Talk:Welch's t-test: Difference between revisions

how can I add betain to my function?
(how can I add betain to my function?)
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:gcc prog.c aux1.o aux1.o
:There is also a warning, but it's probably harmless. [[User:Eoraptor|Eoraptor]] ([[User talk:Eoraptor|talk]]) 15:35, 14 December 2017 (UTC)
==Implementing Algorithm... existing libraries don't calculate correct numbers==
I'm attempting to integrate what I got from the library, but its function <code>betain</code> does not produce the same ratio as the integral (which I know is approximately correct).
How can I use the Betain function in my function <code>Pvalue</code>?
<lang c>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
// x =? nu / (t^2 + nu)
// p =? nu/2
// q =? 1/2
double betain ( double x, double p, double q, double beta, int *restrict ifault )
BETAIN computes the incomplete Beta function ratio.
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
05 November 2010
Original FORTRAN77 version by KL Majumder, GP Bhattacharjee.
C version by John Burkardt.
KL Majumder, GP Bhattacharjee,
Algorithm AS 63:
The incomplete Beta Integral,
Applied Statistics,
Volume 22, Number 3, 1973, pages 409-411.
Input, double X, the argument, between 0 and 1.
Input, double P, Q, the parameters, which
must be positive.
Input, double BETA, the logarithm of the complete
beta function.
Output, int *IFAULT, error flag.
0, no error.
nonzero, an error occurred.
Output, double BETAIN, the value of the incomplete
Beta function ratio.
double acu = 0.1E-14;
double ai;
// double betain;
double cx;
int indx;
int ns;
double pp;
double psq;
double qq;
double rx;
double temp;
double term;
double value;
double xx;
value = x;
ifault = 0;
//Check the input arguments.
if ( (p <= 0.0) || (q <= 0.0 )){
// *ifault = 1;
return value;
if ( x < 0.0 || 1.0 < x )
*ifault = 2;
return value;
Special cases.
if ( x == 0.0 || x == 1.0 ) {
return value;
psq = p + q;
cx = 1.0 - x;
if ( p < psq * x )
xx = cx;
cx = x;
pp = q;
qq = p;
indx = 1;
xx = x;
pp = p;
qq = q;
indx = 0;
term = 1.0;
ai = 1.0;
value = 1.0;
ns = ( int ) ( qq + cx * psq );
Use the Soper reduction formula.
rx = xx / cx;
temp = qq - ai;
if ( ns == 0 )
rx = xx;
for ( ; ; )
term = term * temp * rx / ( pp + ai );
value = value + term;;
temp = fabs ( term );
if ( temp <= acu && temp <= acu * value )
value = value * exp ( pp * log ( xx )
+ ( qq - 1.0 ) * log ( cx ) - beta ) / pp;
if ( indx )
value = 1.0 - value;
ai = ai + 1.0;
ns = ns - 1;
if ( 0 <= ns )
temp = qq - ai;
if ( ns == 0 )
rx = xx;
temp = psq;
psq = psq + 1.0;
return value;
double r8_max ( double x, double y )
R8_MAX returns the maximum of two R8's.
This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
18 August 2004
John Burkardt
Input, double X, Y, the quantities to compare.
Output, double R8_MAX, the maximum of X and Y.
double value;
if ( y < x )
value = x;
value = y;
return value;
double Pvalue (const double *restrict ARRAY1, const size_t ARRAY1_SIZE, const double *restrict ARRAY2, const size_t ARRAY2_SIZE) {//calculate a p-value based on an array
if (ARRAY1_SIZE <= 1) {
return 1.0;
} else if (ARRAY2_SIZE <= 1) {
return 1.0;
double fmean1 = 0.0, fmean2 = 0.0;
for (size_t x = 0; x < ARRAY1_SIZE; x++) {//get sum of values in ARRAY1
if (isfinite(ARRAY1[x]) == 0) {//check to make sure this is a real numbere
puts("Got a non-finite number in 1st array, can't calculate P-value.");
fmean1 += ARRAY1[x];
fmean1 /= ARRAY1_SIZE;
for (size_t x = 0; x < ARRAY2_SIZE; x++) {//get sum of values in ARRAY2
if (isfinite(ARRAY2[x]) == 0) {//check to make sure this is a real number
puts("Got a non-finite number in 2nd array, can't calculate P-value.");
fmean2 += ARRAY2[x];
fmean2 /= ARRAY2_SIZE;
// printf("mean1 = %lf mean2 = %lf\n", fmean1, fmean2);
if (fmean1 == fmean2) {
return 1.0;//if the means are equal, the p-value is 1, leave the function
double unbiased_sample_variance1 = 0.0, unbiased_sample_variance2 = 0.0;
for (size_t x = 0; x < ARRAY1_SIZE; x++) {//1st part of added unbiased_sample_variance
unbiased_sample_variance1 += (ARRAY1[x]-fmean1)*(ARRAY1[x]-fmean1);
for (size_t x = 0; x < ARRAY2_SIZE; x++) {
unbiased_sample_variance2 += (ARRAY2[x]-fmean2)*(ARRAY2[x]-fmean2);
// printf("unbiased_sample_variance1 = %lf\tunbiased_sample_variance2 = %lf\n",unbiased_sample_variance1,unbiased_sample_variance2);//DEBUGGING
unbiased_sample_variance1 = unbiased_sample_variance1/(ARRAY1_SIZE-1);
unbiased_sample_variance2 = unbiased_sample_variance2/(ARRAY2_SIZE-1);
const double WELCH_T_STATISTIC = (fmean1-fmean2)/sqrt(unbiased_sample_variance1/ARRAY1_SIZE+unbiased_sample_variance2/ARRAY2_SIZE);
const double DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM = pow((unbiased_sample_variance1/ARRAY1_SIZE+unbiased_sample_variance2/ARRAY2_SIZE),2.0)//numerator
// printf("Welch = %lf DOF = %lf\n", WELCH_T_STATISTIC, DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM);
const unsigned int N = 65536;//increase N for a tighter convergence
const double h = x/N;//necessary for integrating with Simpson's method
double sum1 = 0.0, sum2 = 0.0;
for(unsigned int i = 1;i < N+1; i++) {//integrate by Simpson's method (sometimes blows up at i = 0, so I start @ 1
sum1 += (pow(h * i + h / 2.0,a-1))/(sqrt(1-(h * i + h / 2.0)));
sum2 += (pow(h * i,a-1))/(sqrt(1-h * i));
// printf("sum1 = %lf sum2 = %lf\n",sum1, sum2);
// double return_value = ((3*h / 8.0) * ((pow(x,a-1))/(sqrt(1-x)) + sum1 + 0))/(exp(lgammal(a)+0.57236494292470009-lgammal(a+0.5)));//0.5723649... is lgammal(0.5)
double return_value = ((h / 6.0) * ((pow(x,a-1))/(sqrt(1-x)) + 4.0 * sum1 + 2.0 * sum2))/(exp(lgammal(a)+0.57236494292470009-lgammal(a+0.5)));//0.5723649... is lgammal(0.5)
if ((isinf(return_value) != 0) || (isnan(return_value) != 0) || (return_value > 1.0)) {
return 1.0;
} else {
int *restrict z = 0;
printf("%g =? %g\n", return_value, betain(x, a, 0.5, exp(lgammal(a)+0.57236494292470009-lgammal(a+0.5)), z));
return return_value;
int main(void) {
const double d1[] = {27.5,21.0,19.0,23.6,17.0,17.9,16.9,20.1,21.9,22.6,23.1,19.6,19.0,21.7,21.4};
const double d2[] = {27.1,22.0,20.8,23.4,23.4,23.5,25.8,22.0,24.8,20.2,21.9,22.1,22.9,20.5,24.4};
const double d3[] = {17.2,20.9,22.6,18.1,21.7,21.4,23.5,24.2,14.7,21.8};
const double d4[] = {21.5,22.8,21.0,23.0,21.6,23.6,22.5,20.7,23.4,21.8,20.7,21.7,21.5,22.5,23.6,21.5,22.5,23.5,21.5,21.8};
const double d5[] = {19.8,20.4,19.6,17.8,18.5,18.9,18.3,18.9,19.5,22.0};
const double d6[] = {28.2,26.6,20.1,23.3,25.2,22.1,17.7,27.6,20.6,13.7,23.2,17.5,20.6,18.0,23.9,21.6,24.3,20.4,24.0,13.2};
const double d7[] = {30.02,29.99,30.11,29.97,30.01,29.99};
const double d8[] = {29.89,29.93,29.72,29.98,30.02,29.98};
const double x[] = {3.0,4.0,1.0,2.1};
const double y[] = {490.2,340.0,433.9};
const double v1[] = {0.010268,0.000167,0.000167};
const double v2[] = {0.159258,0.136278,0.122389};
const double s1[] = {1.0/15,10.0/62.0};
const double s2[] = {1.0/10,2/50.0};
const double z1[] = {9/23.0,21/45.0,0/38.0};
const double z2[] = {0/44.0,42/94.0,0/22.0};
printf("Test sets 1 p-value = %g\n",Pvalue(d1,sizeof(d1)/sizeof(*d1),d2,sizeof(d2)/sizeof(*d2)));
printf("Test sets 2 p-value = %g\n",Pvalue(d3,sizeof(d3)/sizeof(*d3),d4,sizeof(d4)/sizeof(*d4)));
printf("Test sets 3 p-value = %g\n",Pvalue(d5,sizeof(d5)/sizeof(*d5),d6,sizeof(d6)/sizeof(*d6)));
printf("Test sets 4 p-value = %g\n",Pvalue(d7,sizeof(d7)/sizeof(*d7),d8,sizeof(d8)/sizeof(*d8)));
printf("Test sets 5 p-value = %g\n",Pvalue(x,sizeof(x)/sizeof(*x),y,sizeof(y)/sizeof(*y)));
printf("Test sets 6 p-value = %g\n",Pvalue(v1,sizeof(v1)/sizeof(*v1),v2,sizeof(v2)/sizeof(*v2)));
printf("Test sets 7 p-value = %g\n",Pvalue(s1,sizeof(s1)/sizeof(*s1),s2,sizeof(s2)/sizeof(*s2)));
printf("Test sets z p-value = %g\n", Pvalue(z1, 3, z2, 3));
const double g41[] = {1.062, 0.774, 0.909};
const double g412[] = {1.459, 0.674, 0.732};
const double g414[]= {1.174, 1.406, 1.536};
printf("41 gr -vs- 41.2 gr p-value = %g\n", Pvalue(g41, 3, g412, 3));
printf("41 gr -vs- 41.4 gr p-value = %g\n", Pvalue(g41, 3, g414, 3));
printf("41.2 gr -vs- 41.4 gr p-value = %g\n", Pvalue(g412, 3, g414, 3));
Test sets 1 p-value = 2.137830e-02
Test sets 2 p-value = 1.488426e-01
Test sets 3 p-value = 3.597278e-02
Test sets 4 p-value = 9.077370e-02
Test sets 5 p-value = 1.075156e-02
Test sets 6 p-value = 3.399076e-03
Test sets 7 p-value = 5.272635e-01
with N = 199 and Simpson's 1st method:
Test sets 1 p-value = 2.292482e-02
Test sets 2 p-value = 1.535105e-01
Test sets 3 p-value = 3.857763e-02
Test sets 4 p-value = 9.265142e-02
Test sets 5 p-value = 1.076123e-02
Test sets 6 p-value = 3.414684e-03
Test sets 7 p-value = 5.266487e-01
return 0;