Talk:MAC vendor lookup

Revision as of 15:16, 1 February 2021 by Eriksiers (talk | contribs) (...whoops)


This blatantly popularizes non-free services with privacy implications. And having costly http request for every frame w/o any local caching makes no sense efficiency-wise. I expected some insights into longest bitmask matching in manuf or similar database. But this is just ridiculous! (Unsigned comment added by Bmn)

The task isn't limited to free services, nor is it concerned with privacy or caching. It is literally how to find a vendor using an online service. That's it. Which service you use is ultimately up to you, local caching is ultimately your problem, and your privacy concerns are not likely to be the same as mine.
This site is mainly about how to do tasks in a given language. Tasks generally have a narrow scope, and are not always concerned with every little detail of a complete program. -- Erik Siers (talk) 15:15, 1 February 2021 (UTC)
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