
Some contributors are obsessed with:

  • Very long historical and technical preludes;
  • Multiple comments (almost on each line);
  • Unnecessary multiple pound and other signs.

All this makes code "dirty", hard to read and maintain. I'm just curious: who will read such preludes, comments?
An obvious sample is the first version of dragon curve in R. I thought that contributor is for sure obsessed with pounds...
Or trying to camouflage original code.. Although original code has a lot of pounds too, but RC contributor added even more! LOL See for yourself: http://rstudio-pubs-static.s3.amazonaws.com/185483_0f31b11d2def43aea33658b5b7908cf3.html
Team MEOW: Eric Lewis, Ricky Hardiyanto, Yanna Chen - CityTech. May 29, 2016
BTW, it’s impossible to find who is the contributor of the first version of R.--AnatolV

Probably not a great idea to make disparaging remarks about other peoples code. That being said, it's a public wiki. If there is code that is unidiomatic or messy, clean it up. Just be aware that some users are very protective of their contributions and coding styles.
As far as who contributed the first R example, looks like it was Werewolff519; see this revision --Thundergnat (talk) 12:58, 4 March 2017 (UTC)
TYVM Thundergnat! Now I can see: he attached solution to Perl with no comments. I did the same when I started here. LOL But later I've found it is useful to leave a short comment. I was hoping the contributor is one of the authors of the cited article. But, in general, it doesn't matter for me.
I will continue discussion on my Talk page. (not today, I have too many logins) AnatolV (talk)

Scrollable examples?

The scrollbar in the D example freaked me out at first. I'm not sure how good it would look if all examples did that. I think we should either have all scrolling examples (only for longer examples, of course) or none at all. --Mwn3d 06:46, 4 April 2008 (MDT)

The QD example? That's an SDL window; it shouldn't have scrollbars. I certainly didn't code any in. 03:33, 17 September 2009 (UTC)

I think he's referring to the presentation of the text mode example program itself. —Donal Fellows 10:00, 17 September 2009 (UTC)


version 2 is working! but when I tried to upload an image got: "Could not read or write file"


It works!

Possible improvement to terminal output

A fun thought occured to me tonight (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Box-drawing_character):

harold@freeside:~$ cat << EOF
  ┌┼┘ ╶┘
  ┌┼┘ ╶┘

Looks quite good in my terminal (gnome terminal):


The Rust example cannot be build

I've tried to compile the Rust code.

The program cannot be built with the current version 0.9.3 of ggez because some modules used in the code are no longer available. E.g. graphics::{clear, draw, present}.

The Rust examples should always also name the necessary crate versions. Simply trying out every version is an imposition because of the large dependency list.

Has anyone successfully managed to create the program?

You can add the proper version with `cargo add ggez@0.8.1` but my rust installation then finds an ambiguity in the `c_void` type elsewhere in the example, once the older version of ggez is installed. --Wherrera (talk) 21:42, 24 June 2024 (UTC)
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