Text between: Difference between revisions

Content deleted Content added
Walterpachl (talk | contribs)
→‎{{header|REXX}}: aligned with new Kotlin
Hout (talk | contribs)
→‎{{header|JavaScript}}: Added an ES6 version, composed from a set of generic functions
Line 437:
<lang javascript>
function textBetween(thisText, startString, endString)
Line 477 ⟶ 478:
} // end textBetween
Composed from a set of generic functions
<lang javascript>(() => {
'use strict';
// TEXT BETWEEN ----------------------------------------------------------
// Delimiter pair -> Haystack -> Any enclosed text
// textBetween :: (Either String String, Either String String) ->
// String -> String
const textBetween = ([start, end], txt) => {
retain = (post, part, delim, t) =>
d => just(const_(t, d)), // 'start' or 'end'. No clipping.
d => post(part(flip(breakOnDef)(t, d))), // One side of break
mbResidue = bindMay(
retain( // Start token stripped from text after any break
snd, start, txt
), // Left side of any break retained.
curry(retain)(just, fst, end)
return mbResidue.nothing ? (
) : mbResidue.just;
// GENERIC FUNCTIONS -----------------------------------------------------
// append (++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
const append = (xs, ys) => xs.concat(ys);
// bindMay (>>=) :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
const bindMay = (mb, mf) =>
mb.nothing ? mb : mf(mb.just);
// Needle -> Haystack -> (prefix before match, match + rest)
// breakOnDef :: String -> String -> (String, String)
const breakOnDef = (pat, src) =>
Boolean(pat) ? (() => {
const xs = src.split(pat);
return xs.length > 1 ? [
xs[0], src.slice(xs[0].length)
] : [src, ''];
})() : undefined;
// const_ :: a -> b -> a
const const_ = (k, _) => k;
// Handles two or more arguments
// curry :: ((a, b) -> c) -> a -> b -> c
const curry = (f, ...args) => {
const go = xs => xs.length >= f.length ? (f.apply(null, xs)) :
function () {
return go(xs.concat(Array.from(arguments)));
return go([].slice.call(args));
// drop :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
// drop :: Int -> String -> String
const drop = (n, xs) => xs.slice(n);
// either :: (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
const either = (lf, rf, e) => {
const ks = Object.keys(e);
return elem('Left', ks) ? (
) : elem('Right', ks) ? (
) : undefined;
// elem :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool
const elem = (x, xs) => xs.includes(x);
// flip :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
const flip = f => (a, b) => f.apply(null, [b, a]);
// fst :: (a, b) -> a
const fst = pair => pair.length === 2 ? pair[0] : undefined;
// just :: a -> Just a
const just = x => ({
nothing: false,
just: x
// Left :: a -> Either a b
const Left = x => ({
Left: x
// map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
const map = (f, xs) => xs.map(f);
// min :: Ord a => a -> a -> a
const min = (a, b) => b < a ? b : a;
// nothing :: () -> Nothing
const nothing = (optionalMsg) => ({
nothing: true,
msg: optionalMsg
// Right :: b -> Either a b
const Right = x => ({
Right: x
// show :: Int -> a -> Indented String
// show :: a -> String
const show = (...x) =>
null, x.length > 1 ? [x[1], null, x[0]] : x
// snd :: (a, b) -> b
const snd = tpl => Array.isArray(tpl) ? tpl[1] : undefined;
// stripPrefix :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
const stripPrefix = (pfx, s) => {
blnString = typeof pfx === 'string',
[xs, ys] = blnString ? (
[pfx.split(''), s.split('')]
) : [pfx, s];
sp_ = (xs, ys) => xs.length === 0 ? (
just(blnString ? ys.join('') : ys)
) : (ys.length === 0 || xs[0] !== ys[0]) ? (
) : sp_(xs.slice(1), ys.slice(1));
return sp_(xs, ys);
// tailDef :: [a] -> [a]
const tailDef = xs => xs.length > 0 ? xs.slice(1) : [];
// take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
const take = (n, xs) => xs.slice(0, n);
// zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
const zipWith = (f, xs, ys) =>
length: Math.min(xs.length, ys.length)
}, (_, i) => f(xs[i], ys[i], i));
// TESTS -----------------------------------------------------------------
// samples :: [String]
const samples = [
'Hello Rosetta Code world',
'</div><div style=\'chinese\'>你好吗</div>',
'<text>Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style=\'myTable\'>',
'<table style=\'myTable\'><tr><td>hello world</td></tr></table>'
// delims :: [(Either String String, Either String String)]
const delims = map(
curry(map)(x =>
elem(x, ['start', 'end']) ? (
Left(x) // Marker token
) : Right(x) // Literal text
), [
['Hello ', ' world'],
['start', ' world'],
['Hello', 'end'],
['<div style=\'chinese\'>', '</div>'],
['<text>', '<table>'],
['<text>', '</table>']
return show(2,
fromTo => textBetween(fromTo, samples[0]),
take(3, delims)
), zipWith(
drop(3, delims),
"Rosetta Code",
"Hello Rosetta Code",
" Rosetta Code world",
"Hello <span>Rosetta Code</span> world</text><table style='myTable'>",