A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Abbr | Meaning | Mediawiki and HTML syntax | |
A | |||
abbr | abbreviation | <abbr title="abbreviation">abbr</abbr> | |
AIUI | As I Understand It | <abbr title="As I Understand It">AIUI</abbr> | |
ARM | Acorn RISC Machine architecture | [ <abbr title="Acorn RISC Machine">ARM</abbr>] | |
ARM | Advanced RISC Machines company | [ <abbr title="Advanced RISC Machines">ARM</abbr>] | |
B | |||
BRE | Basic Regular Expression | [ <abbr title="Basic Regular Expression">BRE</abbr>] | |
BDFL | Benevolent Dictator For Life | [ <abbr title="Benevolent Dictator For Life">BDFL</abbr>] | |
BTDT | Been There Done That | <abbr title="Been There Done That">BTDT</abbr> | |
C | |||
CDF | Cumulative Distribution Function | [ <abbr title="Cumulative Distribution Function">CDF</abbr>] | |
CF | CloudFlare | [ <abbr title="CloudFlare">CF</abbr>] | |
CMS | Content Management System | [ <abbr title="Content Management System">CMS</abbr>] | |
CSS | Cascading Style Sheets | [ <abbr title="Cascading Style Sheets">CSS</abbr>] | |
CVE | Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures | [ <abbr title="Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures">CVE</abbr>] | |
D | |||
DE | Desktop Environment | [ <abbr title="Desktop Environment">DE</abbr>] | |
DNS | Domain Name Service | [ <abbr title="Domain Name Service">DNS</abbr>] | |
E | |||
EIGRP | Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol | [ <abbr title="Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol">EIGRP</abbr>] | |
ENA | Examples Needing Attention | <abbr title="Examples Needing Attention">ENA</abbr> | |
ERE | Extended Regular Expression | [ <abbr title="Extended Regular Expression">ERE</abbr>] | |
F | |||
FF | FireFox | [ <abbr title="FireFox">FF</abbr>] | |
FFI | Foreign Function Interface | [[Foreign_function_interface | <abbr title="Foreign Function Interface">FFI</abbr>]] | |
G | |||
GIL | Global Interpreter Lock | [ <abbr title="Global Interpreter Lock">GIL</abbr>] | |
GLBP | Gateway Load Balancing Protocol | [ <abbr title="Gateway Load Balancing Protocol">GLBP</abbr>] | |
GNOME | GNU Network Object Model Environment | [ <abbr title="GNU Network Object Model Environment">GNOME</abbr>] | |
GNU | GNU is Not Unix | [ <abbr title="GNU is Not Unix">GNU</abbr>] | |
GUI | Graphical User Interface | [ <abbr title="Graphical User Interface">GUI</abbr>] | |
H | |||
HAL | Hardware Abstraction Layer | [ <abbr title="Hardware Abstraction Layer">HAL</abbr>] | |
HAND | Have A Nice Day | [ <abbr title="Have A Nice Day">HAND</abbr>] | |
HANN | Have A Nice Night | <abbr title="Have A Nice Night">HANN</abbr> | |
HOPL | History Of Programming Languages | [ <abbr title="History Of Programming Languages">HOPL</abbr>] | |
HoPL | History of Programming Languages | [ <abbr title="History of Programming Languages">HoPL</abbr>] | |
HTH | Hope That Helps | <abbr title="Hope That Helps">HTH</abbr> | |
HTML | HyperText Markup Language | [ <abbr title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</abbr>] | |
I | |||
IA | Internet Archive | [ <abbr title="Internet Archive">IA</abbr>] | |
IDE | Integrated Development Environment | [ <abbr title="Integrated Development Environment">IDE</abbr>] | |
IP | Internet Protocol | [ <abbr title="Internet Protocol">IP</abbr>] | |
IRC | Internet Relay Chat | [ <abbr title="Internet Relay Chat">IRC</abbr>] | |
ISTR | I Seem To Recall | <abbr title="I Seem To Recall">ISTR</abbr> | |
ISWIM | If you See What I Mean | [ <abbr title="If you See What I Mean">ISWIM</abbr>] | |
IT | Information Technology | [ <abbr title="Information Technology">IT</abbr>] | |
J | |||
jftr | Just For The Record | <abbr title="Just For The Record">jftr</abbr> | |
JVM | Java Virtual Machine | [ <abbr title="Java Virtual Machine">JVM</abbr>] | |
K | |||
KDE® | KDE® Community | [ <abbr title="KDE® Community">KDE®</abbr>] | |
L | |||
LCT | Language Comparison Table | [[Language_Comparison_Table | <abbr title="Language Comparison Table">LCT</abbr>]] | |
LTS | Long-Term Support | [ <abbr title="Long-Term Support">LTS</abbr>] | |
LVS | Linux Virtual Server | [ <abbr title="Linux Virtual Server">LVS</abbr>] | |
M | |||
MVC | Model–View–Controller | [–View–Controller <abbr title="Model–View–Controller">MVC</abbr>] | |
N | |||
NBS | National Bureau of Standards | [ <abbr title="National Bureau of Standards">NBS</abbr>] | |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology | [ <abbr title="National Institute of Standards and Technology">NIST</abbr>] | |
NOC | Network Operations Center | [ <abbr title="Network Operations Center">NOC</abbr>] | |
O | |||
OOM | Out Of Memory | <abbr title="Out Of Memory">OOM</abbr> | |
OSPF | Open Shortest Path First | [ <abbr title="Open Shortest Path First">OSPF</abbr>] | |
P | |||
PC | Personal Computer | [ <abbr title="Personal Computer">PC</abbr>] | |
PCRE | Perl Compatible Regular Expressions | [ <abbr title="Perl Compatible Regular Expressions">PCRE</abbr>] | |
PEP | Python Enhancement Proposal | [ <abbr title="Python Enhancement Proposal">PEP</abbr>] | |
POSIX | Portable Operating System Interface | [ <abbr title="Portable Operating System Interface">POSIX</abbr>] | |
PSO | Particle Swarm Optimization | [ <abbr title="Particle Swarm Optimization">PSO</abbr>] | |
Q | |||
R | |||
RC | Rosetta Code | [[Rosetta_Code | <abbr title="Rosetta Code">RC</abbr>]] | |
RCS | Revision Control System | [ <abbr title="Revision Control System">RCS</abbr>] | |
RE | Regular expression | [ <abbr title="Regular expression">RE</abbr>] | |
REPL | Read Evaluate Print Loop | [[REPL | <abbr title="Read Evaluate Print Loop">REPL</abbr>]] | |
RISC | Reduced Instruction Set Computer | [ <abbr title="Reduced Instruction Set Computer">RISC</abbr>] | |
S | |||
SICP | Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | [ <abbr title="Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs">SICP</abbr>] | |
SIMD | Single Instruction, Multiple Data | [ <abbr title="Single Instruction, Multiple Data">SIMD</abbr>] | |
SMW | Semantic MediaWiki | [ <abbr title="Semantic MediaWiki">SMW</abbr>] | |
SO | Stack Overflow | [ <abbr title="Stack Overflow">SO</abbr>] | |
SRE | Simple Regular Expression | [ <abbr title="Simple Regular Expression">SRE</abbr>] | |
SVN | Apache Subversion | [ <abbr title="Apache Subversion">SVN</abbr>] | |
T | |||
TBH | To Be Honest | <abbr title="To Be Honest">TBH</abbr> | |
TLA | Three Letter Acronym | [ <abbr title="Three Letter Acronym">TLA</abbr>] | |
TLDNR | Too Long Do Not Read | <abbr title="Too Long Do Not Read">TLDNR</abbr> | |
TPM | Trusted Platform Module | [ <abbr title="Trusted Platform Module">TPM</abbr>] | |
U | |||
UTC | Coordinated Universal Time or Temps Universel Coordonné |
[ <abbr title="Coordinated Universal Time or Temps Universel Coordonné">UTC</abbr>] | |
V | |||
VP | Village Pump | [[Rosetta_Code:Village_Pump | <abbr title="Village Pump">VP</abbr>]] | |
W | |||
WP | Wikipedia | [ <abbr title="Wikipedia">WP</abbr>] | |
WRT | With Respect To | <abbr title="With Respect To">WRT</abbr> | |
X | |||
Y | |||
YAGNI | You aren't gonna need it | [ <abbr title="You aren't gonna need it">YAGNI</abbr>] | |
Z |