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Talk:Globally replace text in several files

From Rosetta Code

task clarification

I understood this Rosetta Code task is to read a (or some) files, globally replace a specified text, and (essentially) change the input file(s).

Specifically, not just create a new (set) of changed files, but effectively, change the (original) input file(s).

Some programming examples copied the input files (after changing them) to a new set of output files, leaving the input file intact (with no changes).   This makes the coding of the solution much more simpler, but it bypasses the crux of the task, since it doesn't change the file(s), but merely creates another set of files, leaving the user to perform the task of copying the newer changed files to (over) the old set of files, and then deleting the older set of (copied) changed files.   -- Gerard Schildberger (talk) 18:01, 5 May 2016 (UTC)

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