
Revision as of 00:41, 12 December 2020 by GarveyPatrickD (talk | contribs) (Added ID:9 which generates an Internal error)

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HoPL - Internet Archive - Rosetta Code correspondence
HoPL IA Rosetta Code
(ID:0/) X Internal error
(ID:1/eni001) ENIAC stored program Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
(ID:2/) X Internal error
(ID:3/pla010) Plankalkul Algebraic compiler for Z3 computer
(ID:4/a::001) A-0 Compiler for UNIVAC I (UNIVersal Automatic Computer)
(ID:5/aut007) AUTOCODE Symbolic assembly programming language for Manchester Mark 1
(ID:6/lan006) Laning and Zierler Algebraic "interpretive program" (compiler) for the MIT Whirlwind_I
(ID:7/spe013) SPEEDCODING "first high-level programming language created for an IBM computer." John Backus IBM 701
(ID:8/for047) FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslation) compiler led by John Backus
(ID:9/) X Internal error