Play a game of tic-tac-toe. Ensure that legal moves are played and that a winning position is notified.

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.


<lang d>import std.stdio, std.string, std.algorithm, std.conv, std.random;

struct Board { int[9] board;

string positionString(int pos) in { assert(pos >= 0); assert(pos < 9); } out(ret) { assert(ret.length == 1); } body { if(board[pos]) return board[pos] == 1 ? "X" : "O"; return to!string(pos + 1); }

string toString() { string lineSeparator = "-+-+-\n"; string row(int start) { return format("%s|%s|%s\n", positionString(start + 0), positionString(start + 1), positionString(start + 2)); }

string ret;

ret ~= row(0); ret ~= lineSeparator; ret ~= row(3); ret ~= lineSeparator; ret ~= row(6);

return ret; }

int[] openPositions() { int[] ret; foreach(i, v; board) { if(!v) ret ~= i; }

return ret; }

bool isAvailable(int position) { if(position < 0 || position >= 9) return false; return board[position] == 0; }

bool finished() { return winner() != -1; }

int winner() { enum wins = [ [0,1,2], [3,4,5], [6,7,8], [0,3,6], [1,4,7], [2,5,8], [0,4,8], [2,4,6] ];

foreach(win; wins) { int desired = board[win[0]]; if(desired == 0) continue; // nobody wins on this one

// the same player needs to take all three positions if(board[win[1]] == desired && board[win[2]] == desired) return desired; // a winner! }

if(openPositions().length == 0) return 0; // a draw

return -1; // the game is still going }

int suggestMove(int player) out(ret) { assert(ret >= 0); assert(ret < 9); assert(isAvailable(ret)); } body { return randomCover(openPositions(), Random(unpredictableSeed)).front; } }

void main() { writeln("\tTic-tac-toe game player.");

Board board; int currentPlayer = 1;

while(!board.finished()) { writeln(board);

int move;

if(currentPlayer == 1) { do { writef("Input the index of your move (from %s): ", map!"a+1"(board.openPositions())); readf("%d\n", &move);

move--; // zero based indexing } while(!board.isAvailable(move)); } else { move = board.suggestMove(currentPlayer); }


writefln("%s chose %d", currentPlayer == 1 ? "You" : "I", move + 1);

board.board[move] = currentPlayer;

currentPlayer = currentPlayer == 2 ? 1 : 2; }

int winner = board.winner(); if(winner == 0) writeln("\nDraw"); if(winner == 1) writeln("\nYou win!"); if(winner == 2) writeln("\nComputer wins."); }

}</lang> Output:

	Tic-tac-toe game player.

Input the index of your move (from [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]): 1
You chose 1

I chose 5

Input the index of your move (from [2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9]): 2
You chose 2

I chose 4

Input the index of your move (from [3, 6, 7, 8, 9]): 3
You chose 3

You win!


This solution doesn't bother about the game logic, but simply uses the alpha-beta-pruning 'game' function in the "simul" library. <lang PicoLisp>(load "@lib/simul.l") # for 'game' function

(de display ()

  (for Y (3 2 1)
     (prinl "   +---+---+---+")
     (prin " " Y)
     (for X (1 2 3)
        (prin " | " (or (get *Board X Y) " ")) )
     (prinl " |") )
  (prinl "   +---+---+---+")
  (prinl "     a   b   c") )

(de find3 (P)

     '((X Y DX DY)
        (do 3
           (NIL (= P (get *Board X Y)))
           (inc 'X DX)
           (inc 'Y DY)
           T ) )
     (1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1)
     (1 2 3 1 1 1 1 3)
     (1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1)
     (0 0 0 1 1 1 1 -1) ) )

(de myMove ()

     (game NIL 8
        '((Flg)     # Moves
           (unless (find3 (or (not Flg) 0))
                 (for (X . L) *Board
                    (for (Y . P) L
                       (unless P
                                (cons X Y (or Flg 0))
                                (list X Y) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
        '((Mov) # Move
           (set (nth *Board (car Mov) (cadr Mov)) (cddr Mov)) )
        '((Flg)     # Cost
           (if (find3 (or Flg 0)) -100 0) ) )
     (let Mov (caadr @)
        (set (nth *Board (car Mov) (cadr Mov)) 0) )
     (display) ) )

(de yourMove (X Y)

     (sym? X)
     (>= 3 (setq X (- (char X) 96)) 1)
     (num? Y)
     (>= 3 Y 1)
     (not (get *Board X Y))
     (set (nth *Board X Y) T)
     (display) ) )

(de main ()

  (setq *Board (make (do 3 (link (need 3)))))
  (display) )

(de go Args

     ((not (yourMove (car Args) (cadr Args)))
        "Illegal move!" )
     ((find3 T) "Congratulation, you won!")
     ((not (myMove)) "No moves")
     ((find3 0) "Sorry, you lost!") ) )</lang>


: (main)
 3 |   |   |   |
 2 |   |   |   |
 1 |   |   |   |
     a   b   c

: (go a 1)
 3 |   |   |   |
 2 |   |   |   |
 1 | T |   |   |
     a   b   c
 3 |   |   |   |
 2 |   | 0 |   |
 1 | T |   |   |
     a   b   c


The computer enforces the rules but plays a random game. <lang python>

   Tic-tac-toe game player.
   Input the index of where you wish to place your mark at your turn.

import random

board = list('123456789') wins = ((0,1,2), (3,4,5), (6,7,8),

       (0,3,6), (1,4,7), (2,5,8),
       (0,4,8), (2,4,6))

def printboard():

   print('\n'.join(' '.join(board[x:x+3]) for x in(0,3,6)))

def score():

   for w in wins:
       b = board[w[0]]
       if b in 'XO' and all (board[i] == b for i in w):
           return b, [i+1 for i in w]
   return None, None

def finished():

   return all (b in 'XO' for b in board)

def space():

   return [ b for b in board if b not in 'XO']

def my_turn(xo):

   options = space()
   choice = random.choice(options)
   board[int(choice)-1] = xo
   return choice

def your_turn(xo):

   options = space()
   while True:
       choice = input(" Put your %s in any of these positions: %s "
                      % (xo, .join(options))).strip()
       if choice in options:
       print( "Whoops I don't understand the input" )
   board[int(choice)-1] = xo
   return choice

def me(xo='X'):

   print('I go at', my_turn(xo))
   return score()
   assert not s[0], "\n%s wins across %s" % s

def you(xo='O'):

   # Call my_turn(xo) below for it to play itself
   print('You went at', your_turn(xo))
   return score()
   assert not s[0], "\n%s wins across %s" % s

print(__doc__) while not finished():

   s = me('X')
   if s[0]:
       print("\n%s wins across %s" % s)
   if not finished():
       s = you('O')
       if s[0]:
           print("\n%s wins across %s" % s)


   print('\nA draw')


Sample Game

    Tic-tac-toe game player.
    Input the index of where you wish to place your mark at your turn.

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
I go at 9
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 X
 Put your O in any of these positions: 12345678 1
You went at 1
O 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 X
I go at 3
O 2 X
4 5 6
7 8 X
 Put your O in any of these positions: 245678 4
You went at 4
O 2 X
O 5 6
7 8 X
I go at 2
O 5 6
7 8 X
 Put your O in any of these positions: 5678 7
You went at 7
O 5 6
O 8 X

O wins across [1, 4, 7]

Better skilled player

In this version, The computer player will first complete a winning line of its own if it can, otherwise block a winning line of its opponent if they have two in a row, or then choose a random move.

<lang python>

   Tic-tac-toe game player.
   Input the index of where you wish to place your mark at your turn.

import random

board = list('123456789') wins = ((0,1,2), (3,4,5), (6,7,8),

       (0,3,6), (1,4,7), (2,5,8),
       (0,4,8), (2,4,6))

def printboard():

   print('\n-+-+-\n'.join('|'.join(board[x:x+3]) for x in(0,3,6)))

def score(board=board):

   for w in wins:
       b = board[w[0]]
       if b in 'XO' and all (board[i] == b for i in w):
           return b, [i+1 for i in w]
   return None

def finished():

   return all (b in 'XO' for b in board)

def space(board=board):

   return [ b for b in board if b not in 'XO']

def my_turn(xo, board):

   options = space()
   choice = random.choice(options)
   board[int(choice)-1] = xo
   return choice

def my_better_turn(xo, board):

   'Will return a next winning move or block your winning move if possible'
   ox = 'O' if xo =='X' else 'X'
   oneblock = None
   options  = [int(s)-1 for s in space(board)]
   for choice in options:
       brd = board[:]
       brd[choice] = xo
       if score(brd):
       if oneblock is None:
           brd[choice] = ox
           if score(brd):
               oneblock = choice
       choice = oneblock if oneblock is not None else random.choice(options)
   board[choice] = xo
   return choice+1

def your_turn(xo, board):

   options = space()
   while True:
       choice = input("\nPut your %s in any of these positions: %s "
                      % (xo, .join(options))).strip()
       if choice in options:
       print( "Whoops I don't understand the input" )
   board[int(choice)-1] = xo
   return choice

def me(xo='X'):

   print('\nI go at', my_better_turn(xo, board))
   return score()

def you(xo='O'):

   # Call my_turn(xo, board) below for it to play itself
   print('\nYou went at', your_turn(xo, board))
   return score()

print(__doc__) while not finished():

   s = me('X')
   if s:
       print("\n%s wins along %s" % s)
   if not finished():
       s = you('O')
       if s:
           print("\n%s wins along %s" % s)


   print('\nA draw')</lang>

Sample output

    Tic-tac-toe game player.
    Input the index of where you wish to place your mark at your turn.


I go at 2

Put your O in any of these positions: 13456789 5

You went at 5

I go at 1

Put your O in any of these positions: 346789 3

You went at 3

I go at 7

Put your O in any of these positions: 4689 4

You went at 4

I go at 6

Put your O in any of these positions: 89 9

You went at 9

I go at 8

A draw


Translation of: Python

<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.6

  1. This code splits the players from the core game engine

oo::class create TicTacToe {

   variable board player letter who
   constructor {player1class player2class} {

set board {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9} set player(0) [$player1class new [self] [set letter(0) "X"]] set player(1) [$player2class new [self] [set letter(1) "O"]] set who 0

   method PrintBoard {} {

lassign $board a1 b1 c1 a2 b2 c2 a3 b3 c3 puts [format " %s | %s | %s" $a1 $b1 $c1] puts "---+---+---" puts [format " %s | %s | %s" $a2 $b2 $c2] puts "---+---+---" puts [format " %s | %s | %s" $a3 $b3 $c3]

   method WinForSomeone {} {

foreach w { {0 1 2} {3 4 5} {6 7 8} {0 3 6} {1 4 7} {2 5 8} {0 4 8} {2 4 6} } { set b [lindex $board [lindex $w 0]] if {$b ni "X O"} continue foreach i $w {if {[lindex $board $i] ne $b} break} if {[lindex $board $i] eq $b} { foreach p $w {lappend w1 [expr {$p+1}]} return [list $b $w1] } } return ""

   method status {} {

return $board

   method IsDraw {} {

foreach b $board {if {[string is digit $b]} {return false}} return true

   method legalMoves {} {

foreach b $board {if {[string is digit $b]} {lappend legal $b}} return $legal

   method DoATurn {} {

set legal [my legalMoves] my PrintBoard while 1 { set move [$player($who) turn] if {$move in $legal} break puts "Illegal move!" } lset board [expr {$move - 1}] $letter($who) $player($who) describeMove $move set who [expr {1 - $who}] return [my WinForSomeone]

   method game {} {
       puts "    Tic-tac-toe game player.
   Input the index of where you wish to place your mark at your turn.\n"

while {![my IsDraw]} { set winner [my DoATurn] if {$winner eq ""} continue lassign $winner winLetter winSites my PrintBoard puts "\n$winLetter wins across \[[join $winSites {, }]\]" return $winLetter } puts "\nA draw"



  1. Stupid robotic player

oo::class create RandomRoboPlayer {

   variable g
   constructor {game letter} {

set g $game

   method turn {} {

set legal [$g legalMoves] return [lindex $legal [expr {int(rand()*[llength $legal])}]]

   method describeMove {move} {

puts "I go at $move"



  1. Interactive human player delegate

oo::class create HumanPlayer {

   variable g char
   constructor {game letter} {

set g $game set char $letter

   method turn {} {

set legal [$g legalMoves] puts ">>> Put your $char in any of these positions: [join $legal {}]" while 1 { puts -nonewline ">>> " flush stdout gets stdin number if {$number in $legal} break puts ">>> Whoops I don't understand the input!" } return $number

   method describeMove {move} {

puts "You went at $move"



  1. Assemble the pieces

set ttt [TicTacToe new HumanPlayer RandomRoboPlayer] $ttt game</lang> Sample game:

    Tic-tac-toe game player.
    Input the index of where you wish to place your mark at your turn.

 1 | 2 | 3
 4 | 5 | 6
 7 | 8 | 9
>>> Put your X in any of these positions: 123456789
>>> 1
You went at 1
 X | 2 | 3
 4 | 5 | 6
 7 | 8 | 9
I go at 5
 X | 2 | 3
 4 | O | 6
 7 | 8 | 9
>>> Put your X in any of these positions: 2346789
>>> 7
You went at 7
 X | 2 | 3
 4 | O | 6
 X | 8 | 9
I go at 9
 X | 2 | 3
 4 | O | 6
 X | 8 | O
>>> Put your X in any of these positions: 23468
>>> 4
You went at 4
 X | 2 | 3
 X | O | 6
 X | 8 | O

X wins across [1, 4, 7]