Test integerness: Difference between revisions

Added Kotlin
(→‎{{header|REXX}}: added/changed comments and whitespace, changed indentations and alignments, added wording to the REXX section headers..)
(Added Kotlin)
Line 777:
[3,1] =>
{"p":5,"q":2,"type":"rational"} => </lang>
As Kotlin doesn't have built in rational or complex number classes, we create 'bare bones' classes for the purposes of this task:
<lang scala>// version 1.1.2
import java.math.BigInteger
import java.math.BigDecimal
fun Double.isLong(tolerance: Double = 0.0) =
(this - Math.floor(this)) <= tolerance || (Math.ceil(this) - this) <= tolerance
fun BigDecimal.isBigInteger() =
try {
catch (ex: ArithmeticException) {
class Rational(val num: Long, val denom: Long) {
fun isLong() = num % denom == 0L
override fun toString() = "$num/$denom"
class Complex(val real: Double, val imag: Double) {
fun isLong() = real.isLong() && imag == 0.0
override fun toString() =
if (imag >= 0.0)
"$real + ${imag}i"
"$real - ${-imag}i"
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val da = doubleArrayOf(25.000000, 24.999999, 25.000100)
for (d in da) {
val exact = d.isLong()
println("${"%.6f".format(d)} is ${if (exact) "an" else "not an"} integer")
val tolerance = 0.00001
println("\nWith a tolerance of ${"%.5f".format(tolerance)}:")
for (d in da) {
val fuzzy = d.isLong(tolerance)
println("${"%.6f".format(d)} is ${if (fuzzy) "an" else "not an"} integer")
val fa = doubleArrayOf(-2.1e120, -5e-2, Double.NaN, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)
for (f in fa) {
val exact = if (f.isNaN() || f.isInfinite()) false
else BigDecimal(f.toString()).isBigInteger()
println("$f is ${if (exact) "an" else "not an"} integer")
val ca = arrayOf(Complex(5.0, 0.0), Complex(5.0, -5.0))
for (c in ca) {
val exact = c.isLong()
println("$c is ${if (exact) "an" else "not an"} integer")
val ra = arrayOf(Rational(24, 8), Rational(-5, 1), Rational(17, 2))
for (r in ra) {
val exact = r.isLong()
println("$r is ${if (exact) "an" else "not an"} integer")
25.000000 is an integer
24.999999 is not an integer
25.000100 is not an integer
With a tolerance of 0.00001:
25.000000 is an integer
24.999999 is an integer
25.000100 is not an integer
-2.1E120 is an integer
-0.05 is not an integer
NaN is not an integer
Infinity is not an integer
5.0 + 0.0i is an integer
5.0 - 5.0i is not an integer
24/8 is an integer
-5/1 is an integer
17/2 is not an integer
