My Favorite Languages
Language Proficiency
Assembly Beginner
C++ Beginner
C Intermediate
C sharp Beginner
Fortran Read Only
HTML Expert
Icon Beginner
Java Intermediate
JavaScript Beginner
Maple Beginner
MATLAB Beginner
Pascal Beginner
Perl Intermediate
PHP Intermediate
Prolog Beginner
Python Beginner
R Beginner
SQL Intermediate
Unicon Beginner
UNIX Shell Intermediate

Who Am I

Postgrad student working on swarm robotics in Bristol, UK. Love all things computing, and enjoy messing around with different languages. A big fan of Icon (the main reason I'm here).. for no real reason other than I think it is a very unsung but powerful language, especially for people just starting out. My first program in Icon and one of my early full programs in general used graphics and GUI widgets to create HTML image maps, it was that easy to get started with!

Language Use

I've decided to not put "Expert" for any language use, as I just don't use a single language exclusively enough to become a foo master. I'd rather just use the best tool for the job and Google for some library functions rather than commit to memory (I live in fear of pay per search Google). However if you have some questions about Perl, Java or PHP I can probably help beyond Google :)
