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Talk:Higher-order functions

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The PHP example doesn't seem to solve the task in topic (a function should be passed, not an array). Am I correct? Is there something I'm missing? (Some identity between arrays and functions in PHP, maybe, thought I doubt it.)

I moved the page, so to avoid misunderstanding of the topic.

--GozzoMan 04:24, 25 January 2007 (EST)

Mostly, I think this is not possible using PHP. I've been using PHP for quite a long time, and I really don't see how this could be done. Nor the use for it. --CrashandDie 12:58, 25 January 2007 (EST)
How does PHP handle sorting? I can't imagine a language that doesn't support higher-order functions (or an Equals interface). --Larry Hignight 22:02, 19 September 2012 (UTC)

Can anyone clarify ANSI C++ ? No wonder there's no link to such a thing, as for all I remember, ANSI C++ is the same C++ as the one we have an article for. I'm changing the link, but if I'm mistaken and there is such a thing as ANSI C++ that needs another article, be my guest, change it over. --CrashandDie 12:58, 25 January 2007 (EST)

Ehm, I'm not sure to fully understand your point, but I'll try to answer. Briefly put, "C++" is the language while "ANSI C++" (or ISO/IEC C++) is the standard definition of that language (well, they're two in fact: ISO/IEC 14882:1998 and ISO/IEC 14882:2003, which are commonly referred as ANSI C++ 1998 and ANSI C++ 2003, the point being that the ANSI C++ Committee and the ISO C++ Committee usually work together and so the documents are more or less the same for the two organizations). Also for the C language there are two articles here around: http://www.rosettacode.org/wiki/C and http://www.rosettacode.org/wiki/ANSI_C. The first is about the characteristics of the language, the latter is about standardization, and it isn't specific to the version/year, nor the examples I've seen here around are usually too specific about the version of ANSI C (two again: C80/C89 and C99). I was trying to be consistent with that.
That said, I'm not sure at all that "ANSI C++" needs another separated article, the two could be merged just as "C" and "ANSI C" could. I suggest to be consistent, though.
--GozzoMan 12:01, 26 January 2007 (EST)
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