Transportation problem: Difference between revisions

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Line 2,532:
solution vector of quantities = [20.000000008747048, 0.0, 4.9999996490783145, 0.0, 30.000000007494098, 5.0000003509216855]
minimum total cost = 179.99999927567436</pre>
<lang scala>// version 1.1.51
import java.util.Scanner
import java.util.LinkedList
class Transport(val filename: String) {
private val supply: IntArray
private val demand: IntArray
private val costs : Array<DoubleArray>
private val matrix: Array<Array<Shipment>>
class Shipment(
var quantity: Double,
val costPerUnit: Double,
val r: Int,
val c: Int
companion object {
private val ZERO = Shipment(0.0, 0.0, -1, -1) // to avoid nullable Shipments
init {
val sc = Scanner(File(filename))
try {
val numSources = sc.nextInt()
val numDestinations = sc.nextInt()
val src = MutableList(numSources) { sc.nextInt() }
val dst = MutableList(numDestinations) { sc.nextInt() }
// fix imbalance
val totalSrc = src.sum()
val totalDst = dst.sum()
if (totalSrc > totalDst)
dst.add(totalSrc -totalDst)
else if (totalDst > totalSrc)
src.add(totalDst -totalSrc)
supply = src.toIntArray()
demand = dst.toIntArray()
costs = Array(supply.size) { DoubleArray(demand.size) }
matrix = Array(supply.size) { Array(demand.size) { ZERO } }
for (i in 0 until numSources) {
for (j in 0 until numDestinations) costs[i][j] = sc.nextDouble()
finally {
fun northWestCornerRule() {
var northwest = 0
for (r in 0 until supply.size) {
for (c in northwest until demand.size) {
val quantity = minOf(supply[r], demand[c]).toDouble()
if (quantity > 0.0) {
matrix[r][c] = Shipment(quantity, costs[r][c], r, c)
supply[r] -= quantity.toInt()
demand[c] -= quantity.toInt()
if (supply[r] == 0) {
northwest = c
fun steppingStone() {
var maxReduction = 0.0
var move: Array<Shipment>? = null
var leaving = ZERO
for (r in 0 until supply.size) {
for (c in 0 until demand.size) {
if (matrix[r][c] != ZERO) continue
val trial = Shipment(0.0, costs[r][c], r, c)
val path = getClosedPath(trial)
var reduction = 0.0
var lowestQuantity = Int.MAX_VALUE.toDouble()
var leavingCandidate = ZERO
var plus = true
for (s in path) {
if (plus) {
reduction += s.costPerUnit
else {
reduction -= s.costPerUnit
if (s.quantity < lowestQuantity) {
leavingCandidate = s
lowestQuantity = s.quantity
plus = !plus
if (reduction < maxReduction) {
move = path
leaving = leavingCandidate
maxReduction = reduction
if (move != null) {
val q = leaving.quantity
var plus = true
for (s in move) {
s.quantity += if (plus) q else -q
matrix[s.r][s.c] = if (s.quantity == 0.0) ZERO else s
plus = !plus
private fun matrixToList() =
LinkedList<Shipment>(matrix.flatten().filter { it != ZERO } )
private fun getClosedPath(s: Shipment): Array<Shipment> {
val path = matrixToList()
// remove (and keep removing) elements that do not have a
// vertical AND horizontal neighbor
while (path.removeIf {
val nbrs = getNeighbors(it, path)
nbrs[0] == ZERO || nbrs[1] == ZERO
}) ; // empty statement
// place the remaining elements in the correct plus-minus order
val stones = Array<Shipment>(path.size) { ZERO }
var prev = s
for (i in 0 until stones.size) {
stones[i] = prev
prev = getNeighbors(prev, path)[i % 2]
return stones
private fun getNeighbors(s: Shipment, lst: LinkedList<Shipment>): Array<Shipment> {
val nbrs = Array<Shipment>(2) { ZERO }
for (o in lst) {
if (o != s) {
if (o.r == s.r && nbrs[0] == ZERO)
nbrs[0] = o
else if (o.c == s.c && nbrs[1] == ZERO)
nbrs[1] = o
if (nbrs[0] != ZERO && nbrs[1] != ZERO) break
return nbrs
private fun fixDegenerateCase() {
val eps = Double.MIN_VALUE
if (supply.size + demand.size - 1 != matrixToList().size) {
for (r in 0 until supply.size) {
for (c in 0 until demand.size) {
if (matrix[r][c] == ZERO) {
val dummy = Shipment(eps, costs[r][c], r, c)
if (getClosedPath(dummy).size == 0) {
matrix[r][c] = dummy
fun printResult() {
val text = File(filename).readText()
println("Optimal solution $filename\n")
var totalCosts = 0.0
for (r in 0 until supply.size) {
for (c in 0 until demand.size) {
val s = matrix[r][c]
if (s != ZERO && s.r == r && s.c == c) {
print(" %3s ".format(s.quantity.toInt()))
totalCosts += s.quantity * s.costPerUnit
else print(" - ")
println("\nTotal costs: $totalCosts\n")
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val filenames = arrayOf("input1.txt", "input2.txt", "input3.txt")
for (filename in filenames) {
with (Transport(filename)) {
Same as Java entry