Test a function: Difference between revisions

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(add minimal Euphoria testing code)
(Added Ada)
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Using a well known testing specific library/module/suite for your language, write some tests for your language's entry in [[Palindrome]]. If your language does not have a testing specific library well known to the language's community then state this or omit the language.
For normal use there is pragma Assert, functioning the same as many other languages.<br>
For larger testing frameworks, there are packages like [http://libre.adacore.com/libre/tools/aunit/ Aunit]
<lang Ada>
procedure TestFunction is
function Palindrome (Text : String) return Boolean is
for Offset in 0 .. Text'Length / 2 - 1 loop
if Text (Text'First + Offset) /= Text (Text'Last - Offset) then
return False;
end if;
end loop;
return True;
end Palindrome;
str1 : String := "racecar";
str2 : String := "wombat";
pragma Assert (Palindrome (str1) = True, "Assertion on str1 failed");
pragma Assert (Palindrome (str2) = False, "Assertion on str2 failed");
null; -- Needed since there were no statements
end TestFunction;
there is no "well known" testing library, but here is a simple testing framework: <br>