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Talk:Long stairs

From Rosetta Code

Observation about stair per spell. Ratio for one stair more -> 2.7x(total stairs) before

Checking without random for different count of stairs per spell

spell stairs needed steps  total stairs  without random 
  1           170             270
  2           316             732
  3           626            1978
  4          1313            5352
  5          2874           14470
  6          6506           39136
  7         15107          105849
  8         35769          286252
  9         86003          774127
 10        209338         2093480
 11        514654         5661294
 12       1275768        15309316
 13       3184521        41398873
 14       7996239       111947446
 15      20180933       302714095
 16      51159226       818547716
 17     130196490      2213340430
 18     332485573      5984740414
  • Yes, the expected final stair length is (s-1)exp(w) where s is the initial length of the staircase and w is the number of steps the wizard can conjure up per turn. This changes slightly if the a new step exactly at your location is ahead or behind (cf. raku entry). Thebigh (talk) 19:41, 16 November 2021 (UTC)
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