
From Rosetta Code

This table has been generated via ChatGPT and needs to be cleaned-out/proofread/improved.

Where what is a reserved word in some languages is a standard library function in another, the library function shall be marked by italics.

Conditional Statements Looping Statements Jump Statements Data Types
if else elseif endif/fi/od/end switch case for while do until break continue array string int float function return print read
C if else elif #endif/-/- switch case for while do - break continue array - int float - return - -
Bash if else elif fi/-/- - - - while - until - - - - - - function - echo read
PowerShell if else elseif endif/-/- switch - foreach while do-until - break continue array string int float function return Write-Host Read-Host
Perl if else elsif endif/-/- given - foreach while - until last next array string int float sub return print <>
Python if else elif - - - for while - - break continue list str int float def return print input
Pascal if-then else elsif end/endif/- case case for while repeat - break continue array string integer real function return write readln
Basic if else elseif end if/-/- select select for while do - - - array string integer single function return print input
VBA If-Then Else ElseIf End If/-/- Select Case For While Do - Exit For Continue For Array() - Integer Single Function Exit Function Debug.Print InputBox
OpenOffice Basic If-Then Else ElseIf EndIf/-/- Select Case Case For While Do - Exit For Continue For Array() - Integer Single Function Return Print InputBox
JavaScript if else else if - switch case for while do-while - break continue array string number float function return console.log prompt
Java if else else if - switch case for while do-while - break continue array string int double function return System.out.println Scanner