Why does recursion redirect here? This isn't the only task that can be solved with recursion. I'd almost prefer to see a category dedicated to recursion, with pages with recursive examples added to that category. --Short Circuit 23:43, 7 November 2007 (MST)

I could try my hand at making it for you and finding articles that fall under the category. I may need a small amount of instruction to get me going though. --mwn3d 15:22, 8 November 2007 (EST)
Done. --Mwn3d 17:41, 27 January 2008 (MST)

Who or what is "Towers of Hanoi"?

There seems to be some assumption here that everyone and their aunt must be intimately familiar with the "Towers of Hanoi"

now I needed to do a Google search to get a clue as I can find no clue on this Wiki....


Return to "Towers of Hanoi" page.