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alternate of C# tests

I fail to see where the "alternate" C# tests for evenness... Sgeier 23:43, 30 January 2007 (EST)

Looks like the confusion stems from whether or not the "select even numbers" portion of the task description is required. I'll change the wording and remove the alternate C# example. --Short Circuit 10:28, 31 January 2007 (EST)

Objective-C code

Does it really works?! It does not on GNUstep, and looking at Apple's doc, I doubt it works for Mac OS X. NSPredicate does not cite the possibility of writing directly selectors-like string for NSExpression that way (Cocoa predicates); NSExpression has the expressionForFunction:arguments: where expressionForFunction can be @"modulus:by:" (and arguments is a NSArray) (see here), but again, I've found no example about, nor citing, the fact that one can directly write a predicateWithFormat string expressing expressionForFunction directly with that syntax you've used, i.e. @"modulus:by:(SELF, 2)". Instead, I've tried a simpler @"intValue < 4" and it works like expected (the selector IntValue is for NSNumber object into the array...). GNUstep quirks or Cocoa facts? --ShinTakezou 18:16, 22 February 2009 (UTC)

The only way I get it working:

<lang objc>#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface NSNumber ( ExtFunc ) -(int) modulo2; @end

@implementation NSNumber ( ExtFunc ) -(int) modulo2 {

 return [self intValue] % 2;

} @end

int main() {

 NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
 NSArray *numbers = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1],

[NSNumber numberWithInt:2], [NSNumber numberWithInt:3], [NSNumber numberWithInt:4], [NSNumber numberWithInt:5], nil];

 NSPredicate *isEven = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"modulo2 == 0"];
 NSArray *evens = [numbers filteredArrayUsingPredicate:isEven];
 NSLog(@"%@", evens);

 [pool release];
 return 0;


but maybe there's a way (a syntax) where I can extend NSNumber with a modulo:(int)num, which is more useful... (I've tried; then @"modulo: 2 == 0", @"(modulo: 2) == 0", @"modulo(2) == 0" all rise an error) --ShinTakezou 18:31, 22 February 2009 (UTC)

Is anyone able to test the Objective-C code on a "real" Cocoa Mac OS X framework? I believe it won't work. I have not found any reason why it should work reading into the Apple doc, like here and related. The modulus:by: selector is understood by NSExpression, but nothing in NSPredicate let me think that selector is "passed" to a NSExpression object... --ShinTakezou 23:01, 17 March 2009 (UTC)