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User:Pavel Senatorov

From Rosetta Code

I'm Pavel Senatorov from WP:Moscow WP:Russia, 1969.07.27.

Email: paul.senatorov at gmail.com


In 86 I had finished math school 52 and in 92 I had finished WP:Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology - faculty of control and applied math. This institute is considered one of the best in Moscow. In school I started with interest in physics, even winned Moscow olympics by phisics. But engineering was more important. In school I started to explore electronics, later made amplifiers and even once made FM radio with a phase-locked loop. But then programming went ahead - I learned programming in school and it remains for all my life.

After the institute I worked as programmer up to mid 98. In 96 I have written the WP:OCR of screen image - I had an experience in OCR before, because once worked for Ocrus - now unknown company which made OCR for scanned texts, and at time of Ocrus I had made my own OCR for fun, with name Jet Eyes ;). Then I worked for BIT, which is now named WP:ABBYY, because they got my personal OCR to make a serious product, which they really did and now WP:FineReader is the best OCR for russian texts.

In 98 May-July I worked in States in WP:Florida and one american firm started interesting in my screen recognizer. So I worked for my employer for 2 months and moved to New Jersey to this firm. As a result starting this time I made screen OCR, that turned to become a business, so from 99 to 09 I lived by selling my products Kleptomania and Textract, look at http://structurise.com, which feeded me but no becoming a millionaire, max it gave me was $50K/year - that's good for Russia but no millions.

My Programming Language Ya

Currenly I'm designing language Ya and writing a compiler, see http://Ya-Lang.com.

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