Transportation problem: Difference between revisions

m (→‎stepping stones: pp_StrFmt tweaks)
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=={{header|Visual Basic .NET}}==
<lang vbnet>Module Module1
Class Shipment
Public Sub New(q As Double, cpu As Double, rv As Integer, cv As Integer)
Quantity = q
CostPerUnit = cpu
R = rv
C = cv
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property CostPerUnit() As Double
Public Property Quantity() As Double
Public ReadOnly Property R As Integer
Public ReadOnly Property C As Integer
Public Shared Operator =(s1 As Shipment, s2 As Shipment) As Boolean
Return s1.CostPerUnit = s2.CostPerUnit _
AndAlso s1.Quantity = s2.Quantity _
AndAlso s1.R = s2.R _
AndAlso s1.C = s2.C
End Operator
Public Shared Operator <>(s1 As Shipment, s2 As Shipment) As Boolean
Return s1.CostPerUnit <> s2.CostPerUnit _
OrElse s1.Quantity <> s2.Quantity _
OrElse s1.R <> s2.R _
OrElse s1.C <> s2.C
End Operator
End Class
Class Program
Private demand() As Integer
Private supply() As Integer
Private costs(,) As Double
Private matrix(,) As Shipment
Sub Init(filename As String)
Dim file = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileReader(filename)
Dim line = file.ReadLine
Dim numArr = line.Split
Dim numSources = Integer.Parse(numArr(0))
Dim numDestinations = Integer.Parse(numArr(1))
Dim src As New List(Of Integer)
Dim dst As New List(Of Integer)
line = file.ReadLine
numArr = line.Split
For i = 1 To numSources
src.Add(Integer.Parse(numArr(i - 1)))
line = file.ReadLine
numArr = line.Split
For i = 1 To numDestinations
dst.Add(Integer.Parse(numArr(i - 1)))
REM fix imbalance
Dim totalSrc = src.Sum
Dim totalDst = dst.Sum
If totalSrc > totalDst Then
dst.Add(totalSrc - totalDst)
ElseIf totalDst > totalSrc Then
src.Add(totalDst - totalSrc)
End If
supply = src.ToArray
demand = dst.ToArray
ReDim costs(supply.Length - 1, demand.Length - 1)
ReDim matrix(supply.Length - 1, demand.Length - 1)
For i = 1 To numSources
line = file.ReadLine
numArr = line.Split
For j = 1 To numDestinations
costs(i - 1, j - 1) = Integer.Parse(numArr(j - 1))
End Sub
Sub NorthWestCornerRule()
Dim northwest = 1
For r = 1 To supply.Length
For c = northwest To demand.Length
Dim quantity = Math.Min(supply(r - 1), demand(c - 1))
If quantity > 0 Then
matrix(r - 1, c - 1) = New Shipment(quantity, costs(r - 1, c - 1), r - 1, c - 1)
supply(r - 1) -= quantity
demand(c - 1) -= quantity
If supply(r - 1) = 0 Then
northwest = c
Exit For
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub SteppingStone()
Dim maxReduction = 0.0
Dim move() As Shipment = Nothing
Dim leaving As Shipment = Nothing
For r = 1 To supply.Length
For c = 1 To demand.Length
If Not IsNothing(matrix(r - 1, c - 1)) Then
Continue For
End If
Dim trial As New Shipment(0, costs(r - 1, c - 1), r - 1, c - 1)
Dim path = GetClosedPath(trial)
Dim reduction = 0.0
Dim lowestQuanity = Integer.MaxValue
Dim leavingCandidate As Shipment = Nothing
Dim plus = True
For Each s In path
If plus Then
reduction += s.CostPerUnit
reduction -= s.CostPerUnit
If s.Quantity < lowestQuanity Then
leavingCandidate = s
lowestQuanity = s.Quantity
End If
End If
plus = Not plus
If reduction < maxReduction Then
move = path
leaving = leavingCandidate
maxReduction = reduction
End If
If Not IsNothing(move) Then
Dim q = leaving.Quantity
Dim plus = True
For Each s In move
s.Quantity += If(plus, q, -q)
matrix(s.R, s.C) = If(s.Quantity = 0, Nothing, s)
plus = Not plus
End If
End Sub
Sub FixDegenerateCase()
Const eps = Double.Epsilon
If supply.Length + demand.Length - 1 <> MatrixToList().Count Then
For r = 1 To supply.Length
For c = 1 To demand.Length
If IsNothing(matrix(r - 1, c - 1)) Then
Dim dummy As New Shipment(eps, costs(r - 1, c - 1), r - 1, c - 1)
If GetClosedPath(dummy).Length = 0 Then
matrix(r - 1, c - 1) = dummy
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Function MatrixToList() As List(Of Shipment)
Dim newList As New List(Of Shipment)
For Each item In matrix
If Not IsNothing(item) Then
End If
Return newList
End Function
Function GetClosedPath(s As Shipment) As Shipment()
Dim path = MatrixToList()
REM remove (and keep removing) elements that do not have a veritcal AND horizontal neighbor
Dim before As Integer
before = path.Count
Dim nbrs = GetNeighbors(ship, path)
Return IsNothing(nbrs(0)) OrElse IsNothing(nbrs(1))
End Function)
Loop While before <> path.Count
REM place the remaining elements in the correct plus-minus order
Dim stones = path.ToArray
Dim prev = s
For i = 1 To stones.Length
stones(i - 1) = prev
prev = GetNeighbors(prev, path)((i - 1) Mod 2)
Return stones
End Function
Function GetNeighbors(s As Shipment, lst As List(Of Shipment)) As Shipment()
Dim nbrs() As Shipment = {Nothing, Nothing}
For Each o In lst
If o <> s Then
If o.R = s.R AndAlso IsNothing(nbrs(0)) Then
nbrs(0) = o
ElseIf o.C = s.C AndAlso IsNothing(nbrs(1)) Then
nbrs(1) = o
End If
If Not IsNothing(nbrs(0)) AndAlso Not IsNothing(nbrs(1)) Then
Exit For
End If
End If
Return nbrs
End Function
Sub PrintResult(filename As String)
Console.WriteLine("Optimal solution {0}" + vbNewLine, filename)
Dim totalCosts = 0.0
For r = 1 To supply.Length
For c = 1 To demand.Length
Dim s = matrix(r - 1, c - 1)
If Not IsNothing(s) AndAlso s.R = r - 1 AndAlso s.C = c - 1 Then
Console.Write(" {0,3} ", s.Quantity)
totalCosts += (s.Quantity * s.CostPerUnit)
Console.Write(" - ")
End If
Console.WriteLine(vbNewLine + "Total costs: {0}" + vbNewLine, totalCosts)
End Sub
End Class
Sub Main()
For Each filename In {"input1.txt", "input2.txt", "input3.txt"}
Dim p As New Program
End Sub
End Module</lang>
<pre>Optimal solution input1.txt
20 - 5
- 30 5
Total costs: 180
Optimal solution input2.txt
- - - 12
20 - 10 10
- 30 - 3
Total costs: 130
Optimal solution input3.txt
- - - 14
- 9 - 1
10 - 5 -
- 5 7 -
- 1 - -
Total costs: 1000</pre>
