Total circles area: Difference between revisions

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Note that the error on the Monte Carlo sampling is actually very high; the above run happened to deliver a figure closer to the real value than usual.
Analytical solution adapted from Haskell/Python.
<lang vb>Public c As Variant
Public pi As Double
Dim arclists() As Variant
Public Enum circles_
xc = 0
End Enum
Public Enum arclists_
End Enum
Public Enum shoelace_axis
u = 0
End Enum
Private Sub give_a_list_of_circles()
c = Array(Array(1.6417233788, 1.6121789534, 0.0848270516), _
Array(-1.4944608174, 1.2077959613, 1.1039549836), _
Array(0.6110294452, -0.6907087527, 0.9089162485), _
Array(0.3844862411, 0.2923344616, 0.2375743054), _
Array(-0.249589295, -0.3832854473, 1.0845181219), _
Array(1.7813504266, 1.6178237031, 0.8162655711), _
Array(-0.1985249206, -0.8343333301, 0.0538864941), _
Array(-1.7011985145, -0.1263820964, 0.4776976918), _
Array(-0.4319462812, 1.4104420482, 0.7886291537), _
Array(0.2178372997, -0.9499557344, 0.0357871187), _
Array(-0.6294854565, -1.3078893852, 0.7653357688), _
Array(1.7952608455, 0.6281269104, 0.2727652452), _
Array(1.4168575317, 1.0683357171, 1.1016025378), _
Array(1.4637371396, 0.9463877418, 1.1846214562), _
Array(-0.5263668798, 1.7315156631, 1.4428514068), _
Array(-1.2197352481, 0.9144146579, 1.0727263474), _
Array(-0.1389358881, 0.109280578, 0.7350208828), _
Array(1.5293954595, 0.0030278255, 1.2472867347), _
Array(-0.5258728625, 1.3782633069, 1.3495508831), _
Array(-0.1403562064, 0.2437382535, 1.3804956588), _
Array(0.8055826339, -0.0482092025, 0.3327165165), _
Array(-0.6311979224, 0.7184578971, 0.2491045282), _
Array(1.4685857879, -0.8347049536, 1.3670667538), _
Array(-0.6855727502, 1.6465021616, 1.0593087096), _
Array(0.0152957411, 0.0638919221, 0.9771215985))
pi = WorksheetFunction.pi()
End Sub
Private Function shoelace(s As Collection) As Double
's is a collection of coordinate pairs (x, y),
'in clockwise order for positive result.
'The last pair is identical to the first pair.
'These pairs map a polygonal area.
'The area is computed with the shoelace algoritm.
'see the Rosetta Code task.
Dim t As Double
If s.Count > 2 Then
s.Add s(1)
For i = 1 To s.Count - 1
t = t + s(i + 1)(u) * s(i)(v) - s(i)(u) * s(i + 1)(v)
Next i
End If
shoelace = t / 2
End Function
Private Sub arc_sub(acol As Collection, f0 As Double, u0 As Double, v0 As Double, _
f1 As Double, u1 As Double, v1 As Double, this As Integer, j As Integer)
'subtract the arc from f0 to f1 from the arclist acol
'complicated to deal with edge cases
If acol.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub 'nothing to subtract from
Debug.Assert acol.Count Mod 2 = 0
Debug.Assert f0 <> f1
If f1 = pi Or f1 + pi < 5E-16 Then f1 = -f1
If f0 = pi Or f0 + pi < 5E-16 Then f0 = -f0
If f0 < f1 Then
'the arc does not pass the negative x-axis
'find a such that acol(a)(0)<f0<acol(a+1)(0)
' and b such that acol(b)(0)<f1<acol(b+1)(0)
If f1 < acol(1)(rho) Or f0 > acol(acol.Count)(rho) Then Exit Sub 'nothing to subtract
i = acol.Count + 1
start = 1
i = i - 1
Loop Until f1 > acol(i)(rho)
If i Mod 2 = start Then
acol.Add Array(f1, u1, v1, j), after:=i
End If
i = 0
i = i + 1
Loop Until f0 < acol(i)(rho)
If i Mod 2 = 1 - start Then
acol.Add Array(f0, u0, v0, j), before:=i
i = i + 1
End If
Do While acol(i)(rho) < f1
acol.Remove i
If i > acol.Count Then Exit Do
start = 1
If f0 > acol(1)(rho) Then
i = acol.Count + 1
i = i - 1
Loop While f0 < acol(i)(0)
If f0 = pi Then
acol.Add Array(f0, u0, v0, j), before:=i
If i Mod 2 = start Then
acol.Add Array(f0, u0, v0, j), after:=i
End If
End If
End If
If f1 <= acol(acol.Count)(rho) Then
i = 0
i = i + 1
Loop While f1 > acol(i)(rho)
If f1 + pi < 5E-16 Then
acol.Add Array(f1, u1, v1, j), after:=i
If i Mod 2 = 1 - start Then
acol.Add Array(f1, u1, v1, j), before:=i
End If
End If
End If
Do While acol(acol.Count)(rho) > f0 Or acol(acol.Count)(i_) = -1
acol.Remove acol.Count
If acol.Count = 0 Then Exit Do
If acol.Count > 0 Then
Do While acol(1)(rho) < f1 Or (f1 = -pi And acol(1)(i_) = this)
acol.Remove 1
If acol.Count = 0 Then Exit Do
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub circle_cross()
ReDim arclists(LBound(c) To UBound(c))
Dim alpha As Double, beta As Double
Dim x3 As Double, x4 As Double, y3 As Double, y4 As Double
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
For i = LBound(c) To UBound(c)
Dim arccol As New Collection
'arccol is a collection or surviving arcs of circle i.
'It starts with the full circle. The collection
'alternates between start and ending angles of the arcs.
'This winds counter clockwise.
'Noted are angle, x coordinate, y coordinate and
'index number of circles with which circle i
'intersects at that angle and -1 marks visited. This defines
'ultimately a double linked list. So winding
'clockwise in the end is easy.
arccol.Add Array(-pi, c(i)(xc) - c(i)(r), c(i)(yc), i)
arccol.Add Array(pi, c(i)(xc) - c(i)(r), c(i)(yc), -1)
For j = LBound(c) To UBound(c)
If i <> j Then
x0 = c(i)(xc)
y0 = c(i)(yc)
r0 = c(i)(rc)
x1 = c(j)(xc)
y1 = c(j)(yc)
r1 = c(j)(rc)
d = Sqr((x0 - x1) ^ 2 + (y0 - y1) ^ 2)
'Ignore 0 and 1, we need only the 2 case.
If d >= r0 + r1 Or d <= Abs(r0 - r1) Then
'no intersections
a = (r0 ^ 2 - r1 ^ 2 + d ^ 2) / (2 * d)
h = Sqr(r0 ^ 2 - a ^ 2)
x2 = x0 + a * (x1 - x0) / d
y2 = y0 + a * (y1 - y0) / d
x3 = x2 + h * (y1 - y0) / d
y3 = y2 - h * (x1 - x0) / d
alpha = WorksheetFunction.Atan2(x3 - x0, y3 - y0)
x4 = x2 - h * (y1 - y0) / d
y4 = y2 + h * (x1 - x0) / d
beta = WorksheetFunction.Atan2(x4 - x0, y4 - y0)
'alpha is counterclockwise positioned w.r.t beta
'so the arc from beta to alpha (ccw) has to be
'subtracted from the list of surviving arcs as
'this arc lies fully in circle j
arc_sub arccol, alpha, x3, y3, beta, x4, y4, i, j
End If
End If
Next j
Set arclists(i) = arccol
Set arccol = Nothing
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub make_path()
Dim pathcol As New Collection, arcsum As Double
i0 = UBound(arclists)
finished = False
Do While True
arcsum = 0
Do While arclists(i0).Count = 0
i0 = i0 - 1
j0 = arclists(i0).Count
next_i = i0
next_j = j0
Do While True
x = arclists(next_i)(next_j)(x_)
y = arclists(next_i)(next_j)(y_)
pathcol.Add Array(x, y)
prev_i = next_i
prev_j = next_j
If arclists(next_i)(next_j - 1)(i_) = next_i Then
'skip the join point at the negative x-axis
next_j = arclists(next_i).Count - 1
If next_j = 1 Then Exit Do 'loose full circle arc
next_j = next_j - 1
End If
r = c(next_i)(rc)
a1 = arclists(next_i)(prev_j)(rho)
a2 = arclists(next_i)(next_j)(rho)
If a1 > a2 Then
alpha = a1 - a2
alpha = 2 * pi - a2 + a1
End If
arcsum = arcsum + r * r * (alpha - Sin(alpha)) / 2
next_i = arclists(next_i)(next_j)(i_)
next_j = arclists(next_i).Count
If next_j = 0 Then Exit Do 'skip loose arcs
Do While arclists(next_i)(next_j)(i_) <> prev_i
'find the matching item
next_j = next_j - 1
If next_i = i0 And next_j = j0 Then
finished = True
Exit Do
End If
If finished Then Exit Do
i0 = i0 - 1
Set pathcol = Nothing
Debug.Print shoelace(pathcol) + arcsum
End Sub
Public Sub total_circles()
End Sub</lang>{{out}}
<pre> 21,5650366038564 </pre>
The circle data is stored in a file, just a copy/paste of the task data.
