Talk:Fibonacci matrix-exponentiation
Clarify Task
The task to implement fib(n) using matrix multiplication is a great task. However, given that fib(2^32) has hundreds of million of digits, the task is unachievable. Many implementations use fibMod for the last digits, and another methodology for the first digits. Recommend a selecting smaller values of n, and sticking to the task of fib(n) using matrix multiplication, not fibMod or other implementations.
--DavidFashion (talk) 00:04, 13 February 2020 (UTC)
I will add fib(2^16) in the main task. If only fib(2^64) is not calculated, the task is considered accomplished.
The goal of the task is to show that the iterative method is slow to calculate large fibonacci numbers. Smaller values like fib(2^16) is easily found using the iterative method.
I think fib(2^32) is reachable using matrix exponentiation and even if it remains slow, Julia solution shows a faster method using Lucas sequence.
I confess fib(2^64) seems unreachable using matrix exponentiation. Nevertheless it allowed to see some creative solution like the Sidef solution using fibmod.
Ruby's fast exponentiation operator duck-typing applied to Ruby's built-in Integer Class.
require 'matrix' start_time = [10,100,256, 1_000, 1024, 10_000, 2 ** 16, 100_000, 1_000_000,10_000_000 ].each {|n| fib_Num=(Matrix[[0,1],[1,1]] ** (n))[0,1] fib_Str= fib_Num.to_s() if fib_Str.length <= 21 p [n,fib_Str.length.to_s + ' digits' , fib_Str, "Took #{ - start_time}s"] else p [n,fib_Str.length.to_s + ' digits' , fib_Str.slice(0,20) + " ... " + fib_Str[-20 ... -1] , "Took #{ - start_time}s"] end } puts "Took #{ - start_time}s"
Ruby's built-in Integer Class outputs:
[10, "2 digits", "55", "Took 6.836e-05s"] [100, "21 digits", "354224848179261915075", "Took 0.000259665s"] [256, "54 digits", "14169381771405651323 ... 1965770779495819986", "Took 0.000390585s"] [1000, "209 digits", "43466557686937456435 ... 7613779516684922887", "Took 0.000576685s"] [1024, "214 digits", "45066996336778198131 ... 0410363155392540524", "Took 0.001018916s"] [10000, "2090 digits", "33644764876431783266 ... 6607331005994736687", "Took 0.001502226s"] [65536, "13696 digits", "73199214460290552832 ... 9727019095530746322", "Took 0.003220941s"] [100000, "20899 digits", "25974069347221724166 ... 4989537465342874687", "Took 0.006312s"] [1000000, "208988 digits", "19532821287077577316 ... 6899652683824254687", "Took 0.076104599s"] [10000000, "2089877 digits", "11298343782253997603 ... 8699867368638054687", "Took 1.112832817s"] Took 1.112902545s
Ruby's Matlix duck-typeing with Head-tail-BigNumber class
Here, the HeadTailBignum class holds the digits of the head part in Ruby's bigDecimal class and tail part in the BigInteger class. and HeadTailBignum defines only the add and multply operators and the coerce method.
Matlix exponentiation operator is fast and can apply duck-typing to HeadTailBignum.
require 'matrix' require 'bigdecimal' class HeadTailBignum < Numeric attr_accessor :hi, :lo @@degitsLimit = 20 @@hiDegitsLimit = (@@degitsLimit + 1) * 2 @@loDegitsBase = 10 ** @@degitsLimit BigDecimal::limit(@@hiDegitsLimit) def initialize(other, loValue = nil) if other.kind_of?(BigDecimal) && loValue.kind_of?(Integer) @hi = other @lo = loValue % @@loDegitsBase elsif other.kind_of?(HeadTailBignum) @hi = other.hi @lo = other.lo elsif other.kind_of?(Integer) @hi = BigDecimal(other) @lo = other % @@loDegitsBase else raise"HeadTailBignum initialize Type Error (" + other.class.to_s + "," + loValue.class.to_s + ")") end end def clone HeadTailBignum(self.hi, self.lo) end def integer?() true end def coerce(other) if other.kind_of?(Integer) return, self else super end end def +(other) if other.kind_of?(Integer) return + other, self.lo + other) elsif other.kind_of?(HeadTailBignum) return + other.hi , self.lo + other.lo) else raise"HeadTailBignum add Type Error (" + other.class.to_s + ")") end end def *(other) if other.kind_of?(Integer) return * other, self.lo * other) elsif other.kind_of?(HeadTailBignum) return * other.hi , self.lo * other.lo) else raise"HeadTailBignum mulply Type Error (" + other.class.to_s + ")") end end def exponent @hi.exponent end def to_s if @hi < @@loDegitsBase return @lo.inspect else return @hi.to_s("E").slice(2,@@degitsLimit ) + " ... " + @lo.to_s end end end start_time = [8,16,32,64].each {|h| n = (2**h) fib_Num=(Matrix[[,1],[1,1]] ** (n))[0,1] puts "Fibonacci(2^#{h.to_s}) = #{fib_Num.to_s} are #{fib_Num.exponent} degits" } puts "Took #{ - start_time}s"
Outputs HeadTailBignum:
Fibonacci(2^8) = 14169381771405651323 ... 19657707794958199867 are 54 degits Fibonacci(2^16) = 73199214460290552832 ... 97270190955307463227 are 13696 degits Fibonacci(2^32) = 61999319689381859818 ... 39623735538208076347 are 897595080 degits Fibonacci(2^64) = 11175807536929528424 ... 17529800348089840187 are 609335284 degits Took 0.009357194s