(c: Coord) = Some((c.x, c.y))
  * An Ordering for coordinates which sorts by the X coordinate
 val xOrdering = Ordering.fromLessThan((_: Coord).x < (_: Coord).x)
  * An Ordering for coordinates which sorts by the Y coordinate
 val yOrdering = Ordering.fromLessThan((_: Coord).y < (_: Coord).y)
  * Any Tuple2[Int, Int] can be used as a Coordinate through this implict
  * conversion.
 implicit def coordFromTuple(t: (Int, Int)) = apply(t._1, t._2)



Generations are represented as immutable sets of coordinates for the cells which are alive at that generation. They extend Scala's immutable Set, but adds a few methods. They can return the next generation, of course, and also have a few methods to help with that. When converted to string, it will return a representation of the smallest board that fully contains the pattern. It can also return representation for fixed-coordinates windows. Last, it can return a new generation with the pattern recentered.

<lang scala>class Generation(val alive: Set[Coord]) extends Set[Coord] {

 import Generation._
 // Abstract methods that need to be defined as a Set
 def contains(elem: Coord): Boolean = alive contains elem
 def iterator: Iterator[Coord] = alive.iterator
 def +(elem: Coord): Generation = if (alive contains elem) this else Generation(alive + elem)
 def -(elem: Coord): Generation = if (alive contains elem) Generation(alive - elem) else this
 // Helper methods to be able to pass tuples of Int instead of Coord
 def apply(x: Int, y: Int): Boolean = apply(Coord(x, y))
 def +(x: Int, y: Int): Generation = this.+(Coord(x, y))
 def -(x: Int, y: Int): Generation = this.-(Coord(x, y))
 def ++(coords: Iterator[(Int,Int)]): Generation = Generation(alive ++ (coords map (c => c: Coord))) 
 def ++(coords: Traversable[(Int,Int)]): Generation = Generation(alive ++ (coords map (c => c: Coord)))
  * A list containing all coordinates that are neighbors of a cell which is alive, together
  * with the number of alive cells it is neighbor of.
 lazy val neighbors = alive.toList flatMap (_ neighbors) groupBy identity map { case (c, l) => (c, l.size) }
 // Filter all neighbors for desired characteristics     
 def neighborhood(filter: Filter) = for (filter(coord) <- neighbors) yield coord
 def babies = neighborhood(Fecund)
 def adults = alive & neighborhood(Stable).toSet
  * The next generation is composed of babies from fecund neighborhoods and adults on stable
  * neighborhoods.
 def nextGeneration = Generation(adults ++ babies)
  * Return a string with the representation of this generation on a window
  * defined by its upper-left and lower-right coordinates.
 def windowToString(upperLeft: Coord, lowerRight: Coord) = {
   def toChar(c: Coord) = if (alive contains c) 'X' else ' '
   def toRow(y: Int) = for (x <- upperLeft.x to lowerRight.x) yield toChar(Coord(x, y))
   def toMatrix = for (y <- upperLeft.y to lowerRight.y by -1) yield toRow(y).mkString
   toMatrix mkString "\n"
  * This generation's upper left corner
 lazy val upperLeft = {
   val x = alive min Coord.xOrdering x;
   val y = alive max Coord.yOrdering y;
   Coord(x, y)
  * This generation's lower right corner
 lazy val lowerRight = {
   val x = alive max Coord.xOrdering x;
   val y = alive min Coord.yOrdering y;
   Coord(x, y)
  * Recenter the pattern without altering its disposition
 def recenter = {
   val offset = Coord(
     upperLeft.x + (lowerRight.x - upperLeft.x) / 2,
     lowerRight.y + (upperLeft.y - lowerRight.y) / 2
   Generation(alive map (_ - offset))
 override def equals(other: Any) = other match {
   case that: Generation => this.alive == that.alive
   case _ => false
 override def hashCode = alive.hashCode
 override def toString = windowToString(upperLeft, lowerRight)


object Generation {

 def apply(coords: Iterator[Coord]): Generation = apply(coords.toSeq)
 def apply(coords: Traversable[Coord]): Generation = apply(coords.toSet)
 def apply(alive: Set[Coord]) = new Generation(alive)
 def apply() = new Generation(Set.empty[Coord])
 // Helper class to filter neighbors for desired qualities
 class Filter(f: ((Coord, Int)) => Option[Coord]) {
   def unapply(t: (Coord, Int)): Option[Coord] = f(t)
 object Filter {
   def apply(f: ((Coord, Int)) => Option[Coord]) = new Filter(f)
 // A fecund filter will return all coordinates with three neighbors alive
 val Fecund = Filter {
   case (c, 3) => Some(c)
   case _ => None
 // A stable filter will return all coordinates with two or three neighbors alive
 val Stable = Filter {
   case (c, 2) => Some(c)
   case (c, 3) => Some(c)
   case _ => None


Conway's Game of Life Patterns

A number of patterns are provided, which are used to test the program. They are divided into still lives, oscillators, spaceships and methuselahs. Still lives are immutable patterns. Oscillators are patterns that follow a fixed length cycle, after which they repeat themselves. Spaceships are patterns that move across the board -- they also have a fixed length cycle, after which they repeat themselves at some offset from their original position. Methuselahs are patterns that take a long time to stabilize. When stabilized, they consist of still lives, oscillators and gliders, but have a fixed population size.

A few helper methods are provided to get these patterns into use.

<lang scala>object ConwayPatterns {

 // Lists for all patterns available
 def stillLives = List(block, beehive, loaf, boat) map ((_, 1))
 def oscillators = oscillators2.map((_, 2)) ::: oscillators3.map((_, 3)) 
 def oscillators2 = List(blinker, toad, beacon)
 def oscillators3 = List(pulsar)
 def spaceships = List(glider, LWSS) map ((_, 4)) 
 def methuselahs = List((diehard, 130), (acorn, 5206), (rPentomino, 1103))
 // Still Lives patterns
 val block = """|
                | XX
                | XX
 val beehive = """|
                  |  XX
                  | X  X
                  |  XX
 val loaf = """|
               |  XX
               | X  X
               |  X X
               |   X
 val boat = """|
               | XX
               | X X
               |  X
 // Oscillators patterns
 val blinker = """|
                  | XXX
 val toad = """|
               |  XXX
               | XXX
 val beacon = """|
                 | XX
                 | XX
                 |   XX
                 |   XX
 val pulsar = """|
                 |    XXX   XXX
                 |  X    X X    X
                 |  X    X X    X
                 |  X    X X    X
                 |    XXX   XXX
                 |    XXX   XXX
                 |  X    X X    X
                 |  X    X X    X
                 |  X    X X    X
                 |    XXX   XXX
 // Spaceship patterns
 val glider = """|
                 |   X
                 | X X
                 |  XX
 val LWSS = """|
               |  XXXX
               | X   X
               |     X
               | X  X
 // Methuselah patterns
 val diehard = """|
                  |       X
                  | XX
                  |  X   XXX
 val acorn = """|
                |  X
                |    X
                | XX  XXX
 val rPentomino = """|
                     | XX
                     |  XX
                     |  X
 // Helper methods
 // Enable constructing sets of coordinates from string patterns.
 implicit def coordsFromPattern(pattern: String) = for {
   (xs, y) <- pattern.stripMargin.split('\n').map(_.zipWithIndex).zipWithIndex.iterator
   (c, x) <- xs.iterator
   if c != ' '
 } yield Coord(x, y)
 // Move a set of coordinates to a point
 def moveTo(pattern: String, to: Coord) = (pattern: Iterator[Coord]) map (_ + to)
 def moveTo(coords: Iterator[Coord], to: Coord) = coords map (_ + to)
 def moveTo(coords: Traversable[Coord], to: Coord) = coords map (_ + to)



We test still lives, oscillators and spaceships for their cycle length -- where still lives are considered to have a cycle length of 1 -- it repeats itself every generation. Methuselahs are tested for the number of generations until the population stabilizes. The test for stabilization is not fully accurate, as it just checks that the population is the same after a number of generations.

It also prints three generations of a blinker, as requested.

<lang scala>object ConwayTester {

 import ConwayPatterns._
 val MaxGenerations = 5500 // Give up at MaxGenerations to avoid spending too much time on errors
 val WindowSize = 10 // To check for stable populations, use a window this big
 import Coord.{xOrdering, yOrdering} 
  * Return an iterator for the generations of a starting pattern
 def conwayIterator(first: Generation) = Iterator.iterate(first)(_.nextGeneration)
  * Return the period (number of different generations) for oscillators
 def getPeriod(first: Generation) = {
   val it = conwayIterator(first)
   it.next // drop first generation
   (it take MaxGenerations takeWhile (_ != first) length) + 1
  * Return the period (number of different generations, ignoring offset) for
  * spaceships.
 def getSpaceshipPeriod(first: Generation) = {
   val it = conwayIterator(first) map (_.recenter)
   it.next // drop first generation
   (it take MaxGenerations takeWhile (_ != first) length) + 1
  * Return the number of generations until the population of a pattern
  * stabilizes. This test only checks a window of generations for
  * population size, as the test for spaceships won't work when multiple
  * spaceships are present.
 def getUnstableGenerations(first: Generation) = (
   take MaxGenerations
   map (_.size)
   sliding WindowSize
   map (_.removeDuplicates.length)
   takeWhile (_ > 1) 
  * Return the first generation, properly centered, for a given pattern
  * as represented by a string.
 def initPattern(pattern: String) = 
   Generation(pattern: Iterator[Coord]).recenter
  * For each pattern passed, apply a function which will measure some characteristic
  * of the generations of that pattern, and assert it is equal to expected value.
 def testHarness(patterns: Traversable[(String, Int)], test: Generation => Int, msg: String) =
   assert(patterns forall { case (pattern, period) => test(initPattern(pattern)) == period }, msg)
 // Available tests
 def testStillLives = testHarness(stillLives, getPeriod _, "Failure in still lives")
 def testOscillators = testHarness(oscillators, getPeriod _, "Failure in oscillators")
 def testSpaceships = testHarness(spaceships, getSpaceshipPeriod _, "Failure in spaceships")
 def testMethuselahs = testHarness(methuselahs, getUnstableGenerations _, "Failure in methuselahs")
  * Do all available tests
 def testAll {
  * Do all available tests, and print three generations of a blinker on a 3x3 window.
 def main(args: Array[String]) {
   val upperLeft = Coord(-1, 1)
   val lowerRight = Coord(1, -1)
   println("Passed all tests. Printing three generations of blinker:")
   conwayIterator(initPattern(blinker)).zipWithIndex.take(3).toList zip List("st", "nd", "rd") foreach { 
     case ((generation, nth), suffix) => 
       println((nth + 1) + suffix + " generation: \n"+generation.windowToString(upperLeft, lowerRight)+"\n")



Passed all tests. Printing three generations of blinker:
1st generation:


2nd generation:

3rd generation:


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