Universal Turing machine: Difference between revisions

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The input for this machine should be an empty tape.
===The specification of the universal machine===
Note that due to Ada's strict type system, a machine cannot be compiled if there is not _exactly_ one rule for each state/symbol pair. Thus, the specified machine is always deterministic.
The execution of the machine, i.e., the procedure Run, allows to define a number Max_Steps, after which the execution stops -- when, e.g., the specified machine runs infinitively. The procedure also allows to optionally output the configuration of the machine before every step.
<lang Ada>private with Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists;
type State is (<>); -- State'First is starting state
type Symbol is (<>); -- Symbol'First is blank
package Turing is
Start: constant State := State'First;
Halt: constant State := State'Last;
subtype Action_State is State range Start .. State'Pred(Halt);
Blank: constant Symbol := Symbol'First;
type Movement is (Left, Stay, Right);
type Action is record
New_State: State;
Move_To: Movement;
New_Symbol: Symbol;
end record;
type Rules_Type is array(Action_State, Symbol) of Action;
type Tape_Type is limited private;
type Symbol_Map is array(Symbol) of Character;
function To_String(Tape: Tape_Type; Map: Symbol_Map) return String;
function Position_To_String(Tape: Tape_Type; Marker: Character := '^')
return String;
function To_Tape(Str: String; Map: Symbol_Map) return Tape_Type;
procedure Single_Step(Current: in out State;
Tape: in out Tape_Type;
Rules: Rules_Type);
procedure Run(The_Tape: in out Tape_Type;
Rules: Rules_Type;
Max_Steps: Natural := Natural'Last;
Print: access procedure(Tape: Tape_Type; Current: State));
-- runs from Start State until either Halt or # Steps exceeds Max_Steps
-- if # of steps exceeds Max_Steps, Constrained_Error is raised;
-- if Print is not null, Print is called at the beginning of each step
package Symbol_Lists is new Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists(Symbol);
subtype List is Symbol_Lists.List;
type Tape_Type is record
Left: List;
Here: Symbol;
Right: List;
end record;
end Turing;</lang>
===The implementation of the universal machine===
<lang Ada>package body Turing is
function List_To_String(L: List; Map: Symbol_Map) return String is
LL: List := L;
use type List;
if L = Symbol_Lists.Empty_List then
return "";
return Map(L.First_Element) & List_To_String(LL, Map);
end if;
end List_To_String;
function To_String(Tape: Tape_Type; Map: Symbol_Map) return String is
return List_To_String(Tape.Left, Map) & Map(Tape.Here) &
List_To_String(Tape.Right, Map);
end To_String;
function Position_To_String(Tape: Tape_Type; Marker: Character := '^')
return String is
Blank_Map: Symbol_Map := (others => ' ');
return List_To_String(Tape.Left, Blank_Map) & Marker &
List_To_String(Tape.Right, Blank_Map);
end Position_To_String;
function To_Tape(Str: String; Map: Symbol_Map) return Tape_Type is
Char_Map: array(Character) of Symbol := (others => Blank);
Tape: Tape_Type;
if Str = "" then
Tape.Here := Blank;
for S in Symbol loop
Char_Map(Map(S)) := S;
end loop;
Tape.Here := Char_Map(Str(Str'First));
for I in Str'First+1 .. Str'Last loop
end loop;
end if;
return Tape;
end To_Tape;
procedure Single_Step(Current: in out State;
Tape: in out Tape_Type;
Rules: Rules_Type) is
Act: Action := Rules(Current, Tape.Here);
use type List; -- needed to compare Tape.Left/Right to the Empty_List
Current := Act.New_State; -- 1. update State
Tape.Here := Act.New_Symbol; -- 2. write Symbol to Tape
case Act.Move_To is -- 3. move Tape to the Left/Right or Stay
when Left =>
if Tape.Left /= Symbol_Lists.Empty_List then
Tape.Here := Tape.Left.Last_Element;
Tape.Here := Blank;
end if;
when Stay =>
null; -- Stay where you are!
when Right =>
if Tape.Right /= Symbol_Lists.Empty_List then
Tape.Here := Tape.Right.First_Element;
Tape.Here := Blank;
end if;
end case;
end Single_Step;
procedure Run(The_Tape: in out Tape_Type;
Rules: Rules_Type;
Max_Steps: Natural := Natural'Last;
Print: access procedure (Tape: Tape_Type; Current: State)) is
The_State: State := Start;
Steps: Natural := 0;
Steps := 0;
while (Steps <= Max_Steps) and (The_State /= Halt) loop
if Print /= null then
Print(The_Tape, The_State);
end if;
Steps := Steps + 1;
Single_Step(The_State, The_Tape, Rules);
end loop;
if The_State /= Halt then
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
end Run;
end Turing;</lang>
===The implementation of the simple incrementer===
<lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO, Turing;
procedure Simple_Incrementer is
type States is (Start, Stop);
type Symbols is (Blank, One);
package UTM is new Turing(States, Symbols);
use UTM;
Map: Symbol_Map := (One => '1', Blank => '_');
Rules: Rules_Type :=
(Start => (One => (Start, Right, One),
Blank => (Stop, Stay, One)));
Tape: Tape_Type := To_Tape("111", Map);
procedure Put_Tape(Tape: Tape_Type; Current: States) is
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(To_String(Tape, Map) & " " & States'Image(Current));
end Put_Tape;
Run(Tape, Rules, 20, null); -- don't print the configuration during running
Put_Tape(Tape, Stop); -- print the final configuration
end Simple_Incrementer;</lang>
<pre>1111 STOP
===The implementation of the busy beaver===
<lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO, Turing;
procedure Busy_Beaver_3 is
type States is (A, B, C, Stop);
type Symbols is range 0 .. 1;
package UTM is new Turing(States, Symbols); use UTM;
Map: Symbol_Map := (1 => '1', 0 => '0');
Rules: Rules_Type :=
(A => (0 => (New_State => B, Move_To => Right, New_Symbol => 1),
1 => (New_State => C, Move_To => Left, New_Symbol => 1)),
B => (0 => (New_State => A, Move_To => Left, New_Symbol => 1),
1 => (New_State => B, Move_To => Right, New_Symbol => 1)),
C => (0 => (New_State => B, Move_To => Left, New_Symbol => 1),
1 => (New_State => Stop, Move_To => Stay, New_Symbol => 1)));
Tape: Tape_Type := To_Tape("", Map);
procedure Put_Tape(Tape: Tape_Type; Current: States) is
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(To_String(Tape, Map) & " " &
end Put_Tape;
Run(Tape, Rules, 20, Put_Tape'Access); -- print configuration before each step
Put_Tape(Tape, Stop); -- and print the final configuration
end Busy_Beaver_3;</lang>
<pre>0 A
10 B
11 A
011 C
0111 B
01111 A
11111 B
11111 B
11111 B
11111 B
111110 B
111111 A
111111 C
111111 STOP