Universal Turing machine: Difference between revisions

Add Cowgol
(Updated to work with Nim 1.4: replaced “split” with “splitWhiteSpace”. Also other minor changes. Added output.)
(Add Cowgol)
Line 1,858:
<lang cowgol>include "cowgol.coh";
include "strings.coh";
include "malloc.coh";
########################## Turing machine definition ##########################
typedef Symbol is uint8; # 256 symbols ought to be enough for everyone
const LEFT := 1;
const RIGHT := 2;
const STAY := 3;
typedef Action is int(LEFT, STAY);
# Linked list
record Linked is
next: [Linked];
end record;
record DoublyLinked: Linked is
prev: [DoublyLinked];
end record;
sub FreeLinked(r: [Linked]) is
while r != 0 as [Linked] loop
var v := r.next;
Free(r as [uint8]);
r := v;
end loop;
end sub;
sub FreeDoublyLinked(r: [DoublyLinked]) is
while r != 0 as [DoublyLinked] loop
var v := r.prev;
Free(r as [uint8]);
r := v;
end loop;
end sub;
# Turing machine
typedef Turing is [TuringR];
record StateR: Linked is
tm: Turing; # turing machine this state belongs to
term: uint8; # whether state is terminating
end record;
typedef State is [StateR];
record Cell: DoublyLinked is
sym: Symbol;
end record;
record RuleR: Linked is
instate: State;
insym: Symbol;
outsym: Symbol;
action: Action;
outstate: State;
end record;
typedef Rule is [RuleR];
record TuringR is
states: State;
rules: Rule;
initial: State;
current: State;
blank: Symbol;
head: [Cell];
end record;
sub MakeCell(): (c: [Cell]) is
c := Alloc(@bytesof Cell) as [Cell];
MemZero(c as [uint8], @bytesof Cell);
end sub;
# Define a Turing machine
sub MakeTuring(blank: Symbol, init: [Symbol]): (t: Turing) is
t := Alloc(@bytesof TuringR) as Turing;
MemZero(t as [uint8], @bytesof TuringR);
t.blank := blank;
t.head := MakeCell();
t.head.sym := blank;
var c := t.head;
var d: [Cell];
while [init] != 0 loop
c.sym := [init];
init := @next init;
if [init] == 0 then break; end if;
d := Alloc(@bytesof Cell) as [Cell];
d.prev := c as [DoublyLinked];
d.next := 0 as [Linked];
c.next := d as [Linked];
c := d;
end loop;
end sub;
# Add a state to a Turing machine
const T_NONE := 0;
const T_INIT := 1;
const T_HALT := 2;
sub MakeState(t: Turing, type: uint8): (s: State) is
s := Alloc(@bytesof StateR) as State;
s.tm := t;
s.next := t.states as [Linked];
t.states := s;
if type & T_INIT != 0 then
t.initial := s;
t.current := s;
end if;
s.term := 0;
if type & T_HALT != 0 then
s.term := 1;
end if;
end sub;
# Add a rule to a Turing machine
sub MakeRule(t: Turing,
instate: State,
insym: Symbol,
outsym: Symbol,
action: Action,
outstate: State): (r: Rule) is
r := Alloc(@bytesof RuleR) as Rule;
r.instate := instate;
r.insym := insym;
r.outsym := outsym;
r.action := action;
r.outstate := outstate;
r.next := t.rules as [Linked];
t.rules := r;
end sub;
# Free a Turing machine
sub FreeTuring(t: Turing) is
FreeDoublyLinked(t.head as [DoublyLinked]);
FreeLinked(t.states as [Linked]);
FreeLinked(t.rules as [Linked]);
Free(t as [uint8]);
end sub;
# Move the head
sub MoveHead(t: Turing, a: Action) is
var c: [Cell];
case a is
when STAY: return;
when LEFT:
if t.head.prev == 0 as [DoublyLinked] then
c := Alloc(@bytesof Cell) as [Cell];
c.prev := 0 as [DoublyLinked];
c.next := t.head as [Linked];
c.sym := t.blank;
t.head.prev := c as [DoublyLinked];
end if;
t.head := t.head.prev as [Cell];
when RIGHT:
if t.head.next == 0 as [Linked] then
c := Alloc(@bytesof Cell) as [Cell];
c.next := 0 as [Linked];
c.prev := t.head as [DoublyLinked];
c.sym := t.blank;
t.head.next := c as [Linked];
end if;
t.head := t.head.next as [Cell];
when else:
print("Invalid action\n");
end case;
end sub;
# Step a Turing machine
sub Step(t: Turing): (halt: uint8) is
# If we're in a halt state, do nothing
if t.current.term != 0 then
halt := 1;
end if;
var r := t.rules;
while r != 0 as Rule loop
# Check each rule to see if it matches the current configuration
if t.current == r.instate
and t.head.sym == r.insym then
# Found a match
t.head.sym := r.outsym;
MoveHead(t, r.action);
t.current := r.outstate;
halt := t.current.term;
end if;
r := r.next as Rule;
end loop;
print("No valid rule!\n");
end sub;
# Run a Turing machine until it halts
sub Run(t: Turing) is
while Step(t) == 0 loop
end loop;
end sub;
# Print the touched part of the tape of a Turing machine
sub PrintTape(t: Turing, max: uint32) is
var c := t.head;
var len: uint32 := 0;
while c.prev != 0 as [DoublyLinked] loop
c := c.prev as [Cell];
end loop;
while c != 0 as [Cell] loop
if len < max then
print_char(c.sym as uint8);
end if;
c := c.next as [Cell];
len := len + 1;
end loop;
if len >= max then
print("... (total length: ");
end if;
end sub;
######################## Turing machines from the task ########################
interface TuringFactory(): (t: Turing);
sub SimpleIncrementer implements TuringFactory is
var r: Rule;
t := MakeTuring('B', "111");
var q0 := MakeState(t, T_INIT);
var qf := MakeState(t, T_HALT);
r := MakeRule(t, q0, '1', '1', RIGHT, q0);
r := MakeRule(t, q0, 'B', '1', STAY, qf);
end sub;
sub ThreeStateBeaver implements TuringFactory is
var r: Rule;
t := MakeTuring('0', "");
var a := MakeState(t, T_INIT);
var b := MakeState(t, T_NONE);
var c := MakeState(t, T_NONE);
var halt := MakeState(t, T_HALT);
r := MakeRule(t, a, '0', '1', RIGHT, b);
r := MakeRule(t, a, '1', '1', LEFT, c);
r := MakeRule(t, b, '0', '1', LEFT, a);
r := MakeRule(t, b, '1', '1', RIGHT, b);
r := MakeRule(t, c, '0', '1', LEFT, b);
r := MakeRule(t, c, '1', '1', STAY, halt);
end sub;
sub FiveStateBeaver implements TuringFactory is
var r: Rule;
t := MakeTuring('0', "");
var A := MakeState(t, T_INIT);
var B := MakeState(t, T_NONE);
var C := MakeState(t, T_NONE);
var D := MakeState(t, T_NONE);
var E := MakeState(t, T_NONE);
var H := MakeState(t, T_HALT);
r := MakeRule(t, A, '0', '1', RIGHT, B);
r := MakeRule(t, A, '1', '1', LEFT, C);
r := MakeRule(t, B, '0', '1', RIGHT, C);
r := MakeRule(t, B, '1', '1', RIGHT, B);
r := MakeRule(t, C, '0', '1', RIGHT, D);
r := MakeRule(t, C, '1', '0', LEFT, E);
r := MakeRule(t, D, '0', '1', LEFT, A);
r := MakeRule(t, D, '1', '1', LEFT, D);
r := MakeRule(t, E, '0', '1', STAY, H);
r := MakeRule(t, E, '1', '0', LEFT, A);
end sub;
record TF is
name: [uint8];
tf: TuringFactory;
end record;
var machines: TF[] := {
{"Simple incrementer", SimpleIncrementer},
{"Three state beaver", ThreeStateBeaver},
{"Five state beaver", FiveStateBeaver}
var i: @indexof machines;
i := 0;
while i < @sizeof machines loop
print(": ");
var t := (machines[i].tf) ();
PrintTape(t, 32);
i := i + 1;
end loop;</lang>
<pre>Simple incrementer: 1111
Three state beaver: 111111
Five state beaver: 10100100100100100100100100100100... (total length: 12289)</pre>
===Nearly Strongly Typed Version===
