Talk:Sequence of primorial primes

From Rosetta Code

Python library

It looks like the isprime function from the library used in the Python example is no longer present in the new version. is_probable_prime is the new function. Danaj (talk) 03:28, 15 June 2015 (UTC)

Can you give a link? --Paddy3118
Ah, found it. It seems that isprime becomes is_prime in the later version. The link is to the earlier version so I won't hurry to update to the new library. --Paddy3118 (talk) 04:51, 15 June 2015 (UTC)

Ring's Code Produced Error Message

I tried to run Ring code suggested in this page, copy-paste to file named primo.ring

# Project : Sequence of primorial primes

max = 9999
primes = []
for n = 1 to max
     if isprime(n) = 1
        add(primes, n)
for n = 1 to len(primes)
     sum = 1
     for m = 1 to n
          sum = sum * primes[m]
     if (isprime(sum+1) or isprime(sum-1)) = 1
        see "" + n + " "
func isprime(num)
       if (num <= 1) return 0 ok
       if (num % 2 = 0) and num != 2 return 0 ok
       for i = 3 to floor(num / 2) -1 step 2
            if (num % i = 0) return 0 ok
       return 1

The code produced error message:

1 2 3 4 5 6
Line 22 Error (R18) : Numeric Overflow!
In function isprime() in file primo.ring
called from line 15  in file primo.ring

I used Ring version 1.10 to run the code.